UKPAIÜ [All ÜBSEPVEP Vol. VI No. 3—4 LONDON, MARCH— APRIL 1954 Price I s CONTENTS: Soviet Pereyaslav Celebrations SOVIET PEREYASLAV CE­ The celebrations organized by the 3) Referring to more recent histor­ LEBRATIONS ..................... 1-2 Russians to mark the 300th anniver­ ical developments, the Soviets affirm sary of Pereyaslav, reported in the that the Lenin-Stalin policy of nation­ alities is thus a product of a long series P. Poltava news section of our journal, have a po­ litical significance, the effects of which of historical events, and that there are PREPARATIONS FOR THE are not only taken into account by the no longer any obstacles to a “ lasting” THIRD WORLD WAR AND Kremlin but also by others. Party pro­ union of those nations with Russia. pagandists are holding meetings in all THE TASK OF THE UK­ These arguments have often been the schools, industrial concerns, factor­ refuted by impartial evidence. How­ RAINIAN NATION .................... 2-4 ies, and kolkhoses, to explain to the ever, we should like to stress that the Ukrainian population, the “ advantag­ Kyiv Rus was never the common state 25th AN NIVERSARY OF TH E es” of the “ union” with Russia. It is of the Ukrainians and Russians nor FOUNDATION OF THE O R­ indicated from the “ 20 theses” and were there any very close ties. Hetman the leading articles in “ Pravda” and GANIZATION OF UKRAIN­ Bohdan Khmelnytsky did not wage "Iswestija” , that the Bolshevist rulers any wars with the intention of achiev­ IAN NATIONALISTS (O.U.N) 4-7 regard the national problem as extrem­ ing a union with the Russian nation, ely important, as these celebrations” but simply made a forced alliance with WHAT ABOUT THE POLICY are to be continued in May. the Russian Tsar, because of the favo­ OF LIBERATION? ... ............ 7-8 Even the worst terrorism has failed urable military situation. The “ pro­ to prevent the national development gressive” nationalities policy of the CONVINCING ARGUMENTS 9 of the Ukrainian people, and their Russian Bolshevists, was never aimed achievements have spurred other na­ to give the nations freedom and inde­ DISGUISED RUSSIAN PRO­ tions within the Soviet Union to great­ pendence,- but was solely a means of PAGANDA ... 9-10 er efforts. suppressing and exploiting them. If one disregards the superficialities about the "celebrations” and considers The fact that these “ celebrations” COMMUNIST INTERPRETA­ are not only being held in Ukraine, but the inner meaning, it becomes obvious T IO N IN “ TH E TIM ES” ... 10-11 that the following points are of primary also in the more remote districts of the Soviet Union, Archangelsk and Koly­ importance: Prof. Dr. V . Derzhavyn ma, indicates that the Soviets are try­ 1) The Soviet Russians wish to ing to give the union of the nations prove that the Ukrainian nation was UKRAINIAN LITERATURE within the U.S.S.R., an ideological UNDER THE SOVIET OCCU­ allied to the Russian nation from the character, which is a direct contradic­ commencement of its history and that tion to the real facts and conditions. PATION ........................................ 11-12 both peoples referred to a common Statements to the effect that Russia state as their own from the days of the BERLIN “ helped” Ukraine three hundred years K y iv Rus. ago, will never convince Ukrainians (Futile and endless negotiations) 12 2) The Soviet Russians also main­ who know the true facts of Russian tain that the alliance between Hetman history. DECLARATION ..................... 13 Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the Moscow Tsar was an act of “ union” of the two The foregoing also applies to the John F. Stewart nations, and all military operations propaganda disseminated by the Sov­ carried out by the Ukrainian Hetman EAST-WEST TRADE ..............14-15 iets in the countries of the free world. are explained in this manner. The Even in South America the Commu­ Soviet Russians also attempt to UKRAINE BEHIND THE "prove” that a firm “ national friend­ nist parties have devoted considerable IRON CURTAIN ..................... 15 ship” existed between the individual attention to this event, and the Com­ nations of the present Soviet Union, as munist press in all the countries have IN ANSWER TO AN ARTICLE 16 early as the mid-i7th century. published the “ 20 Thesies.” Page 2________ UKRAINIAN OBSERVER ________________________No. 3—4, P. Poltava face, which is deaf and blind to all the sufferings and miseries of human beings throughout the whole world. Drunk by victory over Hitlerite Ger­ many and Japan, counting on their milit­ TRANSLATED FROM AN “UNDERGROUND PUBLICATION” IN ary superiority over the West, they are UKRAINE, ISSUED BY THE INFORMATION BUREAU OF trying to widen their regime of terror and exploitation, of suppression and annihil­ UKRAINIAN SUPREME LIBERATION COUNCIL ation, over the whole of Europe and (U.H.V.R.)