' -V f v'fc , --/Tt - •/ ■ * . >••^5^^.'<», . ' -i':- AVEBAGi: PAILT CntOCJLATION fw tte Mostt of Angnoti IStt FoioBoet el~IJ."fc 5454 \V’ . Bfctater of tho Audit Pm eon PUr todop of CtaoolatkHH. «M BOeUK MRT / PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. Ln., NO. 286. T E N P A G E S MANCHESl^R, C0IO7. S 4!fM > AT, SEFTEMB& 2,’ IMS* (CloeoHIfd Advortloteg m Ph T* 8) THIRTY-SIX RESCUED Dry Leaders Plan Last-Ditch Fight PINEDO, FAMOUS FLIER, WHEN TANKER SINKS DIES IN BURNING PLANE GERMAN LEADERS Catches Fire — Scene of PLEDGE LOYALH Storm Lashes at Cuba; Hnge Craft, Unable to Rise Accident 200 MQes Off Because of L o a i Crashes Nicks Tip of Florida h to Fence and Bursts Cape Fear, N. C. Hider’s Political Organizers -V to the Number of 160,000 Miami, Fla., Sept 2.— (AP)—^TheAabout 100 miles northwest Turks Into Flames — Adtiator New York, Sept 2.—(AP)— passing of a storm that nicked the Island moving west northwestward about 17 miles per hour attended by Thirty-six men were saved from tip of ’the Florida peninsula and Was Attempting to Take Attend Parley. lashed at Cuba was followed today shifting winds of hurricane force death by fire or drowning when the by word of four ships aground, one near center. Caution advised vaa- tanker Coldwater burst into flames damaged by collision and reports sels in path.” Off for Try at the Non- {ind "presumably sank” after a col­ Numberg, Germany, Sept. 2.— another disturbance moving over 7 DEAD , 64 INJURED lision with ♦'he liner President Wil­ (AP)—^Brown-shirted political or­ the Caribbean. son, wireless messages announced Florida felt gales at Key West Havana, Sept 2. — (AP)—^A Stop Record. ganiZers of Chancellor Adolf Hit­ early today. and winds up to 29 miles an hour swift'fierce hurricane visited its The coastwise tanker and the ler’s NaZi Party, to the number of yesterday at Miami. wrath on western Penar del Rio liner, bound for the Orient collided 160,000 stood shoulder to shoulder in The new tropical disturbance was province today^ after causing at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2—(A P I- about 200 miles off the coast of Nurnberg’s largest meadow today reported about 170 miles northeast least seven 'deaths and 64 injuries General Francesco de Pinedo, one of N orth Carolina at 11 p- m., last and vowed anew their tinflinching of Puerto Ricr and moving west or and uncounted property losses in Italy’s most famous airmen, met . night a message from che master northwest Advices from the Weath­ three West Central Cuban states. loyalty to the leader and the move­ flaming death shortly after dawn of the latter vessel to Radio Ma­ m en t er Bureau said it was of at least As communication lines were re­ Though the 24th consecutive state has voted for repeal, the Anti-Saloon League of America won’t give today when his huge plane crashed rine Corporation, sale. “We found the key which, for all moderate intensity. paired reiwrta came from commu- up the ship. Above is a group of its leaders in convention in Chicago to make plans to continue their and burned up at the start of a “ On Sept. 1, about 11 p. m.,’ the time, will close the door to our ene­ W ord a t ships in distress in Cuban nitiw of shattered houses, broken message said, “S. S. Coldwater ^ht. Left to right, seated: F. Scott McBride, general superintendent; Ernest H. Chenington, educa­ power lines and damaged crops. take-off for Baghdad, Iraq. mies,” the chancellor assured them. waters came in Intercepted wireless A tremendous load of gasoline. caught fire after a collision w<th tional secretary; George B. Safford, Illinois superin tendent, and Thomas W. Gales, North Dakota. Stand­ messages last night The Josephine Havana spent much of last night the steamship President Wilson “This meeting is a visible demon­ ing: S. P. McNaught, Ohio; L. S. York, Indiana; A. C. Graham, Kentucky; H. B. Bowers, National treasurer: stration of the result of our four­ Gray, British vessel, was reported in darkness, which meant looting and presumablv sunk.” Warren S. Jones, Wisconsin; P. A. Tate, Missouri. ashore off Cayo Bahia del CadiZ but In many districts Soldiers an' po­ The position given was Latitude teen-year fight. The party has be­ come a state^Iow our duty is to with the crew safe. lice, under orders to shoot looters 33.51 North, Longitude 75.45 West, The Stahl, a Danish ship, broke at sight, killed two men caught pil- which is approximately 200 miles educate every^Kerman to be a citi­ Zen of this German state. anchor at Caibaiien Bay, 200 miles ;aging ruins in the Vadado section. off Cape Fesr, N. C east of Havana, struck and slightly The first message did not say “You must form* an iron front LOST FOR A WEEK Capital