
Center for Thomistic Studies Report 2010-11 § FFrom thtthhe Direect tor: During thehe 2010-2011 academic y ear the Center celebrated its 30th year as a graduate teaching- and rree HV DDUUUFFKSUR UJUDDPP FLGHG DDWWHG WWRR ³³$$ /LYLQJ 77KRPLVP IIRRU WWKKH 7KLUG 0LOOHQQQLXP both steepedeped in historical knowknowledge of the tradition aandnd engaged with con- WHPSRUDU\ F OXF WWXXUH LQ VKDDSSLQJ WKH IIXX UXW UH´ +LJKOLJKWLQJ WKLV HIIIIIRRUUWW WKH 3KL losophy Deparparrttment and the Center fforor Thomistic Studies introducced a joint degree progoghe ram. T BA/MA Program allows qualifified UST phiphilosophy majors (or dodouble majors) to earrnn a BAA and an MA in philosophy in 5 years instead of thhe standard 6.5. Studenntts receeceive the BA afftter completting all re- quirements fforor a UST underrggraduaatte degegree aandnd tthehe MA afftter completing com all remaining rrequirements of the BA/MAMA Program. Philosophy graduataduates of UST regulaularly inquire into admission iinto the Cennter fforor Thomiststic Studies MA Programam. With a BA/MA programam, we can serve these studenennts who tyypicpically want to studyst Tho- mas Aquinasquinas aatt the graduaatte level, and enhaancence their prospects of admissions & scholarshipps at other universitieses fforor Ph.D. studies. 7KLV \HHDU DOVR PDUUNNHG WKH ODUUJJ WVH HQUROOPHQW HYHU IIRRU WKH &HQQWHU¶V SUR grams withh forrtty students aatt various levevels of graduaatte work. § 22011 Aquiq inan s LLecte turure: DKrr. Peter Kreeft, proffessessor of philosoosophy at Boston College and thet King's College in New YYork City, GHOLYHUHG WKLV \HDU¶V $TXLQDV /HFWXUH, TThhomistic PPersersonalism: A Marriage Made in HHeaveaveaven, Hell or Harvard? on 27 January 2011 in Jones HHall aatt the University of StSt. Thomas. It was vintage KreeK fftt, hiking over rough philphilosophical JURXQG ZLWK FOODULW\ KXPRU DDQQG GHFHSWLYH HDVH ³/HW PH QRW WR WKH PPDUULDDJJH RI WUXH PLQGV$GPPLW LPSHGLPHQWV´ .UHHIWIW EHJLQVE TXRWLQJ 6KDNHVSHDUHH ³2Q WKH other hand if yyou marry a horse with a jackackass you only produce a muleule, which in turn is sterile and produces no offfffspspringngng. When you marry Thomhomism with personalism,, wwhen you marry a pre-modern,n, obbjjective and metaphysicacal philoso- phy with a modern,odern, subbjjective and phenomenomenological one, do you get a marriage RI WUXH PLQGV PPDGH LQ +HDDYYHQ RU D PXOH PPDGH LQ +HOO RU +DUUYY ´"GUD .UHHIWIW DQ VZHUV WKH TTXHVWLRQ XVLQJ DDQQRWKHU LPDDJJ KWHJ DDWW RI SUHJQDQF\ ³:H F QDF ILILQG SHUVRQDOLVP DOUHDG\\ KLGGHQO\ SUHVHQW LQ 77KRPLVP OLNH DDQQ XQERUQ EDE\«DQG >, SUHGLFW@ WKDW VLKW V PDUULDDJJH RU UDDWWKHU SUHJQDDQQF\Q LV QRW only made in Heaven but is destined too be so ffrrruiuitffulul on earth that iit will be the greatest piece of philoso- phical progogress since the 13th ´\UXWQHF § OOrderd r ofoff SSt.t Thomas To mark itss 25t25th year, the Center for Thomistic Studies initiaatted thehe Order off Stt.. TThohomas, too be awawarded WR SHUVRQV ZKR KDYH WHVWLILILHG WR ³³WWKH LQFRPSDUDEOH YDOXH RI WKH SKKLORVRSK\ RI 6DLQW 7KRPDV´´ FFiiddeses et Ratio 5, §57§57) in their writings, teachingng, philannthropy or way of liiffe.e. Each recipient is