Broadcasting THE BUSINESS WEEKLY OF TEL EVI SION AND RADIO LBJ names task force to study radio spectrum. p25 Meyner burns holes in FTC's cigarette report. p30 Everybody's upset with new presunrise rule. p60 Disney sues Alaskan CATV's for copyright infringement. p54 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 CARL B. YLVISAKs;: ',BRARr ï spot roclillo reminds them buy your product They know what they like and they buy what they hear -on Spot Radio! RADIO DIVISION EDWARD PETRY & CO.. INC. THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS DETROIT LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS Courtesy of Florida State News Bureau CADILLAC FLEETWOOD ale& lei. Arse Metier. F n N... .0 ese .IK .a.l. i.. +n. WSW C.0111.0 .01,0%. 000 W. Me Cos Ir.Mln. .2595 n.. LUXURY SEDANS 7E freer Cow. lire. OAll MAW 10. w Ml +3495 1» .I 1 n..1.. «I... Only OLDS JETSTAR HOLIDAY COUPE Woe MIII n.Kn.p Interior. Feelers tr MM. M " I now Car Still In Wiry 'On...r..:.. `2795 STATION WAGON DYNAMIC cGwd w1 matching M Air . [4-PASS.Iw1". A N:i199S 1..w owner w. 0114 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SEDAN SION itees .I.C. IwIMr Interior. i en, Set. NwM.. .rw MMK .5101.It. .NCIr .I.CKIC N. nwlw ,. wnlNw.Ill" other U1.1111 Irw. OnwD.wONwr IH r .,...Ñ Yen dew. II. s3195 Ow. THERE ARE AT LEAST 253 CUTS IN THE CRC MONEY MAKER AND NEW WORLD PRODUCTION LIBRARIES THAT SEI.1. USED CARS These easy to use cuts make production of Selling Radio Spots a pleasure. And your salesman will make you and the used car dealer happier with increased business for both of you. Call collect or write CRC, Box 19726, or World Broadcasting System, Box 19246, Dallas, Texas. Phone (214) 748 -8004. CRC MONEY MAKER AND NEW WORLD PRODUCTION LIBRARIES A N N O U N C I N G THE 1968 OHIO STATE AWARDS S P O N S O R E D B Y INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION BY RADIO AND TELEVISION OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CENTER T H E O H I O S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y The Ohio State Awards is changing its annual dead- line to September 15th. This year only, entries must have been broadcast during the period, January 1, 1967- August 31, 1967. This 32nd American Exhibition of Educational Radio and Television Pro- grams is open to all radio and television broadcasters producing programs whose primary intent is to educate or inform rather than to entertain. For Information and Entry Materials, Write: INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION BY RADIO -TELEVISION 2470 NORTH STAR ROAD, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43221 (614- 293 -6641) DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES SEPTEMBER 15, 1967 SPEAKING OF COVERAGE.'.. LANCASTER- HARRISBURG- YORK-LEBANON IS TV MARKET WITH, CHANNEL 8 TV MARKET CHANNEL 8 reaches a great, thriving area, including these four major mar- kets, as well as many other communities. And, it delivers the giant share of the viewers in its market. icu.,,.ae. ..,.., >.,,,. READING MAN. Another priceless plus: 26 %* color pen- HARRISBURG . __.,..., ... ,._... etration for its all -color local telecasts :. ... _. _... .. ....... _ ro ..,........ " LANCASTER .,,..,. and NBC programs. ..,. YORK - M...-. a.ruu rv.a ' °W.r WI _ *Based on Feb. -Mar. 1967 Nielsen estimates; subject to ...._. inherent limitations of sampling techniques and other `\\11'.:' qualifications issued by Nielsen, available upon request. -- .uo.o / .0.."S, p.; - ,. ,3 : .,., ": 444:944'13'° WGAL -Tv ,.... Abil Lancaster, Pa. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. 316,000 WATTS New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Steinman Television Stations Clair McCollough, Pres. WGAL -TV Lancaster -Harrisburg -York, Pa. KOAT -TV Albuquerque, N.M. WTEV Providence, R.I. /New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. KVOA -TV Tucson, Ariz. 4 BROADCASTING, August 21, 1967 Scene is Chicago CIRCUIT® It's now all but certain that attack CLOSED on constitutionality of FCC's fairness doctrine will be concentrated in beat increased competition for rela- Frank V. Mavec holds construction seventh -circuit U. S. appellate court tively smaller radio ad dollar is to permit. Commissioner Loevinger last in Chicago where Radio -Television merge or relinquish radio interests, week appeared to side with Chairman News Directors Association and these sources feel. Rosei H. Hyde and Commissioner group of licensees filed their appeal Whatever the reasoning behind Robert E. Lee in favoring grant, while few hours ahead of CBS filing in PGW -McGavren -Guild agreement, Commissioners Robert T. Bartley and second circuit in New York last many stations involved expressed sur- Kenneth A. Cox opposed it. However, month (BROADCASTING, July 31). CBS prise at manner in which deal was final vote won't be taken until Corn - lawyers have urged RTNDA lawyers handled. Some stations are not yet missioner Cox prepares opinion oppos- to move their case to New York, but sure who reps them. Broadcasters ing sale-and Commissioner Loev- word is that RTNDA and associated weren't only group surprised by deal: inger has said he wants to study state- appellants will stand pat, as they have PGW radio division employes say they ment before "commiting" himself. power to do because they were in were 14) notified Monday (Aug. that If commission approves transfer, it court first. employment would be terminated on would have to waive its yet -to -be in- Sept. 1. Five PGW salesmen have If CBS's appeal is consolidated with voked down been invited to McGavren- Guild: policy designed to slow RTNDA's, as expected, CBS may have expansion of broadcasters into major to think twice before choosing Chicago John Butler and Don Garvey of New York, Dennis Israel of Chicago, Wil- markets. Policy requires hearings in lawyer. (It's customary to attach cases where application would result local counsel to case of this kind.) liam Hirsch of Detroit and William in broadcaster owning more than three For some time Newton Minow, Jones of Atlanta. stations, no more than two VHF's, former FCC chairman, now Chicago in top -50 markets. With Cleveland lawyer, has represented CBS in Mid- Help wanted acquisition, Kaiser would have six west. At FCC Mr. Minow thought Bailey K. Howard, president of UHF's in top eight markets. Commis- fairness doctrine was just fine. Field Enterprises, began search last sion staff has opposed transfer, re- week for replacement for Sterling garding it as sharpest blow yet at top - Early change (Red) Quinlan who resigned as man- 50 policy, which thus far has been ager of Field's WFLD(TV) Chicago Even before presidential task force waived four times (including once to in budget dispute (see page 39). named to look into telecommunica- permit Kaiser to acquire 50% of Mr. Howard, in personal business of- tions policy and spectrum use (see fice in Van Nuys, Calif., week, wxsC -TV Cambridge- Boston.) page 25), gets into subject too deep- last said job was wide open and that he ly, one of its members must be re- would probably make no decision un- End of the line placed. He's J. Herbert Hollomon, act- til mid -September. Mr. Quinlan leaves ing undersecretary of Commerce, Television has come to northernmost Oct. 1. town in America with introduc- who's leaving Sept. 1 to become presi- North tion of CATV system to Point Bar- dent- designate of University of Okla- Maneuver room homa. Speculation on who will suc- row, Alaska. System, which began ceed him on task force centers on Dr. Here's why FCC Chairman Rosei two weeks ago, is said to have about John F. Kincaid, awaiting Senate con- H. Hyde chose to be named ex officio 1,800 subscribers. Like some systems firmation as assistant secretary of instead of voting member of Presi- in southern Alaska (see page 54), commerce for science and technology. dent's new task force on communica- Barrow programing is via tapes of tions policy (see page 25): Mr. Hyde Anchorage stations, some 800 miles Dr. Kincaid, named by President felt his responsibilities as head of in- away. Barrow system is owned by to post last week, comes from Inter- dependent precluded - Hagberg & Hopson Inc. Mr. Hagberg national Minerals and Chemicals agency full task is vice president of Wien Air Alaska he vice force duty. Also, as ex officio member, Corp., Chicago, where was and chairman Alaska president for research and develop- he can make contributions without of 67 centennial to celebration. Mr. Hopson is local ment. During World War II he was committing himself task force's busi- recommendations. nessman. in charge of explosives research labo- ratory of Carnegie Institute of Tech- At FCC there is some speculation nology. He taught at Princeton Uni- that presidential emphasis on need for On the House versity from 1936 to 1938. compatibility between any domestic Word is that Commerce Committee satellite system and world system Chairman Harley O. Staggers (D- Sign of times might adversely affect chances of W.Va.) will approve today (Aug. 21) Ford Foundation proposal for domes- and transmit Agreement in which Peters, Griffin, to House floor revised tic system dedicated to television use. committee report on public- broadcast- Woodward gives its radio station list Ford system would not fit into global -Guild ing bill. Though staff strove mightily, to McGavren Co. in exchange scheme as easily as one devoted to for financial interest in parent com- report was not completed in time for more general use, it's believed. pany (see page 35) reflects funda- approval before week's end. Staff members worked late last Thursday mental change in rep business, Waivering policy some broadcasters feel.
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