Warned encompassing every German. We COAL CODE IS DELAYED; damaged the Swedish ship, the Con­ The capital bad been warned of what happened to the tanker’s sul CorfitZon, and then settled in crev, but shortly afterwards the plan that we wiU meet here two the storm’s approach but neverthe­ nine feet of water. The Thyra, regis­ vessel’s owners announced at Sa­ years hence. So will we meet ten, less an unidentified man was Killed SUDDEEY APPEARS try unreported, was aground some­ vannah, Ga., that she had saved all a hundred, and a thousand years and naore than 60 hurt here as the FORD STILL KEEPS MUM where, apparently in the vicinity of of them and was taking them to hence. gale tore at signs, trees, buildings MataZiias bay. reports here said Norfolk, Va. “From new political organiZers and walls. The liner, owned by the Dollar will continually emerge the na­ The Baron Harris, of British regis­ In Santa Clara six were killed Yoong Exeentive Cannot try, was reported ashore at Matan- Steamship Company of San Fran­ tion’s leaders on a selective princi­ New Rift in Negotiations De-' anc' an undetermined number hurt. cisco, was enroute from N'W York ple.” NO HERALD Zas. How much territory was Includ­ tc Caribbean ports, Honolulu and The gathering was a part of the Remember Wbat Happen­ ed was not determined early today, the Orient when the accident oc­ biennial National Socialist conven­ yelops— NRA Officials MONDAY STORM WARNING but the south coast port rf Cien- curred. The Coldwater, a 390-foot tion. Washington, Sept 2.— (AP)—The fuegos suffered greatly, indicating vessel, sailed from Jacksonville, Not Storm Troops No issue of the Man­ ed During That Time. Weather Bureau t his morning issu­ that the width of the island was Fla., on Aug. 26 for a trip up the The assembled brownsbirts were Wait Word from Detroit chester Evening Herald ed the following storm warning: Atlantic coast. Her home port is not storm ixoopers. but represented will be published on Mon­ “Tropical disturbance central Unvoted reports said two Savannah, Ga. the elite of political strategists. about 24 north, 85 west moving freighters were grounded off Cal- — Recovery Results. day. Labor Day. Seattle, Sept. 2. — (AP) — A west northwestward about fourteen barien The Tiscornla radio station From each local unit of the party young man identified as Bernard miles per hour attended by shifting received an SOS from tie British DETAllA OF CRASH the chief organiZer and his ten most Bitterman, Denver department store (RDITOB'S NOTE: The Associat­ trusted co-workers who joined the gales over wide area and by winds freighter Josephine Grey, five miles executive who vanished August 24. off Gape de CadiZ in Cama- ed Press wirelessed Commander Washington, Sept. 2.—(AP)— A hurricane force considerable area. F.;De.l*ineflo, was under the care of a physician guey province, and was advised un­ Makepeace Ridley, master of the (Continued Un Page Eight) new rift in soft coal negotiations here today after having been found This is severe storm. Caution advis­ identified ships nearby were going S. S. President Wilson, for his own wandering about the streets yester­ ed all vessels in and near path. 1,027 gallons, caused bis giant red* today joined reticent Henry Ford BUSINESS W U. S. tr her rescue. story of th* collision between bis as twin diaturbere of NRA’s first day. “Tropical disturbance central green and purple plane to swervs vessel and the Coldwater. Follow­ week-end rest. Authorities said be apparently from a concrete runway and bit a ing is the account of the accident SUN CELEBRATING Cotuferences on labor contracts had been a victim of amnesia and fence at Floyd Bennett Airport, la received from the President Wil­ between Appalachian bituminous READJUSTSnSELF was attempting to recall events of a second It was a roaring mast of son.) coal operators and the United Mine his eight days since he left the ston STATE’S CHILDREN THREE MEET DEATH flames,, and the flier was bunjed be­ S. S. President Wilson, Enroute Wqrkera of America were at' so Vlfere he is employed. They said yond recognition. to Isbrtolk, sbpi. 2,-^ (a P)—Last MOCTH BIRTHDAY complete a standstill that the ad­ be was uncertain as to whether he The start of what the gallant night about 11:00 p. m. 80 miles vice of Hugh St Johnson again was Gain in Consumer Buying Is had been kidnaped and then re­ filer had hoped would be a non-stop south of Cape Hatteras In a very sought by the disputants. leased. READY FOR SCHOOL WHEN BOAT UPSETS record flight became a scene of hor­ sudden and unexpected cloudburst But in the case of Ford, NRA offi­ "I remember having an argument ror.
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