She’arim Update Pesach 5765, Spring 2005 She’arim Cultivates Leaders he’arim is proud to unveil a new good leader. When I became a teen- provide role models and inspiration for S program for talented women with ager, I realized that a person had to be growth, She’arim will take these stu- the potential to take on leadership roles chosen by the people he was leading. dents to visit outstanding Jewish in their communities. The Young Lead- But as an adult, I learned that leader- women and leaders in Jerusalem. ership Training Program will sponsor ship is taking responsibility. And if By the end of the program, partici- selected women from the English- you lead in a pleasant and inclusive pants will have developed their personal speaking world, who have been nomi- way, people will follow." skills and acquired a deeper awareness nated by Jewish outreach professionals Once at She’arim, Young Leader- of Judaism, leaving them well-equipped abroad. Nominees must have previous ship Fellows will engage in a full- to assume leadership positions in their involvement in Jewish activities and time learning program in the regular respective communities. strong interpersonal and intellectual ca- She’arim classes and an additional The program begins September pabilities. Potential candidates will be agenda tailored to hone their leader- 2005, and nominations should be sub- bright, balanced, and responsible; adept ship skills. They will attend special mitted by June 1st. Applications can be in social skills; and committed to courses to learn to interact with di- sent to She’arim by mail: She’arim, PO growth in Torah. The program also verse groups of people and will learn BOX 34629, Jerusalem, Israel, 91346; stipulates that nominees be between 20 about the structure of Jewish commu- by fax at 972-651-8370; or by email at and 25 years old and able to spend a nities in the diaspora. They will also [email protected]. minimum of 10 months at She’arim. receive assignments such as organiz- Commenting about leadership, Reb- ing community activities or chesed betzin Pavlov said, "When I was a projects and complete workshops in AVAILABLE SOON: child, I always thought that if only the people skills, group work, account- Rebbetzin Pavlov’s new book teacher would pick me, I could be a ability, and fundraising. In order to WATER FROM THE WELL: Reflections on Being a Jew She’arim teachers are mentored on mentoring at the End of History s part of She’arim efforts to create innovative and improved programming and A training for both staff and students, our staff attended a training course this Copies will be available from summer on counseling. The in-house training, led by the eminent psychologist Dr. She’arim by June Steve Sherr, was designed to teach advanced skills in counseling students. Dr. Sherr, newly retired Professor Emeritus from San Diego State University, volunteered his time to run the six-part course. The teachers benefited from his diverse experience in the field: he spent 34 years working as a faculty member Rebbetzin’s Corner counseling students, supervising masters and doctoral interns, and teaching coun- seling practice. He also developed a peer counseling program at SDSU. He retired two years ago when he made aliyah with his wife Marianne, a She’arim alumna. n Tehillim 131, She’arim's teachers learned how to integrate conventional counseling techniques I King David into their roles as educators and mentors through role-playing, lively discussions, compares himself to and reading material. Dr. Sherr highlighted the questions and issues with which "a suckling child at students may grapple as they become more religious. When "emotion hits ethics his mother's side; like and morality," he said, teachers tend to be natural magnets for support. a suckling child is my Speaking about She’arim's staff in particular, he said, "They were phenomenal soul." What does it mean to be a people with caring, empathy and psychological savvy. They've got more than theo- child? A child trusts his mother, retical knowledge - they've refined themselves, and it was an honor to work with running to her for comfort, seeking them. I admired their willingness to throw their work open to scrutiny." her discipline, accepting her She’arim would like to thank Dr. Steve and Marianne Sherr for their time and decisions. A child has no need to effort as well as their continuing support! understand the wondrous – the wondrous simply is, and he is exhilarated by each new discovery. A child's faith is simple and innocent. SHE’ARIM FAMILY IN CYBERSPACE So we should be before God – Share information, simchas and keep in touch trusting, accepting, innocent, and Email [email protected] exhilarated by life. To join the new She’arim email group Page 2 Up Close & Personal She’arim Passport Glimpses of She’arim Rebbetzin Pavlov and Nina Fixler are very thankful to everyone who helped earning at She’arim is a life -changing experience. Some of