AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY VOLUME 65 1961 THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA RICHARD STILLWELL,233 McCormick Hall, Princeton, New Jersey, Editor-in-Chief NANCY BALDWINSMITH, 231 McCormick Hall, AssistantEditor DOROTHYKENT HILL, Walters Art Gallery, Editor, Book Reviews RICHARDB. WOODBURY,University of Arizona, Editor,New World Book Reviews NATALIEGIFFORD WYATTr, Tufts College, Indexer ADVISORY BOARD OF ASSOCIATE EDITORS WILLIAM F. ALBRIGHT JOTHAM JOHNSON The JohnsHopkins University New York University CARL W. BLEGEN ALFRED V. KIDDER University of Cincinnati The Carnegie Institution of Washington FRANK E. BROWN ANN PERKINS Yale University Yale University WILLIAMB. DINSMOOR GISELAM. A. RICHTER ColumbiaUniversity Rome, Italy STERLINGDow H. R. W. SMITH Harvard University The Universityof California GLANVILLE DOWNEY WILLIAM STEVENSONSMITH DumbartonOaks, Washington,D.C. Museumof Fine Arts, Boston GEORGEM. A. HANFMANN MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER Harvard University Bryn Mawr College ALFRED R. BELLINGER,representing AmericanSchool of ClassicalStudies, Athens HONORARY EDITORS GEORGEE. MYLONAS,President of the Archaeological Institute of America RICHARDA. KIMBALL,Director, American Academy in Rome A. HENRY DETWEILER,President, American Schools of OrientalResearch BOAZW. LONG, Director, School of American Research CONTENTS OF VOLUME 65 (1960) PAGE Albright, W. F. Rev. of Goetze, Kleinasien 399 Amyx, D. A. The Medallion Painter I Rev. of Hampe and Simon, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Mainz I 210 Baer, K. Rev. of Allen, The Egyptian Book of the Dead 311 Baerreis, D. A. Rev. of Quimby, Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes: ii,ooo B.C. to A.D. i8oo 218 Bannister, B. Rev. of Vivian, The Hubbard Site and Other Tri-Wall Structures in New Mexico and Colorado 89 Bass, G. F. The Cape Gelidonya Wreck: Preliminary Report 267 Benson, J. L. Pictorial Mycenaean Fragments from Kourion 53 Observations on Mycenaean Vase-Painters 337 Bieber, M. Rev. of Humann, Der Pergamonaltar, entdeckt, beschrieben, gezeichnet 74 Rev. of OE11PIA. Festschrift fiir W.-H. Schuchhardt 202 Rev. of Traversari, Statue iconiche femminili Cirenaiche 208 Rev. of Becatti, La colonna coclide istoriata 409 von Blanckenhagen, P. H. Note on Karl Lehmann 307 Blegen, C. W. and Lang, M. The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1960 153 Note on Louise Taft Semple 309 Bober, P. P. Rev. of Rowe, Cyrenaican Expeditions of the University of Manchester, I955, 1956, 1957 401 von Bothmer, D. see Vermeule, C. 415 Breckenridge, J. D. Rev. of Hill, Carson and Kent, Late Roman Coinage, A.D. 322-498 216 Brendel, O. J. Rev. of Brown, Ptolemaic Paintings and Mosaics and the Alexandrian Style 21I Brinkerhoff, D. M. Rev. of Simon, Die Geburt der Aphrodite 77 Brogan, O. Rev. of Etienne, Le quartier nord-est de Volubilis 331 Broneer, O. Rev. of Willemsen, Die L-wenkopf-Wasserspeier vom Dach des Zeustempels 73 Rev. of Traversari, Gli spettacoli in acqua nel teatro tardo-antico 412 Brown, F. E. Rev. of Crema, L'Architettura romana 80 Bubnova, M. see Ranov, V. 396 Buttrey, T. V. Rev. of Bolin, State and Currency in the Roman Empire to 3oo A.D. 84 Byers, D. S. Rev. of Ritchie, The Stony Brook Site and