T E N P i^ G B S PRICE V O L. L n « NO. 280. / (Ohi—IfUnI Adwtiitaf on S) BfANCHESISi^ (X>NNi; S A ? I^ AU60Sir26; 19^ Camera River Drama At Philadelphia D ETM INSULL TO NRA PLANS TO KEEP dO R D ER FR O N PRICES REASONABLE F E D ^ H E A D S ALCORN ARE Codes Almost Ready for H O m SHERIDAN Former C h k a ^ Utilities Op- -A I kAo$, Coal and Retail LEASED; ID BE en ter b Reid in Greece ARMY OF BLUE H e r e Is Nothing to the Re­ T rader May Reach Final as D. S. Gorernment ports,*^ He Says, as An- Accord Later in Day. MUCH IMPROVED EAGLE IS READY Makes New Mmre. thorities Coitinne Search Washington, Aug. 26.— (AP) — Springfield Man Takes Over FOR BIG MARCH for Seven More Men Athens, Greece, Aug. 28— (A P )— Action to keep prices reascmable all Samttel Tnimn under indictment in the way from the factory to the Property; Lobby to Be on the United States in connection with Thoo^t to Be Members buyer emerged today as a necessary the coUapae of Ms utility interest, Great Offensive to . Start in and major job for the recovery ad­ was detEdned here today. Ground Floor, Landlord ministration. It may get underway The former CMcEigo . utilities of the Gang. right after the p e n d ^ big codes operator weu lodged temporarily in Manchester Monday With of fair practice — for the automo­ Bas Long Experience. the office of the head of the Athens bile, coal and retail trades — are out police force. Great Parade and Inspira­ HEurtford, Aug. 26.— (A P )— An of tte way. His lawyers were taking steps to unflEigging piursuit was maintained Barring « ily unexpected opposi­ Eurange his tnm sfer to a nursing The Hotel Sheridan was leased today in the investigratlon wMch tion from the N R A ’a labor advisory home because of Ms age and heEUtb. tional Rally at Park. board a accord on the automo­ late yesterday afternoon, with the Connecticut authorities ' said had. bile code ?aa esroected today, so the privilege of bu3dng, to Joseph VI CHICAGO’S REPORT thwEirted a kidnaping plot on the agreement could be taken to Hyde Loeffler, who has b^d fiftera years Chicago, Aug. 26— (A P ) — The MEmchesteris Blue Eagle arm y is eve of its execution. Park for President Roosevelt’s sig­ hotel experience, the last six of detention at ^m uel toaun, former Wlto two men in the Hartford nature. , , CMcago utilities operator, , by auth­ ready to m arch! Whether the bituminous cor’ code which was at the Highland Hotel, The mighty offensive to enlist the county jEdl under 825,000 bonds each orities in Athens today followed on charges of conspiracy to kidnap conferences bet.reen non-imlon Ap- Springfield. He plans to bring the quickly, on disclosure by U. S. Dis- town uhdd. the banner of N R A wUl Emd two others bring held as nui- palacMan field nflne operators M d Mct Attorney Dwight H. Green of hotel up to a high point of service get iinder way Monday night with a teriEd witnesses, toe authorities said UWor- labor leaders, would end be­ the Intention of Federal officlEds to and convenience. The lease takes in great parEtoe Emd inspirational rally they sought seven more men. fore night was less certain. the hotel, premises and also the make a new attempt to bring him . Retailers Cods that Is p a rt o f a cEunpEdgn fo r re­ State Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn large store at the south end of the here for trial. Presidential approval of the com­ employm ent unique in the Emnais- and Detective EdwEurd J. Hickey said building. A previous effort on the part of of tois or any other coimtry. pact for retail stores in time to th'e state of Illinois to compel Insull, the ring had plotted to kidnap a it effective right after Labor M^. Loeffler is of Cmtch extrac­ Wholb-hearted simport of the of­ weEdthy Springfield, Mass., business tion, 40, and married. Emd bis brother, Msirtin Insull, now Day was' the objective. The sepa­ ficial opeqing progimm of toe drive man and to hold Mm in a lonely To Open A t Once in Canada, to face trials growing is in evidence throughout Manches­ rate code for druggist was due for out of the- collapse of their until- shEUik on Southington mountain for nininiu- fast treatment. No time h to be lost in getting ter. Locad patriotic organizations 850,000 > ransom. ity empire, was successfully resist­ willlngiy lending their support Once these groups are the hotel open. This morning Mr. are . Those held on the conspira^ ed in (Greece by Samuel Insull. The and expectations Eme that the pEm- hlpHing codes, a definite hump will Loeffler, with several experienced A rope and slippery oil barrel between him emd death, this was the