St. John’s University Alcuin Library (Collegeville, Minn.). Reference scores in Proulx Collection Records, Dates unknown SJU Sacred Music Archival Collection 4 Extent unknown ABSTRACT: Published music compositions by anyone other than Richard Proulx included with Richard Proulx’s papers. These are pieces he may have performed or considered arranging but no known arrangements have been found. ARRANGEMENT: The files are arranged in order of receipt. ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: There are no access restrictions on the materials, and the collection is open to all members of the public. ACQUISITION: Kathy Parker, Library Director, transferred the collection to Alcuin Library in 2011. PROCESSING: Caitlin Brutger, Samantha Hurrle, and William Versen processed this collection in 2011-2012. Item List 06/12/2015 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0012 untitled [tune: Dominican Nuns of BETHLEHEM; text: by Summit "DNS" based on prologue to St. John's Gospel)] 0021A Adeste fideles Proulx, Richard 2004 0021B Adoramus te, Christe Proulx, Richard 1964 0022 Adoro te Proulx, Richard 0027 Agnus Dei II Proulx, Richard 0031 All Glory, Laud 0033 All my hope on God is 1978 founded 0036 Alleluia -- Christmas Eve 1980 0038 Alleluia 0039A Alleluia Proulx, Richard 1985 0039F Alleluia! Proulx, Richard 0039G Alleluia Proulx, RIchard 0040 Alleluia Murray, Gregory A. Proulx, Richard 0041 Alleluia (#361); Memorial acclamation (#397); Amen (#413) 0042 Alleluia -Mawby Proulx, Richard 0048A Alsatian noel: sleep, little dove 0049 Amen Proulx, Richard 0050 And I Saw Heaven 0051 And peace to his people on Proulx, Richard earth Noel, Noel! 0053 Angels we have heard Proulx, Richard (Gloria) 0053A Angels we have heard Proulx, Richard Wasner, Franz 0053D Antiphon: let all the world 0056 Assumpta Est Maria Proulx, Richard 2003 0057 At the Lamb's high feast Proulx, Richard 0057A Authority Proulx, Richard 0058 Ave Maria 0058A Ave Maria : Chant: Mode I Proulx, Richard 0059 Ave Maria (Hail, Holy Proulx, Richard 1998 Mary) 0060 Ave Verbum Incarnatum Proulx, Richard Page 1 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0060A Ave verum 0061 Ave verum corpus Proulx, Richard 2001 0062 Ave verum corpus Proulx, Richard 0069A Benedicamus domino Proulx, Richard Nawrot, Piotr 0070C Blessed is He who comes Proulx, Richard 0072 Bonum est confiteri Proulx, Richard domino 0072B Bridegroom : [brass, voice, Proulx, Richard 1985 and organ] 0072C Bunessan 0082 Canons 1975 0082A Cantata No. 50 : Nun ist Proulx, Richard das heil und die kraft 0082B Cantata 118 0083 Cantate Domino Proulx, Richard 1989 0083A Cantate Domino Proulx, Richard 0083B Cantante domino 1984 0087 Cantique de Noel Proulx, Richard 0088 Celtic Alleluia O'Carroll, Fintan Proulx, 1992 Richard 0090 Choral responses 1968 0091 Christ be with me Proulx, Richard 0094 Christmas Gloria Proulx, Richard 0095 Church's one foundation Proulx, Richard 0096 Christus factus est (Tenebrae) 0097A Church sonata in F, K. 145 Proulx, Richard. ; Bedell, Robert L. 0100B Come, o thou traveler Proulx, Richard 1984 unkown 0102A Communion hymn : o Proulx, Richard. blessed savior 0103 Communion service Proulx, Richard 1984 0104B Easter Gospel Proulx, Richard. 0107A Cort,ge et litanie : Pour Proulx, Richard. orgue et orchestre 0109 Crown Him with Many Crowns (DIADEMATA) 0111A Cwm : God of grace and Proulx, Richard 1985 God of glory 0121 Danish Amen, 1990 Acclamation 0121A David's psalm 37 Proulx, Richard. Page 2 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0122 Descant (tune: 1996 MACCABAEUS) 0123 Descant (tune: 1996 DARWALL'S 148th) 0124 Descant (tune: DAILY, 1996 DAILY) 0124B Descant on "DIX": (stanza Conrad Kocher. 