presentented with a PHGDO EHDDUULQJU DQ LPDJH RI 7KRPDV $$TXLQDV DDQQG WWKKH PRWWR RI WKH 2UGHU ³4XDQWXP 3RWHVV 7DQWXP $XGH´ 'DUUH WR GR DOO WKDDWW \RX FDDQQ ,,Q WKWKH DDZZDUG¶VG¶ LLQDXJXUDO O \HDU WKHWK &HQWHU& W ZDV SULYLOHJHG L LO G WWR KKRQRU $$YHU\ &&DUGLQDO GL O ''XXOOHVOO 6-6 - and Mr. Georgeorge Strake, Jr. Since thenhen we have ffoollowed this paattternt of awarding tthehe medal both bo to in- terrnn iat onaalllly recognized scholars and to ffrriends, who have madeade our program possible, inclncluding our IIRRXQGHUV)U ) 9LFWRU %UH]LN &6% DQG 0U +XJK 5R\ 0DUVKDOOO DDQQG $UFKELVKRS - - 0LFKDHO Miller, CSBSB (2010). In 2011 thehe Center recognized Aquinasquinas Lecturer Peter Kreefftt as well as Ms. Michele Malloyoy and Fr. Robert W.. Crooker,C CSB: Q,³ DDZZDUGLQJ WKH Orderrder of St. Thomas to Fr. CCrooker, we honor his conntrir buution as a Basilian to the renaenaissance in tthehe study of St. Thomas Aquinas in Nortrth America, fifi str aatt tthehe Ponnttifificalal Instittuteute of Mediaeval Stududies in Toronto and then hehere aatt the Center fforor Thomisttais c Sttudiudies. We recognize ass well the years of teachinghing and ad- ministration in Torononnto and Houston aandnd the generenerosity of spirit that knowsse- no retir ment. Finally, we acknowledge with gratitudee that Fr. Crooker ffuncunctionsons fforor us as ³WUUXXH QRUWK´ RQ WKLV XQLYHUVLW\¶V LQWHOOHFWXDO FRPPSDVV´ ³,Q PDNLQJ WKLV DDZZZDUG WR Michele Malloy, wee honor her serrvvice to Caatthoholic higher educaattion and moreore broadly to Catholic culturee and education in the Archdichdiocese of G-alveston +RXVWRQQ :H UHFRJQL]H SDUWUW \OUDOXFL \ KHU WHQXUH RQ WKLV 8QLYHUVLWW\¶V %RDUG of Directors, wheree she is currently chairchair. Wee are grateffulul fforor the care withw which she has sttududied ourr traditions and we are heaarrrttened by the respect she has shown ffoor our work of teaching and scholarship. Her w- wide ranging service: to h er parish, to Incarrnatnate Word Academcademy, the Charity Guild of Caattholic Women, and to thet Orders RI 0DOWD DDQQG WKH +RRO\ 6HSXOFKUH KDV MXVWO\ HDUQUQHGQ RXU DGPLUDDWW ´QRL Fr. Crookerer used the occasion to recall the Crooker and Malloy IIDDPLOLHV¶D OHJDF\ RI ORYH DQG V RSSXV UWUW IIRRU the Univerersity of St. Thomas ffrrom itss earliest years to the presentent. The presentaattions were made just SULRU WR WKLVV \HDU¶V $TXLQDV /HFWXUH § JJohnh Paul III FForum: The Center fforor Thomhomistic Studies has been expapaandednded and enriched througough its new relationship with thehe John Paul II Forrumum, whosehose director, John Hittttinger,, is on the &HQWHUIIDDFXOW\ 7KH PLVVLRQ RI WKH )RUUXXP LV ³7R SURPRWH WKH XQGHUVWDQGGLQJ RI WKH thought of Pope John Paul II and to develop his legacy as it ffoormrms and equips the &KXUFKIIRRU WKH QHZ YH DDQQ ]LOHJ DDWWLRQ´ 7KH &76 FRF -evsponsored a number of events with t-11,he Forrumum in 2010 11, including: Septemberber 9, 2010 The Honoraborable Rick Santorum HSV DDNN JJQL RQ ³7KH 5ROH RI )DLWK LQ 3XXEOLF /LIIHH L) IWIW\ <HDUV $IIWIWHU -RKQ ) .HQQHG\¶V 6SHHHFK WR WKH *UHDDWWHU +RXVWRQ 0LQLVWHULDO 0 $VVRFLDDWW ´QRL February 24, 2011 Dr. F. Russell Hittinger, William K. Warren