• The ushers should inform those who are carrying cameras that Wedding Policy there are to be no flash photographs taken during the service; for opportunity for pictures will be given following the service. Trinity Lutheran Church • Ushers will usher at the recessional as laid out above. Wautoma, WI Music • Since the Christian Wedding Service is a service of worship, the music used throughout the wedding should direct the congrega- tion’s thoughts to the Triune God. This quite naturally elimi- nates some songs for consideration, including the traditional “Wedding March.” The “Bridal March” or “Bridal Chorus” as it is sometimes called comes from the opera Lohengrin, written by Richard Wagner. This song was never intended to be used as part of a church worship service, and has as its entire focus the bridal chamber and the physical consummation of the marriage. While the church certainly acknowledges the physical consum- mation of a marriage as a God given gift, it is not the God given focus of a worship service. Rather than calling attention to the physical side of marriage, our music should focus on the Spir- itual side. • While sentimental or romantic songs from the time of your courtship may be very special or meaningful to you as a couple, it is more appropriate to include them at your reception than at the wedding service. • The pastor or the organist will be happy to help you in selecting acceptable religious music for your wedding. The entire marriage rite is designed to lead you and those in attendance to give all glory to God and to seek His blessing. All preparations and actions should work toward that end Marriage and Weddings The Rehearsal God Himself instituted marriage at creation saying, “It is not • The rehearsal is to begin promptly at the designated time and good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him…The should last about 45-60 minutes. Lord God took one of his ribs, and from the rib the Lord God made a • Those present at the rehearsal will conduct themselves in a man- woman and brought her to the man…Therefore a man will leave his fa- ner in keeping with the setting, before, during, and after the re- ther and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be one hearsal. flesh” (Genesis 2:21-24). Our Lord Jesus Christ added these words: • Attire may be informal, but in good taste. “What God has joined together, let no one separate” (Matthew 19:6). • The Marriage license needs to be given to the pastor on the day of the rehearsal. Marriage is therefore a lifelong union between one man and one The Wedding woman. Those entering marriage should do so with the highest rever- ence for this holy estate which God has instituted. The wedding service Processional: and the pre-marital relationship of all couples, both young and old alike • The processional begins after the brides mother is seated and the are to reflect such esteem for the estate of matrimony. aisle runner, if one is to be used, is pulled. • Walk naturally and slowly. The “hesitation step” is not natural. As with other facets of God’s creation, disobedience to God has wrought havoc to marriage and has robbed many of the intended bless- Recessional: ing such as marriage can be. People, by reason of their sinful nature in- • The bridal party exits the church in an orderly fashion, walking herited from our first parents, will experience much heartache within at a natural pace. marriage along with much joy. Indeed, a heavy cross often is laid even • Selected ushers return immediately to escort from the nave the upon many who live godly lives in Christ Jesus. For this reason the immediate members of the bride’s and groom’s families, begin- Church Wedding directs the worshippers to the Lord Jesus Christ, the ning with the bride’s parents. Son of God, whom the Father sent “to redeem us from all iniquity and • After the immediate family has been escorted out of the nave, purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous of good works” (Titus the ushers return and dismiss the congregation, pew by pew, al- 2:14). Jesus, who reconciled us to our heavenly Father, grants peace and ternating between sides. joy in homes where He is honored. Jesus, by whom the Father richly • Immediately following the receiving line, or service if no receiv- grants us forgiveness, empowers the couple who trusts in Him to “be ing line is used, the bride and groom along with two witnesses kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God over 18 must meet with the pastor to sign the marriage license. for Christ’s sake has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32). Ushers The Church, in accord with God’s Word, will instruct all partici- pants in a wedding to think upon Him who is called the heavenly bride- • All ushers should be ready to seat guests at least thirty minutes groom, our Lord Jesus Christ. Husbands are directed: “Love your wives prior to the wedding. as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it that He might • The ushers or a designated acolyte will be responsible for the sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water and the Word, that lighting of the candles. He may present her to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or • It is not necessary to ask those entering if they are “friends of the wrinkle or any such thing but that she be holy and without blemish” bride” or “friends of the groom.” Places are designated for mem- (Ephesians 5:22-27). In the same context the wife is directed: “Submit bers of the immediate families involved. For the rest there is no yourselves to your own husbands as unto the Lord, for the husband is special “side.” the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the Church, and He is • Though not forbidden, weddings are discouraged during the Lenten the Savior of the Body” (vs. 22-23). Each couple is hereby called to season. No weddings shall take place between Palm Sunday and East- give a lifelong, living illustration of Jesus’ redeeming grace and the er. Church’s response of obedience and service. • Neither the florist nor the wedding consultant, if one is contracted, play any part in the directing of the rehearsal or wedding service. The The Wedding Worship Service then should be one of many church does not provide a center aisle runner. If you desire to use one, worship services in which the two standing before God’s altar have you may obtain it from your florist or another source. their thoughts turned toward their Creator and to their Savior, for in • Decoration of the church is to be done only a day or two ahead of the Him alone will they have the power to love and forgive. He alone wedding, but should be completed at least one hour before the wed- will sustain them when the burdens of life become difficult. It is ding service begins. Decorations are not to be attached in any means therefore proper that wedding preparations begin with prayer and that will leave marks on wood, paint, or other surfaces. determination that the wedding and subsequent marriage honor God • Any flowers placed in vases on the reredos (back of the altar) should in everything. be lower than the crossbeam of the cross so as to not take away from it. Couples Living Together • It is the responsibility of the couple to see to it that the flowers (If they are not to be left for church), aisle runner, candles, etc., are re- An increasing number of men and women are living together moved following the wedding service. in a conjugal relationship without marriage license, without wed- • Pictures may be taken prior to the service, as long as they are com- ding, and (at times) without the consent of their parents. Because pleted at least 45 minutes before the service is to begin. Pictures may God’s Word clearly shows that it is sinful for couples to live together also be taken after the ceremony. without marriage, people who persist in behavior that God rejects • A video may be taken if it is done without distraction, but not in the and condemns as sin are choosing a course that may lead to eternal chancel area as mentioned previously. No additional lights may be punishment. used. God’s Word is clear: “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment” (Heb.10:26- Expenses 27). And again,we read: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you • The use of the church is available at no cost to members. A special should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and donation may be in order, however, to help cover expenses for light- honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know ing, heating, and cleaning. God ... The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have • The couple is responsible for the cost of tabulating the Prepare/ already told you and warned you. For God did not call us to be Enrich pre-marital inventory. At the present time the cost is $35.
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