INDEX RULE OF RESERVATION S.No. G.O.No. Subject 1 2 3 1 Constitution Order 1950 The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 C.O.19 2 G.O.Ms.NO.1154 Law-Office of the Government –Law Dated 22.08.1969 Officers (Recruitment, Conditions of Services and Remuneration) Rules, 1967. 3 No.35/172-R.U.(SCT.V) Issue of Scheduled Castes and Dated : 02.05.1975 Scheduled Tribe Certificates. 4 G.O.Ms.NO.277 General Rule 22 of Andhra Pradesh Dated 22.03.1976 State and Subordinate Service Rules Register to be maintained to give effect to reservations 5 No.BC.12025/2/76-SCT I Issue of Scheduled Caste and Dated 22.03.1977 Scheduled Tribe Certificate- Clarifications – Reg. 6 No.39387/73-SCT.1 Caste Status of the offspring’s of Dated 21.05.1977 inter-caste married couples. 7 No.BC, 12016/37/76- Specification of equivalent names SCT.V, October, 1979 and name of synonyms and sub- castes/tribes of the existing Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Andhra Pradesh State. 8 G.O.Ms.No.185, SW(B2) Social Welfare – Issued of Dept. Caste Certificates on conversion Dt. 04.12.1979. and reconversion – Further Orders – Issued. 9 G.O.Ms.No.89 SW(B2) Social Welfare – Issue of Scheduled Department Caste certificates on conversion and Dt.03.04.1980 reconversion – Further Orders – Issued. 10 Circular Memo Public Services – Termination of No.31/Sep/81-4 appointment made in violation of Dated 28-04-1981 statutory rules- Instructions – Issued. 11 G.O.Ms.No.84 Public Services- Subordinate Dated 17-02-1982 Services- Ministerial Posts such as Clerks Typists, Steno Typists and other lower categories- Employment of dependents children of deceased Government employees who die in harness- Recruitment procedure- Further instructions- Issued. [Type text] worksacccounts.com 12 G.O.Ms.No.117, Rule of Reservation of Scheduled Education (C) Cates and Scheduled Tribes- Department Increased the percentage in respect Dt.05.03.1983 of admissions and appointments. S.No. G.O.No. Subject 1 2 3 13 G.O.Ms.No 110 Public Services- Subordinate Dated 22-02-1984 Services- Ministerial Posts such as Clerks Typists, Steno-Typist and other lower categories- Employment of dependents children of deceased Government employees who die in harness- Amendment to orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.84, General Administration (Services-A) Department Dt.17.02.1982 – Issued. 14 Memo No.543/J2/84-1 Clarification on the background of Dt.03.04.1984 Beda Jangam/Budga Jangam- Issue of Certificates as Scheduled Castes- Authorisation to Collectors (SW) – Issued. 15 G.O.Ms.No.167 SW(P) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Department Tribe- Reservation in Service and Dt.15-07-1986 Admissions to Educational Institutions – Orders – Issued. 16 Memo No.1030/J1/88/5 SWD-Caste Certificates – Issue of Dt.23.03.1989 Scheduled Caste Certificates to the persons claiming to belong to Beda Jangam./Budga Jangam- Certain instructions – Issued. 17 Act 16 of 1993 An Act to regulate the issue of community certificates relating to persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes 18 Memo.No.26909/J1/9 Removal of Ban the SCs converted Dated.3-2-1995. to Budhism from being deemed to be the members of Scheduled Castes - Instructions – Issued – Regarding. 19 G.O.Ms.No.92, SW(L2) Social Welfare Department – Department Implementation of Rule of Dt.22.09.1995 Reservation in Services for SCs/STs in various Government Offices/Corporations etc., inspection of various offices and verification of roster maintained by various appointing authorities in implementation or the rule of reservation and writing up of roasters. [Type text] worksacccounts.com 20 G.O.Ms.No.420, Universities- Rule of Reservation for Education (UE.1-1) SC/ST/BCs in recruitment for backl- Department log vacancies – Guidelines to be Dt.18.11.1995 followed – Model notification- Orders- Issued. S.No. G.O.No. Subject 1 2 3 21 G.O.Ms.No.99, SW (J1) Appointment of a Commission under Dated 10.09.1996 Commissions of Inquiry Act 1952 (Central Act 60 of 1952) to enquire into the persistent Demands from certain section of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes. 22 Act 24 of 1977 An Act to regulate the implementation of the Rule of Reservation in all the appointments made in offices and establishments under the control of the State Government , Local Authorities, Corporations owned and controlled by the State Government and other bodies established under a Law made by the Legislature of the State 23 G.O.Ms.No.65, General Amendment to Rule22 and 22-A of Administration (Services- the Andhra Pradesh State and D) 15.02.1997 Subordinate Service Rules, 1996. 24 G.O.Ms.No. 58, Social Bringing Into Force Of Andhra Welfare (J), 12.05.1997 Pradesh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes And Backward Classes - Issue Of Community, Nativity And Date Of Birth Certificates Rules, 1997. 