June 30, 1992 Mr. John Heckathorn Honolulu Magazine 36 Merchant Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Dear John: This w ill serve as Senator Inouye's response to Mr. Reed's allegation: "As one who has been in the p o lit ic a l lim e lig h t fo r more than 30 years, I unfortunately have had to endure reports about these f ilt h y rumors. These rumors are the stuff of smear campaigns which have no place in Hawaii politics. Campaigns of this sort are disgusting and are a disservice to the people of Hawaii. I have been married to the same woman for 43 years and I believe my wife is the best judge of my qualities as a husband." — 30 — June 30, 1992 Mr. John Heckathorn Honolulu Magazine 36 Merchant Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Dear John; This will serve as Senator Inouye's reaction to Mr. Reed's groundless allegation; "As one who has been in the political limelight for more than 30 years, I have become accustomed to receiving reports about these filthy rumors. Needless to say, these rumors are false and disgusting. I have been married for 43 years to the same woman. I believe my wife is the best judge of my qualities as a husband." Aloha, NESTOR GARCIA Press Secretary to Daniel K. Inouye United States Senator DKI;ngc MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DATE: TUES., June 30 FROM: Nestor RE: Item for publication in Honolulu Magazine Reporter Jon Heckathorn of Honolulu Magazine called yesterday. He says the magazine w ill come out in the August issue on a profile of Senator Rick Reed. Mr. Heckathorn says Mr. Reed is not happy with the story. In his unhappiness, Mr. Reed suggested very plainly to Mr. Heckathorn that the media treat you like "royalty" and called on Honolulu Magazine to question you "about rumors of h is in f id e lit y and womanizing." These remarks were printed on a faxed message to Mr. Heckathorn and signed by Mr. Reed. Mr. Heckathorn claims he is aghast by this line of questioning but he intends to press ahead and ask you for a comment. This item w ill be printed along with the profile in the August issue of the magazine. I have talked with Jen n ifer and Henry about t h is . They agree with me that we should respond - and forcefully. That way, if the underground reports on this allegation surfaces later in the campaign year, we can say this is old news and we have denounced th is ta lk already. — 30 — DANIEL K. INOUYE REEL # DATE____ TITLE___________________________ LENGTH 92-80 7/9/92 DKI N/A FILM TRANSFER TC HR.02 W/WINDOW 92-81 7/9/92 DKI N/A FILM TRANSFER TC HR.03 W/WINDOW 92-83 7/9/92 DKI N/A FILM TRANSFER TC HR.05 W/WINDOW 92-84 7/9/92 DKI N/A FILM TRANSFER TC HR.06 W/WINDOW 92-85 7/10/92 DKI N/A FILM TRANSFER TC HR.07 W/WINDOW 92-86 7/10/92 DKI N/A FILM TRANSFER TC HR.08 W/WINDOW 92-87 7/21/92 DKI - 16MM FILM X-FER N/A MOS, NDFTC W/WINDOW, VIEWING ONLY 92-89 8/5/92 DKI (SELECTS) T.C.HR #4 DESK SHOT N/A N/A DKI LONG FORMAT-DUPE REEL (80) N/A 92-69 7/28/92 DKI FILM X-FER MASTER - REEL #3 N/A 92-70 7/28/92 DKI FILM X-FER MASTER - REEL #4 N/A 92-71 8/3/92 DKI (SELECTS) N/A #1) ENTRANCE SHOT #2) DOLLY SHOT 92-88 10/25/92 DKI SLIME - REMOTE N/A SP818 2/12/92 INOUYE REMOTE - AUDIO 1-2-3 N/A TAPE 1 OF 4 SP819 2/12/92 INOUYE REMOTE N/A TAPE 2 OF 4 SP820 2/12/92 INOUYE REMOTE N/A TAPE 3 OF 4 SP821 2/12/92 INOUYE REMOTE N/A TAPE 4 OF 4 INTERVIEWS REEL 1 60:00 1" MASTER INTERVIEWS REEL 2 60:00 1" MASTER STUDIO STILLS 52:00 1" MASTER GRAPHIC ELEMENTS 4:00 1" MASTER "FIGHT", "THANKS", "HONEST" 3X:30 1" EDITED MASTER CHILDREN :30 1" EDITED MASTER FILM X-FER MASTER REEL #1 1" FILM X-FER MASTER REEL #2 1" FILM TRANSFER #1 3/4" FILM TRANSFER #4 3/4" TV NEWS SEGMENT ON SENATOR INOUYE'S VISIT TO HSPA RESEARCH LAB 3:25 VHS EXPERIENCE REV. 2 1/4" PRODUCTIVITY REV. 1 SENIORITY REV. 1 INOUYE/PEARL HARBOR COMMEMORATION 2 VHS DUB FROM MASTER SENATOR INOUYE AT BISHOP MUSEUM VHS "CAMPAIGN GARBAGE" 1/4 " ROACH 1:08 NON-ROACH OPTION :29 CHILDREN-SPLIT TRACK :30 1/4" CHILDREN MIX :30 1/4" MARCIA TAG DAT DANIEL K. INOUYE IN '92 DOCUMENTARY FILM VHS 28:30 DKI - HALF HOUR PROMO 7X:30 AUDIO CASSETTE BISHOP MUSEUM RALLY DKI - HALF HOUR PROMO - :30 61/4" DAN INOUYE JAPANESE RADIO :60R 21/4" 37 1/4" - WILD 1 DAT - MUSIC 9 16MM - DKI 10 3/4" - DKI 1 3/4" - ITALY 23 VHS 1/9/92 COMPILATION (x2) CSPAN, MCNEIL LEARHER MEET THE PRESS PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD DKI/RUDMAN WITH WOODRUFF RE: POINDEXTER, ALL CLOSING STATEMENTS BACK TO THE AINA SUMMER OF JUDGEMENT (x2) INOUYE 1/13/92 FLOOR STATEMENTS 9/10/91 CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY UNCOMMON PATRIOTS ASTA HALL OF FAME 1984 SPECIAL COUNSEL HAWAII SUGAR INDUSTRY HIRO PELE PAHU FIRE CEREMONY 60 MINS PROFILE HAMLEY TRIBUTE TRIBUTE TO SCHWARZKOPK SENATOR INOUYE AT BISHOP MUSEUM INOUYE/PEARL HARBOR COMMEMORATION (x2) DATE RECEIVED:__________________________ SIGNATURE:______________________________ 8085911005 11-13-92 04:30PM P00l # 06 DKI HQ HONOLULU PAGE 02 11/13/1992 10:26 8085911005 Inouye Campaign Video Tape Library as of 11/11/92 1. S eniority T 1008-1 :30 7/4/92 Pro d u ctivlty T 1008-2 :30 7/4/92 T 1008-3 :30 7/4/92 2. Legacy Resources Program Workshop Banquet, Speech by Inouye; 4/4/92. 3. HFR Project; Inouye's v is it ; Loko Kuamaka Speech/Acti v i t i es; 5/25/92. 4. TV news clips re: Inouye rally at McKinley; aired 8/27/92 on KHON at 10:00 pm; running time of 1:47 5. TV news c lip s re: Inouye kicking o ff campaign at Pearl C ity High School; KGMB 5:00 pm; KITV 5:30 pm; KHON 6:00 pm; aired on 8/16/92; running time 8:00 6. TV news c lip s re: endorsement of Reed by the League of Conservation Voters environment group; running time of 1 :5 6 7. TV commercial by Reed; aired on 10/1/92 on KITV follow ing "Pr ime Time Live"; running time 1:50 8. Senio r it y T 1008-1 :30 7/9/92 Prod u ctiv ity T 1008-2 :30 7/9/92 Experience T 1008-3 :30 7/9/92 9. Channel 4 news coverage of Inouye and Reed; 7/4/92 10. "Reflections on the Future"; 5/29/92; running t ime DKIof singing at 13:2111. the Family Health Fair in Hilo on August o f 1 9 9 1 11/13/1992 10:26 8085911005 DKI HQ HONOLULU PAGE 03 12. Clips from the following: T 1009-1 Alfred 2 Bill 3 John 4 Lee 5 Mary Lou 6 Mike 7 Peter 8 Cynthia all have a running time of :30 13. "Dan* to be aired on 9/6/92; as of 8/14/92; running time of 28:30 14. Inouye 1992 Campaign Film; running time of 30:00 15. Senator Inouye 1992 Campaign Film; running time of 30:00 16. "Garbage Campaign" TV:30; "Garbage Campaign Non Roach Option" TV:30, 10/26/92 17. Starr Seigle McCombs 8 testimonials 18. M i xed Media, Democratic Party 5/29/92 19. Unknown 20. TV commercial/clip - Rick Reed; aired on KITV on 10/1/92 after "Prime Time Live"; run time of 2 minutes (2 tapes) 21. TV Clip - Rick Reed interview; aired on 10/2/92 on KITV; run time of 2:02 22. TV News Clip - re: allegation against Inouye; aired 10/13/92 on KGMB 6 pm news; run time 3:25 (2 tapes) 23. TV news clip - re: allegations against Inouye; aired on 10/16/92; KGMB & KITV 5 pm, KGMB, KITV, KHON 6 pm news; run time 46:30 24. TV commercial spot - re: allegations against Inouye; aired on 10/16/92 on KITV at 7:57 am; run time 1:00 25. TV News Clips - re: allegations against Inouye; aired on 10/16/92 on KGMB 10 pm, and 10/17/92 on KITV, KGMB, KHON early and late news; run time 38:00 26. TV commercial spot - re: allegations against Inouye; aired 10/16/92 on KITV at 7:57 am; run time 1:00 (2 tapes, plus tape #24) 8085911005 11-13-92 4:30PM P003 #06 PAGE 04 DKI HQ HONOLULU 11/13/1992 10:26 8085911005 _ 27. TV News Clip - re: allegations against lnouye four c lips aired on 10/18/92 on KITV at 5 pm, KHON & KGMB at 6 pm, KITV at 10 pm; run time 24:47 28. TV news c lip s - re: Senator Inouye; s ix c lip s from 10/19/92; tkree c lip s from 10/20/92; seven c lip s from 10/21/92; run time of 45:40 29.
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