Judaica Librarianship Volume 10 Number 1–2 51-57 5-1-2000 f American Jewishס Compiling a Bibliography Liturgy through 1925 Sharona R. Wachs SUNY, University at Albany Follow this and additional works at: http://ajlpublishing.org/jl Part of the Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Information Literacy Commons, Intellectual History Commons, Jewish Studies Commons, and the Reading and Language Commons Recommended Citation .f American Jewish Liturgy through 1925." Judaica Librarianship 10: 51-57ס Wachs, Sharona R.. 2000. "Compiling a Bibliography doi:10.14263/2330-2976.1154. Association of Jewish Libraries, 30th Annual Convention, Chicago י REFERENCE DEPARTMENT *f American Jewish Liturgy through 1925ס Compiling a Bibliography Sharona R. Wachs SUNY, University at Albany Albany, NY - me bibliס uncharted. While there existed s ח f piety. lס k סס Abstract: The experience of compiling a The Siddur is the Jewish b Judaica, as well as ח f Americaס graphies ס ' st clearly the Jews סbibliography of American Jewish liturgy it are reflected m סח dividual libraries, there was ח f iס gs ס catal סal attitudes t חס tiס d em ח tellectual a ח from the establishment of the press i Jewish ח f Americaס חס mpilati סess, as separate c ח ward ח r iס- d .... This piety סthrough 1925 is discussed. The parame­ G .f liturgyס umber ח a חס me call it-is basedס ters of the bibliography are detailed as s ,d ס f Gס ature ח gical premises: the סlס well as its contents. The present lack of the ?Why the 1925 cutoff ­ח f repeס the efficacy ,ח f siס ce ח complete or systematic documentation the esse f faith. Theseס d similar articles ח ce, a ח of American Jewish liturgy in Judaica ta grapher ס Jewish bibli ח f Jewish The Americaס pס stitute the backdr חס libraries is noted. Also discussed is the beliefs c g- ס d largest bibli ח ard's third a ח d clearly Ephraim Dei ח d they are fully a ח significance of liturgy for the study of piety, a titled ח Judaica was e ח f Americaס f the raphyס al prayers חס the traditi ח American Jews, their religious and cul­ expressed i tatedסחח a Kohelet Amerika (1926). This a חס gue .... All prayer is based ס ag ח tural identity, as well as their demo­ Sy Jewish ח cuments America סgraphy dס t bibli ח s which represe חס f assumptiס umber ח .graphics ard ח Dei .1925 ס m 1735 tס ts issued frח impri ס d tסס d highest g ח tial truths aח the esse sive, but ח mpreheס be c ס rk t סded his w ח te חmmitted . iס ple is cס r pe ס חס This paper details the experience of which a pers . rs ס replete with err ס lt was als .ס t sסח e can it was חס gue ס ag ח f the Syס compiling a bibliography of American ln the prayers - text is a secחס this c חterest iח al ideals, beliefs , Of particular i חס d the Jews' traditi ח Jewish liturgy through 1925, and fi t ס titled "Sidre tefil ח graphy eס f the bibliס חס ward tiס gs t ח d feeli ח describes some of the parameters and values, attitudes a tated listסחח a ח rmim be-Amerika," aס d .... (1971, pp . la-Ref ח ki ח d ma ח d, lsrael a סcontents of the bibliography. This bibli­ G the ח ks published i ססrm" prayer bס f "Refס (.ography was published by Hebrew 391-392 blemsס ited States. There are several pr חUnion College Press in late 1997 under U חsive i ח mpreheס t cסח lt is .חס f the prayer with this sectiס f the textס ce ח rta ס the title American Jewish Liturgies: A The imp re סrm liturgy. M ס f Refס חס tatiח cumeס its d ח i ח ffma סce A. H ח ted by Lawreסח k is ססBibliography of American Jewish b - ac חrk is i סard's w ח f Deiס tly, muchח rtaס k Beyond the Text : imp ססLiturgy from the Establishment of the his b ח ks listed i ססme b סr example, s סPress in the Colonies through 1925. curate. F hardly be ח rm liturgy caס Ref חס חס r the secti- ס that whatever w ,ח lt might be said, the - edi 1852 ח rm, such as a ס sidered Ref חסd, they are c סG ס say t ס e might shipers presume t ח o ,ח f this discussioס At the outset - lf Heiס mpiled by W סf Sefat emet, cס חס ti ס g a message t ח ask the following questions : at the same time