Appendix A Periodic Table of the Elements Source From K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C 38 (2014) 090001 © Springer-Verlag Italia 2015 647 A. De Angelis and M.J.M. Pimenta, Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2688-9 Appendix B Properties of Materials Source From K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C 38 (2014) 090001 © Springer-Verlag Italia 2015 649 A. De Angelis and M.J.M. Pimenta, Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2688-9 Appendix C Physical and Astrophysical Constants Source From K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C 38 (2014) 090001 © Springer-Verlag Italia 2015 651 A. De Angelis and M.J.M. Pimenta, Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2688-9 652 Appendix C: Physical and Astrophysical Constants Index Symbols ATLAS experiment, 152 0 K 0 − K Mixing, 310 Aurorae, 624 CDM model, 468, 477, 486 Avalanche photodiodes (APD), 131 αi matrices, 260 Axion, 385, 491 β matrix, 260 Axion-like-particle (ALP), 491, 610 τ-θ puzzle, 95 γ μ matrices, 260 B Baikal NT-200 detector, 181 A Barn, 28 Abelian symmetry groups, 324 Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, 428, 485 Accelerators, 189 Baryons, 190, 214 ACE experiment, 157 baryonic quantum number, 191 Acoustic peaks, 437 Beauty, see Bottom Active galactic nuclei (AGN), 576 BESS experiment, 157 AGASA experiment, 159 β decay, 24, 440, 529, 530 AGILE telescope, 166, 168 Bethe formula, 102 Aharonov, Yakir, 255 Bethe, Hans, 102 AMS-02 experiment, 157, 545 Bi-spinor, 261 Andromeda galaxy, 9 Big bang, 430, 473 Angular diameter distance, 428 Big crunch, 472 ANTARES detector, 182 Big European Bubble Chamber (BEBC), Anthropic principle, 409, 417 122 Antimatter, 87, 500, 547 Bilinear covariants, 265 discovery, 88 Binary systems, 556, 575 Antiproton, 191, 547 Binding energy, 13 Antiquark, 214 BL lacertae objects (BL Lac), 578 Arecibo radio telescope, 637 Black disk, 350 ARGO-YBJ detector, 169 Black hole, 473 Askar’yan effect, 108 Kerr, 473 Astrobiology, 617 Schwarzschild, 473 Astronomical unit (AU), 7 Blazar, 577, 578 Asymptotic freedom, 331, 340 Block, Martin, 289 Atacama Cosmology Telescope, 438 Bohm, David, 255 © Springer-Verlag Italia 2015 653 A. De Angelis and M.J.M. Pimenta, Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2688-9 654 Index Bohm–Aharonov effect, 255 Cloud chamber, 88, 121 Bose–Einstein statistics, 5 Cluster model, 332 Boson, 5 CMB polarization, 437 Goldstone, 367 CMS experiment, 149 Higgs, 371, 384 CNO cycle, 507 Bothe, Walther, 90 COBE, 434 Bottom Collection efficiency, 129 ϒ, 221 Color, 216 bottomium, 221 Color factors, 328 Bragg curve, 110 Compositeness, 417 Branching ratio, 34 Compton scattering, 111 Branes, 416 Compton wavelength, 64 Breakdown potential, 123 Confinement, 332, 333, 340 Breit frame, 230 Contravariant representation, 46 Bremsstrahlung, 105 Conversi, Pancini and Piccioni experiment, Bubble chamber, 121 91 Cosmic microwave background (CMB), 11, 429, 549 C Cosmic rays, 15, 77 Cabibbo acceleration, 562 angle, 304 Hillas plot, 571 Cabibbo, Nicola, 305 arrival directions of charged, 543 Callan–Gross relation, 231 charged, 538 Calorimeter, 