World Leader Twitter & Web Directory (V-37) 10/9/13 3:27 AM International Organizations: World Leader Twitter Accounts: @Picobeeʼs V.I.Tweeple NAME Title/Organization Twitter Org Twitter Acronym Website : United Nations Ban Ki Moon UN Secretary General @UN UNSG http://www.un.org/en/ UN Spokesperson for Sec-Gen @UN_spokesperson UN http://www.un.org/sg/spokesperson/ UN News Outlet @UN_News_Centre UN http://www.un.org/news/ Jan Kenneth Eliasson UN 1st Deputy Sec-Gen @UN UN http://www.un.org/en/ John Ashe UN General Assembly President @UN_PGA UNPGA http://www.un.org/en/ga/president/ Jeffrey Feltman UN Under-Sec Political Affairs @UN_DPA UNDPA http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/undpa/ UN Arabic Twitter Feed @UNArabic UN http://www.un.org/ar/ UN French Twitter Feed @ONU_fr ONU http://www.un.org/fr/ UN Russian Twitter Feed @UnitedNationsRU UN http://www.un.org/ru/ UN Spanish Twitter Feed @ONUWeb ONU http://www.un.org/es Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal Under Sec-Gen, UN Comm & Public Info UNDPI http://www.un.org/en/hq/dpi/usg.shtml Jeff Brez Chief, UN Outreach/ Events @JeffBrez UNCCOI (?) http://outreach.un.org/ccoi/ UN Chronicle @_UNChronicle UNChronicle http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/chronicle/ UN Data @undata UNData http://data.un.org UN Journal @Journal_UN_ONU UNJournal http://www.un.org/en/documents/journal.asp UN Library @UNlibrary UNdhl http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/ UN Media Liason & Accreditaion @UNMediaLiaison UNMALU http://www.un.org/media/accreditation Stephane Dujarric Dir, UN News & Media @StephDujarric @UNmultimedia UNMultimedia http://www.unmultimedia.org UN Photographs @UN_photo UNPhoto http://www.un.org/av/photo UN Publications @unpublications UNPublications http://www.un.org/publications UN Radio, Arabic @UNRadioArabic UNRadio http://radio.un.org/ar/ UN Radio, Chinese @UNRadioChinese UNRadio http://radio.un.org/ch/ UN Radio, English @UN_Radio UNRadio http://radio.un.org UN Radio, French @Radio_ONU RadioONU http://radio.un.org/fr/ UN Radio, Portuguese @RadioONU RadioONU http://radio.un.org/por UN Radio, Russian @UNRadioRU UNRadio http://radio.un.org/ru/ UN Radio, Spanish @ONURadio ONURadio http://radio.un.org/es/ UN Radio, Swahili @RedioYaUM UNRadio http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/kiswahili/ UN Chief Executives Board for Coordination @unsceb UNSCEB http://www.unsceb.org/ UN System Directory UNSCEB http://www.unsceb.org/directory Nancy Groves Team Leader, UN Social @Nancy_Groves UNSocial (?) http://blogs.un.org/ UN Social Media Directory UNSocial (?) http://www.un.org/social/ UN Televisioan @UN_TV UNTV http://www.unmultimedia.org UN Webcasts & Live Events @UNwebcast UNWebcast http://www.un.org/webcast UN Yearbook @UNYearbook UNYearbook http://unyearbook.un.org/ By: @PicoBee LISTs at: @VITweeple Website: http://worldleadertwitterdirectory.wordpress.com/ 1/122 World Leader Twitter & Web Directory (V-37) 10/9/13 3:27 AM International Organizations: World Leader Twitter Accounts: @Picobeeʼs V.I.Tweeple NAME Title/Organization Twitter Org Twitter Acronym Website : United Nations Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Dir-Gen, UN Office, Geneva @TokayevUNGeneva @unisgeneva UNOG http://www.unog.ch/news UN Office, Geneva @VisitUNOG UNOG http://www.unog.ch/ UN Office, Nairobi UNON http://www.unon.org/ UN Office, Vienna UNOV http://www.unvienna.org/unov/ Zainab Bangura Rep, UN Sexual Assault in Conflict @UNAction UNAction http://www.stoprapenow.org/ UN Academic Impact @ImpactUN UNAI http://outreach.un.org/unai/ Michel Sidibe Exec-Dir, UNAIDS @UNAIDS UNAIDS http://unaids.org Jorge Sampaio High Comm, UN Alliance of Civilizations @UNAOC UNAOC http://www.unaoc.org/ UN Alliance of Civilizations, Migration @UNAOCMigration UNAOC http://www.unaoc.org/ Leila Zerrougui Rep, Children in Armed Conflict @childreninwar UNCAAC http://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/ Careers at the UN @UN_Careers UNCareers http://careers.un.org Braulio F. de Souza Dias Exec-Sec UN Convention on Biodiversity @cbdnews UNCBD http://www.cbd.int/ UN Convention on Biodiversity @UNBiodiversity UNCBD http://www.cbd.int/2011-2020/ Luc Gnacadja Exec-Sec, UNCCD @LucGnacadja @UNCCD UNCCD http://www.unccd.int/en/ David Morrison Exec-Sec, UN Capital Devel Fund UNCDF http://www.uncdf.org/ Valerie Amos Under-Sec, UN Emerg. R. Fund @ValerieAmos @UNCERF UNCERF http://www.unocha.org/cerf/ UN Comm. Intʼl Trade Law UNCITRAL http://www.uncitral.org/ UN Comm. on the Status of Women @UN_CSW UNCSW http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/index.html Mukhisa Kituyi Sec-Gen, UNCTAD @UNCTADKituyi @UNCTAD UNCTAD http://unctad.org UNCTAD Intergov. Group on Accounting @UNCTAD_ISAR UNCTAD-ISAR http://unctad.org/isar Mohammed Loulichki Chair, UN Counterterrorism Cmd @UN_CTED UNCTED http://www.un.org/en/sc/ctc/ Wu Hongbo Under-Sec, UN Econ & Soc Affairs @UNDESA UNDESA http://www.un.org/desa UN DESA Social Policy & Devel. @UNDESAdspd UNDESA-DSPD http://social.un.org Roland Rich Exec-Head, UN Democracy Fund @UNDemocracyFund UNDF http://www.un.org/democracyfund/ Helen Clark Administrator, UNDP @HelenClarkUNDP @UNDP UNDP http://www.undp.org Olav Kjorven Asst Sec-Gen, UNDP @olavkjorven @UNDP UNDP http://www.undp.org Jordan Ryan Asst Admin, UNDP @JRyanUNDP @UNDP UNDP http://www.undp.org UN Development Programme @UNDPnews UNDP http://www.undp.org UNDP Live Events @UNDPLive UNDPLive http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/get_involved/live.html Maher Nasser Dir of Outreach, UN Dept Public Info-NGOʼs @undpingo UNDPI-NGO http://outreach.un.org/ngorelations/ Kimberly Mann Manager, Holocaust Outreach @UNHOP UNHOP http://www.un.org/en/holocaustremembrance/ Herve Ladsous UN Under-Sec, UN Peacekeeping @UNPeacekeeping UNDPKO http://www.un.org/peacekeeping Chikadibia Obiakor Mil. Adivsor, UN Peacekeeping @UNPeaceKeeping UNDPKO http://www.un.org/peacekeeping Nikhil Seth Dir, UN Division Sustainable Devel @UN_DSD UNDSD http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/ UN DSD Sustainability @SustDev UNDSD http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/ By: @PicoBee LISTs at: @VITweeple Website: http://worldleadertwitterdirectory.wordpress.com/ 2/122 World Leader Twitter & Web Directory (V-37) 10/9/13 3:27 AM International Organizations: World Leader Twitter Accounts: @Picobeeʼs V.I.Tweeple NAME Title/Organization Twitter Org Twitter Acronym Website : United Nations Carlos Lopes Exec-Sec, Econ Comm Africa @ECA_Lopes @ECA_Official UNECA http://www.uneca.org Sven Alkalaj Exec-Sec, Econ Comm Europe @UN_ECE UNECE http://www.unece.org Alicia Barcena Exec-Sec, E Comm Latin America @aliciabarcena @cepal_onu UNECLAC or UNCEPAL http://www.cepal.org UN Inter-Agency Energy @UN_Energy UNEnergy http://www.un-energy.org/ Achim Steiner Exec-Dir, UN Environmental Prog @UNEP UNEP http://www.unep.org UN Environmental Program @UNEPGreenUp UNEP http://www.unep.org/greenup Bonn Convention on Migratory Species @bonnconvention UNEP-CMS http://www.cms.int/ UNEP Ozone Action @OzonAction UNEP-OzonAction http://www.unep.org/ozonaction/ Basel Convention @brsmeas UNEP-PIC http://www.basel.int/ Rotterdam Convention @brsmeas UNEP-POPS http://www.pic.int/ Stockholm Convention @brsmeas UNEP-SBC http://chm.pops.int/ Nestor Osorio Pres, UN Econ & Social Council @NestorOsorioL @UNECOSOC UNECOSOC http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/ Noeleen Heyzer Exec-Sec, E Comm Asia & Pacific @UNESCAP UNESCAP http://www.unescap.org Irina Bokova Dir-Gen, UNESCO @UNESCO UNESCO http://www.unesco.org UNESCO French Feed @UNESCO_fr UNESCO http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/ UNESCO Spanish Feed @UNESCO_es UNESCO http://www.unesco.org/new/es/unesco/ Org World Heritage Cities @OVPMOWHCOCPM UNESCO-OWHC http://www.ovpm.org/ Rima Khalaf Exec-Sec, E Comm W. Asia @UNESCWA (locked) UNESCWA http://www.escwa.un.org Timothy E. Wirth President, UN Foundation @unfoundation UNF http://www.unfoundation.org Christiana Figueres Exec-Sec, UN Climate Change @CFigueres @UN_ClimateTalks UNFCCC http://unfccc.int UNFCC Webcast @UNFCCCWebcast UNFCCC http://unfccc.int UN Forum on Forests UNFF http://www.un.org/esa/forests/ Babatunde Osotimehin Exec-Dir, UN Popʼn Fund @babatundeUNFPA @UNFPA UNFPA http://www.unfpa.org UN Forum On Indigenous Issues @UN4Indigenous UNFPII http://www.un.org/indigenous/ Nora Fyles Head, UN Girls Educ. Initiative @UNGEI UNGEI http://www.ungei.org UN G. I. F. HumanTrafficking @UNGifTraffick UNGIFT http://www.ungift.org/knowledgehub/ UN Global Compact @globalcompact UNGlobalCompact http://www.unglobalcompact.org/ UN Global Pulse, Big Data Lab @UNGlobalPulse UNGP (?) http://unglobalpulse.org/ Joan Clos Exec-Dir, UN-HABITAT @JoanClos @UNHABITAT UNHABITAT http://www.unhabitat.org Antonio Guterres UN High Commissioner Refugees @Refugees UNHCR http://www.unhcr.org UN High Commissioner Refugees @refugeewomen UNHCR http://itbeginswithme.wordpress.com/ UN High Commissioner Refugees @Le_HCR UNHCR http://www.unhcr.fr Melissa Flemming Spokesperson, UN Refugees @melissarfleming @Refugees UNHCR http://www.unhcr.org Adrian Edwards Head of News, UNHCR @AdrianEdwrds @Refugees UNHCR http://www.unhcr.org By: @PicoBee LISTs at: @VITweeple Website: http://worldleadertwitterdirectory.wordpress.com/ 3/122 World Leader Twitter & Web Directory (V-37) 10/9/13 3:27 AM International Organizations: World Leader Twitter Accounts: @Picobeeʼs V.I.Tweeple NAME Title/Organization Twitter Org Twitter Acronym Website : United Nations Laura Dupuy Lasserre Pres, UN Human Right Council @UN_HRC UNHRC http://www.ohchr.org/hrc Anthony Lake Executive Director, UNICEF @tonylake (locked) @UNICEF UNICEF http://www.unicef.org UNICEF Arabic @UNICEFinArabic UNICEF http://www.unicef.org/arabic/ UNICEF Chinese @UNICEFChinese UNICEF http://www.unicef.org/chinese/
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