tn — M A N C H E S TE R H E R A L D , ^ffonday. Sept. 29. 1986 MANf Hf S f f R T C K I S SPORTS BUSINESS A SERWee r i/wnocftiii ♦ TeeclMr NMa Back to buBlnasB ♦ AnnIIESTilUmlirT/lfOTEL tHA _____ ___ I n o M H Q ♦ Reap th« benefits of oor company includinq B t s s m S E S S S S r flB S S S S forgoMan man f H0«Way pay and for IliB Red S<w ♦ benefits can be yours if you ^ " '' * ..- - eeges ♦ work for us at our newiy renovated Sandal­ General HduMkeeuiiitf Nome your dim price— ♦ gpeninee ^esOev or Rpflier ontf *m . nppT, ♦ wood Restaurant at the Holiday inn. NMrkiiio’ pep- <feoeptfofrre perviee. RWiitio» RbperiwiijPnoB ♦ • WaH«r/WMtr«M 221?* r47-U49 Msmevoi. cofrm^Sr. ♦ ^ o n # . ----------------------- - • B o e p w e o it ♦ • Bar Tendisr wwmwT lAniMAiii COVK tepcter. RintdMttol, com- AhSP PMWl ♦ • Banquef Bet-up mercMt. Fon ootf wfmvr prover. Cent BSlW SItEiEWIIB/ Kiois. Free eswmetes. ♦ • Baruiuet IBanager f z f m m m ♦ ♦ • Cocktan Server ♦ Applications & resumes now beino Bookkeeper ter hire, ex­ ♦ cepted. perienced smoll business. ♦ One write system, poyroll 9B3 Bpbena st. end ouorterly taxes, port iHanrhriitrr HrralJi ♦ ) ♦ East Hartford* C T, OBtOB time , flexible hours o 52B-BBtt must. My home or your Oumos Eidcfrfc— HOvtee t offtce. Will pick up and eidcfricdr FroBfdmer deliver Monchester oreo. Need d form or oomoif TuBaday. 8apf.» , I9m 444-0441, 9om-lldm or ot­ RVpdif 7 \M» Sodcteffite te ter 4pm. ' RVsidenttot Work. J oseph A rF s L|ip|M 1rot9c1o0. S O C e n tB Oumos. Fully Lfcpnppd. K M a rt help wanted. co9lorf,o9nm.0prom* AW N- 4 Free Bstlmotes. 44A59SB. cMoiwd. JrnUt hdoMjiSr- - ......... Merchandise Em­ Arbor Acres Form seeks nffnre omf fttll time poultry term Umam/ Appeal may ployees, Cashiers, movdd. Odd TOWN oem^tm^^eommerKvr S workers. Fold heoltb A Stock. Full time and s retirement benefits. Coll NMtce N hereby etven t t m ^ Oeordef otretfers. Team et part-time positions Jim Frocchloe33-4M1. Corpentry: Repofrsofoll Summit on available experience types. Need a bedroom Stoll building not necessary, many Deliver ond stock persons and o bosement, need a Fooorfy Broflwrg — B»- ♦hfdom remddtfhMN te- employee benefits - Immedlote openings due cioset,or extra shelvln- Odd JOB Bpdcfdffpf. to expansion. Full time g,ottlc stairways? Call stoitotion water heaters, Proposed opproorteWon te Edwconpo Sppeief Apply in person daily Bwertefwddteedlwwgffv ................ “ Prpteefs - Fund 4i - HonWeopppd Chneren employment, over over- Bernie 444-3172 until iipm . oarbdoe dfspdpdfg; tevcdf of Mw. Trot seark, h i . U a w d y d N f - Mon-Sat Manchester K rw frs. 44MOP. VHe/HA- wee-*7................................................................... sTMAssee in North End ooe hourly poy rote, be­ asterCora occepfed. re be ttapmeed By a srofe OronT. as Daniloff M a rt 239 S pencer nefits Include pold hospi­ Michael Bugnockl Con- Street E O E P r e p p y aepreerltmen te Edveortpn Sptciel E talization, holidays ond troctino - Decks, odW- P r M ^ - Puna 41 - Dev Treohnenr i«8e-*7.........eesAse.** vocotlons. Tim e ond o tlons, renovations, siding. FIN D IN G A Cdsh buyer te rn ilntmeeday h d i ^ payments ter pvT-pr- hotf after 40 hours. Apply No lob too smofi. Free for sporfingi good* dqufp- pwd ffgSif corpentry efc. — — — — ------------------ Ostrtet students, tBM aM end a eentribunen 8th District still fighting Monchester Tobocco ond estimotes. 444-0374 or 444- ment is eosv wfwn you By the Town ot Vernon tor taSAaOde. Condy Co., 799 Green Rd. 59M evenings. odverffse in classified. P ro p o ^ approprtattpn to Edutdtlen Sgtelef DEP order on sewer CUSTOMER Monchester. P ro lo g - Fund 4t - VNvMfy fmeotrod f«MA7 ... *2NAe*.e* heads home fe BO nnomeod By a Sfofo Orant. SERVICE Port flnrte employment at Proposed opproprionon to Edveatlen Spoclol •v Odorat Loyng REPRE8ESTRTIVE8 wbolesole diMributors In P o lo ^ - fund 41 - Netfonef Mortenotfe Theater... eiAW.ee MgfdW ReDorter Sy Noshd SforcEvic Monchester. Stop in ond te be financed By e Orent from tee Cennectleut issue of nuclear and space arm s." arrange your hours. IfMRTIIKNTI IS 2 M W I Cemmfsalen on tee Arts. The AModotod Press The plane carrying the Daniloffs N ow is your IFOR SALE F O R M l i In a moYe (hat could affect new developinenl In P P Apply Monchester To­ F W m E N T li O M r I K R f Proposed eeereerlellen te Edveatlen Spoefot left Frankfurt airport at 1:18 p.m. chance to ioin the bocco ond Candy Co. 799 Proloeta - Fynd 41 - oxtstina Aecovnf a 4 «. fwrtiiweeferB Manchester by delaytng the constnic- F R A N K F U R T , West Germany (8:1$ a.m. E D T ), airport spokes­ exciting field of Green Rd Monchester. Historic Farmhouse-One Chapter I and EBRA 1W7 ...................................... *1IA*9.et — American reporter Nicholas 3 and 4 room oporfments, V' ColumbtoConverffMe fa Be nnoncod By a State Grant. *1* monthg, man Horst Aussen said. of Manchester's oldetf TODAY S D fh to UtiUllee District ofticlalg Monday agreed to Daniloff flew home today after Cable Television. homes built In 1700. 