29336 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 13, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO DR. FREDERICK chairman of the New York State PTA tect the water rights and interests of the SHORE, EDUCATOR, ADMINIS­ Committee on School Governance and City of Philadelphia and her citizens and your recent statements on House Blll HR TRATOR Finance, and a member of the State 12536 National Parks Omnibus Bill, which Board of Managers. was documented in the July 10, 1978 Con­ Dr. Shore i~ a member of the New gressional Record of the House on Pa,ee HON. NORMAN F. LENT York State Educational Conference H6344 ... "Mr. Chairman, I would like to OF NEW YORK Board and has served as the New York associate myself with the remarks of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES repres~ntative to the Organization of gentleman in the well, and I would like to Wednesday, September 13, 1978 Federally Impacted School Districts in compliment the gentleman for very ade­ the United States, of Washington, D.C. quately answering several of the points that • Mr. LENT. Mr. Speaker, on Septem­ Dr. Shore has served as legislation were ma.de, in terms of salinity, fiOOd con­ ber 20, 1978, friends and associates of chairman of the New York State Asso­ trol, and water supply". Dr. Frederick Shore will be paying a well­ "I would like to just share with the gentle­ ciation of School Business Officials, and man a. comment that I discovered wa.s made deserved tribute to the accomplishments as a member of the Special Committee by Carmen F. Guarino, who is the water of this pioneering educator. Dr. Shore is of the New York State Commissioner of commissioner for the city of Philadelphia. retiring from the position he has held for Education on Federal Aid to Education. Ba.ck in 1973, in July, he ma.de the following the past 9 years as superintendent of the For 2 years he was the chief school ad­ comment:" Baldwin public schools, located in my ministrator on the advisory council for "It ca.n readily be shown that no federally Fourth Congressional District. funded reservoirs are necessary on the Dela­ the New York Council of Administrators ware River to insure adequacy of supply to I wish to offer my heartiest congratu­ of Music Education. lations to Dr. Shore and to commend him, the City of Philadelphia. because the annual Dr. Shore's accomplishments have average natural stream flow of the Dela.ware not only for his outstanding record as an been recognized by the New York State at Trenton, New Jersey, with no reservoirs, educator and administrator, and as an Association of School Business Officials Federal or otherwise ..." expert on the financing of education in which presented him with its Meritorious "And I think that this kind of comment New York State, but also for the devo­ Service Award for 1969, and by the Nas­ from the water commissioner of the city of tion and patient understanding he has sau Music Educators' Association which Philadelphia demonstrates it is not a ques­ given to educating the children for whom named him "Administrator of the Year" tion of water supply, it is not a. question of he has been responsible. His contribu­ flood oontrol, it is not even a. question of in 1974. fiat water recreation. It ls a. question of how tions to the Baldwin community, to our Such have been the landmarks in the best to utmze the water, the land, the area." State, and, indeed, to our Nation, deserve outstanding career of Dr. Frederick I would have appreciated if you had con­ the highest accolades. Shore. Little wonder that his friends and ferred with me a.bout my comment, and in During his 13-year career in the Bald­ associates have joined to pay him trib­ particular learned a.bout my interpretation win public schools, Dr. Shore has worked ute on September 20. I most certainly of what I meant by this comment. To begin, tirelessly for better education and im­ want to join them in acclaiming Dr. this comment was contained in the record proved educational opportunities. He has at the public hearing of the Delaware River Shore's accomplishment-filled career. Basin Commission conducted February 28, been in the forefront of those who have With those friends and associates, I also 1973 (not July) on "Proposed Regulations sought to bring the handicapped child want to join in the wish that Dr. Shore's Relating to Water Supply Charges". At this into the mainstream of the community. retirement years will be blessed with good hearing, I had testified that the City of Phil­ Guided by his conviction that handi­ health; the enjoyment of the richness adelphia. has legally binding contracts with capped children should be taught at the of friendships; the warmth of mem­ the Commonwealth of Penna. for the with­ level of their abilities and performance, ories; the deep satisfaction of knowing drawal of 423 MGD from the Delaware River rather than according to some arbitrary issued under permit dated December 14, 1955 his has teen an outstanding career; and by the Water a.nd Power Resources Board of medical classification, Dr. Shore pio­ the stimulation of new challenges which the Department of Forests and Waters. I neered an excellent special education may he in the future.• further pointed out that this permit was program for the handicapped in the issued prior to the Delaware River Basin Baldwin schools. Compact a.nd that the City in good fa.1th Another example of Dr. Shore's in­ expended considerable resources in accord­ novative leadership is demonstrated in TOCKS ISLAND DAM PROJECT ance with the conditions of this permit and his determined effort to develop and im­ ha.cl satisfied all conditions of such permit, to wit, the permit remains in force today. plement a school district policy on child The intent of the statement was that our abuse. Baldwin became the first school HON. ROBERT W. EDGAR OF PENNSYLVANIA allocation of 423 MGD on the Delaware River district in New York State to adopt such was always available at the head of tide at a policy, and it has been used as a model IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trenton, N.J., even during conditions of ex­ elsewhere in our Nation. Wednesday, September 13, 1978 treme drought a.s ha.cl been experienced 1n Dr. Shore has done much to encourage the 1960's and without the systems of dams the arts and sciences in the Baldwin • Mr. EDGAR. Mr. Speaker, I recently that had been constructed on the Delaware received a letter from Carmen F. Guar­ by New York City and others. The minimum schools. He was responsible for initiating ino, water commissioner for the city of low flow month at Trenton has been cal­ the fine and performing arts program in Philadelphia, expressing his concern over culated by the USGS to be 720 MGD (9/65) · Baldwin, and was instrumental in So you see as fa.r as water charges were con­ strengthening the science program, with remarks I made on the House ftoor on cerned, the City of Philadelphia could avau a resulting increase in the number of July 10 regarding his position on the itself of its total allocation without a.ny sys­ Baldwin students winning signifcant Tocks Island Dam project. In fairness to tems of dams. achievements in science competitions. Commissioner Guarino, I am inserting The hearing was not on the need for Tocks below the text of his letter, as well as the Island Reservoir and the pros and cons sur­ Throughout his career in education, complete testimony he presented earlier rounding this matter. It was simply a hear­ Dr. Shore has worked closely with local this year at a public hearing in Port ing on water supply charges. My hearing community groups, particularly the Jervis, N.Y., on the question of granting statement did not reflect the need for a Baldwin Parent Teachers Association reservoir and low flow augmentation for pro­ units and the Baldwin Educational the middle section of the Delaware River tection of water quality because the hearing Assembly toward the common goal of wilderness status. subject related to the pricing of water to better education for the children of the The letter follows: meet quantity needs. Therefore, my state­ community. WATER DEPARTMENT, ment should in no way be interpreted to Philadelphia. Pa., August 11, 1978. mean that I see no need for a reservoir and Dr. Shore's abilities as an educator and Congressman ROBERT EDGAR, fiow regulation for the protection of water administrator ha.ve been applied to a Washington, D.C. quality. broad range of professional activities. He DEAR CONGRESSMAN EDGAR: I regret that However, my statement taken out of con­ is a life member of the New York State need to write a letter of this type. However, text could be misconstrued by those persons Congress of PTA's, and is currently considering my appointed obligation to pro- igno'rant of my position on Tocks Island, Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the fl oor wt·11 b e 1"d ent1"fi e d by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • September 13, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29337 that I believe there is no need for Tocks Is­ needed for this purpose, to protect the health Those that have made a study of the water land. I would have been pleased if you had of the citizens of Philadelphia and those resources of the Delaware River and the the time to follow up your information other people that we supply.
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