UNCLASSIFIEDFLUO ofAdministrativeReview Board Proceedingsfor ISN$ 5 TheAdministrativeReviewBoardwascalledtoorder. The Designated Officer (DMO) was sworn . The BoardReporter was sworn The Translatorwas sworn TheDetaineeenteredtheproceedings ThePresiding announced theconvening andpurposeofthe Administrative Review Boardproceedings ThePresidingOfficerconfirmedthattheDetaineeunderstoodEnglishandinformed himthat if hadanyquestionsto referto the linguistandthe make anyclarificationsthattheDetaineeneeded. The Administrative Review Board members were sworn . TheAssistingMilitaryOfficer was sworn ThePresiding askedtheDetaineeifhewishesto makehisstatementsunder oath. (Muslimoath offered). Detainee: I am Catholic. PresidingOfficer: We can administerthe appropriateoathifyouwouldlike. Detaince Yes sir The Detainee accepted taking the oath The Presiding Officer readthe hearing instructions to the Detainee and confirmed that he understood TheAssistingMilitaryOfficerpresentedtheEnemyCombatantNotificationform , ExhibitEC- A , totheAdministrativeReviewBoard. TheAssistingMilitary presentedthe EnemyCombatantElectionForm , Exhibi EC - B, to theAdministrative Board. PresidingOfficer AssistingMilitary Officer pleaseread your comments from the Enemy Combatant ElectionForm ISN555 Enclosure( 5) Page1 of 20586 UNCLASSIFIEDAFOL UNCLASSIFIED Assisting MilitaryOfficer: The Detaince'sARB interviewoccurredon 16August 2005 andlastedforty- five minutes. Aftera review ofthe ARB'spurposeand procedures, the Englishversionof UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidencewas readto theDetainee. Englishwas the languagespokenduringtheinterview, but ifweranintodifficultieswith the languagehewoulddeferto the linguistfor a translation. Whenaskedifhe wantedto attendthe ARB, presenta writtenor oralstatement, or havethe AMOspeak on his behalf, stated wants to attendthe ARB and speak onhisownbehalf. Afterwards, he statedhe to respondto eachallegation or statementof Unclassified SummaryofEvidenceafteritis presented. He also expresseda desireto speak openly to the reviewboard The Detaincewas andvery cooperativethroughoutthe interview. Atthe conclusionofthe interview, was providedanEnglishandFarsi versionofthe UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidence. The DesignatedMuitary Officerpresented the Unclassified of Evidence, Exhibit - theFBIRedactionMemorandum , DMO 2 andthe Terrorist Organization Reference Guide, DMO-3, to theAdministrativeReviewBoard TheDesignatedMilitary Officer stated that a copy of these exhibitshadbeen previously distributedtotheAssisting Officer. The Designated a briefdescription of the contents ofthe UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidence, - 1 theAdministrative Review Board The Detainee chose to respond lineto the Unclassified Summary of Evidence. The Designated the UnclassifiedSummary to assist the Detainee with answering the statements. Designated Military Officer: ( 3) The following factors favor continued detention : ( 3.a ) Commitment (3.a.1) The Detaincc worked for a long time as a drug courier between Afghanistan and Iran. : I workedformy countryfora longtime sellingdrugs. This [ is] firsttimeI Afghanistan, notallthe time. Thisisthe firsttime. Before, I was sellingdrugs inmycountry. Thisisthe first time I [went] from Iran toAfghanistan. Thisis first time. I wasworkingindrugs formycountry...I a seller. I am a bigman . I ama littlemanandI sellforsomebodyelse for moneyinmycity andinIran. I never worked (sellingdrugs) for anothercountryjust DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( DetaineehadanAfghanipersonobtaina letter fromthe Hezb IslamiGulbuddinallowingtheDetainedto the borderfrom Iranto Afghanistan. The Detaineepaid 5,000in Iranianmoney(NFD). Detainee: Yes sir I hadto cometo Afghanistanandhadto have someoneelse bringthe paperwork formeto crossthe border) withtheAfghanipolice. I gavesome Afghanistanperson5,000inIranianmoncyandhesaidI waswithHezb-e Islami ISN Enclosure( 5 ) Page 2 of 20587 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Gulbuddin. I gavehimmypictureandmynameand broughtmethepaperformeto crossthe borderfromIranto Afghanistan. Do youunderstandme? MyEnglishisnot verygood. Presiding Officer: Yes, we understandyou and will some questionsfor you afterwards. Ifwedon't understandwe will ask the linguistto help us out. Designated Military Officer ( Hezb- e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG ) has long established ties with Usama Bin Ladin . (HIG ) founder Gulbuddin Hikmatyar offered to shelter Bin Ladin after the latter fled Sudan in 1996. HIG bas staged small attacks in attempt to force troops to withdraw from Afghanistan , overthrow the Afghan Transitional Administration (ATA ), and establish a fundamentalist state I haveneverheardofthis stuff. I don'tknow Hikmatayarwasworking for. don'tunderstand. I don'tknowwho howas and I don't knowwho he is now Hezbe is everywhereeveninIranandthey exist in in . Eventhe