9 plus no appflances,no p ^ ,s e - (Boy or gtrt) bicycle, toot " I feel great," Daniloff shouted Proaosod oopraprlatlan to Edveotfan Sooclaf dOBuBue (heir appeal of a atate decision they contend being held In Moacow one month on curlfy,cafl 444-2424. Week- Brok«,_gidad condHIon. Proloets - Fund 41 - Moneheifer E d u e o t r o n _____ as he waved to reporters before United Cable TV extro large rooms Includ­ R I 'll I ■. I n 11 has outstanding ing 4 bedrooms, living doys9-5. 929.(0. 449-1374. Aatociaflan Rrtooso Time m i i / ............................88AI14* gave toe much control to the town. apy charges, and h^urs later a getting into a limousine at the te be financed By centrlbutlen from the Man­ The Eighth District Board ot Mrectorg instructed Soviet accuaed of espionage in New full time opportu­ Interior landscaping, de­ room, dining room, den chester educoflon Assoeletlon. consular residence for the IS- and homing room. Other ( ^ I f efubs-Men's motetted l^al cwneel John D. LaBeDe Jr. to p ro c^ with York pleaded no contest and minute drive to the airport. The nities for CUS­ livery ond Instollotlon of ^ - ■ Jx: Id Two bedroom apartment eforfer set with three Proposed Mpreorlatlon to Edveatlen Seeelof fropicol plants. Some extros Include outbuild­ Proloets - Fund 41 ■ Hood 8tort Food 1 ^ 8 7 .......tlSA IlIB Department of Enviro- prepared to leave the United Daniloffs spent the night at the ings, a large enclosed ter rent. Ofetiwatber, dfs- States. TOMER SER ­ plont maintenance ond by Norm * 879. 449-1794. Proposed oppreprlaflon fe Oonorol Fund ■ •tNBitm Protection's decision in August to give the residence. porch, 3 car garage, ptrtio poeol, pool, fennfe courts. At about the same time Gennadiy VICE REPRE­ show room work In­ TetHord Near 84. Coll 202-79M otter Public Works -Hletiwov........................................ $24AaD.ee W jm of Manchester control of a key valve that would " I ’m grateful to the president of cluded. Excellent benef­ and a brook. Set on 2.4 to bo financed tram Fund Balance rosuttlno Zakharov Was entering his plea, SENTATIVES. 7:00 pm. or (417) 844-9770 from loosed 198S-84 eeereerlatlen. ^ channeled tnlo a town sewer line the United States. I ’m free, I’m in its. 242-2554. acres. Call and explore insMM o f ^ operated by the Eighth District. the superpowers announced separ­ this piece of history tor x4204days. the West. I cannot tell you about m r Proposed Arnendment to Ordinance ■ RotiremenfbvPolico- ately that President Reagan and yourselt.$249,9D0. D. W men. Coay et the Proaosod Amondmont may bo soon In tee Tb e E lg h U i District is a political subdivision that any other arrangements. ... All I The candidates Waltress/Luncheon. Town Clerk's Oftlco durine business hours. piw M ea aewer service and tire protection to most of Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorba­ Tuesday thru Fridov Fish Reolty. 443-1991 or know is that I am free," Daniloff we seek will be 971-1400.D 14 foot Mod River canoe, Borthern Mancheater. At stake are lucrative fees that chev would hold a summit within 10:30-2:30. Hourly wage luNniOMMIUMS poddies Included. Used told reporters upon arriving from energetic, de- two weeks In Iceland. Moscow. plus grotitulfles. Apply ■ w l F O R R W T tour timet. Excellent con- S"rSTi •** or the dlflrlct would receive for endable and Monchester Country Oulef Neighborhood. dHfon. 88(10. Pfeoee coll a M in g m aewage from the new development, Daniloff, the St-year-old U.S. S ave good com­ Club. 444^103. Mokes this cute Cope REMODELING 443-4942 Otter tom or 447- should contact tho Town at 447-fm ent week prior which is likely to Include a massive shopping mall and New* It World Report correspond­ greot for the starter or the Norfhffeld Green. Avallo- 9944 8:30 - 9:30. A*k tor sc h ^lo d moot Ine so that oppreerloto orroneomom < a hotel, among other things ent, and his wife, Ruth, arrived in munication and AND RESALE ble Novemlter 1st. 2 b<M- made. retiring couple. 3 bed­ Bob.____________ ^ District---------- -- President Waltervvwi««;i wwiicriJoyner odiusaid xfluiiutiyMonday thatinai Frankfurt on Monday night after a If^S^UATION rooms, convenient loca­ In terms of return on room end unit with patio STEPHEN T.
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