5) 0125 Soprano descant on Wren, Brian Proulx, 1999 Dunedin Richard 0126 Descant for Hymn #78 -- "For the Beauty" 0127 Soprano descant on Proulx, Richard 1999 Highwood Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Green, Frederick Pratt 0128 Descant for "Lord, Who Proulx, Richard 1964 Throughout These Forty Days" 0129 Descant for "On Jordan's Bank" 0129A Deus tuorum militum Hardwood, Basil. 0130 Descant for the hymn "For All the Saints" 0131 Soprano descant on Routley, Erik 1986 "Sharpthorne" 0132 Soprano descant: the stars 1991 declare His glory (Aldine) 0133 Descant for #2 (HC Hymnal) (TALLIS CANON) to "I Saw Water"; Descant for #15 (HC Hymnal), "O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God" (ST. COLUMBA) 0133C Dialogue pour deux Proulx, Richard trompettes 0135 Dies sanctificatus Proulx, Richard 1992 0137 Ding dong! merrily on Wood, Charles Woodward, 1992 high G.R. Proulx, Richard 0137C Dix: as with gladness Proulx, Richard. 0137E Domine ad adjuvandum Proulx, Richard. 1998 me=Lord our God, make speed to save us 0137F Dorme, benigne Jesu Proulx, Richard. 0139 Double alleluia Proulx, Richard 0141C Easter Sequence and gospel acclamation Page 3 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0141D Easter vifil : gloria Proulx, Richard. fanfares 0144 Ecce panis angelorum and Thomas Aquinas, Saint 2003 Let all mortal flesh keep Proulx, Richard silence 0145 Ein' feste burg=a mighty Proulx, Richard. fortress is our God 0145A Ellacombe : final stanza Proulx, Richard. 1987 0150 Epiphany Proulx, Richard 0152A Exodus 15 : Adon Olam 1987 0153A Exult, o Zion's daughters ; Proulx, Richard. 1998 Rejoice, o choirs of angels 0155 Fanfare Unknown. 0160 FANFARE a' 5 Proulx, Richard 0163 Fantaisie dialogu,e pour orgue et orchestre (op. 35) 0165F First Nowell : (the first Proulx, Richard. noel the angel did say) 0170 For All the Saints How, William Walsham 1964 Proulx, Richard 0175 For the Beauty of the Earth Pierpoint, Folliett 0176 For the Beauty of the Earth Pierpoint, Folliott Proulx, Richard 0177 For the Beauty of the Earth (DIX) 0185 Gathering Song Omernick, Kenneth 2007 Proulx, Richard 0187 Gesu Bambino Martens, Frederick H. Proulx, Richard 0187B Give thanks to God Proulx, Richard. 0188C Gloria : (angels we have 1992 heard on high) 0188D Gloria: (John Lee). Proulx, Richard. 1997 0189 Gloria Proulx, Richard 0190 Gloria in excelsis Proulx, Richard 1985 0194 Gloria in Excelsis Proulx, Richard 1998 0194A Gloria, gloria : a carol Proulx, Richard. 1996 fantasia 0195 Gloria in medieval style 1965 0200 Glory to God Proulx, Richard (responsorial) 0203A God, my King, thy might Mant, Richard Proulx, confessing Richard (STUTTGART) 0204 Golden morning Rider, George T. Proulx, 1995 Richard Page 4 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0205A Gospel acclamation : 31st Sunday of the year (C) 0227 Gospel Acclamation: Proulx, Richard 1986 Funerals and Gospel acclamation: Christ the King 0228 Gospel Acclamation: Proulx, Richard 1984 Easter IV 0230 Gospel acclamation: 1991 intonation for two organs (on Hughes Alleluia), 0233 Gospel acclamation: 11 OT (B) 0239 Gradual for Easter Proulx, Richard 1969 0240 Gradual for Easter Day Proulx, Richard 0245 Great forerunner of the Proulx, Richard 1983 morn (Ut Quaeant Laxis) 0250 Hail Mary, gentle woman Proulx, Richard 0251A Hail holy queen Proulx, Richard. 