Pf. SIll., Vol. I No. 11 LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) JIInt Sel"•• (Yof./ COIIIIIiIJI N08. 110 11) LOK SABII~ S&Clt.ETAIllA·r NEWDIUII PrIce : b 4.Qt) PREFACE This is the first volume of the Lok Sabha Debates for the Eighth LOk Sabha. U pto the end of Seventh Lok Sabha, two versions of Lok Sabha Debates we're brought out viz·, 0) Original Version containing the proceedings of the House in the languages in which they took place except that in the case of speeches made in regional languages, their English/Hindi translation was included and the Urdu speeches were put in Devnagri script and their Persian script was also given within brackets, and (ii) Hindi Version containing the Hindi proceedings, Urdu proceedings in Devnagri script and Hindi translation of English proceedings and also of specches ma<l...: in regional languages. 2. With effect from the First Session of Eighth Lok Sabha, in pursuance of a decision of the General Purposes Committee of Lok Sabha. two versions of Lok Sa bha Debates are being brought out, viz· (i) English Version containing Lok Sabha proceedings in English and English translation of the proceedings which take piace in Hindi or any regional language, and (ii) Hindi Version in its present form except that Urdu speeches are being put in l)evnagri script and their persian script is also being given within brackets· 3. In addition, Original Version of the Lok Sabha proceedings is being prepared and kept in Parliament Library suitably bound for purposes of record and reference only. 4· In both the English and the Hindi Versions, an appropriate indication is being given to specify where a particular part of the proceedin~s is original in Engh::.. Hindi or a translation. 5. It b hoped the two independent Hindi and English versions will be found useful by Members and others interested· NEW DELHI; SUBHASH C· KASHYAP, Jahuar),. /(j85 Sec.:re lary-Gelleral CONTENTS No. JJ, Wednesday, JtlIIIIQI'y JO. J9851 Mtl6ho 10, 1906 (Saka) CoIUIDDI Obs~rvancc of Silence in Memory of Martyrs 1-3 Papers laid on tbe Table 3-31 Mattcrs under rule 377 (i) Need to declare certain areas in Pithoragarh and Chamoli districts of U.P. as Scheduled Tribe arcas Shri Harish Rawat 32 (ii) Need for streamlining the 20-Poiot Programme Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 32-33 (iii) Need for regular supply of fUDd~ through Government ageocies to P. J. Textile Mills aDd Yamuna Mitis Shri Ranjit Singh Gaekwad 33 (iv) Need to set up a Low Po"er Television Relay Centre at Balasore Shri Chintamani Jena 34 (v) Need to provide employment to at least one person in each family displaced by acquisition of land by the Vi_kbapatnam Steel plant project Shri Bbattam Sreerama Murthy 3S (vi) ~ecd for settiog up an Electronic telephone industry at Bbubaneswar Shrimati Jayanti Patnaik 3S - 36 (vii) Need to set up a Low Power Television Transmitter at Nagareoil Sbri N. Dennis 36 (viii) Need for stren8theninl B.S.F. posts OD tbe India-Banaladab border in certain areas of West Dioajpur district in West BenpJ to preYeDt daeoi.y aod cattle-lirting by Ban,ladeshis 31 Dr. Golam Yazdani 0'') Need to ,rop .ransfer of coal workcrs workio, io RaDch; area to Talcher Unit of Central Coalfield Ltd. Shri SribalJav PMniarabi 37-38 (x) Need to eX\lOrt l)Otatoes and tnsutt s\\\')port \')t\Ct to potato ~ •. " ~~:~r;, in West Bengal Shri Ani) Basu 38-39 (iii ) ( iv ) Columns (xi) Need to re-opeD be S.K.J. Sugar Factory iD Lauria (West ChamparaD, Bihar) and clear oues of employees and C8negrowers. Shri Bhola Raut 39 (xii) Need to create 8 post of DJ.G. of PoJice for Purnea (Bihar) Shrimati Madhuri Singh 40 (xiii) Irrelularities jn implementation of I.R D.P./N.R.E.P. programmes in Weat Bengal Sbri Priya Ranjan Das Munshi 40 (xiv) Need for review of freight equalisation scheme Sh ri Basudeb Acharia 41 (xv) Need (or boldiDa talk with All-India Kerldriya Vidyalaya Teachers Association for solvin. their problems Shri C. Madb.v Reddy 41-42 (xvi) Need to investigate into tbe reported black-marketing in Maruti Cars Shri Sanat Kumar Mandai 42 (xvii) Need to establish a Divisional Office of Life Insurance Corporation at Srinapr Prof. SaifuddiD Soz 43 (:tvjjj) Theft of a Wireless SigDlal Book from Bokaro aod Deed to check such incidents Shri C. P. Thakur 43 (xix) Need to provide railway crossinp in Ganlanqar diatrict in Rajasthan Sbri Birbal 43-44 (xx) Need to make provision in the Sevelllh Five-Year Plan for settin, up a Paper Mill in Tripura Shri Ajoy Biswas 44-4S (xxi) Shortaae or electricity in Jammu an d Kashmir Shri Abdul Rashid KabuB 45 (:uii) Need to set up