Index A Delta, 55, 107, 187 Abstraction, 3, 6, 45, 97, 116, 141, 330, 356, desert, 45, 48, 97, 495 710, 717, 722–726 discharge, 30, 127 desalination, and recharge (ADR), 369, 379 El-Minia, 74 rates, 31, 56, 123, 152, 346, 358, 364, 372, fissured carbonate rock, 8, 695 377, 489, 525, 540, 736, 746 fissured hard rock (FHRAS), 8, 555 wells, 41, 362, 364, 368, 380, 494, 517, 723 Gaza (Palestine), 339, 340, 358, 377 Aeolian deposits/sediments, 83, 85, 91, 93, 95, Giza, 75 395 Holocene, 62, 69, 429 Aeration, 21, 299, 301 karstified carbonate, 342, 555 soil, 148 Luxor, 65–68 Agriculture, 6, 141 Miocene, 36, 40, 227, 247, 700, 715, 717, drainage water, reuse, 118 719 irrigation, 107 Moghra, 8, 56, 554 rain-fed, 114 Nile Delta, 3, 45, 187, 329, 372, 394, 463, water demand, 119 489, 550, 587, 650, 710, 731 Agrochemicals, 69, 70 central, 187 Albite, 288 Nile Valley, 550, 587 Aldka Kaolin mine, 86 Nubian sandstone (NSAS), 7, 107, 120, Alluvial deposits, 46, 91–94, 278, 586, 691 126, 342, 545, 553, 555, 585, 590, Alluvial plains, 15, 95, 237, 390, 395, 712 615 Aluminum, 37, 62, 75, 151 Oligocene, 393 Ammonia, 69, 280, 291, 294, 625, 630, 637, Pleistocene, 57, 62, 65, 163, 164, 166, 235, 642, 743 245, 343, 392–395, 429, 431, 438, Ammonium, 37, 39, 64, 291, 292, 625 468, 741 Animal wastes, 150 Pliocene, 25, 58, 235, 246, 715, 741 Anorthite, 288 Qena, 67 Apatite, 92, 294, 295 Quaternary, 67, 425, 468, 480, 497, 511– Aquiclude, 26, 29, 244, 343, 515, 587, 651, 695 520, 551, 627, 650, 687, 693–707, AQUIFEM-, 1, 491 709, 715–718, 724, 737, 743, 744, Aquifers, Assiut, 71 747 carbonate, 107, 121, 144, 342, 555, 587, recharge, 30 695 salinization, 127 coastal, 8, 34, 107, 143, 329, 355, 426, 552, Sohag, 70 588, 716, 734–737, 741 Tertiary, 553, 587 A. M. Negm (ed.), Groundwater in the Nile Delta, 753 Hdb Env Chem (2019) 73: 753–760, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-94283-4, © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 754 Index Aquitard, 26, 27, 128, 343, 515, 590, 700, Climate change, 4, 7, 10, 12, 47, 128, 141, 332, 711, 739 373, 489, 496, 525, 535, 559, 733, ArcGIS, 500, 687, 719 737, 743 Arsenic, 625, 630, 636, 637, 642, 643, 743 Egypt, 397 Artificial neural network (ANN), 346, 377, 560 Coastal aquifer systems, 8, 34, 122, 143, 275– Assessment, 213, 388, 493, 500, 535, 545, 302, 329–349, 355–380, 426, 462, 625, 731 490, 552, 587, 700, 734 Aswan High Dam (AHD), 7, 24, 31, 34, 37, 45, Conductance, 195, 520, 651, 702, 705 97, 113, 119, 276, 649 drain bed, 702 Conductivity, hydraulic, 187, 196, 213, 222, 227, 308, 388, 429, 468, 516, 695, B 717, 734, 745 Bacteria, 5, 69, 151 Continuous electrical sounding (CES), 220 Barium, 625, 637, 642, 651 Copper (Cu), 40, 63, 275, 281, 296, 630, 651, Barriers, subsurface, 359–364 652, 656, 661 Beni Salama depression, 166, 431 Corn/maize, 97, 98, 146, 465 Bicarbonate, 287, 300, 478, 625, 637, 642, 651, Corrosive ratio (CR), 637, 657 655, 659, 660 Cotton, 97, 98, 465 ions, 300, 660 Crop water, 143, 145, 153, 734, 740 Bilqas formation, 187, 190, 196, 207, 468, 478, 628, 650, 741 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 319 D Biodegradation, 308, 311–316 Dakhla Oasis, 126, 554, 585, 590, 595, 600– Boron, 38, 64, 334, 659, 671 619, 738, 