POCKETGUIDE General information page 116 Entertainment and events page 117 !e cultural highlights page 118 Museums, gardens, art galleries page 119 Hotels in Switzerland page 120 Holiday destinations page 123 Healthcare: private clinics page 124 Banking, investment, retail page 126 Airlines in Switzerland page 128 Private jet, trains, boats, buses page 129 Business and commerce page 130 116 POCKETGUIDE SWISS CONGRESS General information Average temperatures Stocks and shares Relig ion www.meteoschweiz.ch Infor ma tion on stocks and shares is dis played in the win dows Cath o lic and Prot es tant church es can be found every where; of most banks. syn agogues in most larg er towns. Increas ing ly, mosques can Zürich St. Moritz be found in the bigger cit ies as well. For more infor ma tion "/m above sea level 1348/411 6090/1856 check with your hotel con cierge. January/February 32 °F 0 °C 21 °F -6 °C Lan guage March/April 43 °F 6 °C 30 °F -1 °C Swit zer land is a mul ti lin gual coun try. Many Swiss are usually May/June 57 °F 14 °C 45 °F 7 °C able to speak sev er al languag es, includ ing Eng lish. Swiss mon ey July/August 63 °F 17 °C 52 °F 11 °C • Ger man in north, cen tral and east ern Swit zer land 1 Swiss franc (CHF) is divided into 100 cents. September/October 52 °F 11 °C 41 °F 5 °C • French in west ern Swit zer land Bills of: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 1000 francs November/December 36 °F 2 °C 27 °F -3 °C • Ital ian in south ern Swit zer land Coins of: 5, 10, 20, 50 cents; 1, 2, 5 francs • Romantsch in south east ern Swit zer land Busi ness hours Tele phone information Offices: Mon day to Fri day 8 –12 am and 1.30 – 5 pm Measures/conversions Austria: 1151 Ger ma ny: 1152 Banks: Mon day to Fri day 8.30 am – 4.30 pm; mon ey 1 pound ( USA, GB) 454 g 1 ounce ( USA, GB) 28.35 g France: 1153 Italy: 1154 exchange at any air port and larg er rail way sta- 1 bar rel ( USA, GB) 163.6 l 1 gal lon (GB) 4.544 l for all oth er coun tries: 1159 Switzerland: 1811 tion dai ly until 10 pm 1 gal lon ( USA) 3.785 l 1 pint ( USA) 0.473 l Shops: Mon day to Fri day 8 –12 am and 1.30 – 6.30 pm 1 pint (GB) 0.567 l (in larg er cit ies also dur ing lunch hours, but Mon- 1 foot ( USA, GB) 30.47 cm 1 inch ( USA, GB) 2.54 cm Call ing abroad day morn ing o"en closed); Sat ur day 8.30 am – 1 mile ( USA, GB) 1,609.3 m 1 yard ( USA, GB) 0.914 m Australia 0061 Austria 0043 5 pm; at main sta tions most shops are open to 30 °C = 86 °F 20 °C = 68 °F 10 °C = 50 °F 0 °C = 32 °F Brasil 0055 China 0086 10 pm France 0033 Germany 0049 Post offices: Most post offic es are open Mon day to Fri day Great Britain 0044 Hong Kong 00852 from 7.30 –12 am and 1.45 – 6.30 pm; Sat ur day Mail Italy 0039 Japan 0081 until 11 am Swit zer land Liechtenstein 00423 Netherlands 0031 In cer tain parts of Swit zer land, the open ing hours might dif- Let ters up to 100 g (1 day) CHF 1.00 UAE 00971 Sweden 0046 fer slight ly. Ask the con cierge in your hotel. Let ters up to 100 g (2–3 days) CHF 0.85 Spain 0034 USA 001 Par cels up to 2 kg (1 day) CHF 9.00 Par cels up to 2 kg (2–3 days) CHF 7.00 Credit cards Tip ping !e most ac cept ed cards in Swit zer land are VISA, Amer i can Europe and Med i ter ra ne an coun tries !e ser vice charge is always includ ed in res tau rants, hotels and Ex press, Din ers and Mastercard. Let ters and cards up to 20 g CHF 1.40 