Mem. S.A.It. Vol. 75, 282 c SAIt 2004 Memorie della ¡£¢¥¤§¦©¨ ¡£ ¨ ¨¡¤ ¨ §¦ ¡£!" #!$%¤¡&¥'(!$)¨ !$¦©+*,¨-/.0!$1 ¨2§¦ 3/ 4¤§¥5¦67¡8¨9¦4: ¨-¦ Fabio Reale1, Susanna Parenti2, Kathy K. Reeves3, Mark Weber3, Monica G. Bobra3, Marco Barbera1, Ryohei Kano4, Noriyuki Narukage5, Masumi Shimojo6, Taro Sakao5, Giovanni Peres1, and Leon Golub3 1 Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche & Astronomiche, Sezione di Astronomia, Universita` di Palermo, Piazza Parlamento 1, 90134 Palermo, Italy and INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Piazza Parlamento 1, 90134 Palermo, Italy 2 Royal Observatory of Belgium, 3 Circular Avenue, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium 3 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 4 National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan 5 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8510, Japan 6 Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory, Nobeyama, Nagano 384-1305, Japan Abstract. The structure, dynamics and evolution of the solar corona are governed by the magnetic field. In spite of significant progresses in our insight of the physics of the so- lar corona, several problems are still under debate, e.g. the role of impulsive events and waves in coronal heating, and the origin of eruptions, flares and CMEs. The Hinode mis- sion has started on 22 september 2006 and aims at giving new answers to these questions. The satellite contains three main instruments, two high resolution telescopes, one in the optical and one in the X-ray band, and an EUV imaging spectrometer. On the Italian side, INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo has contributed with the ground-calibration of the filters of the X-ray telescope. We present some preliminary mission results, with partic- ular attention to the X-ray telescope data. Key words. Sun: corona – Sun: magnetic field – Sun: X-rays – Sun: UV 1. Introduction (Vaiana etal. 1973) first monitored the corona for significant parts of a solar rotation and led The study of the colar corona has made large to a first breakthrough in our insight of the steps forwards since the launch of the first structure, dynamics and physics of the corona. telescopes outside the earth atmosphere, which The Solar Maximum Mission (SMM, Bohlin have allowed us to collect the X-ray radia- et al. 1980) addressed the most dynamic and tion from the Sun. In the 70s the S054 X- energetic events on the Sun, the flares, and ray telescope on board the Skylab mission achieved high resolution X-ray spectroscopy, by means of Bragg crystal spectrometers. The Send offprint requests to: F. Reale Reale: Solar corona from Hinode 283 Yohkoh mission (1991-2001, Ogawara et al. on 23 September 2006 (Fig. 1). The mis- 1991) monitored and imaged the solar corona sion consists of a coordinated set of opti- during a whole solar cycle The SoHO mission cal, X-ray and EUV telescopes. The satel- (Domingo et al. 1995), an ESA/NASA corner- lite had been coordinated and developed by stone, has been launched in 1995 and is still the United Kingdom, the United States and active, with more than ten instruments. It is ca- Japan, each with the following main respon- pable of EUV spectroscopy and imaging. The sibilities: the satellite systems were developed TRACE mission (Handy et al. 1999), launched by JAXA and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. in 1998 and still operating, images the EUV The large solar optical telescope (SOT) was Sun with very high spatial resolution (0.5”). jointly developed by the United States and All these missions have enphasized the Japan. JAXA and the National Astronomical crucial role of the solar magnetic field in Observatory of Japan worked on the tele- confining, heating and accelerating the coro- scope optics and the U.S. National Aeronautics nal plasma. In typical coronal conditions the and Space Administration (NASA) devel- plasma moves and transports energy along oped the focal-plane package (FPP). For the magnetic field lines. Since it is optically the X-ray telescope (XRT), NASA provided thin, and the emission scales as the square of grazing-incidence mirror optics, and JAXA the the density, the brightest part of the corona CCD camera. Development of the Extreme consists of regions full of closed magnetic Ultraviolet (EUV) Imaging Spectrometer is be- structures, the so-called coronal loops, where ing led by the Particle Physics and Astronomy the plasma is strongly confined and therefore Research Council (PPARC) of the United denser. Coronal loops can be found on several Kingdom with the support of NASA and spatial scales, from ∼ 108 cm (bright points) to JAXA. > 10 ∼ 10 cm (large scale structures) and typically The Hinode spacecraft is built around the live on time scales of several hours, longer than optical telescope assembly (OTA). The focal