743 Brackish water, 5, 11, 14, 25, 37, 46, 60, 69, 137, Damietta branch, 14, 23, 51, 54, 94, 343, 465, 141, 151, 227, 247, 266, 277, 302, 508, 539, 649, 687–707, 740, 744, 340, 346, 363, 425, 673, 735, 741 747 desalination, 361, 371 Depositional environment, 161 Brines, 150, 288, 340, 347, 371, 380, 463, 478, Desalination, 6, 7, 47, 116, 117, 347, 357–378, 482, 737, 743, 746 742, 748 Direct current inversion, 213 Direct current resistivity (DCR), 213, 214, 250, C 427, 741, 745 Cadmium (Cd), 62, 275, 281, 296, 630 Dirichlet conditions, 720 Calcite, 91, 161, 176, 180, 183, 289, 395, Disinfection, 310 478–481, 741 Dolomite, 137, 161, 180, 183, 244, 395, 557, Calcium, 40, 182, 288–292, 300, 625, 633, 637, 741 642, 651–654 Drainage, controlled, 141, 144–146, 153 carbonate, 81, 287, 479 Drinking water, 39, 64, 69, 109, 120, 293, 299, feldspar, 288 626, 648, 700 Capillary upflow, 144 contamination, 296, 302, 742 Carbonates, 108, 133, 290, 302, 478, 742 infections, 738 ions, 287 nitrate, 293 minerals, 161, 183, 288, 395 phosphorus, 295 CEDARE, 585 quality index (WQI), 625, 639, 647, 652, Chloride, 40, 69, 284–288, 625, 630, 633, 637, 667 642, 651–661, 673–676 standards, 3, 6, 39, 347 Chlorine, 63, 286 surface water, 6 Chlorite, 88, 89, 179 wells, 38 Chromium, 275, 281, 296 Dunes, 16, 46, 278, 362, 449, 497, 500, 712 Citrus, 81, 97 stabilized, 429, 449 Clay minerals, 88, 89, 161, 179, 194, 395, 741 Dupuit-Forchheimer model, 363 Index 755 E Formation factor, 192 Edku Lake, 54, 94 Forward osmosis (FA), 380 Effluents, industrial, 3, 37, 45, 62, 97, 151 El Hagif Formation, 166, 431 El Khashab canal, 75 G El-Faiyum, 46, 50, 79–85 Genetic algorithm (GA), 224, 358, 366, 368, El-Farafra Oasis, 8, 590–604, 610–618, 743 379, 560, 582, 743 El-Hagar canal, 75, 404, 515 modified (MGA), 545, 564, 574, 582 El-Nasr canal, 108, 134, 247, 279, 390, Geoelectrical cross sections, 227, 230, 392, 404 256, 435 El-Nubariya canal, 235, 247, 713, 720, 725, 744 Geoelectrical maps, 449 El-Rayan Valley, 79 Geoelectrical resistivity, 222, 235, 394, 425, El-Saff canal, 75 737, 742, 746 El-Salam canal, 51 Geophysical methods, 731, 735 Electrical conductivity (EC), 218, 249, 275, GIS, 45, 596, 704 283, 471, 625, 633, 659 Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Electrical double layer (EDL), 218, 223 47, 731 Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), 427 Granulometry, 172 Electrode arrays, 219, 220, 433 Grey model (GM), 560, 562, 582 Electromagnetic method (EM), 248 modified (MGM), 545, 560, 564 ELERIC-T SYSCAL-R2, 432 Groundwater, 3–747 Endocrine disruptors, 309 abstraction, 3, 7, 45, 57, 710, 722, 734, 740, Environmental degradation, 45, 97 744 Eonile, 18, 49 allocation, 120 Erosion, coastal, 345 contamination, 62, 214, 248, 329, 332, 347, Ethiopia, 18, 36, 47, 91, 115, 134, 733 643, 732, 735, 747 Evaporation, 8, 12, 26, 30, 56, 119, 147, 182, rural, 625 196, 245, 276, 363, 554, 568, 694, deep, 7, 36, 47, 107, 109, 480, 647, 665, 700, 711, 735 675, 732 Evaporites, 151, 277, 288, 735 degradation, 109, 338, 735 Evapotranspiration, 12, 56, 145, 147, 150, 499, flow system, 365, 387, 390, 431, 461, 466, 649, 694, 719, 725, 744 480, 482, 736, 746 potential, 506, 509 integrated model, 511 Extreme learning machine (ELM), 307, 312 modeling, 737 system (GMS) 739 origins, 36 F potential, 36, 122, 585, 738 Feedforward neural network (FFNN), 311 quality, 6, 38, 60, 195, 227, 248, 299, 330, FEFLOW, 340, 346, 492, 738 461, 590, 626, 647, 726, 732, 738, Feldspar, 91, 92, 161, 180, 183, 288, 395, 741 743, 745 Fertilizers, 6, 37, 39, 62, 75, 116, 129, 150–153, shallow, 107, 390, 462, 588, 660, 732, 735, 288, 293, 627, 745 740 Finite difference method (FDM), 518, 559 use, 34, 54, 109, 332, 732, 733 Finite element method (FEM), 545, 559 Guano, 295 Fissured carbonate rock aquifer, 8 Gypsum, 81, 94, 183, 278, 290, 302, 741, 742 Fissured hard rock aquifer (FHRAS), 8, 555 Fivefold cross-validation, 307 Flooding, 83, 113, 114 H flash floods, 114, 122, 740 Halite, 284, 288 Floodplains, 17, 30, 36, 47, 67, 89, 91, 245, Haplocalcids, 83 342, 550, 694, 715 Haplogypsids, 83 Fluvial deposits, 81 Haplosalids, 83 Food, production, 108–112, 120, 128, 733 Hardness (total), 70, 137, 289, 633, 652, 654 security, 45, 97, 130, 740 Health, 6, 75, 116, 131, 293, 307, 329, 627, Foreshore plain, 14 648, 738, 747 756 Index Heavy metals, 5, 118, 153, 275, 309, 356, 627, Lakes, coastal, 14, 53, 54, 470 745 Land, reclamation, 143 Hematite, 161, 180, 183, 395, 741 resources, 76 Herbicides, 6, 129, 151, 153, 745 subsidence, 345 Holocene aquifer, 62, 69, 429 use, 16, 687 Hydraulic conductivity, 189, 196, 314, 388, change, 387 429, 468, 516, 595, 602, 695, 702, Leaching, 60, 69, 113, 129, 137, 148, 182 717–720, 734, 745 Lead (Pb), 62, 275, 296, 652 Hydrogen ion activity (pH), 281, 651 Limestone, 71, 75, 79, 81, 86, 107, 120, 216, Hydrogeochemistry, 36, 461, 650, 738 238, 429, 550, 568, 595, 615 Hydrogeophysics, 213 HYDRUS2D, 363 M Magnesium, 275, 625, 637–639, 642, 651, I 652, 661 Illite, 88, 89, 96, 161, 179–182, 194, 395 Magnesium carbonate, 289 Induced polarization (IP), 214, 218, 250, 735 Magnesium hazard (MH), 657, 672 Industrialization, 119, 143 Maize/corn, 97, 98, 146, 465 Infections, 648, 738 Management, 709, 731 Infiltration, 7, 30, 47, 62, 75, 129, 142, 150, integrated, 152, 745 245, 276, 287, 300, 310, 362, 478, Manganese (Mn), 40, 62, 275, 281, 625, 630, 496, 625, 720, 739, 747 637–639, 642, 651, 658–679 rate, 25, 319, 693, 715 Manzala Lagoon, 21, 52 Injection wells, 340, 347, 361–364, 372 Manzala Lake, 94, 689–704 Insecticides, 129 Marmarican homocline, 165 Integrated MT3DMS transport (IMT), 518 Mercury (Hg), 75 Integrated water resource management Metals, 6, 75, 296, 302 (IWRM), 586 alkaline earth, 288 Intrinsic permeability, 193 heavy, 5, 118, 153, 275, 309, 356, 627, 745 Iron, 62, 275, 625, 652 trace, 150, 151 Irrigation, 3, 45 Micropollutants, removal, 310–323, 742 drainage network, 23 Mit Ghamr Formation, 187, 197, 469 excess, 147, 248, 276, 286, 394, 497, 499, Modelling, 329, 585, 687 521, 715, 720 Models, integrated, 489 flooding, 700, 724 MODFLOW, 39, 58, 339, 489, 496, 587, 593, water quality index (IQW), 647, 658, 671 602, 611, 615, 687, 711, 733, 738, Island phosphate (guano), 295 744 Ismailia Canal, 702 Modified genetic algorithm (MGA), Isosalinity contour, 61 545, 565 Modified grey model (MGM), 545, 564 Moghra aquifer, 8, 56, 554 K Monocultures, 129 Kaolinite,
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