F 104 .H362 G72 1926 CTORY Grace Episcopal Church HARTFORD, CONN. Rev. F. F. H. Nason, Rector 1926 REV. FREDERICK FLORANCE HILORY NASON Rector I DIOCESE OF CONNECTICUT Bishop-Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster, D. D. Bishop Coadjutor-Rt. Rev. Edward Campion Ache­ son, D. D. GRACE CHURCH PARISH Rector-The Rev. Frederick Florance Hilory ason The Rectory, 42 New Park Ave. Tel. 4-0072 Wardens-William Gadsby and Alfred Gilbert. Vestry-Samuel McBride, Loftus Noyes, Dr. Ed­ ward 0. Elmer, M.D.; H. Lester Marsh, Walter Dugmore, Harry Covey, George Sibley, Mrs. George Sibley, Mrs. Frank Ayers, Miss Fitchner. Clerk of the,.Parish and of the Vestry-Mr. Harry Covey, 353 Prospect. Treasurer-Miss Charlotte Fitchner, 1047 Boule­ vard, West Hartford. Lay Readers-Mr. John Chambers, Louis Bowers, T. Maxwell Hibbert. Organist and Choir Director-H. Lester Marsh, 52 Boulanger Ave. Sexton-Mr. Harry Covey. Delegates to Convention-Mr. Walter Dugmore and Mr. H. Lester Marsh. Alternates-Mr. Harry Covey and Mr. George Sibley. Delegates to the Archdeaconry-Mrs. Pauline Fitchner and Mrs. Garett Tracy. Alternates-Mrs. George Sibley and Mrs. Francis Wheeler. SERVICES Sunday 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Third Sunday, Corporate Communion of the Church School. 9 :30 A. M.-Church School. Second Sunday, Children's Eucharist. 11 :00 A. M.-Choral Eucharist and Sermon. 7:30 P. M.-Choral Evensong and Adoration. Saints' Days and Holy Days. 9:30 A. M.-Holy Eucharist. Thursdays 7 :00 A. M.-Holy Eucharist. First Saturday Except July and August 9:30 A. M.-Requiem for the Faithful Departed. FROM THE PARISH REGISTER Baptis ms Phyllis Jean Baker, Marguerite Artley Grogan, Elizabeth Mae Lenz, John F'rederick Lundemberg, Barbara Bertha Hanna, Ralph Tracy Wegman, Kenneth Albert Chapman, Helena Mary Chapman, Adelbert Frederick Chapman, E•linor Sophia Chap­ man, Elsie Marguerite Chapman, Lucille Mary Chapman, Sydney James, Arthur Chipps, Burton Everett Hilton, Gloria Prescott, Richard Maynard Gleed, Harriet Florence Ray, Ralph Thomas Fother­ gill, David Hugo Holmgren, Anna Evelyn Massi­ cotte, Harriet Frances Massicotte, John Clifford Spanswick, Della Josephine Lawrence, John Hamil­ ton Reynolds, Dorothy Lorraine Nordstrom, Theo­ dore Stevenson Esholtz, Bertha Beryl Hazel Chris­ tensen, Norma Deitz, Beverly Virginia Boardman, Grace Marie Smith, Barbara Davenport Templeton, Virginia Frances Templeton, William Davenport Templeton, Phyllis Jean Templeton, George Secor. Con firmat ion 1924 Thomas Tonkin, Goodwin Elmer Steele, Eric Ed­ ward Bailey, Clifford James Kinsley, Raymond Wil­ liam Kinsley, Herman Christian Neilsen, Buell Ern­ est Neilsen, George Albert AyTes, Kenneth Roland Ayres, Francis Earl Moriarity, Ernest John Jacob­ sen, Francis Gustave Greaves, Edgar Henry Wilson, Arthur Chipps, Walter Winslow Lynn, Beulah Ran­ dall Lynn, Dorothy Louise Ray, Selma Margaret Christensen, Agnes Papikos, Irene Andrews, Viola Cranston. 1925 Edward Hans Smith, Frederick George Reynolds, Stanley Rayn1ond Bailey, Edward Francis Dugmore, William Tonkins, Merrill Victor Palmerton, Della Josephine Lawrence, Anna Papikos, Eva Mabel Lindwall, Grace E•lizabeth Frank, Violet Christen­ sen, Helen Minzie, Florence Hall, Mildred Heinz­ man, Edith Sarah Cook, Louise Brown, Ethel Ped­ ley Reynolds, F lorence May Pedley Staite. Burials Christopher Seton Johnstone, Frederick W. A. Sellwood, Locy C. Carter, Sarah McCourtrie Lyman, Lydia Frances Nichols, Alfred Easterby, Charles L. Blake, Margaret Johnson, Stephen Godfried Adams, George Harding, Theresa Riddell, Edward Plasi­ kowski, Daniel 0 . Abbe, Elizabeth Schrieber, Jen­ nie Church Trebert, Charles F. A. Zich, John Ste­ venson, Mrs. Bennett, Howard Bennett, Helen Grace Smith, Norma Deitz, Sarah Ray Morris, Anna Estine Starkel. