MARCH 2006 • ADAR 5766 VOL. XXXIX NO . 2 USA $3.50 (Outside NY area $3.95) Foreign $4.50 SUBSCRIBE TO THE JEWISH OBSERVER! CLICK HERE CLICK HERE FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS This is the full Table of Contents of the print edition of the Jewish Observer. The web edition contains only a selection of articles (indicated in COLOR). Click on the title to go to the beginning of that article. Navigate using your browser’s menu and other options. IN THIS ISSUE THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly, except July & August and a combined issue for 6 6 REMEMBERING RABBI NAFTOLI NEUBERGER l”xz, January/February, by the Agudath Israel of America, 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004. Rabbi Reuvein Drucker Periodicals postage paid in New York, NY. Subscription $25.00/year; 16 REBBETZIN NEKRITZ’S VOLUNTARY TRIP TO SIBERIA, 2 years, $48.00; 3 years, $$69.00. Outside of the United States (US Rabbi Hillel Goldberg funds drawn on a US bank only) $15.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $$3.50; Outside NY area $3.95; foreign $4.50. PURIM REFLECTIONS POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: 20 WIPING OUT AMALEIK...WITH TONGUE IN CHEEK, The Jewish Observer 42 Broadway, NY, NY 10004 Rabbi Yisrael Rutman Tel 212-797-9000, Fax 646-254-1600 Printed in the USA 23 GOODBYE TO MY OCTOBER MASK, HELLO TO MY Rabbi Nisson Wolpin, Editor ADAR MASK, Marsha Smagley Editorial Board Rabbi Joseph Elias, Chairman Rabbi Abba Brudny 20 POSTSCRIPT Joseph Friedenson Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kirzner 28 “IT’S 10:00 P.M. IN YERUSHALAYIM, DO YOU Rabbi Nosson Scherman Prof. Aaron Twerski KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?” Founders Dr. Ernst L. Bodenheimer Z”L Rabbi Shlomo Furst Rabbi Moshe Sherer Z”L Management Board Naftoli Hirsch, Isaac Kirzner, 31 A FISHY TALE: IDENTIFYING THE TALMUDIC SHIBUTA, Rabbi Shlomo Lesin, David Singer, Nachum Stein Rabbi Ari Zivotofsky and Zohar Amar Managing Editor 36 REDEMPTION IS IN THE AIR, a review article Rabbi Yosef C. Golding by Rabbi Moshe Eisemann Published by Agudath Israel of America 39 RAV PAM ON CHUMASH AND RAV PAM ON U.S. Trade Distributor Feldheim Publishers FESTIVALS, a review article by Rabbi Shimon 208 Airport Executive Park Nanuet, NY 10954 42 Finkelman British Representative M.T. Bibelman 42 BEARING WITNESS ON CHURBAN EUROPA, Grosvenor Works Mount Pleasant Hill Dr. Meir Wikler London E5 9NE, ENGLAND 45 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR french representative Rabbi Bamberger 21 Boulevard Paixhans 57000 Metz, FRANCE About the Cover The cover photograph of Rabbi Naftoli israeli representative Intnl. Media Placement Neuberger l”xz (left), late Menahel of Yeshivas POB 7195 / 97 Jaffa Road Jerusalem 94340, ISRAEL Ner Yisroel, together with the Rosh Hayeshiva, belgian representative Rabbi Yaakov Ruderman l”xz, is displayed in con- Mr. E. Apter junction with the Purim theme. Following in Lange Kievitstr. 29 2018 Antwerp, BELGIUM the footsteps of Mordechai Hatzaddik, he was south african representative THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume not only a shtadlan (community activist) par Mr. V. Taback responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, PO Box 51552, excellence, he was a key figure in the physical publication, or service advertised in its pages Raedene, Johannesburg and spiritual rescue of thousands of Jewish 2124 SOUTH AFRICA © Copyright 2006 youth of Iran, the country where the ancient australian representative Dr. A. Dinnen kingdom of Persia had flourished under King 77 Birriga Road March 2006 / VOLUME XXXIX Bellevue Hill, NSW 2023, AUSTRALIA NO. 2 Achashveirosh, some 2400 years ago. SUBSCRIBE TO THE JEWISH OBSERVER! CLICK HERE. M a r c h 2 0 0 6 “For the salvation is delayed too long for us, and there is no end to the days of evil…” (MA’OZ TZUR). Rabbi Shimon Schwab l”xz once told when American Yiddishkeit was sorely to countless people who turned to him a father who had lost a young child wanting. His very birthday (17 Tammuz) for help and advice. By so doing, Rabbi shortly before Tisha B’Av, “Cry your bespoke galus. Yet, Rabbi Neuberger Neuberger joined the select ranks of heart out on Tisha B’Av for your son, regarded the problems of Klal Yisroel those in our history who have risen for all Yiddishe tzaros have their ultimate in exile that had spiritually crushed above their brethren to shepherd their source in Galus.” so many others as challenges that he generation through the travails of exile, Rabbi Naftoli Halevi Neuberger l”xz was personally called upon to remedy helping to bring them one step closer was one whose very life circumstances ddressed the needs of Klal Yisroel, locally to the end of a “salvation delayed too were shaped and whose life mission in Baltimore, nationally, and globally, but long.” In the process, he became an was forged in the crucible of galus. As