Chair of Catholic Studies at the 8QLYHUVLW\RI7XOVDVSHDNLQJRQ³:KDW6W%HQHGLFW7DXJKWWKH'DUN$JHV² +LVDQG2XUV´ April 30, 2011 Conference at Houston Baptist University HQWLWOHG³+HDOWK&DUHLQD6HFXODU &XOWXUH7KH&RQVFLHQFHRI3K\VLFLDQVDQG1XUVHVDW5LVN´ June 13-16, 2011 Workshop with Dr. Michael Waldstein, Max Seckler Professor of Theology at $YH0DULD8QLYHUVLW\RQ³7KH7KHRORJ\RIWKH%RG\´DQGOHFWXUHRQ³6W7KR PDV3KHQRPHQRORJ\DQG3RSH-RKQ3DXO,,´ § Aquinas & the Arabs : The CTS hosted the Fall Conference (11-12 September 2010) of The Aquinas and the Arabs Project, an international working group of scholars, organized by Richard C. Taylor, Marquette University, which is devoted to making known the important influence of philosophy in the Arabic tradition on the thought of Thomas Aquinas and his predecessors, colleagues, etc., in philosophy and theology in the Latin West during middle ages. The group has two meeting per year, one in North America and the other in Europe, and publishes its findings in a variety of ways. Already in progress are a special edition of the journal The Thomist and a two volume work for Cambridge University Press by Taylor, R. E. Houser, Univer- sity of St. Thomas (TX), and Luis Farjeat, Panamerican University, Mexico City. The conference was underwritten by the CTS, Dr. Dominic Aquila, VPAA, Fr. Joseph Pilsner, CSB, Dean, College of A&S, the John Paul II Institute and the Faculty Development Committee. § CCentere t r CColloquiia: he tnder U tnder he car rDfoe mohT. Oas sborne, tsborne, ioqulloChe a ffee ruat ed a rxtuima dentsutsfoe ertenC, ytlFacuer , tcula FSTU tcula yt and iouirustlli, gtinvs uested Huest ires. te lhs neie -up of spes s:erak . 2tSep arM adstulKk IRU3 IIHH 8HFL5\KSRVROLK3IRURVV QELH/³QRHNRSV\WLVUHYLQ8 ]LQ DDQQ HKWG $IR\WLOLELVVR3 LWQHLF6LURLU3$ IILL QRLWFLGHU3F ´Q 6. 1tSep 6. C intarMhris Profe, sors yophosliPhof reentC, ffoo istihomTr Sc tudu i TSUes, okpsT e on ODQ$³ \W\W 3ODFL 5KWLD)HKWGQD\KSRVROLK H5 IOIO ¶HEPRFVQ$QRVQRLWFH µV Twenttyy OOpinipini momnsCo Am rn AModeongmon nggllo-A PriemA erssophohilcan ´¶ 0. 3tSep 0. eacTr dlanowRy D, ean htof oJe instIIIlPauhn eutti fforor agirrMa e liamFand Studiyl es, X$HQUXREOH0 Q2³QRHNRSVDLODUWVX urtulC e andur tthehe TThh iom stt TTradraddiittiion ´ . 14ctO eaniD HaaneDl K3 H&WQHGXWV' QW UH IIRR PRK7U QRHNRSV768VHLGXW6FLWVLP ³Q LLiininnggguuuiiststtiiicc H7 UPUP GLFQ,VDV ´VDQLXT$QLVHOELVQH6ODWQHG ´ . 21ctO lyeeDJohn PGX5 DDQQ UHWQH&ULDK&Q IIRR LPRK7U QRHNRSV768VHLGXW6FLWV 7³Q DDNN JQL \OVXRLUH6KWLD) ´\ . 12ovN MtoberR rein Associ, ssociaatt ssoProfee r off P phyosolhi Bphy Ulay, tisernivor y spoke on ³ThThhooommmaasas QLXT$ HU*QRVDQ DDWW ´WLULS6IRVVHQ ec. 2D remmoSselrahC , V$ VLVV WDWDDQQW3UURRIIHH \JRORHK7IRURVV RSV768 NNHH ³QR iS ggnn tsuseJfo tthh Pe rroo tehp ni MMaattttthh we ´ . 11Feb John rthyaCMc D, ean, Schean, osophyliPhfoool C, olihatC ytsiernivUc ermAof espokcaier &V¶HPX+³QR 7IRHYR/VXRLUX& UUXXWWKK LLL,, IR A TTrereatise ooff HHumuman NNatature ´ . 17Feb raeC anmdereNy Profe, enceciScalitilPofossorProfe ence exT, &Aas ytsiervinUM okspy one 5IRVWSHFQR&³ QLVWKJL5 WWKK ´VHJ$HOGGL0H . 25Feb isonrorMonaldD
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