www.LithuanianTravel.com Republic of Lithuania is located at the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It covers 65,3 thousand square kilometres and has population of 3.435 million, of which 83,5 percent are Lithuanians, 6,7 percent Poles, 6,3 percent Russians, and 1 percent other ethnic minorities. Vilnius is Lithuania’s capital with the popula- tion totalling over 550 thousand. Other large cities are Kaunas, seaport Klaipëda, Ðiauliai, Panevëþys. There are over 100 cities in Lithuania, 30 of which are older than 750 years. Lithuania restored its independence in 1991 and in 2004 joined the European Union and NATO Alliance. Lithuanians are the most Euro-minded among all the new EU Member States. CONTENTS Along Paths of Discovery ............................................................. 2 With Your Feet on Bicycle Pedals ................................................. 4 Water Routes ................................................................................ 6 Flirting with Neptune ................................................................... 8 Not Only in the Saddle ............................................................... 10 The Land of Storks .................................................................... 12 The Ribbon of Roads ................................................................. 14 The Call of Clarion .................................................................... 16 The Joy of White Winter ............................................................. 18 As a Bird in the Sky .................................................................... 20 Spirit of Adventure ..................................................................... 22 Camping ..................................................................................... 23 Islands of Tranquillity ................................................................ 24 hinking of the free time spiced with new experiences? Choose TLithuania! Although our country is small, it is not easy to choose the route – there are so many places of distinctive and unique beauty, lots of enter- tainment and awaiting experiences. Perhaps you would like to choose the Lithuanian Baltic Coast Amber route? Or set off to the mystical land of obsti- nate Samogitians (Þemaitija)? The trip to the old villages and sunny pinewoods of singing Dzûkija‘s people would be fantastic. Or you would like to choose the land of cheerful highlanders (Aukðtaitija), surrounded by lakes, which look like eyes, waiting for visiting guests… here are four ethnographical regions in Lithuania. In three of them Tthere are national parks of Aukðtaitija (Highlands), Þemaitija (Low- lands or Samogitia) and Dzûkija, which are distinguished from each other by nature and cultural heritage just like regional people by their character. More- over there are 30 regional parks in the country, a number of conservation areas each of which is a unique mini world. ravelling across Lithuania by any means of transport or on foot is a Tpure pleasure: good road network, parks are webbed with tracks, trails and fascinating routes. There are plenty of rest areas in the side roads, a lot of camps and sightseeing platforms offering overwhelming panoramic views. Ribbons of trails and tracks are embellished with small-sized Lithuanian tradi- tional sculptures – crosses, sideway shrines, woodcarvings on mythological themes of the Balts. ager for extremes? Which of these you prefer – air balloon, soviet air Efighter, night trip to marsh or diving to the bottom of the lake to see the ancient polar city? Or perhaps you would like to choose the whole marathon of adventurous entertainment? ithuanians are northerners with southern temper - joyful and hos-pitable Lpeople, and communicating is easy and pleasant. While our traditions and creativity can make each entertainment or encounter an exciting adventure, which you will remember long after. Discover Lithuania – a unique world at the heart of Europe! Along paths of discovery The most interesting and comfortable are the trips in protected territories, i.e. na- tional and regional parks occupying the most beautiful landscapes and locations rich in a variety of nature and the most valuable cul- tural heritage. More than 170 tourism routes and paths differing in level, types and topic, as well as almost 500 different short-stay lod- ging-houses with different facilities are set active holidays in the territories characterized by their uniqueness. Approximately 120 cognitive, recreation and training routes are set in other forests that are in the competence of forest enterprises (28 of them are adapted to disabled people). The territories that fall under the competence of the forest enterprises reveal the most beauti- ful panorama and have 1700 recreation objects in total: 60 survey sites, almost 900 rest places, and approximately 500 camps. 