Oc u lar D raw - tu b e ' B ody T u be a Rac k Pin ion Coar se Adj u s tm e n t N ose ie c e p , Mi c r om et e r H e ad of Fi ne Adj u stm e nts Obje c ti v es Stage _ Fin e Adj u stm e n t U pp e r Ir i s D iaphragm Pillar Sub stage Rin g Conde nser M ou nting Lowe r Ir i s Diaphrag m ' Pr ism Washe r Conden se r Focusin g S Mir ror Inc li nati on Joi nt Mirr or Fork M i r ror Bar Pillar H orse Shoe Base From S tevens . Illustrating the parts of a compound m icroscope . ( ) PHA RMACEUT ICA L BOT ANY B‘Y HEBE . A IVI W Y N K N P . R OU G E , H G , , A SSIS T AN T P RO F E SSOR OF B OT A N Y A N D PHARMA CO’GN OSY A T T HE ME DIQO— CH T RU RGT CA L O LL E G E M E MB E R I A H H’ d N A m m A N C ; OF T HE A ME R C N P ARMA CEU T IC A L A SS OCIA , E t A S SOCIA T ION FOR T HE A DV A N CE M E N T OF S CIEN CE, E r e , EDIT ED BY A T M H D . P . F . E . T EW R . G S , , , P ROF E S S OR OF M T E R - ME DI CA DE PA RT ME N T S O F PHA RMA CY A rA ,. ' A N 'D CHE MIST RY; ME DIOO L OH I'RU RG ICA L COLLE GE ; A U T HOR ' ' OF COMPE N D OF PHA RMA CY ILLUST RAT ED P HI L A D E L P HI A ’ P BLA K IST O N S S O N C O . 1 0 1 2 W A LN U T S T RE E T PREFACE T he aim has been to eliminate from this book all those topics that are of minor importance to the student and practitioner of Pharmacy . A s a n pharmacist and teacher , the writer feels that the bota ical prepa Pharm oco nos M M i n ration for g y and ateria edica , those colleges where for Botany is given one year , should include mainly the structural and th M - u . e C C systematic aspects of the science In edico hir rgical ollege , P s a of hiladelphia , Botany is taught the fir t year , extending over period of r 55 hours . T he au thor has introduced in this concise volume the a u import nt s bject matter of his lectures given to first year students , and has omitted laboratory directions for the obvious reason that fixed subjects for laboratory study are unnecessary . It is not a book on P harmacognosy , however , since it does not describe how one drug differs from another of the same group in all of its details . P I T he work is included in two parts . art is largely devoted to the o m rphology (gross and minute) and , to a less extent , the physiology of A P n the ngiosperms . art II deals with the taxo omy of plants , mainly but not wholly of medicinal value , together with the parts used and the - names of the official and non ofii cial drugs obtained from these . T he author does not claim sole originality for the facts presented , but has consulted many sources of information , mention of which will be found in the bibliography of the text . Dr . F A cknowledgment is here made to his esteemed friends , rancis - M . M C C Dr . E . Stewart of the edico hirurgical ollege and John P a v i n Macfarlane of the U niv . of enn , for aluable assistance the reading of the proofs and preparation of the index . Y . H . W . PHILADE LPHIA. FO REWO RD ' a A n ew In monograph entitled Old System and a N Science , s 1 88 2 I publi hed in , advocated a return to the classification in which knowledge relating to the M ateria M edica is embraced under the ' ' general head Pharmacology ; in my address as Chairman of the Sec M M P T tion on ateria edica , harmacy and herapeutics , delivered at the fortye sev enth annual m eeting ( 1 896) of the A merican Medi cal A ssociation , the same was again suggested ; and in numerous papers on the subject since contributed to medical and pharmaceutical societies and . i n press , the same plea was repeated It is therefore gratify g to note the adoption of this classification by the N ational Committee Representing the B oards and Schools of Pharmacy of the U nited ' S P S i n tates for its harmaceutical yllabus , and also to note its co rporation into the N ew York