April 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3125 it is my hope that their countless sto- said government of the United States full in conformity with Samoan customs as to ries will soon be heard. powers and authority to enact proper legisla- signatures to documents, in my presence at tion for and to control the said islands, and Pago Pago on the 17th day of April, 1900 A.D. f are further desirous or removing all disabil- immediately prior to the Raising of the CELEBRATING THE 114TH ities that may be existing in connection United States Flag at the United States therewith and to ratini and to confirm the Naval Station, Tutuila. AMERICAN SAMOA FLAG DAY grant of the rule of said islands heretofore /s/E.W. Gurr (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA asked and granted on the 2nd day of April, 1990. Barrister of the Supreme Court of Samoa. was given permission to address the Now know Ye.- Acceptance of Cessions House for 1 minute.) 1. That we, the Chiefs whose names are The Judge Advocate General of the Navy hereunder subscribed by virtue of our office Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam in 1921, referring to the above cessions, said: as the hereditaty representatives of the peo- ‘‘These cessions were accepted by the Presi- Speaker, I rise today to congratulate ple of said islands, in consideration of the dent of the United States, and full informa- Governor Lolo Moliga and the people of premises hereinbefore recited and for divers tion with respect thereto was communicated American Samoa, for next week we will good considerations us hereunto moving, to Congress and the action of the Chief Exec- be celebrating 114 years for the com- have ceded, transferred, and yielded up unto utive relative thereto adopted and approved memoration of the raising of the Amer- Commander B.F. Tilley of the US. in a number of separate statutory enact- ican flag on April 17, 1900. ‘‘Abarenda,’’ the duly accredited representa- ments.’’ (File 3931–1429.36, Dec. 23, 1921, Madam Speaker, it was at this his- tive of the Government of the United States LRNA, Supp. 25. of America, in the islands hereinafter men- toric occasion when our Samoan tradi- tioned or described for and on behalf of the f tional leaders had the foresight to sign said government. All these the islands of b 1800 the Treaty of Cession with the rep- Tutuila and Aunu’u and all other islands, resentatives of the United States. Our rocks, reefs, foreshores and waters lying be- EQUAL PAY DAY bond and relation as part of the tween the 13th degree and the 15th degree of (Ms. FRANKEL of Florida asked and ‘‘American family’’ today is stronger south latitude and between the 171st degree and 167th degree of west longitude from the was given permission to address the than ever. House for 1 minute and to revise and As we celebrate this year, we must meridian of Greenwich, together with all sovereign rights thereunto belonging and extend her remarks.) reflect on the sacrifices that were made possessed by us, to hold the said ceded terri- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speak- by our sons and daughters, past and tory unto the Government of the United er, during this week, we sadly recog- present, who served honorably and val- States of America; to erect the same into a nize and commiserate Equal Pay Day, iantly in our Nation’s military forces. separate District to be annexed to the said which marks the number of extra days Our Samoan sons and daughters have Government, to be known and designated as in 2014 the average woman has to work the District of ‘‘Tutuila’’. been an important part of our military to earn as much as her male counter- forces, both here and throughout the 2. The Government of the United States of America shall respect and protect the indi- part did in 2013, so I rise for the women world. vidual rights of all people dwelling in who are not here today because they (English translation of the statement Tutuila to their lands and other property in are working hard to take care of them- made in Samoan is as follows.) said district; but if the said Government selves and their families. May the relationship between the shall require any land or any other thing for I am going to keep it simple, Mr. United States and the islands of Government uses, the government may take Speaker. Equal pay is about fairness, Tutuila and Manu’a continue to pros- the same upon payment of a fair consider- and as important, it is about survival. ation for the land, or other thing, to those per. Farewell. Equal pay means safe, secure housing. IIa sao ma uli le alo faiva le faigamalo a whom may be deprived of their property on account of the desire of the Government. Equal pay means saving for a child’s Tutuila ma Manua ma le Malo Tele o Amerika. 3. The Chiefs of the towns will be entitled college education. Equal pay means Soifua. to retain their individual control of the sepa- building a pension that allows for a TREATY OF CESSION rate towns, if that control is in accordance dignified retirement. Equal pay means with the laws of the United States of Amer- Chief of Tutuila that everyone, regardless of their gen- ica concerning Tutuila, and if not obstruc- der, gets a fair shot at living their to tive to the peace of the people and the ad- American Dream. United States Government vancement of civilization of the people, sub- April 17, 1900 ject also to the supervision and instruction f of the said Government. But the enactment Translation in the English language: of legislation and the general control shall THE WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD To all to whom these presents shall come: remain firm with the United States of Amer- Greeting. (Ms. MENG asked and was given per- ica. Whereas the Governments of Germany, mission to address the House for 1 4. An investigation and settlement of all minute and to revise and extend her re- Great Britain, and of the United States of claims to title to lands in the different divi- America have on divers occasions recognized sions or districts of Tutuila shall be made by marks.) the sovereignty of the government and peo- the Government. Ms. MENG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ple of Samoa and the Samoan group of is- 5. We, whose names are subscribed below, in recognition of the Week of the lands as an independent State; and whereas do hereby declare with truth for ourselves, Young Child. The National Association owing to dissensions, internal disturbances our heirs and representatives by Samoan for the Education of Young Children and civil war, the said governments have Custom, that we will obey and owe alle- deemed it necessary to assume the control of started the Week of the Young Child in giance to the Government of the United 1971; and since that time, this week has the legislation and administration of said States of America. In witness whereof we state of Samoa; and whereas the said govern- have hereunto subscribed our names and af- focused public attention on young chil- ments have on the sixteenth day of Feb- fixed our seals on this 17th day of April, 1900 dren and young parents, two groups ruary, by mutual agreement, determined to A.D. that don’t have high-priced lobbyists partition said State; and whereas the islands Fofo and Aitulagi to advocate for them here in Wash- hereinafter described being part of the said Tuitele of Leone, Faiivae of Leone, Letuli ington. State have by said arrangements amongst of Iiiiii, Fuimaono of Aoloau, Satele of For this reason, I cofounded the Con- the said governments, been severed from the Vailoa, Leoso of Leone, Olo of Leone, Namoa gressional Kids Safety Caucus, where parent State, and the Governments of Great of Aitulagi, Malota of Aitulagi, Tuana’itau Britain and of Germany have withdrawn all of Pava’ia’i, Lualemaga of Aasu, Amituana’i we seek to raise awareness on prevent- rights hitherto acquired, claimed or pos- of Ituau. able child injury. Additionally, assist- sessed by both or either of them by treaty or Sua and Vatfanua ing in the care and education of our otherwise, to the said islands in favor of the Pele, Mauga, Leiato, Faumuina, Masaniai, youngest are amongst the highest government of the United States of America; Tupuola, Soliai, Mauga. yielding and most just investments our And whereas for the promotion of the The foregoing instrument of Cession (pages government can make. peace and welfare of the people of said is- 1, 2 and 3) was duly signed by Leoso in the So I call today on my colleagues on lands, for the establishment of a good and presence of, and at the request of, the Chiefs sound government, and for the preservation and Representatives of the Division of Fofo both sides of the aisle to recommit of the rights and property of the inhabitants and Aitulagi, and by Pele in the presence of, themselves to working toward high- of said islands, the Chiefs, rulers and people and at the request of, the Chiefs and Rep- quality early childhood education for thereof are desirous of granting unto the resentatives of Sua and Vaifanua in Tutuila all. 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