the typical cooling time scales (e.g. Vaiana et plane package (FPP) of the OTA, the XRT and al. 1973a, Serio et al. 1981). Therefore, coronal EIS are strapped to the sides of the OTA. The heating mechanisms are invoked to act on time payload has a dry weight of 875 kg. The so- scales as long as to maintain the coronal struc- lar arrays provide 1000 W of power and the tures steady. On the other hand coronal loops telemetry system has a downlink capability of are the site of very dynamic events, from fast 4.2 Mbps. ESA is providing 15 contacts per brightening, to explosive flares, lasting from day from Svalbard to supplement the four day several minutes to many hours. Although the passes at Kashima for a total of ∼ 7 GB per space missions have provided a wealth of use- day. ful observational data and have contributed to The optical telescope (SOT) is a diffrac- explain many aspects of the link between the tion limited, aplanatic Gregorian in the band dynamic and heated corona and the solar mag- 388-670 nm, with an aperture of 0.5 m. It pro- netic field, the details of how the magnetic field vides angular resolution of about 0.2 arcsec at releases its energy and determines the plasma 400 nm over the field of view of about 4 x 4 dynamics is still unclear and under debate (e.g. arcmin2. The focal plane package of the opti- Reale & Ciaravella 2006, Klimchuk 2006). cal telescope consists of a filter vector magne- Further questions have been opened by new tograph and a spectro-polarimeter. This com- dynamic phenomena detected thanks to the bination is able to provide a continuous se- higher temporal and spatial resolution achieved ries of high-precision vector magnetograms, by the new missions. Dopplergrams, and filtergrams with sub-arcsec resolution. 2. The Hinode mission The Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) provides spatially re- Hinode is the successor to the orbiting so- solved high resolution spectra and aims at lar observatory Yohkoh and was launched determining velocity fields and other plasma 284 Reale: Solar corona from Hinode parameters in the corona and transition region. transmission tests showed that the results were It is sensitive in the wavebands 170-210 Åand within 5-10% of the predicted values. 250-290 Å, where intense Fe lines are present. The spatial and spectral resolution are about 3. XRT observations 1 arcsec, and 2.23 mÅ/pixel respectively. The minimum slit is 1 × 512 arcsec2. The X-ray telescope has been designed to The grazing-incidence X-ray telescope achieve several scientific goals. The main ones (XRT, Golub et al. 2007) images the high tem- include the origin and triggering of Coronal perature (1 to 30 MK) corona with high angu- Mass Ejections, the heating of coronal struc- lar resolution, a few times better than the soft tures, the presence of waves and the role of the X-ray telescope on board Yohkoh, through sev- interaction between the structures, the details eral filters so to provide temperature and den- of magnetic reconnection, the dynamics and sity diagnostics. The telescope is a modified energetics of flares, the coupling of the corona Wolter I with a 35 cm aperture and a 2.71 m to the photosphere, the energy transfer to the focal length. It provides a flare flag to alert corona. To these purposes several observation the other instruments. The angular resolution is modes have been set up; the analysis of the ≈ 1 arcsec, the encircled energy is 68% within coronal dynamics requires sensitivity to rapid a 2 arcsec diameter circle at 0.523 keV. The evolution and therefore frequent sampling at CCD is 2048×2048 pixels corresponding to a high cadence; the study of the plasma energet- field of view of 35×35 arcmin. It includes a ics requires the capability to recover the ther- visible light optic. The optics are mounted at mal structure and evolution and this can be ob- one end of the telescope tube. At the other end tained from observations with multiple filters; there are two filter wheels with analysis filter, the analysis of the coronal structure topology the main shutter and a camera. XRT enables requires the monitoring of the magnetic activ- several algorithms to maximize the quality of ity on a large scale and therefore the obser- the observations. vation with large field of view and with long and short exposures to achieve a large dynamic range of emission. 2.1. XRT calibration at Palermo Here we present a preliminary result which OAPa/XACT shows the kind of diagnostics expected from the X-ray data of Hinode/XRT. Fig. 2 shows Several of the ight focal plane lters for the the map of the ratio of the emission in two XRT XRT were tested at the X-Ray Astronomy filter passbands of the active region observed Calibration and Testing (XACT) facility of with Hinode on 12 November 2006.
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