PAGE TWO THE IHIOGKINGS IUXHHTER, BROOKINGS. S. I).. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. I9IK ron-tant link between the soldier or O|.-.« f‘< tain’s forces made most ,n. -trength. Formidable thrust developed qu» Htion is why, after forty HiX year.- Dior and hip. relatives. Thereby the portimt gains General Mangin' this morning along ArraM-Garnbr.il why. after 100,600 French -ympa’hiz their relative? are quickly made acquaint- army has difficult task whore Germar road, which cross*-* canal s.x miles p.-< have emigrat'd; why, after Weekly Summary of War News I of their boy in the ( <)n ‘han fill'd by ed with need Brief Account of Dally Happenings ¦ are estat.li h»-d in forest of St. G>- fro:., outsnirts of ambrai. line place ha? been more .-.ervice, and he is provided with an bain, keypoint of their defensive -y outh, British press toward St Quen- German? why, after every d».ice of of quick communication with fem tin nd are five miles from Hind'-n- army, school, court?, pre-?. and church • hi? home. low down British advance Hppreci Fiemh pu h through of --bur? ine, German retreat accompan- ha.- been used to crush opposition, Al forc-t camps, < < [n or near numerous the SAVE SUGAR nl.lv although pio;-r» is being '»m y. and by taking Braisis b'-gun to . by gr"at r*-‘ Istanc'-. Sucr<-<-es sar »• I.orra.ne never became ifl'mi* nt "|f ( hristian Science (Committees have r 1,,K / mud' Im rem ed German artillery pr> •-. in upon Ht Gobain massif. A* -cor'd by French in St Quentin r'- ly German to bo intrusted with erected ub tantial buildings, with fl.- t'pmt' d .11 alonz German line point! along front. French reach t; '.or. a h'-re line joins Bnt.-h gov ernment. tp, • plat < . fo reading and writing, 11ei < (ieri" 1 n hid defen forrm d ground h'-yond forme,r German def' . ' t.on- that German- intend'd Bi-marck oppo.-ed the annexation a- , and other budd ngs are in course of .nil (.rd Himlenburg lin> a mm) along canal, ,i • it < ’ Inf du .nd •ive line Official Btaternent ftho" Crozat defend ¦ Zatx n I ’hat r7JTi)!F l i ton true-ion. A light touring car has l.'dli "f •'lii'li 1'.i.l h I) iV' er.t'ied them on edges of upper forest f -,g i onghoid of pr,n'lf»al had been a failure Harden truly -ay b<‘-n added to the equipment of the nt x i.i.iii pi. 1.1- train of long '.f ('our y. also part of St Gobain ba r.o. p '/¦< '!.on of St Gobain ma-'-if fzn that if Germany will ‘he pon th*- ("hr.-tian Science carnp workers at WEDNESDAY <- < 11 11 i < 1111 d I’.ri 11 h to ha 1 1 to k. ¦ defending L.<on, and are unofficja. vortn. Plan app*-ars f.-u:-trat'd by work of fraternity" after the war "the camp b<- wherever and ' * ca ii to used m< 11 mld< d re t "fioft'd to have pushed into b F ench ctg- ing of canal opposite importance of frontier po would de ground imt a.-.-.i-Hng the Germans now glvine " wfit never po-.-.ible in .illinium in north ho/. ; alii' fa t tr< 'h of new ground in this ar L z md'-s. northwest i,f i.a cre.i-o But is there anybody .n . f 11< f <mt fimn II" men. entin IMi mil' Im i * ” dll¦ ing .min', Io t<-1 /i 1m y l« • u Germans desperately resisting T' F<- ¦ forc'd t night El vfi'-r many except Maximilian Hard n 1.0 Ypres t" Itli'-im Qu* lion I" w. s 1 ptil.li m» apptoa'lung , fgi to ¦ ¦ of d‘f' ind niei three mil' s west of F'-r i r.fht up t'rozat. po-iton i- capable of under-tanding it'’ whether enemy i- ahi' l<> hold i-»' ol.ji.li,'- it Lili". A 1 m»-nt j'-r ¦ *¦.. and < apt ;r"d t>y Ft' n'h troop Frene .on:- ent r< length of canal, with In- Isn't it logical to assume that the • w. s. a.