Afghansthatcometothe borderhaveto havesometypeofcard, like identification card. ComingfromIrantoAfghanistanyoubaveto bavean . foundout about this three days ago and priorto that I did have anyknowledgeofit. PresidingOfficer: out aboutwhat? Detainee: AboutHG and the commander. Designated MilitaryOfficer: ( 3.b.) Training: The Detaineo was inthe Iranianarmy in the 3-4 years before he went to Afghanistan. While the military he was trained in basic drill and the AK -47. Detainee: Yes, I workedfor the IranianNavy the Army, andnotfor 3-4. years. I workedfor the IranianNavyfor year and6 months. Inbasictrainingthe methe AK 47. InIranyouserveinthe militaryfor 2 yearsandI served 1 year anda halfandthenI away. I don't themilitary. DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( 4) the followingfactorsfavor release transfer: (4.a) The Detsinee diagnosedwitha severeborderlinepersonalitydisorder DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: The Detaineeansweredno to questionsaboutbelongingto antiU.S.groups, attackingcoalitionforces, or plansto attackcoalitionforcos released. Detainee: Yessir, that is correct. Presiding Officer: Thank you ISN555 Enclosure (5 ) Page 3 of 8 20588 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED TheDesignatedMilitaryOfficerconfirmedthathe nofurtherunclassified informationandrequesteda closedsessiontopresentclassifiedinformationrelevantto dispositionof Detainee. The PresidingOfficeracknowledgedthe request The PresidingOfficer openedtheAdministrative to theDetainee to presentInformationwith the assistanceoftheAssistingMilitaryOfficer. AssistingMilitaryOfficer: The Detaineewould like tomakean oral statement. Presiding : Abdul Majid youmay beginyour statement. The Detainee made the following statement : Detainee am here and I understandthat before I was workinginbadstuff, working with drugs. I was workingwith bad people inmy country and I almost... years and 9 here I have problemsfor the U.S. BeforeI did not give any problemos toanybody. I likepeacefor everybody and I likehonorforeverybody. After 3 years and 9 monthshere I don'thave anydetainee friends and that isbecause I Iran...I am Iranian ...I am catholic I believe inJesus, the Rosary Cross and theHoly Mary Here ) Muslim and I don'tliketo disrespectany religion, Muslims, Catholics, Christians, or Jewish human. Inthe 3 years and 9 months theDetainees ) thrownbadstuffonme, spit on me, and cursedme. BeforeI tried to killmyself and when I was inCamp 4 this Detainee said hadto killmebecauseI was not Muslimand because I was Iranian. I said to himifyouneedtokillme problem . I am clearand when I die and go inthe ground I know I will wake up and go beside God. this I holdmy life...for 32 years neverhad any cares or had any fights ...justallmy love, , and a smile on myface. I neededtobea friend for everybody, young orold, manor woman, allofthem . at everybodylike a brother, sister, or mother. Yes, you guys are Americans and I am Iranian, butenemies, I say You arehumanand I am human. Allofus are from one fatherand one mother, all one family. I have never killedanybody. Pleasesir help go . Two monthsago I gota letter frommy home and drug dealer killedmydaughter. I havetwo kids. One is years andone is 7 years old. Two monthsago the one drug dealer that I have to give $ 4,000,000 or I have towork indrugs. This is why I went toAfghanistantofind the $ 4,000,000 and give itto himso I cantake care ofmy family. I promisedto Godthat I would stop drugs and everythingand never go near any nicotine, anymorphine, or anyalcohol. I went to Afghanistan, thisnew governmentinAfghanistan, caught me and gave to the U.S.for bucks. Now , after 3 years and 9 monthshere, [ have not been) problemfor the U.S. and don'tunderstand Qaida, Taliban, or UsamabinLaden. Now don't understandand don't want tounderstand. I just wantto go homeand take care ofmy family andtake a clearjob. Nowafter 3 and 9 here I understand everything. I understanddrugs are not good...drugs stoppingmy life...drugs are stopping...I lost my family drugs this I lostmy family. For 3 years and 9 months ISN555 Enclosure ( 5 ) Page4 of 8 20589 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED I have seen my family. Before, when I went to prison in Iran 3 week 2-3 times my family would como andvisit methere andI did not understand anything, but I was happy. NowI understand drugs are notgood. First, drugs make youloseyour and secondly drugs kill all the people. The you just the drugsmake young people come for heroin, cocainc, andhashish. Forthis I promise to my God and I promise to my son God, Jesus, if go home I will never go around any nicotine, any morphine, or beside alcohol. Why ...because I needto be a clear man , a clear Catholic. Why ? I don't know . Maybe because I walked in the past and 1died and made God mad at me. I am here inthis detention camp... U.S.punisbment for me... thinking punishment for
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