Manchester Students’ Union Senate: Thursday 6th February 2020 Agenda No. Item: Paper 1 Welcome (Presented by Senate chair) 1. Apologies of Absence 2. Notices 3. Quorum check 4. Conflicts of Interest 2 Explanation of Senate (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) 3 Steering Committee Report for November Paper 1 (Presented by Chloe Salins) 4 Minutes of Previous Senate (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) Paper 2 5 Women’s Committee Report (Presented by Ayla Huseyingolu) Paper 3 Education Committee Report Officer Scrutiny Report (Presented by the Scrutiny Committee) 6 Steering Committee Minutes (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) Paper 4 7 State of the Union Report (Presented by Kwame Kwarteng, General Secretary) Paper 5 8 Reports from Executive Officers (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) 1. Adam Haigh- Welfare and Community Officer 2. Ayla Huseyingolu- Women’s Officer 3. Chloe Salins- Education Officer 4. Jake Butler- International Students Officer 5. Kwame Kwarteng- General Secretary 6. Lizzy Haughton- Activities and Development Officer 7. Rana Phool- Postgraduate Officer 8. Sara Khan- Liberation and Access Officer 9 Elections of Part Time Officers and Open Place Committee Members Paper 6 (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) 10 Policy Proposals: Paper 7 1. The Students’ Union must campaign for accessible accommodation for women of faith 2. The Students’ Union should lobby for access programs for EU and International Students 3. Motion for an effective strategy to combat sexual harassment on campus 4. The Students' Union Should Lobby For Bursaries for EU and International Students 11 Resolutions of Interest Paper 8 1. The Women’s' Committee should be representative 2. The Students' Union Should Have Representation for Joint Honours Students' at Senate 3. The Students’ Union should create a new Ethics & Environment Exec Officer role 12 Close Date of next Senate: 26th March 2020 Paper 1: Steering Committee Report To be presented at Senate on Thursday 6th February 2020 1. Overview 2. Approved Policy 3. Assigning Policy Policy 4. Lapsing Policy Policy Under the Union’s policy bye-laws: 8. After a policy has lapsed, Steering Committee will notify the Senate and the relevant Senate Committee of this fact to allow them to propose that the policy (or a revised version) is readopted for a further three years. 9. Any policy that has lapsed which is not renewed within three months of the notice from Steering Committee shall cease to have effect and shall be deleted from the policy book. The Committee felt that this policy were still pertinent to the student movement and reflected the work of the Activities and Development Officer. The Chairs and Secretaries have been notified of lapsing policy and will be taken forward for discussion at the next committee meeting. 5. Vacant positions Action: Page 2 Paper 2: Senate Minutes Thursday 5th Decmeber Student Senate 6:00 p.m. , The Theatre, Students Union building Members in Attendance and sent apologies: Contact Emmet Cleaver for a full list of attendees and written apologies at: [email protected] Minutes No. Item: 1 Welcome Students were welcomed to Senate by Ruth O’Sullivan (Senate Chair) 1. Apologies of Absence – Lizzy Haughton (Activities and Development Officer) 2. Notices (deferred to the end of the meeting) 3. Quorum check – it was noted that the meeting is quorate. 2 Explanation of Senate An explanation around the role of senate was presented by the Senate Chair. The Senate Chair explained the agenda, the rules of senate, the timings and voting. 3 Steering Committee Report for December Senate Chair presented the Steering Committee Report for December. They explained that two policies were submitted (regarding Ecosia and Tree Charter) and have been refered to the Climate Emergency Committee (under section 30 of the bye-laws). The Committee also assigned the policies passed at the last meeting to the relevant Committees. Lapsed policy was passed back to the Committees that submitted them originally, apart from the policy around Office 365 as this had already been completed. Question: Sara Khan (Liberation and Access Officer) asked why the policy around guaranteed representation was passed back to steering committee rather than Liberation and Access Committee? Answer: Senate Chair answered that it was because Steering Committee makes decisions on matters relating to the constitution. The minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting were accepted by Senate. 4 Minutes of Previous Senate (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) The minutes were presented by the Senate Chair. Ayla Huseyingolu (Women’s Officer) noted that the minutes stated 9th May – this will be changed. The minutes from this meeting were accepted by Senate. 