USOO9124910B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,124,910 B2 Kellicker (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 1, 2015 (54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF PROCESSING USPC ........................... 725/87, 91, 40, 32: 348/468 CLOSED CAPTIONING FOR VIDEO ON See application file for complete search history. DEMAND CONTENT (71) Applicant: Wowza Media Systems, LLC, (56) References Cited Evergreen, CO (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (72) Inventor: Scott Kellicker, Worthington, OH (US) (73) Assignee: WOWZA MEDIA SYSTEMS, LLC, 5,347,365 A 9/1994 Harigai et al. Golden, CO (US) 5,572,260 A 11/1996 Onishi et al. (Continued) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl. No.: 14/225,674 WO 2009052118 A3 4/2009 (22) Filed: Mar. 26, 2014 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65) Prior Publication Data "Captions: Embed Closed Captions for Web, Mobile, and OTT', Zencoder, Retrieved on Oct. 4, 2012, Retrieved from <<http:// US 2014/O2O8373 A1 Jul. 24, 2014 Zencoder.com/captions/index.html>>, Brightcove Inc., 3 pages. Related U.S. Application Data (Continued) (63) Continuation of application No. 13/889,979, filed on May 8, 2013, now Pat. No. 8,732,775, which is a continuation of application No. 13/652.272, filed on Primary Examiner — James R Sheleheda Oct. 15, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,695,048. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Toler Law Group, PC (51) Int. Cl. H04N 7/10 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT H)4N 7/173 (2011.01) A method includes receiving closed captioning data at a com H04N II/00 (2006.01) puting device. The closed captioning data is associated with a H4N2L/235 (2011.01) Video on demand asset and is represented in a first format. The H04N 7/88 (2006.01) method also includes, during a single video on demand (Continued) streaming session, converting the closed captioning data from (52) U.S. Cl. the first format to a platform-independent format and convert CPC ......... H04N 21/2358 (2013.01); H04N 7/0882 ing the closed captioning data from the platform-independent (2013.01); H04N 21/2355 (2013.01); H04N format to a second format. The method further includes trans 21/47202 (2013.01); H04N21/4884 (2013.01) mitting, during the single video on demand streaming ses (58) Field of Classification Search Sion, the closed captioning data in the second format to a CPC ............ H04N 21/235; H04N 21/2355; H04N destination device. 21/2358; H04N 21/488; H04N 21/4884; H04N 21/4888; H04N 7/08; H04N 7/087; H04N 7/088; H04N 7/822; H04N 7/0885 20 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets 400 receive, from a destination device, a request for closed captioning data (e.g. in a first language) associated with a -402 stream of a wideo on demand asset, where the stream is associated with a particular outbound streaming protocol identify a source of the requested closed captioning data (e.g., / 404 based on the first language) receive the closed captioning data from the identified source in a 408 first format Convert the closed captioning data from the first format to a platform-independentformat and from the platform-independent / 408 format to a second format that is compatible with the particular outbound streaming protocol Transmit the closed captioning data in the second format via the / 410 stream -ul-or-o- Receive a request to switch the closed captioning data from the 42 first language to a second language ---...Ye Transmit second closed captioning data that is associated with the second language and that is in the second format via the 44 stream without interupting the stream US 9,124,910 B2 Page 2 (51) Int. 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Start Time 0:19:20,000 End Time O:19:22:OOO Language eng Location 50 4OOD Font Proportional Sans Serif Size 2 Style ----- - BG Color Black NFG Color White -L Passed-through 220 No. 2 Text "KNOCKING ON THE DOOR” Start Time O:19:21.7OO End Time O:19:23:700 Language eng Location <30, 300> Font Proportional Sans Serif Size 2 Style Italics BG Color Black F.G Color White Passed-through FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Sep. 1, 2015 Sheet 3 of 4 US 9,124,910 B2 Receive closed captioning data at a computing device, where the closed captioning data is associated with a video on demand 302 asset and wherein the closed captioning data is represented in a first format Convert the closed captioning data from the first format to a 304 platform-independent format Convert the closed captioning data from the platform- 306 independent format to a second format Transmit the closed captioning data in the second format to a 308 destination device FIG 3 U.S. Patent Sep. 1, 2015 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9,124,910 B2 400 y Receive, from a destination device, a request for closed Captioning data (e.g., in a first language) associated with a 402 stream of a video on demand asset, where the stream is associated with a particular outbound streaming protocol ldentify a source of the requested closed captioning data (e.g., 404 based on the first language) Receive the closed captioning data from the identified source in a 406 first format Convert the closed captioning data from the first format to a platform-independent format and from the platform-independent 408 format to a second format that is compatible with the particular outbound streaming protocol Transmit the closed captioning data in the second format via the 410 stream Receive a request to switch the closed captioning data from the 412 first language to a second language Transmit second closed captioning data that is associated with the second language and that is in the Second format via the 414 stream without interrupting the stream F.G. 4 US 9,124,910 B2 1. 2 SYSTEMIS AND METHODS OF PROCESSING devices request closed captions at the same time, multiple CLOSED CAPTIONING FOR VIDEO ON closed caption streams may be generated on-the-fly from the DEMAND CONTENT platform-independent data. For example, platform-indepen dent captioning data may be used to generate consumer elec CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED tronics association (CEA)-608 captions that are embedded APPLICATIONS into a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) live streaming (HLS) stream, action message format (AMF) on TextData The present application is a continuation of and claims events included in a HTTP dynamic streaming (HDS) stream, priority to U.S.
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