DOCUMENT RESUME BD 194 818 CG 014 759 AUTHOR Corfman, Eunice, Ed, TITLE Mental Illness in the Family. Families Today: A Pesearch Sampler on Families and Children. INSTITUTION National Inst. of Mental Health (DHEW) , Rockville, Md. Div; of Scientific and Public Information. REPORT NO DHEW-ADM-79-898. PUB- DATE 79 NOTE _ 195p;:_For_related documents see CdTh14 758-760; AVAILABLE FRCM Superintendent_cf Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock 0174024-00.960-1) EDRS PRICE MF01:),PC08-Plus Postage; DESCRIPTOPS Anthologies: *Autism: *Depression (Psychology): *DevelOpmentaI Disabilities: Family-(Sociological Unit):L*Family_Problems: Family Relationship. Fatherless Family: Heredity: *Mental_Disorders: Parent Education: ,Personality Problems: Program Descriptions; Psychological Patterns: *Schizophrenia, "ABSTRACT _ \ . Science Monographsi_publishedby -the National Instituteof,mental JjealtI, are book-length0 integrative state-of7the-art reviews, critical evaluations_ of findings; or program assessments of-current research on topics related tdthe NIMH mandate; This set of articles 'concentrate on mental illness in the family. "Depressionand_Lov-InCome, Female-Headed Families!' describes an =intensive- involving.low,,income_single-parent and married mothers of-young children._ "The Mentally- Ill at Home:_,A_Family Matter " _expIoresthe_practical,_humanitarian_and- theoretical issues of_mental:filness_and_the_consequences_of'mental illness for patients,:famiIies; "Heredity and Mental nines's" invettigates research_confirmations_of_an important hereditary- element in schizophrenia anii,depression; -"Poor.Eamily Communication_ and Schizophrenia". stresses_the_ importance .of_famiIy_relationships as favctors'iin schizophrenia and its prevention.- "Detection -and Prevention: of Shildhood Depression" describes ways investigators' detect masked depression,_ acute, anki chronic depressive illnesses in Children and presents methodsiof:treatment. "New Light_ on AutiSm and other Puzzling Disorders of-Childhood" disdussesresearchifindings.in autism and other developmental disabilities. "Basic Training for= . Parents ofj)sychotic_Children" describes the_Training_and Edlication of-Autistit,-P-sychotic and Related Communications Handicapped Children (TEACCH) program for parents. (NRB) \***mc***.********************;(****************************************# 409 Reproductions supplied by EDPS are the best that can be made * * ;, from the original document; * ;44,,.********************************************************************* a research sampler on families and. children Eunice Coffman, Editor, NIMH U S _OE PARTASENLOF HEALTH. EOUCA-TION L WELFARE NATIONAL I-NS-TIT-UTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXAC-TLY -AS,RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINZ AT iNG rl POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSAWILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL, INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY 1' mental illness in the famil DHEW Publication No. (ADM) 79-898 Printed 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH; EDUCATION; AND WELFARE 'Public Health Service Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration National Institute of Mental Health Division of Scientific and Public Information 54503 FisherS Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 CD For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DX. 20102 Stock Number 017-)24-00W-I OCT 61980- t. (CONTENTS P.S. OF V FOREWORD by Herbed Pl./. I INTRODUCTION ANO OVERVIEW e t VOL. I, PART ITHE FAMILY AS AN ENDURING UNIT Familie Zt FAMILIES IN_MA/10 TIMESLA LEGACY Vereve Set. Plunre. Today LA FAMILIA CH1CANA ...Moe _lamp Set. 1,...ta 17 Crum.. kh... 129\ TRANSMISSIO N_OF PARE/ITAL VALUES- gxed ...I...mat...ow, anrso R.. not, de.. \ W., ....as 143 ION FOR-CHILDBIRTH AND PARENTING 1.031.1. Rents Wry B.,. 171 FAMILY STYLES OF-INTERACTING 190 Da.. goys Wry B.,. 185 FAMIL_Y_AND_FRIENDSHIP IN_OLD AGE PrVIc KY 0.4.00., PART IIMARRIAGE AND OIVORCE 205 FACTORS SUSTAINING MARRIAGE; FACTORS IN ADJUSTING TO DIVORCE Orn.r. Coo." 50/16 Wqlo, I Go %Pan., ir yr. I., 233 IMPROVING COMMUNICATION IN MARRIAGE Csor#11.80.- tlerteel 249 MARRIAGES THAT ENDURE ..ost.paloi C. Charlotte -PART IIIPARENTS AND CHILDREN 210 PARENTS AS LEADERS: THE ROLE OF CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE WORKING COUPLES AS PARENTS PI. PM 1...99+4. ea.. Rent., May Ow,. 323 DEPRESNONANi)_LOW _ -114CDNIE._FEMALEHEADED FAMILIES Prot.