State Pharmacy Law and adOptioay the Board of Regents of the State of N ew York for the guidance of teachers of pharmacy in that state . Pharmacology in its widest scope embraces the study of dr ugs from A every possible point of V iew . s limited to the study of the changes incited in living organisms by the administration of drugs , we have h e l e Cu s n S . xcellent text books by y, o lman and others But these works demand for their proper study more extended education than required by the national syllabus or the needs of the pharmaceutical T he S P M student . object of the tewart harmacologic anuals is to supply text books suitable for pharmacists and pharmaceutical colleges , and t prepared in accordance with he national syllabus . E . F . S CONT ENT S PA RT I T ermi nology and M or phology CHA PT E R I PA G E S DI I I — V S ON S OF OT N . I . S 2 . B A Y tructural Botany or Plant M orphology . P . G i n n hysiological Botany 3 eograph cal Bota y . 4 . E co omic or A . G l . 6 S pplied Botany 5 eo ogical Botany . ystematic Botany or T . E Vegetable axonomy 7 Vegetable cology . CL SSIFI T — C ION OF PL T N . A A AN S . atural System : type; class ; series ; order ; family ; genus ; species ; individual ; variety ; race; hybrid SU B DIV ISION OF T HE E GE T B LE K IN D M — P V A G O . hanerogams ; Cryptogams ; A ngiosperms ; Gymnosperms ; M onocotyledons ; Dicotyledons VE GE T AB LE CYT OLOGY (Cellular Structure) — CeU; Protoplasm ; Protoplasmic C C N on- P ell ontents ; rotoplasmic Cell Contents . E GE T AB LE HIST L — L f V O OGY (Plant T issues) . ist o T issues and Definition s CHA PT E R II ‘ P L N T — a n Pl n A ORGAN S A N D ORG A N ISMS . Veget tive Orga s : Roots ; a t Hairs ; n — Stems ; a d Leaves . Reproductive Organs : Flowers ; Fruits ; and Seeds 1 4 1 5 - D efini ti on f T HE ROOT . ; unctions ; root hairs ; root cap ; generative tissues di ff erences between root and stem L SSIFI T I N T A T F M — P r n C A CA O OF ROO S S o OR . rima y root ; seco dary roots ; f f orms o roots ; anomalous roots ; adventitious roots ; epiphytic roots . CLASSIFICAT I ON OF P LA N T S A CCORDIN G T o DU RAT ION OF ROOT — Annual ' Bienni al ; Perenni al T HI T L — M D n ROO S O OGY. onocotyledons ; icotyledo s T HE B UD — Defini ti on ; first bud ; scaly buds ; naked buds ; leaf buds ; flowe r buds ; mi x ed buds ; bud positions 1 9— 2 0 T HE ST E EL — Defini ti on ; functions ; stem size; direction of growth ; elongation; duration; above ground stems ; underground stems ; exogenous ; endoge 2 0 — 2 nous . 3 — A . E x o e s: I . A . 2 . P D ST E M HIST OLOGY. g n nnual Dicotyls erennial icotyls L n F : Defi and their transitional changes . enticels a d T heir ormation A f : of ni ti on ; structure; function . nnual T hickening o Stems Method ' ' formation; annual ring . Bark : Definition; Distinction between h rm co ni c and C f z n P R RM P a a g ommercial designation O o es ; E ID E . B E ndogem : Monocotyls . X CON T E N T S PL N T H IR I — Defini ti on f f n A A S OR T R CHOME s . ; orms ; u ctions T HE LE A R — D efini ti on ; functions ; parts ; Complete Leaf ; sessile ; petiolate ; L f : a exstipulate; stipulate; structure of blade . ea Venation par llel reticulate; pinnately and palmately veined . — G O i : FORMS F S and C nd . O LE AV E S . imple ompou (a) eneral utl ne ovate ; elliptical; Oblong ; oblique; orbicular ; peltate ; filiform ; obovate; Oblance A x : i a olate; cuneate ; spatulate ; acerose; deltoid . (b) pe acute; acum n te ; obtuse ; truncate ; mucronate ; cuspidate ; aristate; emarginate ; retuse ; : f a . obcordate . (c) Base cordate; reni orm ; h state ; auriculate; sagittate ' (d) Margin : entire ; serrate; dentate ; crenate ; repand ; sinuate ; incised F of C L .
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