Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A

Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70081-8 - Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A. Covington Index More information Index aberration video 202–206, 203, 204 lens 58, 114,115 RegiStax 205, 206 spherical 73–74, 77 asymmetric triplet lens 85 accuracy, subpixel 110 atmosphere, refraction 106 adapters aurora borealis 42 camera–telescope 53, 53, 54–55, 55 auto exposure 6, 35, 39 lens mount 80–81 auto power setting 35 M42 82–84, 83 auto rotate setting 33 quality 81–82 autofocus 28,76 afocal coupling 32, 51, 52, 199 see also lenses, autofocus Moon photography 39–40, 41, 42 autoguiders 108–110 aggressiveness, autoguider 110 average (mean), image combining 179 airplane trails 16, 180 alignment B+W 091 filter 141 image processing 154–155 balance polar 99, 103, 104, 105 color 28 drift method 104–105, 105 white 28 alpha channel see layer masking Barlow lens 52, 57, 86,87 Altair star field 18 batteries altazimuth telescope mounts 44–45, 99, 100, lead–acid 116–117 101, 110–115, 112, 113 lithium-ion 117 amplifier glow 132, 132, 147 Bayer matrix 22–23, 22, 153 analog-to-digital units 130 see also de-Bayerization Ang´enieux Retrofocus lens 85 bias 131 anti-reflection coating 84, 87 bias frames 146, 147, 183, 185 aperture 56 binning 133 manual control 26, 27 bit depth 165 APS-C format 19, 59, 62, 63, 71, 71, 72 BlackFrame NR 164 APS-H format 19 blooming 132 asteroid movement, Photoshop 183, 184 blur 73 astronomy deconvolution 175–176, 176 image processing techniques 178–195 see also bokeh 209 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70081-8 - Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A. Covington Index More information Index bokeh 73–74 Trifid Nebula 63 brightness 169–171, 169, 171 Veil Nebula 24 Bayer matrix 22–23, 22 Zeta and Sigma Orionis 139 dynamic range, image sensors 130 zoom factor 19 extreme range, nebulae 190–193 see also Canon, EOS 300D gradient removal 188 EF 28-80/3.5-5.6 lens 86 image, f-ratio 56–58 EF 28/2.8 lens 85 setting 34 EF 85/1.2 lens 85 “bulb”, exposure time setting 27, 30, 123 EF L 400/5.6 lens 85 EOS 1D Mark III 6 cable release, electrical 30, 119–122, 120, 121 EOS 5D 7–8 calibration frames 146, 147, 148, 183, 185 EOS 10D 6 camera–telescope coupling see coupling, EOS 20D 6 camera–telescope Leo Triplets 109 cameras Orion Nebula, flat-fielding 186 control 119–124 RS-80N3 cable release 119, 121, 122 laptop 122–125 EOS 20Da 4, 6, 25 as logbook 32 filter modification 135–138, 136 portable electric power 117 live focusing 93 professional 8 Orion Nebula (M42), filter modification selection 6–8 136 Canon RS-80N3 cable release 119, 121, 122 Angle Finder C 90–92, 91 EOS 30D 6 cable releases 119, 120–122, 120, 121 Horsehead Nebula 140 CR2 raw format 15 RS-80N3 cable release 119, 121, 122 CRW raw format 15 EOS 300 6 DIGIC II circuitry 5,6 EOS 300D 6 DIGIC III circuitry 6 see also Canon, Digital Rebel Digital Photo Professional 161 EOS 350D 5,6 Digital Rebel 3, 6, 19 see also Canon, XT Comet Machholz, piggybacking 44 EOS 400D 6 Comet SWAN (C/2006 M4) 43 see also Canon, XTi electrical cable release 30, 119–122 EOS D30 6 EXIF data 32 EOS Kiss 6 field of view 71, 71 see also Canon, Digital Rebel Helix Nebula 179 EOS Rebel 6 M13 globular cluster 29, 43 lens adaptability 6, 81, 82 M27 Nebula 113 nomenclature 6 M31 galaxy 4,21 piggybacking lenses 76 M51 galaxy 107 RS-60E3 “remote switch” 119, 120 mirror lock 31 RS-80N3 cable release 119, 121–122 Moon 40, 41 TC-80N3 cable release 119, 122 North American Nebula 80 XT 6 Omega Nebula M17 162 mirror lock 31 Orion 43 Orion Nebula M42 194 Pleiades 44 RS-60E3 “remote switch” 119, 120 RS-60E3 “remote switch” 119, 120 XTi 6, 27, 102 210 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70081-8 - Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A. Covington Index More information Index deep-sky images, exposure 36 compression filter modification 136 camera–telescope coupling 51, 52, 53, 65, Iris asteroid 184 67, 68 LCD and LED brightness 33, 34, 34–35 “lossy” 14 magnification 92, 94 Packbits 159, 166 magnified view setting 34 compressor lens 66,67 Orion Nebula, layer masking 192 computer focusing 94–95 Orion Nebula (M42), filter modification computers 136 laptop, camera control 122–125 pixel size 60–61 portable electric power 117 RS-60E3 “remote switch” 119, 120 Cooke Triplet lens 84, 85 Cassegrain telescope 49–50, 50 cosmic rays 132, 133 focal length 55–56 coupling see also Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope camera–telescope 50–53, 52 CCD cameras adapters 53–55, 54, 55 astronomical 10, 10, 11,12 afocal 32, 51, 52, 199 thermoelectrically cooled 12 Moon photography 39, 39, 40, 41, 42 CCD sensors 127–128, 127 compression 51, 52, 