—VOL. No.9—MAY 1951 Asia, at least. The Role of Bolshevik U.S.S.R. in the and its development; the confusion and Such is the true role of the Russo- Preparation of a New War the panic in the Western World in con­ bolshevik clique in the preparation of a new World War, and these are the main The Russo-bolshevik imperialists are nection with this war; the universally aims of their politics. trying to lay at the door of the Anglo- known mendacity and cynicism of the American. block the guilt for the present bolshevic propaganda—all this indicates The Mendacity of the Bolshevik Peace world tension and bolshevik propaganda beyond all doubts that the war in Korea Propaganda was prepared and provoked by the tries to “ prove” that it is the ruling circl­ After what has been said about the North-Korean stooges of the Russo-bol­ es of the West that are aiming at a new true role of the bolshevik imperialism shevik imperialists. war, not the government of the U.S.S.R.. with regards to their preparations for a Secondly,in the winter of 1950, the In reality, the opposite is true, as can new world war, it is not difficult to un­ Asian members of the United Nations be judged by these facts: derstand that the activities of the bol­ had proposed a conference of 7 powers First, on June 25, 1950 war activities sheviks for peace and against war are no in order to reach a peaceful settlement started in Korea. On that day North-Ko- more than a cynical deception of the of the Korean conflict. The Western rean troops occupied a considerable slice toiling masses of U.S.S.R., and of the states agreed on one condition: before of South-Korean territory. In the course whole of mankind. In the same way, the the conference should start, war activit­ of the months of July and August 1950 Russo-bolshevik war instigators are try­ ies must be stopped. But the Russo-bol­ the North-Korean army developed such ing to place the guilt for such a war at shevik imperialists and their satellites a furious offensive that almost the whole the door of their adversaries. They know refused. of the Korean territory fell into its very well how deeply all the nations of Thus again the same question emerg­ hands. the world hate and detest imperialistic es: is it possible for a side that really Considering this fact, can it be possible wars and, consequently, the bolshevik wishes for a peaceful settlement, to that this war was prepared and started tyrants are trying to mask themselves. decline the possibility of a solution by by South-Koreans? The experience of all All their activities “ for peace” are no reason of such a trifle? wars is against such an assumption. The more than a smoke screen, behind which From the behaviour of the bolshevik superiority is always at first with the side they are trying to conceal their criminal imperialists and their satellites in the K o ­ which assails, and the war in Korea was aims. no exception. The language of facts and rean conflict it is*' clear proof that they But the Ukrainian nation Will not be events is much more convincing than do not wish for a settlement of the deceived. We hope too that the whole bolshevik propaganda. The circumstan­ Korean conflict, but on the contrary, they world will not allow ■ Moscow to ces in which the Korean war broke out aim at the inflammation of the war, by ordering their Chinese puppet to enter deceive it. the conflict, and declined any attempt at Behind the emblem of the dove, which Unfortunately, part of the free press a peaceful settlement of the conflict. All is used by the Kremlin for their “Peace in the Western World has also publish­ these facts furnish clear evidence that: offensive” , the nations know only too ed the Bolshevist arguments and the 1. The warmongers are not the rul­ well that the Russo-bolsheviks are Russian falsifications of history, word ing circles of the Western powers, preparing for another bloody war, in­ for word. Truman, Acheson, Marshal, or volving the whole world. Mention has already been made of Churchill, but the Moscow chief­ the political nature of the "celebra­ The Anti-liberation Policy of the West­ tains—Stalin, Molotov, Malenkov, tion.” Their aim is to strengthen the ern Block and the whole Politbureau of the "everlasting friendship” of the nations The official programme of the Western Kremlin; of the Soviet Union and to create the powers in their struggle against the Rus­ 2. the most reactionary, cruel, aggres­ impression that all the nations have so-bolshevik block has not been too clear sive, and also the most dangerous equal rights but are guided by their until now.
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