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Eternal rest grant u nto them, 0 Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. Marriages Henry Wilson Herrick and Laura Elinore Muzio. J·ames McGinn and Grace Thompson. John Frederick Lehr and Bessie McAllister. Karl Irving Weitzel and Emma Gladys Gedney. William M. Dumark and Elizabeth M. Jensen. Harry Lester Marsh and Florence Whitter Abbe. William Henry Boardman and Mildred Elizabeth Alexander. Rosner Christensen and Hazel Sellwood. Earl Franklyn Boice and Dorothy Mae Snyder. George Kingman Hodgkiss and Gertrude May Corey. Wendell Churchill Steele and Antoinette Pan­ discia. Joseph Michael Delaney and Lena Daniels. Samuel Ebbert Peckham and Catherine Margaret Gedney. Frederick Henry House and Lydia Maylott. George Warren Phillips and Estella May Diters. Duncan D. Kennedy and Phyllis Mae Henry. Lawrence Elliot and Margaret Klapprodt. Arthur Chipps and Marguerite Doran. Sunday 8 00-Holy Communion. 9 30-Church School. 10 20-Matins (Morning Prayer). 11 00-Choral Eucharist and Sermon. 5 30-Fourth Sunday, Meeting of Saint Vincent's Guild. 7 :30-Choral Evensong and Adoration. Monday 7 :30-Saint Mary's Guild, Girls' Friendly Society. Tuesday 4 :00-Junior Choir. 7 :30-Boy Scouts. Wednesday 4 :00-Saint Gabriel's Guild, G. F. S. Candidates. 7 :30-Men's Club. 8 :00-First Wednesday, Vestry Meeting. Thursday 7 :00-Holy Eucharist. 2 :00-Saint Martha's Guild. 7 :30-Choir Rehearsal. Friday 4 :00-Saint Christopher's Guild Boys' Club. 7 :30-Saint Vincent's Guild. Saturday 9 :30-First Saturday Requiem. 5-6 and 7:30-8 :30-The Rector is in the church. THE CHURCH SCHOOL Superintendents-The Rector and Mr. Harry Les- ter Marsh. Secretaries-E. Frederick Osterling, George Wylie. Treasurer-Miss Charlotte Fitchner. Assistant Treasurer-George Wylie. Assistant at the Children's Eucharist-Mr. T. Max­ well Hibbert. Teachers-Kindergarten, Primary, Intermediate, Junior and Senior Departments-in order of grades.: Miss Florence Church Mrs. Stephen D. Adams Mrs. Earl Boice Mr. William Oppelt Miss Louise Brown Mrs. Pauline Fitchner Mrs. William Kinsley Mr. Walter Dugmore Mrs. H. Lester Marsh Mr. Irving Weitzel Miss Helen Rau The Rector Miss Elsie Carrier Mr. Edwin Drown Miss Floren~ Chambers Miss Gertrude Stevenson Miss Hilda Staite Miss Lucy Higginson Mrs. Francis P. Wheeler Miss Ruth Johnson Pupils-Boys, 83; Girls, 76; Teachers and Offi­ cers, 25. Total, 184. The Church School meets at 9:30 A. M. each Sunday from the middle of September to the middle o£ June. The Christian Nurture courses are used throughout. This year the even courses are being used. The members of the Church School make their corporate Communion on the third Sunday of each month. Breakfast is served after the service in the Parish House. There is a Choral Eucharist for school on the second Sunday of each month at 9:30. The instructions are given and the devo­ tions are led by Mr. T. Maxwell Hibbert. During the summer months there is a short service for the children each Sunday at 9:45 A. M. THE CHOIR Organist and Choirmaster-Mr. Harry Lester Marsh. Choir Mother and Care of the Vestments-Mrs. Pauline