133 discovery, 71 electromagnetic, 133, 134 electrons and positrons, 545 hadronic, 134 gamma rays, 550 homogeneous, 133 GZK suppression, 540 sampling, 133 life and, 622 CANGAROO telescope, 170 photons, 549 Casimir propagation of Galactic, 589 effect, 284 spectrum, 539 operator, 201 Cosmological constant, 459 Casimir, Hendrick, 284 Cosmological principle, 461 Cepheids, 425 Coulomb gauge, 253 CERN, 15, 95, 145, 390 Covariant derivative, 49, 255 Chadwick, James, 25 Covariant representation, 46 Chamberlain, Owen, 67 CP violation, 310 Charge conjugation, 205 direct, 315 Charged weak currents, 296 in 2π modes, 312 Charm, 218, 307 in the B sector, 317 charmonium, 220 in the standard model, 319 Charpak, George, 124 indirect, 316 Cherenkov strong CP problem, 385 detector, 131 Crab Nebula, 16, 551, 573, 574 emission in air showers, 156 Crane, Richard, 267 radiation, 107 Critical density, 465 telescope, 170, 551 Critical energy, 107 Cherenkov, Pavel, 107 Cronin, Jim, 312 Chirality, 292 Cross-section, 27 CKM matrix, 308 WW cross-section at LEP, 397 Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, 207 ZZ cross section at LEP, 397 Index 655 CTA observatory, 177, 599 Elastic process, 30 CUORE, 534 Electromagnetic interaction, 6 Electromagnetic tensor, 57 Electroweak precision measurements, 391 D Energy–momentum tensor, 459 resonances, 211 Equations ++ puzzle, 216 Dirac, 259 D’Alembert operator, 49, 252 Drake, 631 DAMA experiment, 498 Euler–Lagrange, 247 DAMPE mission, 176 Klein-Gordon, 270 Dark energy, 14, 428, 472 Maxwell, 250 Dark matter, 14, 443, 444, 488 Equivalence principle, 452 baryonic, 489 Euclidean space, 455 cold, 463 Euler–Lagrange equations, 247 distributions, 446 EUSO mission, 164 freeze-out, 477 EXO, 534 hot, 490 Extra dimensions, 415 Dark noise, 129 Extragalactic background light (EBL), 592 DASI, 437 Extraterrestrial life, see also Life Davis, Ray, 178 messages from space, 636 Daya Bay experiment, 521, 522 search for, 637 de Sitter universe, 464 Extremophiles, 624 Deep inelastic scattering, 223 DELPHI experiment, 147 Density of final states, 35 F Differential cross-section, 29 FCNC, 307 Dipole formula, 41 Fermi Diquark, 218, 335 bubbles, 556 Dirac constant, 286 equation, 86, 259 golden rule, 35, 280 notation, 80 LAT, 166 Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, 85 mechanism for CR acceleration, 562 Distance model of weak interactions, 285, 290 comoving, 424 observatory, 167 luminosity, 426 paradox (extraterrestrial life), 635 proper, 426 Fermi, Enrico, 34 scale, 425 Fermi-Dirac statistics, 4 Drell-Yan process, 328, 343 Fermion, 4 Drift chamber, 125 Feynman Dwarf spheroidals, 447, 605 diagrams, 245, 277 Feynman, Richard, 39 Fine structure constant, 278 E Fireball model, 581 EAS, 154 Fitch, Val, 312 Eddington luminosity, 577 Flash chamber, 125 EGRET instrument, 166 Flavor, 214 EHS, 142 Fluorescence, 155 Eightfold way, 211 Form factor, 41 Eikonal function, 350 Four-scalar, 47 Einasto profile of DM, 446 Fragmentation Einstein functions, 335 equations, 459 string and cluster model, 332 Einstein, Albert, 4 Free streaming distance, 529 656 Index Freeze-out temperature, 440 SO(3), 200 Friedman, Jerome