also of the individual, serving as a ba’al acknowledged giant among men. a young refugee from Europe, he was chessed, ba’al eitza, and ba’al tzeddaka separated from his family, escaping as an immigrant to America at a time Rabbi Reuven Drucker fter the evening seuda on Shevi’i positions in their companies. (Obviously, because Rav Yechezkel was a ba’al shel Pesach, we were visiting with Rabbi Neuberger had no interest in such ma’asim, an individual noted for his ARabbi and Mrs. Neuberger. A trea- endeavors.) Upon hearing of these offers, extraordinary deeds (Kiddushin 33b). sured scene, it afforded a special window the Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Ruderman, The Ran wonders how Mar Shmuel into the rarified lives of two great people was skeptical whether Rabbi Neuberger knew that someone of his exalted who worked as a team. Mrs. Neuberger, would have been as successful in the corpo- status was permitted, and indeed a brilliant and wise woman in her own rate world, notwithstanding his world-class required, to waive his personal dig- right, took great pleasure in her husband’s abilities, noting that his success came from nity and demonstrate such reverence devotion to the klal. She would tell us that a a special siyata diShmaya (special help for a ba’al ma’asim. The Ran explains number of the highest corporate executives from Heaven), to which he may not have that he knew it from the verse “You whom Rabbi Neuberger solicited on behalf been zocheh were it not for his total, self- should honor the presence of a sage” of the yeshiva had recognized his brilliance, less dedication to laboring solely on behalf (Vayikra 19,32). Indeed, we show acumen and judgment, and offered him top of Klal Yisroel. honor for a Torah scholar because Rabbi Drucker, a talmid of Ner Yisroel, was Although Mar Shmuel was the his sagacity leads him to perform a member of its kollel for twelve years. he gadol hador – the greatest Torah the deeds that Hakadosh Baruch Hu serves as Rav of Agudath Israel of Edison personality in his generation – he desires. Therefore, included in the very - Highland Park, New Jersey. would stand in honor of Rav Yechezkel mandate to honor a Torah scholar is 6 The Jewish Observer the requirement to pay homage to Da’as Torah could also live in a house. His immedi- the deeds that flow from his wisdom. ate reaction was, “All the rebbe’im live in Evidently, deeds performed by a Torah n a discussion with one of his talmi- apartments, and I should live in a house? personality deserve acknowledgment dim (Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, currently How could I have more than those who and recognition, even by the gadol Iexecutive vice president of Agudath teach Torah?” He felt that kevod haTorah hador. Israel of America), the Rosh Hayeshiva dictated that the Rosh Hayeshiva live in a Although our tradition does not pre- of Ner Yisroel, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok presentable dwelling, but a plain yeshiva cisely define the parameters of a ba’al Ruderman l”xz (whom we will here- apartment was perfectly acceptable for his ma’asim, Rabbi Naftoli Halevi Neuberger after refer to by his sefer Avodas Levi), family. During the shiva, one could see the l”xz surely met all the criteria – in his explained that da’as Torah – advice and small, worn, and dented breakfront that personal life, in his dealings with others, decisions formed through the prism contained a few well-used bechers behind and in his efforts and accomplishments of Torah wisdom and outlook – is Rabbi and Mrs. Neuberger’s dining room on behalf of the Jewish people. An end- not limited to great roshei yeshiva, and table in their Yeshiva Lane apartment. It less stream of people came to his door he gave Rabbi Neuberger as a prime bore testimony to their total disinterest in and called him by phone, each receiving example. One can only acquire da’as material pursuits. his warmth, dignity, caring, and wise Torah by achieving a level of selfless- Rabbi Yaakov Kulefsky l”xz (see JO, Jan. counsel. He served as a one-man phy- ness that allows for full objectivity and ’01) used to quote a Chassidic interpreta- sician referral service, an arbitrator of impartial application of Torah principles. tion regarding the statement of Chazal, disputes, a career counselor, an advisor to This selflessness is most often obtained “Whoever repeats a remark in the name roshei yeshiva around the world, a busi- (although not automatically) by many of the one who said it, brings redemp- ness consultant, an address for agunos, a years of full immersion in Torah study. tion to the world.” When the ultimate supportive friend to anyone who needed The Avodas Levi, however, was of the Redemption comes, it will come because to pour out his or her grief, and much opinion that it can be developed in an Hashem has so willed it, and He clearly more.
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