directi Hebrew ח heim (1757-1832), a Germa ח rship de סf wס themselves. The very act .liturgy חס rס mmentatס and c ח r the grammaria סg f ח tifyiח of ide ח ctio ח the fu חס Why liturgy? takes (1 d ח sidered grammatically a חס ds This text, c ח Why American Jewish liturgy? worshiper what it is that he or she sta (2 graphically ס rrect, as well as typ סWhy the 1925 cutoff? for, what real life is like, what his or her textually c (3 tingsח pri 150 ח re tha סyed mס j חs are. The liturgical medium beautiful, e ח aspiratio - dard, tradi ח sidered a sta חסc ח d has bee ח Why liturgy? becomes the message (1987, p . 69.) a . x-textס dס al-i.e., Orth חס ti dex of ח i ח re, liturgy serves as aס Theref ח ut the ages, the siddur has bee ס Through fס ce ח clude the abse ח blems i ס time, or Other pr ח ity. The sid- where a people are at a give ח mmu ס f the Jewish cס r ס a mirr me ס s ח graphical data i ס t bibli ח rta ס g the political or where they would like to be . imp ח dur is full of prayers reflecti d ח tered twice, aח me items are e ס tries. Sח e ח tries i חu סy cח social realities of the ma חס cusedס ard f ח s. Dei ח missio ס which Jews have lived, as well as the vari - Why American Jewish liturgy? there are fס yח Hebrew, while ma ח rks published iס which w ס ds t ח r spiritual treס gical סlס us the ס - f Jewish liturgy were writס rks סewer w ח chose this area of study for pragmatic rea - the ו .sed. As Abraham E ס exp ח Jews have bee , fס s חס t sectiח ifica ח ed sig ח taiחס r cס ,ח i ח ited States, it te חthe U ח live i ו s. Because ח Jewish Worship : so ח i ח Millgram has writte y ofח ma ,חס additi ח glish. l חr E ס ח assume that it would be Germa סable t ח was reaso - gra ס the bibli ח tered iח these items were e ח d locate America ח easier to identify a - rmat, regardס guage f ח a Hebrew la ח phy i ­ח cou ח prayer books of foreig ח liturgy tha . f the title pageס guage ח f the laס Jewish liturgy less ח also chose America ו . a presentation made at the 30th tries חס Based* - ifi ח Annual Convention of the Association of because the time parameters are sig graphy ס f my bibliס alsס re, the gס those of Jewish liturgy Theref ח tly smaller tha ח Jewish Libraries, Chicago, June 19, 1995. ca סd t ח rk a סard's w ח rrect Dei ס c ס Jew- were t ח Many of the ideas in this paper are as a whole. (The first item of America f Jewish liturgyס rks ס w וו ver aס c ס amplify it t ו , Lastly (.1760 ח inc/uded in the author's introduction to her ish liturgy was published i ughס ited States thr חthe U חse this field of study because it was published iס bibliography. ch Judaica Librarianship Vol. 10 No. 1-2 Spring 1999-Winter 2000 51 ,- Association of Jewish Libraries, 30th Annual Convention, Chicago eir way to a ר Any cutoff date is arbitrary. The num - torical Society, in Waltham, MA; Gratz Col - most would never have found tl .1925 ber of works of American Jewish liturgy lege; Hebrew Union College--Jewish lnsti - library or archive. A service for an individual expands exponentially every decade, and tute of Religion, Cincinnati and Los Ange - is entered in the bibliography if it contains 1925 turned out to be a good place to stop . les; University of California, Los Angeles ; special prayers written or composed specif - The bibliography documents some the Jewish Community Library of Los Ange - ically for the event, such as a hymn com - Sephardic liturgy, a lot of Reform liturgy, the les; the University of Judaism; the Univer - posed by Alois Kaiser in memory of his . f California at Berkeley; and the West - mother Thereseס f Conservative liturgy, and the sityס emergence f timeס growth of Orthodox liturgies in the early ern Jewish Historical Society. Lack 20th century, but it stops before the emer - and money precluded my visiting other Liturgy in manuscript is excluded as well. was able to spend This bibliography covers only published ו gence of Reconstructionist liturgy. major institutions, and would have liked works.
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