25 G.O.Ms.No.68 Dated Appointment of Commission of 06.06.1997 inquiry , headed by Justice Shri P.Ramachandra Raju, (retd.,) under the Commissions of inquiriy Act, 1952 – Submission of Report appointment of Cabinet Sub- Committee to give findings on the report of the Commission- Acceptance of the findings of the Cabinet Sub-Committee furnished to the Government – In pursuance to the recommendations of the Commission- Orders issued. 26 G.O.Ms.No.105 SW(L1) Implementation of Rule of Department Reservation in service for SCs/STs Dt.02.08.1997 in various offices and verification of rosters maintained by various appointing authorities in implementation of the Rule of [Type text] worksacccounts.com Reservation and writing of rosters- certain instructions issued 27 G.O.Ms.No.106 SW(L1) SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT Department – Welfare of Weaker Sections Rule Dt.02.08.1997 of Reservation in favour of SCs / STs BCs and Women – Constitution of Committee to ensure effective implementation of Reservation Policy – Orders – Issued. S.No. G.O.No. Subject 1 2 3 28 CIRCULAR MEMO. SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT l0956/CV.1/97-2. -Issue of Caste; Nativity and Date DT:-16TH FEBRUARY of Birth Certificates to Scheduled 1998 Castes/Scheduled Tribes Backward- Classes Regarding Certain Instructions 29 Circular No.5152/RR- SWD – Filling up of backlog 2/99-2 Dated: 26.04.1999 vacancies of SCs and STs – Certain instructions – Issued – Reg. 30 G.O.Ms.No.71 , Finance Public Services – Notification of and Planning vacancies to APPSC , Employment Department Exchange and other recruiting Dt.26.05.1999 agencies – filling up of backlog vacancies of SCs and STs in the Government – Orders – Issued. 31 G.O.Ms.No.238, General Filling up of Back-log Vacancies of Administration (Ser.A) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Department Tribes by 30.06.1999 waiving of Dt.26.05.1999 writing examinations and interviews (oral tests) for limited recruitment to be conducted by various recruiting agencies – Orders - Issued. 32 G.O.Ms.No.241, General P.S.- District Selection Committees Administration (Ser.A) for recruitment to the posts in Group Department IV services in the District Dt.27.05.1999 subordinate offices- Taking up of limited recruitment for the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs – Further instructions – Issued. 33 G.O.Ms.No.116, Social Welfare (CV.1) 10th The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes December, 1999 (Rationalisation of Reservations ) Rules , 1999 34 Act 20 of 2000 An Act to provide for rationalization of Reservation of Reservations to Scheduled Castes in the State of Andhra Pradesh. 35 Circular SWD- Public Services – Filling up of No.2213/RR.2/2000 Backlog vacancies of SCs/STs for Dt.15.03.2000. limited recruitment by various recruiting agencies – Orders – Issued 36 G.O.Ms.No.47, SW The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled (CV.1) Dt.31.05.2000 Castes (Rationalisation of Reservations ) Rules , 2000 [Type text] worksacccounts.com 37 G.O.Ms.No.84, SW(Bud) Social Welfare Department - Department Establishment - Gazetted - Revised Dt.18.09.2000 Job Chart of Deputy Directors of Social Welfare - Proposals -Orders – Issued S.No. G.O.No. Subject 1 2 3 38 Circular Filling up of Backlog vacancies of No.5807/ROR.2/2001-1 Scheduled Castes and Schedule Dt.18.04.2001. Tribes- Certain instructions – Reg. 39 G.O.Ms.No.214, General Filling up of Back-log Vacancies of Administration (Ser.A) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Department Tribes -Waiving of written Dt.08.05.2001 examinations and Interview (oral tests) for limited recruitment to be conducted ,by various recruiting agencies -Orders -Issued. 40 G.O.Ms.No.215, General Public Services -District Selection Administration (Ser.A) Committees for recruitments to the Department posts In Group.IV Services In the Dt.08.05.2001 District Subordinate offices -Taking up of limited recruitment for the backlog vacancies of .Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes - Orders -Issued. 41 G.O.Ms.No.188 Finance Public Services – Notification of and Planning vacancies of APPSC, Employment (FW.SMPC) Department Exchanges and other recruiting Dt.08.05.2001 agencies – Fill up of backlog vacancies of SCs and STs in the Government – Orders – Issued. 42 G.O.Rt.No.550, Higher Technical Education- EAMCET Education (EC.2) Engineering and other Professional Department courses admissions – Dt.30.07.2001 Implementation of reservations for SC/ST/BCs in Engineering and other professional courses- Certain instructions – Issued. 43 G.O.Ms.No.12, Finance Public Services – Notification of (SMPC) Department vacancies to APPSC, Employment Dt.05.01.2002 Exchanges and other recruiting agencies – Filling up of backlog vacancies of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes in the Government – Further instructions – Issued. [Type text] worksacccounts.com 44 Act No.61 of 2002 To amend the Constitution Dt.08.12.2002 (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950, the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order,1951.
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