Celebrating 60 Years NEW TITLES SPRING 2020 Get in touch... +44 (0)1392 790650 [email protected] www.davidandcharles.com catalogue_jacket2020.indd 1 30/01/2020 14:41 CONTENTS Frontlist ..........................................04 Art ............................................06 Knit & Crochet .............................12 Cross Stitch ................................18 Quilting & Sewing ........................20 Other Craft .................................30 Assisted Publishing ...........................36 Recently Published ...........................38 Dover .............................................50 Backlist ..........................................56 How to get in touch ..........................86 www.davidandcharles.com Catalogue.indd 1 29/01/2020 14:01 Catalogue.indd 2 29/01/2020 14:01 Our Autumn 2019 catalogue was incredibly well received and we’re excited to follow that up with our new titles for Spring 2020. This Spring, we have a great balance of perennially successful subjects alongside books that feature new ideas and trends. Long-standing D&C authors, Pam and Nicky Lintott, bring us Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection and we make a return to bag making with The Complete Bag Making Masterclass. Books such as Crochet Hacking, Macraweave and Dried Flowers pick up on the latest trends, while Cross Stitch for the Soul celebrates the strong link between crafting and mindfulness. Cat Knits is a fantastic book for the many million cat-loving knitters out there and I reserve a special mention for Magical Woodland Knits, a truly exquisite book with incredible projects and brilliant photography. The list sees us building on our success in practical art. 3000 Colour Mixing Recipes is a cornerstone book for all watercolour artists and DIY Watercolor Jungle is a follow up to our brilliantly successful 2019 book, DIY Watercolor Flowers. We’ve been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement for new David and Charles. Thank you to our authors, distributors, agents and all our business partners for your good wishes and enthusiasm for our new company. We’re all extremely proud of this Spring 2020 list and we look forward to working with you across all of the sales and marketing opportunities it presents. Thank you for your interest. James Woollam Managing Director Catalogue.indd 3 29/01/2020 14:01 Catalogue.indd 4 29/01/2020 14:01 FRONTLIST Catalogue.indd 5 29/01/2020 14:01 3000 COLOR MIXING RECIPES: WATERCOLOR 3000 COLOR MIXING RECIPES: WATERCOLOR Julie Collins A practical and inspirational manual that shows you a huge range of color mixes in watercolor. The aim of the book is to encourage you to get to know colors well and be motivated to explore and experiment with color. Use the book as a handy reference when you want to know how to mix a speciȴc color, or as a catalog of inspiration when seeking ideas to try in your work. The handy color viewing card included can be used to view each color swatch in isolation. This will help sharpen your perception of the color or allow you to pinpoint a speciȴc shade to use in your own work. How to use this book Please refer to How to Use This Book: 8LIVIEVIX[SWIGXMSRWSJGSPSVW[EXGLIWJSV]SYXSI\TPSVI'SPSV1M\MRK Color Mixing Recipes. Recipes, for color mixes made using two colors; and Diluting Colors, which explores tonal range by diluting a single color, either with water or with white Cadmium red madder Brown 0MKLXVIH TEMRXWTIGM½GEPP]XLIWIQMSTEUYI'LMRIWI[LMXI;MRWSV 2I[XSR´W QSWXTSTYPEV[LMXITEMRX8LIGSPSVWXVMTWHS[RXLIIHKISJIEGLPIJXLERH page are an approximate match to the mixes or dilutions on that spread, and [MPPLIPT]SYXSREZMKEXIUYMGOP]XS½RHXLIGSPSVW]SYEVIPSSOMRKJSVJVSQ yellow, red, blue and green through to browns, blacks and grays. Yellow ochre Yellow Color Mixing Recipes 8LIGSPSVQM\IWEVIQEHIYWMRKX[SGSPSVWEFEWIGSPSVWLS[RMREWUYEVIEXXLIPIJXLERHIHKI SJXLIWTVIEH % ERHEQM\MRKGSPSVWLS[RMREWUYEVIMRXLIVS[EXXLIXSTSJXLIWTVIEH & '30361-<-2+6)'-4)7 From these two colors, four mixes are made, using the colors in four different ratios (C). In mix 1, GSPSV&MWEHHIHXSGSPSV%EXEVEXMSSJ SJGSPSV& 1M\IWERHLEZIMRGVIEWMRKP] higher ratios of color B. Gold ochre A B C 1 2 3 4 Quinacridone KSPH )%68,=)003;78-4 When choosing your yellows, consider their opacity and transparency, as well as their color; for example, Raw WMIRREMWXVERWTEVIRX[LIVIEW=IPPS[SGLVIMWWIQMSTEUYI and Gold ochre semitransparent. See the difference when 6E[WMIRREMWQM\IH[MXL2ETPIW]IPPS[ERSTEUYIGSPSV Remember that your yellow will only look bright when 6E[WMIRRE =IPPS[SGLVI +SPHSGLVI 6E[WMIRREERH painted on top of pure white paper – any color underneath 2ETPIW]IPPS[ will affect your yellow. D 1 2 3 4 A 8LIFEWIGSPSVYWIHJSVXLIQM\IW B 8LIGSPSVEHHIHXSXLIFEWIGSPSV 1:4 1:2 3:4 1:1 C *SYVQM\IW WIIFS\IW¯JSVVEXMSW (25%) (50%) (75%) (100%) D Some pages include color tips with additional information 6 3000 COLOR MIXING RECIPES: WATERCOLOR Julie Collins Publication Date: May-20 | 9781446308196 | £9.99 | $12.99 210 mm x 148 mm | 144 pages | 6500 words Sales Rights: World 6 www.davidandcharles.com Catalogue.indd 6 29/01/2020 14:01 Warm Cool red Warm Cool blue red blue Warm and cool colors When you are learning about color mixing, a basic set of primary colors – Cadmium Winsor Winsor blue Winsor blue red, blue and yellow – is a good starting point (see About Color and Color VIH VIH red shade KVIIRWLEHI 1M\MRK 9WMRKNYWXXLVIIGSPSVWEWXLIFEWIJSVEPP]SYVGSPSVQM\IWMWZIV] useful for understanding how colors work, both separately and when mixed. With such a small range, you get to know the paints and the color mixes they create very intimately. Another aspect of color mixing that you can go on to explore is that of warm and cool colors. Quinacridone Opera French Cerulean In your painting, you will notice that warm colors tend to stand out and therefore come to the VIH VSWI YPXVEQEVMRI FPYI forefront of a picture, whereas cool colors tend to recede and look as if they are in the distance or background. By using warm and cool colors cleverly you can create a feeling of space in your pictures. We tend to think in broad categories, describing all reds as warm and all blues as cool, for example. Exploring with color mixes will help you develop a more sophisticated appreciation for GSPSV]SY[MPPWIIXLEXWSQIVIHWEVIMRJEGXGSSPERHWSQIFPYIWEVI[EVQ Scarlet Permanent Cerulean blue Indanthrene 8LIGLEVXSTTSWMXII\TPSVIWXLIMHIESJ[EVQERHGSSPVIHWERHFPYIWMRQSVIHIXEMP=SY[MPP PEOI VSWI VIHWLEHI FPYI WIIJSVI\EQTPIXLEX4IVQERIRXEPM^EVMRGVMQWSRMWEGSSPVIHEWMXMWWPMKLXP]FPYI[LIVIEW 7GEVPIXPEOIMWELSXVIHEWMXMWJEMVP]SVERKI*VIRGLYPXVEQEVMRIMWE[EVQFPYI[LIVIEW 'IVYPIERFPYIMWEGSSPFPYI8LMWOMRHSJORS[PIHKI¯[LMGLGERFIGSQIMRWXMRGXMZIEJXIV a while – is best learned through experimenting for yourself, using the mixes in this book as guidance. Cadmium Permanent Cobalt Phthalo WGEVPIX alizarin FPYI XYVUYSMWI GVMQWSR 11 Please refer to How to Use This Book: Color Mixing Recipes. Antwerp blue Antwerp blue Cerulean blue VIHWLEHI 1ERKERIWI FPYILYI Indanthrene FPYI '30361-<-2+6)'-4)7 French ultramarine Ultramarine green shade 667 Cobalt blue Cobalt blue Cobalt blue Cobalt blue HIIT 71 Catalogue.indd 7 29/01/2020 14:01 DIY WATERCOLOR JUNGLE DIY WATERCOLOR JUNGLE Marie Boudon Learn to paint tropical watercolor ȵowers and foliage in simple steps with this free and easy approach to watercolor painting for beginners. Marie Boudon’s beautifully presented creative course will get you started in this expressive and fun medium. Find out about the essential materials you need, learn about color mixing for an on-trend jungle palette, get expert tips on transparency, overlays and negative space, discover ideas for compositions and then work step- by-step through over 20 tutorials for jungle plants and ȵowers. From palm trees, monstera leaves and other jungle foliage, you’ll ȴnd easy exercises and inspiring ideas for jungle-themed art. Be inspired by Marie’s gorgeous ideas for presenting the ȴnished work as art pieces, journal pages, handmade stationery. ExerciSe 3 1 EXPERIMENTING with Start in the same way as for exercise 2, with three similarly colored circles. Once everything has dried, instead of applying a uniform color, add a layer as a graduated wash over the second circle, using dark green and water (see page 29). For the third circle, add several overlays colors using the wet-in-wet technique. THis LAYERING TECHNIQUE IS SIMILAR TO THE ONE FOR TRANSPARENCY. YOU’re going to PAINT SEVERAL LAYERS ON TOP OF EACH OTHER TO Start by doing a light sketch using a drawing pencil or watercolor pencil. Use the GET DIFFERENT EFFECTS THAT WILL ENHANCE YOUR CREATION. suggestion above to help you (deliberately accentuated). Remember that the leaves are rounded but not perfectly, and are often slightly pointed at the bottom. The stalk is attached not to the middle but more to the top of the leaf. The stalks fan out around ExerciSe 4 the main stem. For leaves pointing backwards, paint them as a sausage shape. Exercise 1 A second layer can allow you to add details. This is a technique I use very frequently. The pictures below show a simple banana leaf (one layer) and a more detailed leaf (two Select a color and paint a shape; I opted for an oval. Leave it to layers). The second layer also intensifies the color. dry, using a blow-dryer to speed things up. Add a layer of the same 2 color with virtually the same pigment concentration. Repeat this process four or five times. You will then realize the color density you can obtain through layering. THE MAIN COLORS 1 layer 3 layers 5 layers Exercise 2
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