Fitchner. Sopranos-Eric Bailey, George Smith, John Ton­ kin, Raymond Eilison, Miss Emma Morhardt, Miss Edna Morhardt, Miss Elinor Fothergill, Miss Gertrude Stevenson, Miss Hilda Staite, Miss Virginia Wheeler, Mrs. H. Lester Marsh, Mrs. Arthur Chipps. Altos-Miss Charlotte Fitchner, Miss Lucy Hig­ ginson, Miss Florence Church. Tenors-Mr. E. Frederick Osterling, Mrs. Thomas J. Tonkin, Mr. John W. Ellison. Bassos-Mr. Herbert W. York, Mr. Clarence F. Anton. The Choir singers are voluntary. They have been most faithful and have been a great help. Choir rehearsals are held on Thursday nights at 7:30. THE JUNIOR CHOIR Director-The Rector. Organist-H. Lester Marsh. Assistant Organists-Mrs. Stephen Adams and Mrs. Frederick Lycett. Choir Mother-Mrs. Pauline Fitchner. Choir-Dorothy Morhardt, Edna Ellison, Mildred Hinzman, Helen Smith, Barbara Henry, Arden Gilligian, Irene Andrews, Viola Hale, Mary Wil­ son, Elinor Lofstrom, Stanley Bailey, Francis Dugmore, William Tonkin, John Tonkin, Robert Drayton, Raymond Kinsley, Clifford Kinsley, Russell Risley, Kenneth Risley, Sumner Maylott, Frederick Reynolds, Merrill Palmerton, Edward Ray. SAINT VINCENT'S GUILD OF ACOLYTES Chaplain-The Rector. President-Charles Leslie Morhardt. Secretary-Treasurer-Ernest Frederick Osterling. Members-K. Irving Weitzel, Frederick Osterling, Charles L. Morhardt, T. Maxwell Hibbert, Harry Lester Marsh, George Wylie, Edwin Drown, Daniel Searls, Russell Noyes, Cortis Noyes, E'<iward 0. Elmer, George Higginson, William Kinsley, Harry Covey, Charles Gertz, Clifford Snyder, Eric Bailey, Stanley Bailey, Raymond Ellison, Leonard Dugmore, George Smith, Goodwin Steele, Robert Johnstone, Mer­ rill Palmerton, Louis Bowers. SAINT HILDA'S GUILD- THE ALTAR GUILD President-The Rector. Directress-Miss Ruth Johnson. Secretary-Miss Charlotte Fitchner. Treasurer-Miss Nina Morton. Members-Mrs. John H. Barbour, Mrs. Frederick B. Nason, Mrs. Frederick F . H. Nason, Mrs. Samuel McBride, Mrs. Adelbert Moody, Mrs. Frederick Higginson, Mrs. Louis Matthies, Mrs. Stephen D. Adams, Mrs. Francis Wheeler, Mrs. George Sibley, Mrs. George A. Nichols, Mrs. Pauline Fitchner, Mrs. Frederick H. House, Miss Lucy Higginson, Miss Celia Nelson, Miss Emily Hamilton. SAINT MARY'S GUILD- THE GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY Branch Secrdary-Miss Ruth Johnson. President-Miss Florence Church. Treasurer-Miss Nina Morton. Secretary-Miss Edna Morhardt. Associates-Mrs. George Sibley, Mrs. Stephen Ad­ ams, Miss Morton, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Garrett Tracy, Miss Judge, Miss Harding, Miss Fitchner, Mrs. Fitchner, Mrs. Watkins, Miss Huntsinger, Miss Celia Nelson. Married Bra n c h H e lpe rs Mrs. Gleed, Mrs. Matthies, Mrs. Plasikowski, Mrs. Escholts, Mrs. House, Mrs. McNeil, Mrs. Grogan. SAINT GABRIEL'S GUILD G. F . S. CANDIDATES Directors-Mrs. Stephen D. Adams and Mrs. Fran­ cis Wheeler. SAINT MARTHA'S GUILD Office rs to Septembe r , 1926 President-Mrs. James Kinsley. Vice President-Mrs. Frederick B. Nason. Secretary-Mrs. Robert Ray. Treasurer-Mrs. Garrett Tracy. Office r s After Octo be r , 1926 President-Mrs. Frank Ayres. Vice President-Mrs. George Nichols. Secretary-Mrs. Clarence Anton. Treasurerr-Mrs. Garrett Tracy. The Guild meets on Thursday afternoons at 2:00. It has been most active and has done much for the parish. Among these it has r edecorated the Guild Hall and furnished the choir and acolytes with new vestments.
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