
by RaffaeleCecco and NickJones 48KZX Spectrum,ZX SpectrumPlus, ZX Spectrum128, +2, +3 AmstradCPC 4$. CPC664 and CPC6128. Commodorc64 and 128 LOAANG INSTRUCTIONS You will €ncount€rv€nus lly trap€, huge N,oms, nies, dragons and many mor€to€s on your lravsls, All of th6se must b€ eilhsr Soactrum Callatl. dsslroy€dor avoidodal all coels. 4aK ZX Specnrum,ZX Sp€ctrumPlus of zx Sp€ctrum128 with To gain accass to lar and tgmoto parts ol lh6 wodd, powertul cass€tt€play€r, Z( Sp€ctrum+2. spring-toards can b€ us€d to covef larc€ distanc€san l6w soc- Yo! ars advis€d lo disconn€ctall hardwar6lrcm lh€ €ar sdgs ords, To us€ 6 sping-board simplystop onlo the middlsol il and connectofwith lhe exc€piion ol your joyslid( idertac€ (if any). you will bs propell€dinlo lh€ at. Wh€n using a Sinclair Int6rf6c62 or rh€ Z( Sp€ctrum+2 plug rhs approprialsFyslick inlo po.l I . Unl6ssusing a zX Sp6clrum ENDOF LEVELSUB-GANE +2 conn€ct a c€ssetle play€r to lhe comput€r in ths usual m6nn6r. Z( Sooclrum +2 aM 128 uso|s should s€lscl 48K Wh€n all the faid€s havs b€€n rcleas€d,Stomlotd will tak€ pad mode. Bowindih6 cass€tteil nec€ssary,enis LOAD " ' on the in a mini 9am6 in orderlo t y and gain an extla lil6. Ths obirctiv€ compuld byboard and p€ss ENTERkoy. Prcss the Play k€y ol this slFgam€ is to captlfo as many fajry's t€ars 6s po$lbl€ on th€ csss€tte playsr.Ths gam€ lakes a tew minulesto load. wnhin ih€ allocat€d time, An 6rtra lil€ is awardd wh6n more than 1Otoars havo t€€n collsclsd. Amdnd Caraatto lvnstrad CPC 4o4 Inslead ot throwing lhundsr bolls and swods as normal, will notNblow a llmiled numbsrol kiss€s,r6pr6s€nl€d Amstrad Crc 664 or Amstrad CPC 6t28 wlth cassots day€r Stormlord by r€d h€erts,al th€ tlying laid€s. ll a hean shouldtouch a tairy, sh6 will lall in lovs, drop a tear lor Stornlord lo coll€ct, and lhsn AmstradCPC 664 and CPC 6128 us€rs should coonscl a cas- fly away. Ad b€ quick as the toars will dissolv€into th6 groud s€tl€ player to lh€ compulef and snt€l llap€ and prsss the quit€ soon atter landing. ENTERk6y. Plac6th6 ca*9ettein the player,rswind it n€cossary and p.€ss th€ CTRL and ENTER k€ys. Pr6ss lhe Play on lhs casssttgplays ard then any k6y on lh€ comput€rk€ytDard. Th6 CON\BOL KEYS gam6 lak€s a f€w minules lo losd. Th€ lirst liv6 ol th€ lolloling koys can b€ t€d€fin€d lo suit Am3tr'd Dbc peFonal lasle (o. us€ Fystic* inst€ad.) amst€d cPc 6i2a or arnslrad cPc 664 o,,..............Len AmslradCPC ?164wilh disc ddv6 P................Rioht AmstradCPC 481 us€rsshould conn€ct a disc drivelo th€ corn- O ................Ju;p - Th€kr€ffil s h€lddown the highd ti6 iump. pul€r and srns ldisc and prsss lhs ENTERk€y. Bac€ th€ dis. in th€ driv€ and enrd RUN "disc ard prcssrhs FETURNof ENTEB SPACE ...... Fir€ - Th€ longsr it s held down th6 turthorth€ k€y. Th€ game iak6s a teu/s€conds lo load. bolls go Whsn h€lddolrn fofihe marimum amountol