— 'fit lin< finm I land' it I" I' l m |m m i'iiiiiliiii, I riin'o American fort'-s on advanced on 20 mH'- front av< ra. fant y only four rnil'-s from St Quen man who doesn’t advertise, has noth- answered, apparently CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AID oiitlurn 'nd ol line r'-fir h tag'- In d'-pth of two r'.Jl'- and at some pla< >ml cavalry patrol- hard upon La ing to advertise. troops in ilm> pur oilt <>l American forward movement *o m'-nata German d'-pth of four mile Occupi'-d T<-r: z Fere. < •statement of the ( ondition ">f ipt'it' ' Germans on the V< -L o'ctipa mi t. north of tin Christian science camp welfare of rilory ni< r without oppo-.tion Troops ai > o f'.r h'-r advant' by French along HIE B INK Ol VI ROR X < <lf < Ligos of Ba ZO' h' •', I’< i I . i<, work now being on in for’y- , ;it th* cbis* >f n A; n" reach'd foie t of f'ourfy and 0.-. outh'-rly stretches of St. Gobain d‘- is carried of Aid s D. business now 31st, Ba<li» m and tak* pr oi r <<l n > navy tamp- in the August 1918. i !'¦ t i. along ' flve army and t,i E'-,-i • 11 ad* further progre . trctrh of entirely m-w ground ,< n . before Laon wh'-re German r‘- Di’> r,f H b\ miner, s'-p- t 19! .u ¦. '1 Da' .; • li k -¦ , t bine gun- Arm .'.iri hi" o t I'nitod States under direction of the r i ort i f nm' fi and outh of !'¦ ronm- I i'rich troop - on Italian front ex tame is most d'-sperate. Enemy E- ' i REMH R< < -z, L and - ’ ¦ Ger man lire- al r-nir < • Chrl-tian Science War Relief 1 'j' ¦' B- t I, troop t ro- to mist bank f cut'd surprise attar k to east c »d enormous numb'-r- of gun in I, .ins ind dI '.urits ".7 t ' Gram! H um ••» r t of 'I hi f-'i'nlturc and fixtures 3.000 '0 1/ , I, du of Mai quion iago t amp Welfare Committee ‘.ord. sontli A- after mt' n i/» artill'-ry pre . region Inroads made upon tna- i e.er'E >!••< t-4.3 r .'•¦¦'l - SilCC' -’fully bomb*-! of Chri t, Scient. t. in t. j- >ml Thrift ’art.; I m 0 t 1 re . troops mad'- important nd I n'-my r<- t'-rl on we t. by however, ami First Church War aratlon i tubborni. .f French, of <¦< 7 090.“0 gl, on, Iw»rn ¦/, 1 ? j at pD about c-rtiflcatts imlcbtmlm ; < Noid, Bo ton There are -ent 3 1 ¦ along anal du and on and lost heavily through French art I n > indications they intend accepting Ex petme 1 > ¦ ¦ ; m r;< ~r , . j and tiff• woi en n AVarrmits. 50 .00 aia . ‘ I" Imi mg rout • > of lory fire arid gt'-nad'-s. French d< tabiliz.ing eventy men on • r-ain of line in this sector B'-r Di-- from banks 1 1 '<.-•> V» -I" begun A - r gag«d in work, the women ‘Ty- < - this . • > •k• it along AH' ft. r iver troyi'l numb' i of < n'-my tielter- ar. along this front '"hicks a I drafts f'.i - r in declare attack ‘ ¦ > tlcaring ( on enemy - r.< 4-00 troop* lor' < ing mainly a- welfare room attend- ¦ ¦ H.-'-n' h and Arm-ri'an drive Gm took pn om ' |.o s of From h r- pul ‘d with heavy losses. Nor’fi- Cas ti on hand 1 i terns Of M ¦ . > ants. tn low ¦ a- out of po itions in outh of slight • t of r'rr'o rm. , Germans count'-rat t 'at t ent V 4'l 00 Flam e«. • ‘ Conducted at fir. t Independently, I ¦lr d, and 1 n tor bet v. hn flm Two German utimariri'-s disguis'd tacking in Lauffaiix region in -trong’ G01d112.50 •. * retreat no.-’h of O work has been , 7mt 00 German* < | -j < the camp welfare ar.d Ai tie !¦ I<ni Ii In >rdy, .hing sails o[ • 'H• a Ii 'raft and carrying force French r'-(<ul "d drive and took M inor ctijn 119 1 1 :2 and on th< ’/"*!-'• .Ton’ and L'-n't merged with the war relief work . »r'lng ‘i ‘my r 1 111 ,11 Mu dial Ilan- '•rating off Vlantic coast, according pr. om r from fiv- different r'w'lrn'-nt Total cash a gains Noy Ch; t. < sets . 21.7911$ *mash fr* -hi r/.rt.’.'-wt of io width the i tian Scienti. w !<¦ in riortb, fimn I’eronne Ypt'-s busily to information by officers of Briti h Indication of ma ing of fore- by en Liberty bonds - 7 st ”4 i, . aj.'.mj of foreign the or. h* r.''h capturing troops doing in countries before en.''ai'<d in em-my and From h team hips. ‘¦my German retrograde movement 11 C,.206.ft9 and Twd r »-r on front of marly I'nited State entered the vat For Total .rid 1 111/ rig out u<' »¦* ful man'-uv German aviator scor' d two die < t in l-land' is not at.
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