52 Celestron focal reducers 67 direct 51, 52, 52 Celestron NexImage 109, 202 and focal length 56 charge-coupled device 127, 128 negative projection 51, 52,53 see also CCD cameras; CCD sensors piggybacking 44–45, 44, 51 chrominance noise 189–190 lenses 77–88 circuitry positive projection 51, 52, 52, 52 DIGIC 6 Crab Nebula (MI) 68 DIGIC II 5,6 crop factor 19 DIGIC III 6 cropping 62 CMOS sensors 127–128 crosshairs cold, effect on DSLR operation 125–126, diffraction spikes 78, 79, 80, 194 131–132 guiding 100, 105, 108 color current, dark 131 balance 28 curves, brightness 158, 163, 170–171 image sensors 131 custom setting menu (CMS) 31 Bayer matrix 22–23, 22 control 176–177 dark current 131 de-Bayerization 146, 148, 151–153, dark-frame subtraction 15, 16–17, 35, 80, 131, 154 132, 145–147, 147, 150, 152 encoding 166 de-Bayerization 151, 156, 163–164 Foveon sensors 23 dealers, reliable 8, 141 gamut 176–177 deconvolution 175–176, 176 low-pass filtering 23 Orion Nebula M42 194 management 177 deep red light 135, 138, 141 noise 189–190 deep-sky images space 177 camera comparison 11,12 comets 42 exposure 35–36, 36 Machholz 44 focal reducers 63 SWAN (C/2006 M4) 43 see also stars, tracking 211 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70081-8 - Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A. Covington Index More information Index DeepSkyStacker 10 electroluminescence 132 demosaicing 146, 151, 151–153, 154 Elite Chrome color slide film 13 didymium glass filter 134, 138, 139 emission nebulae see nebulae, emission diffraction focusing 95 EOS family see Canon, EOS diffraction spikes 78, 79, 80, 95, 194, 195 equatorial telescope mounts 99, 100, 101 DIGIC circuitry 6 setting up 102–105 DIGIC II circuitry 5,6 error, periodic, correction 106, 115 DIGIC III circuitry 6 Europa 201 digital cameras, non-SLR 10, 11, 12, 32, 39, EXIF data 32 199, 200, 201 EXIFLOG 32 digital development processing (DDP) 173, exposure 174 determination 35–36 “digital film” 15 long digital images 166, 168 DSLR/film comparison 21, 22 principles of processing 165–177 noise reduction 17, 18, 29, 35 Digital Negative raw format 15 setting 35 Digital Photo Professional 161 sensor cooling 36–37 Digital Rebel see Canon, Digital Rebel exposure delay mode 31, 38 digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) extra-low-dispersion (ED) glass 49, 70, comparison with other astronomical 72 cameras 3–6, 5, 10–13, 11 eyepiece 4, 5,6 menu settings 33–35 diopter 16, 89–90, 90 professional 7–8 parfocalized 96, 97 selection 6–8 viewfinder 89–92, 90 shutter vibration 12 structure 3–4, 5 f-ratio 56–58, 71–72 direct coupling 51, 52 field rotation 100, 101, 110, 111–113, distortion 73 111 double Gauss lens family 85,87 field of view 55, 58–60, 60, 71, 71 Drizzle algorithm 168–169 files, image DSLR see digital single-lens reflex compressed 14–15, 34 DSLR Focus 95 raw 14, 34 DSLR Shutter 123 processing 146–147, 148 dust 19–20, 20, 72, 98, 147, 185, 186, 187–188 MaxDSLR 147–158 removal 20 size 14–15, 166 DVD burners 14 film 12–13 dynamic link library (DLL) 15 “digital film” 15 digital processing 207 Eagle Nebula M16, spectral lines 137 Scorpius Nebula IC 4628 208 eclipses filters auto exposure 6, 35 didymium glass 134, 138, 139 camera comparison 11 infrared 5,25 edge enhancement 172 interference 138, 141 edge-of-field quality 61–62 light pollution 138–141 editing see photo editing low-pass 5, 23, 92 Ektachrome color slide film 13, 23 modification, red response 23–25, 135–138, digital processing 207, 208 136 212 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70081-8 - Digital SLR Astrophotography: Practical Amateur Astronomy Michael A. Covington Index More information Index reflection 141 glass firmware 7–8 didymium filter 134, 138, 139 FITS files 150, 151, 155, 167 extra-low-dispersion (ED) 49, 70, 72 flat-field frames 146, 147, 185, 186, 187–188, gradients, brightness, removal 188 187 grain 17, 19 calibration 187–188, 187 removal 189–190 focal length 55–56, 55, 58–59 ground loops 118 multiplier 19 GuideDog 109 focal reducers 53–54, 54, 55, 57, 63–69 guiders optical calculations 64–65, 65, 65 autoguiders 108–110 types 67, 69 off-axis 108, 108 focusing 15–16, 80–98 guidescope 107 computer 94–95 guiding, telescope tracking 106–110 diffraction 95 knife-edge 96, 97,98 Hartmann mask 96, 97 LCD 92–93 hat trick 31 live 4, 7, 92–93 Helix Nebula 179 manual 26–28, 76 histograms moving mirrors 98 brightness 36, 169 Ronchi 96, 97,98 equalization 169–170 screen 3, 5 Horsehead Nebula 140 stars 40–42 hot pixels 131 Stiletto focuser 98 removal 14, 16–17, 18, 29–30, 35, 132, 146 viewfinder 89–92 see also dark-frame subtraction Canon Angle Finder C 90–92, 91 Hoya R60 filter 141 eyepiece 89–90, 90

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