taxis. An extra tip is not expect ed but cer tain ly appre ciat ed. If you lose your cred it card, con tact your cred it card com- Let ters up to 50 g CHF 2.20 pa ny at the fol low ing num bers: Let ters up to 100 g CHF 2.90 Tourism in Switzerland VISA +41 58 958 84 00 All oth er coun tries Switzerland Tourism Amer i can Express +41 44 659 69 99 Let ters/cards up to 20 g CHF 1.70 Tödi strasse 7, P.O. Box 695, CH-8027 Zürich Din ers Club +41 58 666 11 11 Let ters up to 50 g CHF 2.80 Phone +800 100 200 29 (Free Phone) Mastercard 0800 00 41 41 Let ters up to 100 g CHF 3.60 www.myswitzerland.com [email protected] Cus toms reg u la tions Pub lic hol i days !e fol low ing items may be import ed duty free: New Year Whit sun day Switzerland Convention & Incentive • Per son al belong ings Good Fri day Whit mon day Bureau • Food pro vi sions ( one day’s need) East er Sun day August 1 (Swiss Nation al Day) • 2 liters of alco hol ic bev er ag es up to 15% proof and East er Mon day Christ mas c/o Schweiz Tourismus • 1 liter of alco hol ic bev er ag es over 15% proof May 1st (Labor Day) Box ing Day Tödistrasse 7, CH-8027 Zürich • 200 cig ar ettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco Ascen sion Day Phone +41 (0)44 288 13 73 • Other merchandise not exceed ing CHF 300.– of value Other pub lic and religious holi days in spe cific can tons. www.myswitzerland.com For fur ther infor ma tion please con tact: Direc to rate Gen er al of Swiss Cus toms in Bern (+41 31 322 65 11) or the near est Swiss con su late or embas sy. Distance chart (km) Zürich St. Moritz St. Gallen Montreux Lugano Lucerne Lausanne Geneva Davos Bern Basel Electricity/voltage Basel 93 310 180 200 288 106 212 275 251 109 x !e cur rent used through out Swit zer land is 220 volts. !e Bern 140 356 226 96 306 123 107 170 298 x 109 pow er sock ets diff er from those used in most coun tries. Davos 162 74 144 389 179 190 370 463 x 298 251 Adapt ers can be borrowed in most of the larg er hotels. Geneva 305 522 392 103 471 289 70 x 463 170 275 Lausanne 243 460 329 29 409 227 x 70 401 107 212 Lucerne 62 249 156 215 185 x 227 289 190 123 106 Lugano 229 115 269 397 x 185 409 471 179 306 288 Emer gen cy num bers Montreux 230 447 317 x 397 215 29 103 389 96 200 Police 117 Fire department 118 St. Gallen 94 203 x 317 269 156 329 392 144 226 180 Ambu lance 144 Road rescue 140 St. Moritz 220 x 203 447 115 249 460 522 74 356 310 Res cue hel i cop ter 1414 Zürich x 220 94 230 229 62 243 305 162 140 93 SWISS CONGRESS POCKETGUIDE 117 Entertainment and events ! eater/opera Schlachthaus !eater +41 31 312 96 47 Lucerne – www.luzern.com In Switzerland cul ture in gen er al enjoy s a high rep u ta tion. Rathausgasse 20 www.schlachthaus.ch KKL Luzern +41 41 226 70 70 !us it is not sur prising that eve ry larg er city offers a wide Konzerttheater Bern +41 31 329 51 11 Europaplatz 1 www.kkl-luzern.ch range of var i ous the a ters. Starting with the big city the a ters in Postfach 609 www.konzerttheater.ch Kleintheater +41 41 210 33 50 Basel, Ge neva and Zürich, which are all of inter na tion al !eater an der Matte +41 32 901 38 79 Am Bundesplatz 14 www.kleintheater.ch impor tance, we also have to men tion the well- known opera Mattenenge 1 www.theatermatte.ch Luzerner !eater +41 41 228 14 44 house in Zürich, offer ing a wide, diver si fied pro gram. !eater am Käfigturm +41 31 311 61 