Commodo.a Craaatta lim€, a mors porv€rtulswordwllltr€ lhrcwn Commodore 6,1 or Cornmodore 128 with suilablo cassete insload (us€ lh6s lor larg€r lo€s on lat€f lsvsls.) Yo{rare advisedto disconneclall hardwarelrom your computar. To paus€ th6 gam€ or ftame advanc?it, p€ss CAPS SHIFT & Conn€clth€ cess€fl6play6r lo lhe cofiputer, plac6lh€ cass€tte SYMEOLSHIFT simunan€ously. pley€r in lh€ and rgwindil noc€ssary.Prcss lh€ SHIFTand BUN/ To abortthe gam€ pressY, U, I, O and P simulan€ously. STOPksys on the co.nputerkeyboard and p.6ss th€ Play key on the csss€lto play6r.Th6 game lakes a lew minulosto load- NFONHATION PANEL Commodora Olac Commodorc64 or Commodofo1 2a u/ilh disc ddv6. F om l6tl lo nght tho panel s€c'tionsara es lollows: 1) lstt You your Uv€s a€ advis€dlo disconnsclall hardwarelrom compul€r. 2) Elapgedome r€pr5s6nl6dby a sun lhal chang€slo a moon Connsctth6 disc ddvs lo th6 comout€rand Dlac6th6 disc in lh€ press 3) Scoro ddve. Enter LOAD -', I, I and lh6 BETURN koy. Th€ 4) Cun€nty held obi:cr (whsn bhnk nothingis h€ld.) gam€ f€w load, iakes a soconds!o 5) 1st digit = tainos so far tound. 2nd digit = tolal amo{nt ol lain$ to b6 lound on ihe cunsnl SCENAHO Fr€€ the impdson€dtairy tolk b€lore lhsy a.s ouatsfalsd by an evil Oueen. She sioops to conquerlhe land Stomlo.d inhabits, cnEars deslroyinglho p€acefuleuphoria wilh oach ennihilalion. O6sign€dand wrilienby Rala6ll6C€cco and Nick Jon€s. Slormlords mission- lree lhe captured and delend lhe p€acs Graphicsby Hugh Bnns. and lranquility ot his roalm. Unfortunalst, h€ musl rcp€l th6 Music by oave aog€rs (Spgctrum and Amstrad) and Th6 wick€d monarch,bd should h6 lail, th€ evil Ou€€nand hff dark Maniacsot Nob€ (C64). sovsr€ignitywill rsign lorcv€r . Producrd by Paul Chamb€rlain. @HewsonConsuhants 1989. PLAYINC STORMLORD Th6 programand data a.ecopyrightand may not be rsp.o- The game obj€oliv6 is lo |el6as6 th6 impound€dtairies b€1o.6 duced in part or in iotal by any meanswithout rh€ wrftGn lime runs oul. Each levsl ol th€ gam€ has a small nlmb€r ol psrmissionot H6wso! ConsultanlsLtd. All ghis r€s€ry€d. faides ihal must b€ r€l€asadb€lor6 you can progrssso.rto th€ No r€sponsibilityis acc€plodfor any 61013. Our policy is on€ of contanr imp.ovsm€nt.Th€r€forc, w€ Scatl6r€daboul Stomlord s wodd er6 variousobiscts that must rgssrvstho right to modifyany p.oductwithout notice. b€ us€d inblligertly lo trs€ lhs lairi€s and h€lp gel lhrcugh csr- H€wsonConsuhants Ltd tain pan6ot ths wond. To ttd( up an obiecror to swap an aksady 568 Milton Park h€id obircl N,ilhon€ on f|e grolnd, simdy welk into it. Ont rim6 and praclbe will glac6 you witr lh€ knowl€dg€ol whsr€ ro us8 coftin obiecls and in whal ord€r lhey should b€ us€d, stc. de RaffaeleCecco et NickJones 48KZX Spectrum,ZX SpectrumPlus, ZX Spectrum128, +2, +3 AmstradCPC 464, CPC 664 et CPC6 t28, Commodore64 et 128 INSTRUCTIONS DE CHANGEM ENT Vols vous heudorez,sur volre ch€min,aUI dion6€s,aux 6norm€s v€|s, mouch€s, dragons €t autr€s €nn€mis, C€ox-ci Sp.clrum c|.rana doiv€nt6tr€ soil d6lruils soit 6vi6s a tout prix. aaK ZX Spsclrum,ZX SpeclrumPlus ou A( SD€ctrumi28 av€c Pour magnaophon€,ZX +2. 