our students share make their travels so successful. L what makes their time at She’arim so meaningful to them: US Trips In California: Annie & Michel Bennaroch, Phyllis Folb, Marilyn Greenberg, LINK, Judy & David Leonard, Ronne & Josh Penn, Miriam Sokol, Bluma Trapp, Rabbi Jeff & Shoshy Wohlgelenter In Atlanta: Lindsay Baron, 26 Amy Rubin, 32 Linda Adler, Marsha Alterman, Yael Masters candidate, occupational Information technology consultant Azran, Terry Eden, Rabbi Binyamin therapy, Temple University Washington, DC & Dena Friedman, Chana & Gene Atlanta, GA “I’ve been wanting to push myself Jew- Rudnick, Rabbi David Silverman, the “The knowledge and skills I am ac- ishly for a long time. She’arim has the Atlanta Kollel quiring at She’arim are far exceeding perfect atmosphere in which to do so. I In New York: my expectations. I am finding that feel privileged to have access to the Lesley Alterman, Jocelyn Berman, She’arim is not just about developing absolutely brilliant, knowledgeable, Robyn Barsky, Lloyd & Judith Ep- skills to learn Torah, but about acquir- dedicated staff.” stein, Rivka Feen, Blema Hannah ing skills for life.” Feinstein, Rabbi Aaron & Dena Glaser, Barbara Goldstein, Sharon Green, Batsheva Haber, Melanie Har- ris, Nancy Hilsenrath, Barbara Hol- lander, Yehudis Baila Kurs, Ronnie Schonzeit, Lily & Philip Schwebel, Chaya Silverstone, Danielle & Sammy Straus, Judy Tuchman, Robyn Ziffer, Manhattan Jewish Experience. Batya Maranz, 23 In Detroit: Claudine Baker, 26 Event Co-ordinator Rabbi Aaron Eiseman, Sharon Moses, Radio journalist Cape Town, South Africa Daphna Zuckerbrod, Machon LeTorah London, England “The moment I walked into She’arim, I In Maryland: “She’arim, through its innovative felt part of something special and Rachel Baden, Karin Cohen, Kim textual approach to learning Torah, important. I could not have found a Graham, Gary & Liat Shyken has literally brought Tanach to life for more suitable school for learning. In New Jersey: me. I feel like I can relate to every She’arim is warm, caring, serious, and Yaffa & Dovid Baslaw, Devora Blum- figure in Jewish history and integrate open to all people and their individual berg, Chana Mesberg, Lisa & Brian their messages into my outlook.” needs. If you are one of the lucky ones Silvey, Suri & Dovid Spector who finds your way here, you could not In Boston: find a more incredible place.” Rebbetzin Bier, Ronelle Landy, Sarah Langer, Joanne Strickon, Miriam Trout In Chicago: Pesach: Beyond the Four Questions Rabbi Deutch, Sara Aviva Dalton, he She’arim Pre -Pesach Seminar (April 10th – 14th) will prepare She'arim Sharon Schwartz, Miriam & Marc T students, as well as women from the community and visitors to Jerusalem, Sommer, Chicago Community Kollel, for the practical and spiritual aspects of Pesach, specifically the seder. Chicago Torah Network This year marks the first dedication of the annual pre-Pesach seminar at In Connecticut: She'arim to the memory of Morton and Beatrice Goldstein. Their daughter, Bar- Edward & Robin Milstein bara, a She'arim alumna, says of them, "My parents were simple people who led In Florida: remarkable lives. Together they raised a family guided by Torah values and dedi- Rabbi Hershel & Sima Becker, Bar- cated to the Jewish community. Chesed was who they were, not what they did." bara Berman, Liz & Joel Brauser, If you would like to attend the seminar, please contact She’arim for more in- Rabbi Bregman, June Daniels, Chanu formation. Goldis England Trip - January 2005 Joanne Dove, the JLE, Shirley Ellis, Michele & Izzy Gabel, Rabbi Steven & Alexis Rabbi Harvey & Vicki Belovski, Gaffin, Romy Gamzu, Lisa Lyons, Siobhan Newman, Vanessa & Mark Radom, Rabbi Jeremy & Jo Bruce, Rabbi Rabbi YY & Aliza Rubinstein, Kate Salasnick, Rabbi Michael & Aidel Treblow, Fischel & Esther Cohen, Yael & Andrew White, and Lana Ziskind Page 3 Dvar Torah The True Celebration of Pesach By Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff, She’arim Educational Director hen we think of the Pesach se- In our Haggadah rendition we tell do we mention the negative at all? W der, many images come to mind: of our years of slavery, clearly a nega- Would it not be better to bury the past, the matza, the traditional festive meal, tive, and then proceed to describe the gloss over our deficiencies, and focus the precious family experience, and the positive outcome – our redemption on our current successes? However, Haggadah. Each year we take out our and liberation. Avadim hayinu … since the Sages required us to begin Haggadah and endeavor to gain new v’hotzienu. with reporting negative information, it insights into the powerful words of our It would seem as if we have would seem that we cannot properly sages. thereby accomplished this directive. gauge our successes without a frame of An in-depth analysis reveals that the However, there are those who dispute reference.
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