I., 228 spin rotations, 199 Friedmann, Alexander, 461 SU(2), 199 Froissart bound, 350 SU(3), 202 FSRQ, 578 SU(n), 199 U(n), 199 Gyromagnetic ratio, 266 G GZK G-2 experiments, 267 cutoff, 16, 593 Gain, 129 mechanism, 540 Galactic center, 606 neutrinos, 557 Galactic coordinates, 18 Galaxy clusters, 605 H Galilei, Galileo, 9 H.E.S.S. telescope, 168, 170, 172, 608 GALLEX, 508 Hadrons, 191 GALPROP, 590 Hamiltonian, 191, 247 Gamma ray, 17, 550 HAWC observatory, 168, 170 bursts, 553, 580 HEGRA telescope, 170 emission from Fermi bubbles, 556 Heisenberg flares, 552 principle, 2 horizon, 597 Heisenberg, Werner, 2 transients, 552 Helicity, 43, 264 GAMMA400 mission, 176 Hermitian conjugate, 194 Gargamelle, 297 Hess, Victor, 75 Gaseous photomultipliers (GPM ), 130 Higgs Gauge boson, 371, 384, 386 invariance, 361 discovery, 403 transformation, 251, 257 mechanism, 368 Geiger mode, 123 Higgs, Peter, 363 Geiger-Müller counter, 78, 123 High-energy gamma rays, 566 General relativity, 452 attenuation edge, 597 Geodesic, 426, 455 hadronic photoproduction, 569 equations, 461 inverse Compton scattering, 567 GIM mechanism, 304 optical depth, 596 Glashow, Sheldon Lee, 370 self-synchrotron Compton mechanism, Glasma, 357 567 Glauber model, 352 High-z Supernova Search Team, 427 Gluon, 7, 216, 326 Hillas plot, 571 Gottfried sum rule, 235 Hofstadter, Robert, 223 Grand unification, 408 Homestake mine, 508 Grand Unified Theories (GUT), 410, 484 Hubble Gravitational constant, 10, 422, 462 interaction, 6 law, 10, 422 lensing, 444 Hubble, Erwin, 9 radiation, 559 Hypercharge, 203, 212, 374 graviton, 559 waves, 182 Gray disk, 350 I GRB, see Gamma ray bursts IceCube, 181, 559 Greenhouse effect, 622 neutrino observations, 585 Gross, David J., 323 Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Group, 193 (IACT), 170 abelian, 193 Indirect CP violation, 316 Index 657 Inelastic interaction length, 114 cosmic rays and, 622 Inflation, 437, 481 Drake equation, 631 Inflaton, 481 in the solar system, 628 Interaction length, 32 panspermia, 626 Inverse Compton, 112 recipe of, 619 Ionization counter, 123 Schrödinger’s definition, 619 Isospin, 203, 207 silicon-based, 619 weak, 373 LIGO observatory, 184 LISA project, 185 Livingston plot, 190 J LNGS, 497 J/ψ, 218, 307 Local group, 9 anomalous suppression, 356 Lorentz discovery, 218 boost, 51 suppression in QGP, 357 force, 44, 253 Jarlskog invariant, 320 invariance violation, 607 JEM-EUSO experiment, 163 Lorentz–Heaviside convention, 250 Jet quenching, 355 Lorentz-Invariant Fermi rule, 55 transformations, 45, 51 Lorentz, Hendrik, 44 K Lorenz gauge, 59, 252 K2K experiment, 522 Lorenz, Ludvig, 59 KamLAND, 515–517, 525 LPM effect, 114 KamLAND-Zen, 534 LSND, 526 KATRIN, 531 Luminosity, 29, 139 Kendall, Henry W., 228 differential, 139 Kepler mission, 634 integrated, 139 Klein, Oscar, 84 Lund symmetric fragmentation function, Klein-Gordon equation, 84, 252, 270 335 Km3NeT telescope, 182 Kobayashi, Makoto, 308 Koshiba, Masatoshi, 178 Kurie plot, 530 M MACHO, 489 MAGIC telescope, 168, 170, 172, 174, 608 L Magnetic field, 588 Lagrangian, 247 Earth’s, 623 density,
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