Published online: December 30, 2020 Perspective From quantum chemistry to quantum biology: a path toward consciousness Jack A. Tuszynski1;2;3;* 1Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 1Z2, Alberta, Canada 2Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2E9, Alberta, Canada 3DIMEAS, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino, TO, Italy *Correspondence: [email protected] (Jack A. Tuszynski) DOI:10.31083/j.jin.2020.04.393 This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This paper presents a historical overview of quantum mechanical wave function needs to represent the resultant molec- physics methodology's development and application to ular orbital. Since both chemistry and biochemistry require the various science fields beyond physics, especially biol- creation and destruction of bonds between atoms through chemi- ogy and consciousness. Following a successful interpre- cal reactions, quantum mechanical interactions occur in these pro- tation of several early 20th century experiments, quantum cesses (McQuarrie, 2008). Hence, by extension, all living sys- physics gradually provided a conceptual framework for tems, like non-living systems, depend for their structural stability molecular bonds via quantum chemistry. In recent years on the existence of quantum mechanical wavefunctions represent- individual biological phenomena such as photosynthesis ing states at the level of atomic and molecular orbitals. However, and bird navigation have been experimentally and theo- some researchers consider these quantum mechanical manifesta- retically analyzed using quantum methods, building con- tions of living systems rather merely because they do not delve ceptual foundations for quantum physics' entry into bi- into animate matter's more fundamental characteristics. Such fun- ology. Quantum concepts have also been recently em- damental properties include the unitary sense of oneness and syn- ployed to explain physiology's allometric scaling laws by chronization in living systems, whose explanation may call for introducing quantum metabolism theory. In the second higher-level quantum effects such as the Bose-Einstein conden- part of this work, we discuss how quantum physics may sation, quantum coherent superposition wave-function entangle- also be pivotal to our understanding of consciousness, ment. It is still unclear if mechanisms involved in these exotic ef- which has been touted by some researchers as the last fects operate in biology, but they could explain some of the most frontier of modern science. Others believe that conscious- enigmatic life features if they do. However, quantum effects are ness does not belong within the realm of science at all. commonly claimed to be washed out due to thermal decoherence Several hypotheses, especially the Orch OR theory, have effects taking place at scales larger than those involving individ- been suggested over the past two decades to introduce a ual atoms or sub-atomic particles, at higher temperatures, and in scientific basis to consciousness theory. We discuss the aqueous media create a relatively noisy environment for molecular merits and potential extensions of these approaches. interactions. Thus, the possibility of quantum states playing im- portant functional roles at mesoscopic or, especially, macroscopic Keywords scales in "warm, wet and noisy" biological systems seems prob- Quantum physics; quantum biology; quantum metabolism; conscious- lematic due to environmental decoherence effects (Davis et al., ness 2010). 1. Introduction On the other hand, it is reasonable to expect that evolution, Quantum mechanics emerged as the most fundamental theory through the process of natural selection over billions of years of matter at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and, in sub- of experimentation and countless parallel attempts of trial and sequent decades, revolutionized the way we view not only Na- error, may have solved the decoherence problem so that meso- ture but also reality. Elementary background information about scopic/macroscopic quantum states are indeed essential features Journalquantum of Integrative physics can be Neuroscience found in the Appendix. Applications of of biological systems. If organized quantum states exist in cells, quantum methodology to chemistry aimed at understanding the they are presumably integrated among their components and or- stability of chemical compounds and mechanisms of chemical re- ganelles. This introduces another critical issue into consideration, actions proved to be exceptionally successful, which led to the de- i.e., that the hierarchical multi-scale organization of living systems velopment of quantum. It was demonstrated that in the formation must have developed a way of processing information between of chemical bonds, especially covalent bonds in which electrons scales. An efficient means of filtering noise must be present to are shared between neighboring atoms in a molecule, a quantum maintain functional integrity. J. Integr. Neurosci. 2020 vol. 19(4), 687–700 ©2020 Tuszynski Published by IMR Press. Sixty years ago, it was commonplace to suppose that quan- harnessing such phenomena as quantum tunneling, superposition, tum mechanics held the key to the mystery of life. Following and entanglement, which can yield novel and unexpected phenom- on their success in explaining the microscopic properties of non- ena. Given that biology's basic processes take place at a molecu- living matter, the founders of quantum mechanics hoped their the- lar level, employing quantum effects for greater efficiency does ory was powerful enough to explain the peculiarities of the liv- not seem impossible in principle. Quantum coherence, collective ing state of matter, too. Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr, Werner modes of excitation, and condensation phenomena represent addi- Heisenberg, Eugene Wigner and their contemporaries all offered tional attractive features that could explain the mechanisms behind speculations. At the same time, Schrödinger's famous book What biological organisms' manifest stability and integrity. is Life?, published in 1944 (Schrödinger, 1944), paved the way for On the other hand, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle sets a molecular biology's birth in the 1950s. Its major thrust was the fundamental limit on all molecular processes' fidelity. For the cell author's attempt to understand biological organization and func- to perform appropriately, the right parts must be in the right place tion achieved with apparent defiance of the second law of ther- at the right time. This appears to be a much more relevant objective modynamics, i.e., by reducing the system's entropy. This paradox for living systems than the principle of energy minimization that can be solved by the inclusion of metabolism, which provides the drives physical processes. Quantum mechanics sets fundamental necessary physical work to overcome the otherwise inevitable in- limits from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and impacts the crease of entropy. However, what is still very much a mystery is accuracy with which molecules can cooperate collectively. How- how perfectly synchronized biological processes are across spa- ever, it is reasonable to expect that some of life's processes have tial and temporal dimensions connecting the hierarchical organi- evolved to the "quantum edge", where a compromise may be struck zational scales of a living system. Here, quantum mechanics may between speed, energy and accuracy. At any rate, the nineteenth- indeed come to the rescue, if only we could explain the required century view of life as "magic matter", exemplified by the use absence of decoherence. of the terms "organic chemistry" or "life force", is obsolete to- Unfortunately, over 50 years, the great expectation that quan- day and has been replaced by a model of the cell as a complex tum mechanics could easily and powerfully explain living systems system of highly efficient and co-ordinated nano-machines oper- and life processes driving them as it had explained other types of ating under the control of genetic software encoded in DNA and matter so exquisitely and precisely has not yet come to fruition. implemented by the cellular transcription/translation machinery. However, parallels between the state of biology today and the state These tiny components of the cell's molecular machinery are made of physics a century ago are striking. Indeed, quantum mechan- mostly from proteins. They include pumps, motors, rotors, ratch- ics is needed to explain the sizes and shapes of molecules and ets, scissors, cables, levers, sensors, and complexes, including pro- their chemical bonding details. Still, no enunciated "life princi- tein polymers: actin filaments, intermediate filaments and micro- ple" has emerged from the quantum realm that would single out tubules. Their exquisite design, achieved by two billion years of the living state as in any way a unique form of a physical state. evolution and natural selection, exhibits extraordinary efficiency st Furthermore, classical ball-and-stick models of protein and other and versatility and represents a challenge to 21 -century nano- biomolecules and their computational simulations using classi- technologists. Having provided arguments both for and against cal (Newtonian) molecular dynamics methods seem adequate for quantum effects in biology, in the section below, we discuss the ev- most molecular, structural, and
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