300 of those ob- jects are adapted to disabled people. The routes are decorated with wooden articles carved by ingenious craftsmen, strange stems and stumps created by the joking nature. The trips on all Lithuanian roads are interesting and comfortable. Tourism information centres will provide you with in-depth information on recom- mended routes, the most interesting objects, recreation and lodging places or camps. The same information could be obtained from information centres or centres for visitors in National parks http://survigloters.supermedia.pl/Litwaparki/parkai/a_nac.htm the parks. The best way to know the country Regional parks http://survigloters.supermedia.pl/Litwaparki/parkai/a_titul.htm 2 and its people best is to travel on foot. Recreation in national and regional parks and signs www.viskasturizmui.lt/lt/parkai/ NATIONAL PARKS (NP) ASVEJA RP METELIAI RP RAMBYNAS RP Dubingiai, Molëtø r. Meteliai, Lazdijø r. Bitënø k., Pagëgiø r. AUKÐTAITIJA NP Tel./fax (370 383) 472 22 Tel./fax (370 318) 436 49 Tel./fax (370 441) 406 40 Palûðës k., Ignalinos r. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: meteliu [email protected] [email protected] Tel. (370 386) 528 91, tel./fax (370 29) 531 35 www.rambynoparkas.lt AUKÐTADVARIS RP NEMUNAS DELTA RP Visitors’ information centre Draugystës g. 2, Aukðtadvaris, Trakø r. Lietuvininkø g. 10, Ðilutë SALANTAI RP Tel. (370 386) 474 78 Tel./fax (370 528) 652 46 Tel./fax (370 441) 750 50 Laiviø g. 9, Salantai, Kretingos r. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Tel./fax (370 445) 587 61 Tourist centre „PALÛÐË“ BIRÞAI RP NEMUNAS DELTA RP SARTAI RP Tel. 24 hours a day: (370 386) 474 30, Ramuniø g. 2, Birþai VISITORS’ CENTRE Melioratoriø g. 15, Uþtiltë, Zarasai (370 615) 214 01 Tel./fax (370 450) 342 64 Pakalnës g. 40A, Rusnë, Ðilutës r. Tel./fax (370 385) 568 34 [email protected]; www.paluse.lt E-mail: [email protected] Tel. (370 441) 581 54 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] DZÛKIJA NP DIEVENIÐKËS HISTORIC RP SIRVËTA RP Marcinkonys visitors’ centre Poðkoniø k., Ðalèininkø r. NEMUNAS LOOPS’ RP Ðventos k., Ðvenèioniø r. Miðkininkø g. 61, Marcinkoniø k., Varënos r. Tel./fax (370 380) 466 24 Tylioji g.1, Birðtonas Tel./fax (370 387) 475 24 Tel.(370 60) 444 66, fax (370 310) 444 71 E-mail: [email protected] Tel./fax (370 319) 656 10 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Merkinë visitors’ centre DUBYSA RP http://discovery.ot.lt/cfair99/ TYTUVËNAI RP Vilnius g. 2, Merkinë, Varënos r. Vilniaus g. 99a, Raseiniai Sukilëliø g. 1, Tytuvënai, Kelmës r. Tel. (370 310) 572 45 Tel./fax (370 428) 703 30 NERIS RP Tel./fax (370 427) 562 40 [email protected]; www.dzukijosparkas.lt E-mail: [email protected] Vilnius g. 33, Sudervë, Vilniaus r. E-mail: [email protected] Tel./fax (370 5) 249 02 02 CURONIAN SPIT GRAÞUTË RP [email protected] VARNIAI RP Smiltynës g. 11, Klaipëda S. Dariaus ir S. Girëno g. 28a, Zarasai www.neriesparkas.lt Oþtakiø k., Varniø pðt., Telðiø r. Tel. (370 46) 402 256, tel./fax (370 46) 402 257 Tel./fax (370 385) 370 30 Tel./fax (370 444) 474 15 [email protected]; www.nerija.lt E-mail: [email protected] PAGRAMANTIS RP E-mail: [email protected] Alijoðiðkës k., Pagramantis, Tauragës r. TRAKAI HISTORIC NP KAUNAS LAGOON RP Tel./fax (370 446) 447 72 VEISIEJAI RP Karaimø g. 5, Trakai Miðkininkø g. 2, Vaiðvydava, Kauno r. E-mail: [email protected] Santarvës g. 9, Veisiejai, Lazdijø r. Tel. (370 528) 557 73, tel./fax (370 528) 557 76 Tel./fax (370 37) 383 070 Tel./fax (370 318) 567 82 [email protected]; www.seniejitrakai.lt E-mail: [email protected] PAJÛRIS RP E-mail: [email protected] Vilties g. 6, Klaipëda ÞEMAITIJA NP KREKENAVA RP Tel. (370 46) 411 323 VENTA RP Plateliai information centre Petrikiø k., Panevëþio r. Tel./fax (370 46) 412 483 Dariaus ir Girëno g. 2, Viekðniai, Maþeikiø r. Didþioji g. 8, Plateliai, Plungës r. Tel./fax (370 45) 593 648, (370 687) 109 99 [email protected] Tel. (370 443) 390 50, fax (370 443) 390 51 Tel.(370 448) 492 31 [email protected]; www.panrs.lt/kregparkas/ www.pajuris.info E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]; www.zemaitijosnp.lt KURTUVËNAI RP PANEMUNË RP VIÐTYTIS RP Parko g. 2, Kurtuvënai, Ðiauliø r. Ðilinës k., Jurbarko r. Vytauto g. 8, Viðtytis, Vilkaviðkio r. REGIONAL PARKS (RP) Tel. (370 21) 370 333, 370 334 Tel. (370 447) 417 23, fax (370 447) 417 24 Tel. (370 342) 6 35 32 [email protected]; www.kurtuva.lt E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ANYKÐÈIØ RP J.Biliûno g. 55, Anykðèiai LABANORAS RP PAVILNYS IR VERKIAI RP ÞAGARË RP Tel. (370 381) 507 38, fax (370 381) 507 39 Labanoras, Ðvenèioniø r. Þaliøjø eþerø g. 53, Vilnius Ðiauliø g. 28, Þagarë, Joniðkio r. E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (370 387) 313 57, (370 686) 373 21 Tel. (370 5) 2729 834, fax 2729 835 Tel./fax (370 296) 608 08 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 3 www.labanoroparkas.lt With your feet on bicycle pedals Un-hilly relief, interesting and quickly changing landscape as well as a dense net- work of roads with hard covering makes Lithuanian roads very suitable for travelling by bicycle. There are no boring long distances from one place to the other, as the country is evenly populated.
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