6 State of the Union Report This report was presented by Kwame Kwarteng (General Secretary). The Students’ Union have been working on the General Election – encouraging students to register to vote in the SU and library. The SU commercial team is performing well with a new Xmas menu for staff and students in 532 bar. Sports Manchester (UoM Sports) are now moving in Easter rather than January because of estates issues. Student Life Survey has been launched with more than 600 responses. We’ve had lots of recruitment for student staff for example new assistants in the Advice Centre. Elected PTO’s have received training in past month. The Union issued a statement declaring support to the UCU strike and have provided facilities to strikers. The Union has also looked to ensure that students effected by strike action are protected. Page 3 The SU has also been negotiating with the uni regarding the People & Planet occupation in John Owens Building and the uni have agreed to compromise on demands – we now need to make sure the Uni adhere to it. Questions: Matt Franke (Student Panel) - What was nature of the protest in John Owen Building? Answer: People and Planet students about the declared climate emergency and wanting full divestment from fossil fuels. 7 Reports from Senate Committees: 1. Education Committee (presented by Chloe Salins, Education Officer) There has been good attendance but still want more people to come. Talked about representation with joint honours students at University Senate (will come to this senate as policy). Looked at bursaries for international students. Also talked about Brexit and the impact on tuition fees & needing more guidance on it. If anyone wants more information speak to Chloe. No questions were asked. 2. Women’s Committee (presented by Ayla Huseyingolu, Women’s Officer) The meeting was held on 27/11/19 with 4 members. They discussed lapsing senate policy and the motion re sexual harassment on campus – they are going to resubmit revised policy at next senate. Also discussed intersectionality of Women’s Committee & recruiting more women for these roles, so will be drafting new policy to include international, post-grad and trans women. Question from Sara Khan (Liberation and Access Officer): Do the bye-laws have a definition of what we mean by women? NUS includes people who experience oppression as women and people who’s complex identities include women – we need clarity as to what we mean by women. Answer: Regarding elections, the bye-laws say that eligibility for positions is those who self define as women. 3. Postgraduate Committee (presented by Rana Phool, Postgraduate Officer) First meeting yesterday but not large number – two vacant positions for post grad reps and struggling to get students on open places. Discussed ongoing policies that committee would be working on. PGR Learning Spaces Policy coming to senate and university committees for better spaces for PGR students and PGT students during summer time. Priorities of committee and how can help more students. Question Nick Matthews (Student Panel): How can you make more students aware that this committee exist? Answer: Through schools, faculties and students already involved..would be great if everyone could encourage more students to attend. 8 Reports from Executive Officers (Presented by Ruth O’Sullivan, Senate Chair) 1. Adam Haigh- Welfare and Community Officer Encouraging students to vote. Student safety and accommodation. Bus consultation – going out to students soon. Occupation of John Owens Building – uni committed to full review of socially responsible investment policy – decarbonising of its entire portfolio. Strikes – meetings with SLT of uni – commitment included in joint statement, looking at joint communications with UCU and support of lecturers. Res Life Advisors re 1to1 sessions and how it might effect mental health and wellbeing. Page 4 No questions asked. 2. Ayla Huseyingolu- Women’s Officer Met with Helen Pankhurst & other women re GM for Women 2028 – set up something to make MCR a better place for women – will be on education steering group. Good Lad workshops coming to university in March. Film screening around Period Poverty. Beginners run, meetings on period poverty issues at uni. Student safety panel with GMSA with MMU and Salford and Andy Burnham. Planning and consultations re Reclaim the Night No questions asked. 3. Chloe Salins- Education Officer Educaiton team launched Influencing Change – research project and support them to launch it in the university – applications coming in. Reps – looking at Discipline Reps Coordinator role (?) – so many course reps and faculty officers. Met with Vice Dean of Humanities re student engagement in a different way. No questions asked. 4. Kwame Kwarteng- General Secretary Contact with PLC regarding employability to support international post grad taught students with work experience and jobs. Afgan research groups for interested students – platform for skills and experience. Project Lab being branded. Accommodation office agreed to smooth transition for students who stay in accommodation more than a year – can transition more easily without moving out. No questions asked. 5. Lizzy Haughton- Activities and Development Officer Adam presented update on Lizzy’s behalf. Hosting Concious Xmas Fair for last few days.
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