scene witnessed by hundreds oi chEmge, Ernest Corvo and Mario horrified Philadelphians when Thomas Williams feU into the turbulent Schuylkill river and fought fran­ requests for MEUtin’s appearsm'^e ade. wMch will stEut from opposite have been paMed by NR A, and the assistants, was at work going over Csunpisi, were arrested Tuesday the rooms and cleaning up so that tically to save himself from the onrusbing stream. This picture' was taken ap instant before Williams have been continued from time to the High School promptly at 7 iAng range job of policing the com­ night eU Windsor- Locks. Alcorn reached for the rope— and missed. He tried again but failed;. ’The barrel now out of reach, md too tired time imd be is residing at OriUa, o’clock, will be of mammoth pro­ pacts will come to the fore. _ the hotel might be r<-ady this after­ ssud: '*They were out to meet their The part that price control will to make another effort, Williams threw up his arms and Was swept onward to bis death. This photo Ont. portions. noon to receive transit visitors and EuscompUces 'smd complete toe kidr play in this was accentuated by of the tragic drama weui made, by William F. Springfield of NEA Service and Acme Newspictures. Green’s Action Seven Bands r^rulai boarders. naplng that night.” Hugh S. Johnson, the administrator, The dining rooms for the pres­ ! Green yesterday obtained release Four bimds have already signified Members of the gEmg werle re­ with a statement that he intended ent will remain on th> second floor of a suppressed indictment return­ their intention of taking p a ^ toe cruited from Maissachusetts and to set up a complete organisation to but extensive immediate changes ed June 1 agEdnst the Insulla Emd TEdl Odars, the Center Flute, Sal­ watch what the code signing indus­ are plumed whereby' the ground nine Emsoclates, including Samuel vation Army and AmerlcEm Legion Connecticut, Alcorn sEdd, and they tries are doing so they, may be floor will be utilized for Ipbby, 21 MUONS SIGN Ihsull, Jr., wMch clutrged violation Fife, Drum and, Bugle Corps, ^dle Edso had marked for kidn^ing warned if prices get too high. ' kitchen and a grill roenn. Other im­ of toe Federal Bankruptcy Act by three others, the High School band, Judge Israel Poliner of toe Middle- transfer of assets of the Corporation Already N R A ka* considerable portant alterations are to be made the Silk City band and toe MEmches- town peUce court, a prpipinent fig­ organization to watch applicatlOT which, it is expected, will very Securities CompEmy, defimet 8150,- ter Pipe B u d are expected to be ure in the Connecticut judidery. WHEAT AGREQNENT 000,000 Insull investment trust. of the textile codes, keep track of Sreatl^ improve the facilltiee and heard from over the week-end:- ' The state’s attorney vigorously da- price quotations, cost increases and put the estid)ll»hment on a higher, The new Offense ohEurged^. Green The Manchester and South Man­ nied'reports ■ he idmaelf had beei) asserted, is extraditable ' both in the like. „ plane than It has so far occtqfied. 4 - chester Fire Departments nrtO eom- threatened by kidnepi plots. “T h (^ The status on the automobile m- W Q Bush CaiaBgee Greece and CaniMa while a . mail bine, more 'tosm 100 strong, as one is mbsriutriy nothing to it,” he said, fragfi indictment rettirned against dustry’c accord today was that the Mrs. Loeffler, so the new pro­ of units of toe para4e. The two “not a thing. It is a tolsehood and 4 CalleA “G rtttat S b e b lo r o "Ihiim last February was regarded motor men had rewritten their "open prietor saw today, is a practififil local military orgdmixato^, <k>m- fabrication.” . ^ shop” formula in a way aeceptimle qs 'hB|b-eztraditahle la both coun- hotel woipan and wlT take ' an ao^ Dany 6 and toe Howltoert,\wU^alao . 1 ( 0 UeUnectlon' to Johnson and to Dqpjdd tive- part in tha opemtioB .4 f the tdafi. ' he "hi tee. The Girl fleouts and ' Joseph Biurrelotta, 85. ThoiopsiW- general counsel of NRA. Efdltf^tlie enteiprisc. oi’’. Bdy Scouts have altaajdy accepted ville storekeeper, waa erreetod by It is eztMed that the various toe-invltetion to march, ^ e n too, Detedtive • Hickey ■ yeaterdsy ' but changiaB made in the p h ^ c a l a Pruu^r for toMD be toe entire campaign Hickey end State Senator Joseph P. orgEmlzation o. neEmly 100 volunteer’ plant of the hotel will be rushed to INREEAREiaiED Cooney, counsel for toe arrested RAWS HUT w o n completion, possibly being finished workers, who on Tuesday will, to man, said toe caM liad no .
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