its Relation to Archaic and Transitional Cultures of Long Island 334 Cambitoglou, A. Rev. of Breitenstein and Johansen, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Denmark fasc. 7, Copenhagen 7 75 Carlson, R. L. Rev. of Cressman, Cultural Sequences at the Dalles, Oregon 334 Del Chiaro, M. A. Caeretan vs. Faliscan: Two Etruscan Red-Figured Hydriae 56 A Decorative Motif Exclusive to Faliscan Red-Figure 389 S. The Graecae 2 Dow, "Axon," Inscriptiones PI 349 Dusenbery, E. B. Rev. of Isings, Roman Glass from Dated Finds 81 Ekholm, G. F. Rev. of Woodbury (ed.), Abstracts of New World Archaeology 1, 1959 417 Eliot, M. Rev. of Heizer (ed.), The Archaeologist at Work 3" Evans, C. Rev. of Cruxent and Rouse, An Archeological Chronology of Venezuela 88 Felletti Maj, B. M. Rev. of Museo della Civiltd Romana-Catalogo 327 Filson, F. V. Rev. of Corswant, A Dictionary of Life in Bible Times 401 Fischer, H. G. Rev. of Dunham and Janssen, Second Cataract Forts, I. Semna Kumma 68 Foltiny, S. Rev. of Baer, Die Michelsberger Kultur in der Schweiz 67 Athens and the East Halstatt Region: Cultural Interrelations at the Dawn of the Iron Age 283 iv AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY [AJA 65 Gallet de Santerre, H. Concerning Delos primitive et archaique: Letter to the Editor 64 Graham, J. W. The Minoan Banquet Hall 165 Rev. of Von antiker Architektur und Topographie. Gesammelte Aufsdtze von Armin von Gerkan 205 Hammond, P. C. Rev. of Sinclair, An Archaeological Study of Gibeah (Tell-el-Fill) i99 Rev. of Cleveland, The Excavation of the Conway High Place (Petra) i99 Rev. of Cleveland, Soundings at Khirbet Ader i99 The X-Ray Geiger-Counter Spectroscope as an Archaeological Instrument 305 Hanfmann, G. M. A. Rev. of Braidwood and Braidwood, Excavations in the Plain of Antioch, I. The Earlier Assemblages. Phases A-J 196 A. of teatro di Sabratha e teatrale Hanson, J. Rev. Caputo, II l'architettura Africana 215 Heller, J. L. A Labyrinth from Pylos? 57 Herbert, K. Rev. of Susini, 11lapidario greco e romano di Bologna 325 Hicks, R. I. Rev. of Meautis, Mythologie grecque 77 Rev. of MacKendrick, The Mute Stones Speak 325 Hill, D. K. Rev. of Esp randieu and Rolland, Bronzes antiques de la Seine-Maritime 83 Rev. of Kusch, Herculaneum, aufgenommen und beschreiben 329 Rev. of Menzel, Die r6mischen Bronzen aus Deutschland. I. Speyer 330 The David Moore Robinson Bequest of Classical Art and Antiquities 415 Hoffmann, H. Rev. of Richter, Kouroi, 2nd ed. 319 Holloway, R. R. Rev. of Noe, The Coinage of Caulonia 215 Hope Simpson, R. see McDonald, W. A. 221 Immerwahr, S. A. Rev. of Meyer (ed.), Heinrich Schliemann. Briefwechsel, II1 201 Jameson, M. H. Rev. of Roebuck, Ionian Trade and Colonization 70 Jastrow, E. Rev. of Higgins, Catalogue of the Terracottasin the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, II 76 Jennings, J. D. Rev. of Wedel, An Introduction to Kansas Archeology 417 Jones, F. F. Rev. of Trendall, Phylax Vases 76 Rev. of Greifenhagen, Antike Kunstwerke, ehemals Staatliche Museen Berlin, Antike- abteilung 324 Kardara, C. EPMATA MOPOENTA 62 TPIFAHNA Dyeing and Weaving Works at Isthmia 261 Kidd, K. E. Rev. of Cotter, Archeological Excavations at Jamestown Colonial National Historical and Park Jamestown National Historic Site, Virginia 90 Kohler, E. L. and