00 !eaterstrasse 2 www.luzernertheater.ch Spitalgasse 4 www.theater-am-kaefigturm.ch Visitors to our coun try who are fluent in German or French Zytglogge !eater +41 78 898 32 31 shouldn’t miss a per for mance of one of the cosy small er the a- Kornhausplatz 10 www.zytglogge-theater.ch ters. !eir pro gram might not be sophis ti cat ed, but it gua r an- Zürich – www.zuerich.com/events tees a won der ful eve ning. Kongresshaus +41 44 206 36 36 Geneva – www.geneve-tourisme.ch Gotthardstrasse 5 www.kongresshaus.ch Local tour ist offic es will pro vide you with fur ther infor ma tion Grand !éâtre de Genève +41 22 322 50 00 Opernhaus +41 44 268 66 66 about the a ters includ ing the up-to- date pro grams. Boulevard du !éâtre 11 www.geneveopera.ch Falkenstrasse 1 www.opernhaus.ch La Comédie de Genève +41 22 320 50 01 Rats Kulturhaus +41 44 457 10 30 Boulevard des Philosophes 6 www.comedie.ch Aemtlerstrasse 23 www.rats.ch Basel – www.basel.com Le Poche +41 22 310 37 59 Schauspielhaus Pfauen +41 44 258 70 70 Baseldytschi Bihni +41 61 261 33 12 Rue du Cheval-Blanc 7 www.lepoche.ch Rämistrasse 34 www.schauspielhaus.ch Im Lohnhof 4 www.baseldytschibihni.ch !éâtre de Carouge +41 22 343 43 43 Schauspielhaus Schi$au +41 44 258 70 70 Gare du Nord, Badischer Bahnhof +41 61 683 71 70 Rue Ancienne 57, Carouge www.tcag.ch Schi$austrasse 4 www.schauspielhaus.ch Schwarzwaldallee 200 www.garedunord.ch !éâtre du Grütli +41 22 888 44 84 !eater 11 +41 44 318 62 60 Häbse-!eater +41 61 691 44 46 Rue Général-Dufour 16 www.grutli.ch !urgauerstrasse 7 www.theater11.ch Klingentalstrasse 79 www.haebse-theater.ch !éâtre du Loup +41 22 301 31 00 !eater am Hechtplatz +41 44 450 10 05 Zum Isaak Gastronomie und Kultur +41 61 261 47 12 Chemin de la Gravière 10 www.theatreduloup.ch Hechtplatz 7 www.theateramhechtplatz.ch Münsterplatz 16 www.zum-isaak.ch Victoria Hall +41 22 328 35 73 !eater an der Winkelwiese +41 44 252 10 01 Sudhaus +41 61 693 34 39 Rue Général-Dufour 14 www.ville-ge.ch Winkelwiese 4 www.winkelwiese.ch Burgweg 7–15 www.werkraumwarteckpp.ch !eater am Neumarkt +41 44 267 64 11 Musical !eater Basel +41 61 699 88 99 Neumarkt 5 www.theaterneumarkt.ch Riehenring/Feldbergstrasse 151 www.musicaltheaterbasel.ch !eaterhaus Gessnerallee +41 44 225 81 10 Neues Tabourettli, Fauteuil +41 61 261 26 11 Lausanne – www.lausanne-tourisme.ch Gessnerallee 8 www.gessnerallee.ch Spalenberg 12 www.fauteuil.ch Arsenic – Tonhalle Orchester Zürich +41 44 206 34 34 Parterre +41 61 666 67 00 Centre d’Art Scénique Contemporain +41 21 625 11 22 Claridenstrasse 7 www.tonhalle.ch Klingentalgraben 28 www.parterre.net Rue de Genève 57 www.theatre-arsenic.ch Volkshaus +41 44 242 11 55 Schauspielhaus +41 61 295 11 33 Grange de Dorigny +41 21 692 21 12 Stauffacherstrasse 60 www.volkshaus.ch Steinentorstrasse 7 www.theater-basel.ch Site de l’Université de Lausanne www.grangededorigny.ch !eater Basel +41 61 295 11 33 Le Petit !éâtre +41 21 323 62 13 Elisabethenstrasse 16 www.theater-basel.ch Place de la Cathédrale 12 www.lepetittheatre.ch !eater im Teufelhof +41 61 261 10 10 !éâtre CPO +41 21 616 26 72 Cinemas Leonhardsgraben 47–49 www.teufelhof.com Chemin de Beau-Rivage 2 www.cpo-ouchy.ch More than 300 cinemas located in towns and cities through- !éâtre de Beaulieu +41 21 643 21 11 out Switzerland are available to movie fans.
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