0252 Hail, Queen of Heav'n Proulx, Richard 2002 :"Stella" 0252A Harken, harken Proulx, Richard. 1959 0252B Harken, harken Proulx, Richard. 1998 0252C Hark the herald Proulx, Richard ; Wesley, Charles ; Willcocks, David. 0253A Heavenly Hosts Proulx, Richard 1984 0253B Heavens declare the glory Lutkin, Peter C. ; Proulx, of God Richard 0255A Hodie 0256 Holy God, We Praise Proulx, Richard. 0256B Holy God, we praise thy Mueller, I. ; Proulx, name : (te deum). Richard. 0259 Holy Thursday service 0260 How wondrous and how Onderdonk, Henry Ustick 1988 great Greatheed, S.S. Proulx, Richard 0261A HYFRYDOL Proulx, Richard. 0261C Hyfrydol : [brass quintet] Proulx, Richard 1981 0264B Hymn 90: He is Risen Proulx, Richard (NEANDER/UNSER HERRSCHER) [2 trmpts (Bb), horn (F), trmb, timp] 0265 Hymn 90 : He is risen Proulx, Richard (NEANDER/UNSER HERRSCHER) (flute I & II, bassoon) Page 5 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0270 I am the bread of life 0271A I am the bread of life Proulx, Richard. 2008 0272 I Bind Unto Myself Proulx, Richard 0273B IRBY : alternate Proulx, Richard. harmonization 0273D I received the living God Proulx, Richard. 1998 0274 I Sing the Mighty Power ofGawler, WIlliam Proulx, 1999 God Richard 0274C I was glad Proulx, Richard. 1982 0275 I was glad Proulx, Richard 1993 0277 Il Est Ne Proulx, Richard 0282A In the bleak of winter Proulx, Richard. 0283 In the Year that King Proulx, Richard 1983 Uzziah died 0285A Intonation : in Babilone 1993 0285B Intonation : gelobt sei Gott Proulx, Richard 1993 0285C Intonation on "LAND OF Proulx, Richard. 1994 REST" 0285D Intonation: old 100th Proulx, Richard. 1978 0285E Intonation on Psalm 42 Proulx, Richard. 1994 0285F Intonazione : "mizmor" Proulx, Richard. 0285G Intrada for o all ye people 1972 0285H Intro for picardy 0293 Jesu, Dulcis Memoria Proulx, Richard 1991 0294 Jesus Christ is Risen White, Louie Proulx, Today (EASTER Richard HYMN)(AKA: Fanfare on Lyra Davidica) 0295 Joy to the World Proulx, Richard 1976 0300 Jubilate deo Proulx, Richard. 0302 Komt nu met zang Proulx, Richard. 0303 Kantate : NR.172 Proulx, Richard. 0305 King's weston Proulx, Richard. 0306 Kyrie Proulx, Richard. 0307 Kyrie 0309 Kyrie from "missa via Proulx, Richard. abbey 0310B Lambillotte Proulx, Richard. 2004 0312 Lasst uns erfreuen : ye Proulx, Richard ; Hurd, watchers and ye holy ones David J. ; Amortt, Ronald ; Kirchens,ng,Geistliche ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph. 0314 Laudate dominum Proulx, Richard. 0315 Laudate dominum Proulx, Richard. 1995 Page 6 Object ID Title Other Creators Publisher Date 0315A Laudate dominum : hymn Proulx, Richard 210 ; Duke Street : hymn 147 0315B Laudate dominum : [for Proulx, Richard 1985 organ and brass] 0316 Laudate dominum : 1994 intonation 0316A Ladue chapel Proulx, Richard 0317 Laudate pueri dominum Norris, T. 0320 Let all mortal flesh Proulx, Richard. 1987 0321 Let all mortal flesh 0322 Let all the nations Gabrielli, Giovanni ; Liesring, Volkmar ; Proulx, Richard. 0323 Let us break bread Proulx, Richard. 2005 0324 Luebeck : spread, o spread Proulx, Richard. thou mighty word 0326 Lift up your hearts : Proulx, Richard. 1998 (Assumpta Est) 0328A Litany of the saints 0328B Litaniae laurentanae 1962 0329 Llanfair Proulx, Richard. 0330 Lobe den herren=praise to the Lord, the almighty 0331 Lo, how a rose e'er Proulx, Richard.
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