Ralph, E. K. C-I4 Dates for Sites in the Mediterranean Area 357 Kramer, S. N. Rev. of Fontenrose, A Study of Delphic Myth and its Origins 404 Lang, M. Epigraphical Note 62 see Blegen, C. W. 153 Lapp, P. W. Rev. of Kenyon, Excavations at Jericho, Vol. I: The Tombs Excavated in 1952-4 69 Lawrence, M. Rev. of Deer, The Dynastic Porphyry Tombs of the Norman Period in Sicily 87 Laws, G. A. A Herodotean Echo in Pompeian Art? 31 Liversidge, J. Rev. of Amand and Eykens-Dierickx, Tournai romain 412 Long, C. R. Reply to M. Gallet de Santerre 65 Rev. of Gallet de Santerre, Exploration archdologique de Dilos XXIV 206 Lozar, R. Rev. of Grbic, Odabrana Grika i Rimska Plastika u Narodnom Museju u Beogradu 82 MacKendrick, P. Rev. of Calza and Nash, Ostia 329 Maryon, H. Early Near Eastern Steel Swords '73 Mason, R. J. Rev. of Bluhm (ed.), Illinois Archaeology 419 McDonald, W. A. and Hope Simpson, R. Prehistoric Habitation in Southwestern Peloponnese 221 McLeod, W. E. Rev. of Pritchett, Marathon 403 1961] CONTENTS OF VOLUME 65 (1961) v Megaw, J. V. S. Rev. of Nerman, Grobin-Seeburg:Ausgrabungen und Funde 200 Meggers, B. J. Rev. of Alcina, Bibliografia Basica de Arqueologia Americana 332 Mellink, M. J. Archaeology in Asia Minor 37 of Braidwood and Prehistoric in Kurdistan Rev. Howe, Investigations Iraqi I95 A. K. of Studien zu Kult und Glauben der Michels, Rev. Koch, Religio: R6mer 414 Mitford, T. B. Further Contributions to the Epigraphy of Cyprus 93 Morgan, C. H. Rev. of Roux, Pausanias en Corinthe (Livre II, I a 15) 202 Nilsson, M. Rev. of Kraus, Hekate 78 Paribeni, E. Note on "Diana Nemorensis" 55 Parlasca, K. Rev. of Stern, Recueil giniral des mosaiques de la Gaule-Gaule belgique 1, 2 413 Piggott, S. Rev. of Daniel, The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of France 315 Pope, M. H. Rev. of Virolleaud, Mission de Ras Shamra, VII. Le Palais Royal d'Ugarit, II 198 Porada, E. Rev. of Parrot, Mission archeologique de Mari II, Le palais; documents et monuments 312 Pritchett, W. K. Xerxes' Route over Mount Olympos 369 Rev. of Woodhead, The Study of Greek Inscriptions 402 Quinn, J. D. Cape Phokas, Lesbos-Site of an Archaic Sanctuary for Zeus, Hera and Dionysus? 391 Ralph, E. K. see Kohler, E. L. 357 Ranov, V. and Bubnova, M. Uncovering the History of the Roof of the World 396 Reed, E. K. Rev. of Colton, Black Sand: Prehistory in Northern Arizona 418 Rexine, J. E. Rev. of Zschietzschmann, Hellas and Rome. The Classical World in Pictures 324 Richardson, E. H. Rev. of Spina e l'Etruria Padana 207 Rev. of I Piceni e la civilti Etrusco-Italica 207 Richardson, L., Jr. Rev. of Della Corte, Loves and Lovers in Ancient Pompeii 329 Richter, G. M. A. Rev. of Reuterswdird,Studien zur Polychromie der Plastik, Griechenland und Rom 209 Ridgway, B. S. Rev. of Pietrangeli, Scavi e scoperte di antichith sotto il pontificato di Pio VI 87 A Marble Head in California 393 Robinson, C. A., Jr. Rev. of Pearson, The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great 201 C. of et la colonisation Roebuck, Rev. Berard, L'Expansion grecques jusqu'aux guerres mddiques 71 Rev. of Villard, La ceramique grecque de Marseille (VP-IV sidcle) 210 Roebuck, M. C. Rev. of Ginouvis, L'ltablissement thermal de Gortys d'Arcadie 206 Rev.
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