6cc6dor aux endroits rsculds du mond€, vous Folvez Sp€clrum uliliserde puissantslromphs pour parcouif ds grandosdis- ll ssl vous esl cons€ill6d6 d6branch6rloul hardfiare du coon6c- lanc€sen quolquossocond€s Pour utiliss un tfsmplin,vous l€ur lal6|al affidro a I o(c€olion I inlBrtacs d€ manche a babi n'avoz qLr'Amonter d€ssus €t vous m6tlf6 au mili6! 6t vous (6v€nluel).Si vous ulilisez un Sinclak Interlaco2 ou l€ ZX Sp€c- s€r6: oroolb6 dans I air, lrum +2, b|anch62le manch6a balai appropi6 st|r I En!6€ 1. A moins qus vous n utilisior un A( Sp€ct um +2. relior un mag- DE FINDE NIVEAU ngtophonsa lordinateu de la manierc habituetts.LA SOU$JEU utilisat€ursd€ ZX So€drum +2 €r 128 devraionts6t€trtionn€r l€ Une tois loul€s l€s l6€s lib6f6€s. Stomlod Dfendfaoart a un mod6 €K. Rd€mbobinozla cass€tt€si n6c€ssai€, rap€zLOAD mini.jsudans l€qusl il sssar€rade gagns un€vis suppl6msn- '' '' sur 16clavier d6 I ordnaleur €l appuyszsur la touch€ENTER. lano. L-obj6ld6 c6 sous-i6u6sl d€ caplurs auiant ds larms€d€ Apgrysz sur la touche PLAY sur le ma9n6tophon6.L6 j6u m6t 16e3qu6 po$ible dans !n lgmp€donn6, Uns vie suppl6m€ntairs qu€qu€smnuros a se cnarg€r. sefa d6csm€€ ouand Dlusds 10 lam6s auront6t6 ramass66s. Aft.tr.d C....lt Au liau d6 lancer d6s couos de tonnere €t dss 6o6€s comm€ Amstrsd Crc 464 d habilude, Sloffilod envetra, a pr6s€nt, un nombr€ [mn6 de Amslrad Crc 654 ot| AmstradCPC 6128 avsc magn6tophon€ bais€rs sous lom€ do c@urs roug€s, aux l6ss volanlss, Si un €t cabl€sconv6nabl6s. ca6u.v€nail a louch€f un€ l6e, 6llelomb€.a amourause, laiss€ra coulor une larme ou6 S'lormlordramess6ra ouis continu€ra, Les ulilis€teursd AmstradCPC 6An et Crc 6128dewaisnt r6li6r Soy€z prompi, c€p€ndanl,car l€s larm6ss€ dissokon! p€u ds un maonotophon€A I odinat€ur. €ntrsr I tap€ €t appuyersur le t6mps sprds avoir all€inl ls sol. lffche ENTER. Plac€z la cess€tte dans ls meon6toohon6, .6smbobin€zsi n6cessaire6l appuyozsur ls€ toucd€sCTBL sl ENTER. Appuysz su la toucho PLAY du magn6tophonepuis TOUCHESDE CONTROLE sur un€ louch€ quslconqu€sur le claviorde I o.dinatour.L6 jsu L6s cinq premidrostouches qui suivsnl psuvenl glr€ r€d6linass mat qu6lqu6sminutss a s€ charg6r, a vobegre (ou U€n, ulilis€zun marEheAbalai). Amatnd Dlaqua O...........-.........Gauch€ AmsrrcdcPc 6128 0u Amsrad CPC a{84 P.....................Otoite AmstradCPC 464 av€c l€cteU|d€ disqu6s- O...........-..--..-..Saui€z - Plusc€ll6touche €strnerntsnua snlonc6€ pondantlongtemps, plus le L€s utilis€l€ursd Amslrad CPC 464 devrai€nl relior un l€ct6ur d6 diEqusse l saut s6ra haut.
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