*, 1.1094. CoMbcfar. Bo. et al Rent. tu1.0 CO,ITan 347 STEPFATHERS AS PARENTS 0.4"c pa, ..vsroptlo, Paul 11009 ,..r1 rantass PART DI FAMILIES AND THE OUTSIDE WORLD 385 MARRIED WOMEN: WORK AHOFAMILY r Lot.. Wn.e.,sto. Mary 13.0., 347 MARRIEO MEN: WORK-AND FAMILY ..losvatot un.c 413 FAMILY AOJUSTILENT TO UNEMPLOYMENT in.osiVaroeluues Fr90 PM.. Mary eh./ MI THE NA_T_LVEAMERICAN FAMILY: THE URBAN WAY Camt, A.kr rt./ Crlab. Moore The NIMH DiVISion of SCientific and Public -Informationfulfills one of its assigned diSSerniria- lion functions by publishing reports; monographs; andbibliographies targeted 40 the scientific; academic; and preifeSSiOnal communities;these products are also used for makingavallable the most recent research findings incollege and graduate training. Science Reports are typically case Studies ofNIMH-supported research or service protects detailing a body of work of a_principalinvestigator and hiS or her colleagues, its significance, design; techniques; real life constraints,and findings. Science Monographs are typically book-lengthintegrative state-of-the-art reviews, critical evaluations ottindings, t4 programassessments of current research on a selected topic related to the NIMH mandate. Bibliographies are typically annotated lists Of bbOkSand articles derived from the National Clearinghbuse ter Mental Health Informationcomputer retrieval system of literature search abstracts, designed asa quick but COMptehensive introduction or reference guide tO a topic. NIMH SCIENCE MONOGRAPH/REPORTSERIES Herbert Pardes, Mit STAFF Science Writers Director, N1MH Julius Segal, Ph.D. Mary Blehar, Ph.D. Director, DSPI, NIMH Eunice Cadman, M.A. Lenore Gelb Editor-in-Chief Sherry Prestwich Vivian Isenstein ProduCtIon Editor Charlotte Moore Bryson Freer Copy Edltor Bette Hunch EDITORAL ADVISORYBOARD Lois -ellen Datta, Ph.D. Alan°Levenson, M.D. National Institute of Edirdatibri, University of Arizona; Tucson WaSh D.C. Mary Lystad, Ph.D. Howard Davis, Ph.D. NIMH, Rockville N1MH. Rockville Elena Nightingale, M.D., Ph.D. William Denham; Ph.D. Institute of Medicine; NAS, NIMH, Rockville Wash:, D. C. John Eberhart, Ph.D. John Romano, M.D. NIMH, Bethesda University Of Rochester, Rochester Glen Elder, Jr., Ph.D. Darrel Begier, M.D. Cornell University, Ithaca N1MH, Rockville Dennis Flanagan Gary hwartz, Scientific American magazine. Uri/Vet-SO Schoo/ of Medicine, New York City New Haven Saul Feldman, D.P.H. Stephen Weiss; Ph.D. Staff College, NIMH, Rockville NHLB1, N1H, Bethesda \ Norman Garmezy, Ph.D. Louis Wienckowski, Ph.D. ' University of Minnesota; MinneapOliS N1MH, Rockville Address correspondence to:Shience RepertS Bfanch Division* of Scientific and Public Information_ National Institute of Mental Health,ADAMHA 5600,FiSherSLAne, Rodkville, Maryland 20857 4 CONTENTS page 323 DEPRESSION AND LOW-INCOME; FEMALE-HEADED FAMILIES Principal investigator. Deborah Belle et al: Writer. Eunice Corfman 633, THE MENTALLY ILL AT HOME: A FAMILYMATTER Principal Investigator: John Clausen Writer: Bette Rurfck 697 HEREDITY AND -MKTAL ILLNESS Principal Investigators:, David Rosenthal, Elliot Gershon Writer: Habert Yahraes 709 POOR FAMILY COMMUNICATION AND SCHIZOPHRENIA Principal Inv'estigator: Lyman Wynne Writer: Herbert Yahraes 733 DETECTION AND PREVENTION OF CHILDHOODDEPRESSION Principal InveStigators: Leon Cytryn; Donald McKnew Writer: Herbert Yahraes 743 NEW LIGHT ON AUTISM AND OTHER PUZZLINGDISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD Principal Investigator: Donald Cohen Writer: Herbert Yahraes 767 BASIC TRAINING FOR PARENTS OF PSYCHOTICCHILDREN Principal Investigor: Eric Schopler Writer: Bette Runck DEPRESSION D LOW-1NCOME, FMALE- FiEAD D FAMILIES Principalinvestigator.,a4berah Ed.D., et at Author. Eunice Coffman, Nlkfl-1 / Not often; but on occasion, a research project is undertaken on the cutting edge of an _urgent socialissue where "something must be done;" even though the knoWledge base is not yet secure enough to show clearly whatthat "something" should be. The Stress and Families Project is such an undertaking. Initially under the direction of the late Dr. Marcia Guttentag, this cross-disciplinary team of women researchers is nowunder the 'direction of Dr. Deborah Belle at Harvard's Graduate School of Education. The Stress and _Familiev[Project deals with several urgent social issues that have kindled_ passion and reaction overthe last decade. One is the role of women, an issue formulated, explored, and developed _mostly by white middle-class women, but here_ extended to both white and black low-income women. A second is the cultural phenomenon of depression character- ized as "the 70s illness," as anxiety was said to belong to the 60s: Related to both is the common but debated finding thatfar more womensuffer-from depressiori than do men. Still a fourth issue is the specialized but tantalizing one that, like oil and water; research and activism do not mix. And last is thesocial reality of increasing numbers of low-income female parents who are rearing their children alone and the social issues_of what this bodes for them; their children, and society. 323 324 PARENTS AND CHILDREN To approach this
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