a television transmit ter at Navada io Bihar Shri KUDwar Ram 4S-46 (uiii) Need to expedite construction ,eX an overbridlc Dear Morad,bad on Moradabad·Cbandauli rail line Shri Hafiz Mohd. Siddiq 46 ( v) Columns Constitution (Fifty-second) Amendment Bill 46 Motion to cODside r Shri A. K. Sen 46-53 Shri Bhattam Sreeramamurthy S4-6O Shri Sharad Dighe 60-65 Shri Bhlgwat Jha Azad 65-68 Prof. Madbu Dandavatc 6&-75 Shri Zaiou) Ballihcr 75-78 Sbri Ama) Datta 78-82 Sbra Vljay N. Patil 82-84 Shri Giridhar Gomango 84-86 Shri K. R. Natarajan 86-87 Sbri Bheravadan K Gadhavi 87-91 Shri G.G. Swell 91-93 Shri K. P. UDoikrishnan 93-99 Shri Vishnu Kumar Modi 99-100 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 100-104 Shri Chintamani lena 104-106 Shri Rajesh Pilot 106-108 Sbri Abdul Rashid Kabuli 101-112 Shrimati Vidyawati Chaturn, 112-114 Shri Mool Chand Dap ]14-111 Shri Piyush Tiraki 118-119 Sbr i Balk.vi Bairali t20-121 Sbri C. Madhav Reddy 121-124 Shri Shantaram Naik 124-126 Shri Lalit Maken 126-128 Sbrimati VyjaYlothimala Bali 128-130 ( vi ) Columns. Sbri Amar Roypradban 130-132 Sbri Kamal Nath 132-138 Sbri Japnaatb Kaushal 139-146 Sbri P. Kolandaivelu 146-147 Prof. SaiCuddin Soz 147-J5O Shri G. L. Dogra 150-1S3 Shri Suresh KuruI' 153-155 Shri Nissankara Rao Venkataraman 156 Sbri Dharat Singh 157 Shri Chiotamanl Panigrahi 158-159 Shri Sudioi Jaipal Reddy 159-J63 Sbri Ramas~ray Prasad Singh 163-164 Shri Yogeshwar Prasad 164-165 Shri Devineni Narayanaswamy 165-167 Shri Brajamobao Mohanty ]67-169 Sbri V. Kishore Chandra S. Dco 169-171 Shri K. Ramacbandra "'Reddy 171-173 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 173-174 Shri P. Appalanarasimbam 174-176 Shri MeijinJ)uDa Kamson 176-180 Sbri H. M. Patel 180-181 Sbri Rajiv Gandhi 182-184 ClauIes 2 to 6 aDd 1 Motion to pass, as amended Shri Albok Sen ]84-186, 2S7-S8, 264- Sbri Priya Ranjan Das MUDShi 258-26 ) Sbri C. H. Srihari Rao 260-261 Sbri Uttam Rathod 261-262 Shri p. K. Thungoo 262-26l ~ vii ) Colam«M Member Sworn 201 Shri K. N: Pradhan M~sages (rom Rajya Sabha 201--202, 278--280 BiUs laid on the TabJe Appropriation (Railways) Bill, 1985 203, 280-281 Motioo to cQosider amendment recommended by Rajya Sabha Shri Bansl LEi I 2&1-281 Motion to a~ept Shri Dansi Lal Appropriation (Railways) No. 2 Bill, 1985 282-83 Motion fo consider 4mendment recommended by Raj)'a Sabha Shri Bansi LaJ 282 Motioo to accept Shri Bansi Lal Appropriation Bill, 1985 283-284 Motion to consider amendment recommended b) Rajya Sabha Shrt lanardhaoa Poojary 283 Motion to accept Shri Jaoardhaoa Poojary Appropriation (No.2) Bill, 1985 284-28' Motioo to ,Consjder amendment recommended by Rajya Sabha Sbri Janardhana Poojary 284 Motion to accept Shri Janardh30a Poojary 2M Punjab Appropriation Bill. 1985 285--281 MOlion to coo.icier ameodment recommebded by Rajya Sabha Sbri Janard~aD.a Poojary Motion to accept Sbr; Janardhana Poojary 286 MOtion re Six-Nation summit on Nuclear DisarmamcQl 287 CODcludio8 Remarks -_ • LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Minister, there 1S a very important event. which t he Treasury Benches and the House must take Dote or ... (interr£:ptions). MR SPEAKER: I Wtdnesday. Januarv 30, 1985/Magha 10, 1906 am Dot aoing to aHow it. (Saka) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The violent events ... (Interrupt;o,,~). Tht £Ok Sabha met at fifty-tight minutes MR. SPEAKER: I am not 10iDI to /HUt ten of the Clock. allow it. Nothing will go on record. ADY· body can come to his own conclusion. They [M R. SPEAKER In the Chair J can blame you RDd you can blame them. 11.00 ...... (Interruptions)·· OBSER VANCE OF SILENCE IN MR. SPEAKER: Not allowed. Noth- MBMORY Of MARTYRS iDg lacs OD record. [Englilh] (/"t~rruptions)·* MR. SPEAKER: HOD. Members, as MR. SPEAKER: Order, order. Irrele· you are aware, tbe nation is observing two vant; absolutely irrelevant. minute. silence today. in memory of those wbo laye their live. in the Itrul.le for India's freedom. We ,ball DOW observe .i1ence for two minutes. Memben may MR. SPEAKER : Anybody can appoint Please Itand in silence in their places &lid a committee and make a report. Not allowed. coDtinue to do 10 till the IUD sound, ror tho MCODd time. (lmerruptiolU)*· (TIw Me","", ,1M. stood i. silence for lM'O mbultu) MR. SPEAlC.ER = I am not lOiDa to aUow it; not at a1l It is Dot retevaat. Not allowed. I am not aUowiDa it. Thia is irre1e- vant. I am not aoing to Itand it. It II a bioI a- MR. SPEAItER: Papers to be Laid on tel, irrelevaut. Anybody caD appoint bit OWD t .. Table. Shri NuaaJmba Rao.
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