v o iu i" “ NUMBER 20 Washington, Tuesday, February 1, 1949 Central Railroad Company of New Jersey TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. (Pere Mar­ CONTENTS quette District) EXECUTIVE ORDER 10032 Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Co. THE PRESIDENT Delaware & Hudson Railroad Corporation Creating an E mergency B oard to Inves­ Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Executive Order Pa£e tigate a Dispute B etween the Akron, Co. Akron, Canton & Youngstown Canton & Youngstown R ailroad Com­ Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad Do. Railroad Co., et al.; creation of pany and Other Carriers, and Certain Erie Railroad Company board to investigate dispute be­ of Their Employees Grand Trunk Western Railroad Co. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. tween company and employees. 429 WHEREAS a dispute exists between Ne’w York Central Railroad Co. and all leased the Akron, Canton ty Youngstown Rail­ lines EXECUTIVE AGENCIES road Company and certain other carriers Chicago Junction Ry. (C. R. & I. R. R. Co., designated in the list attached hereto Lessee) Agriculture Department Chicago River & Indiana Railroad Co. and made a part hereof, and certain of Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co. See also Animal Industry Bureau; their employees represented by the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co. Entomology and Plant Quaran­ Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, a New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad tine Bureau; Federal Crop In­ labor organization; and Co. surance Corporation. WHEREAS this dispute has not here-' Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Notices: tofore been adjusted under the provi­ Lohg Island Railroad Co. Shasta National Forest, Cali­ sions of the Railway Labor Act, as Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Reading Company fornia; designation of certain amended; and Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Co. lands____________________ 449 WHEREAS this dispute, in the judg­ Proposed rule making: ement of the National Mediation Board, Lorain & West Virginia Ry. Co. WESTERN REGION Milk handling in certain mar­ threatens substantially* to interrupt in­ keting areas____ __________ 444 terstate commerce to a degree such as Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. to deprive the country of essential trans­ Belt Railway Company of Chicago Rules and regulations: portation service: Burlington-Rock Island Railroad Co. Grapes, Tokay, in California_ 440 NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Co. Potatoes, Irish; 1949 acreage Chicago & North Western Ry. Co.- goals__ -._________________ 431 authority vested in me by section 10 of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co, the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. Alien Property, Office of U. S. C. 160), I hereby create a board Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Rail­ Notices: of three members, to be appointed by road Co. me, to investigate the said dispute. No Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. Vesting orders, etc.: member of the said board shall be pe­ Colorado & Southern Railway Co. Brabender, Carl Wilhelm___ 450 cuniarily or otherwise interested in any Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. Burmeister, Carl H., and Wells Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad Co. Fargo Bank & Union Trust organization of employees or any carrier. Mineral Range Railroad Co. The board shall report its findings to Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry. Co. Co------------------------------- 450 the President with respect to the said Fort Worth & Denver City Ry. Co. Karg-Elert, Louise________ 451 dispute within thirty days from the date Wichita Valley Railway Co. Schnabel, Dr. Ernst__ _____ 450 of this order. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. As provided by section 10 of the Rail­ Great Northern Railway Co. Animal Industry Bureau way Labor Act, as amended, from this Houston & North Shore Railroad Co. Proposed rule making: Illinois Central Railroad Co. date and for thirty days after the board International-Great Northern Railroad Co. Cattle, tuberculosis, paratuber- has made its report to the President, no Kansas City Southern Ry. Co. culosis, and Bang’s disease; t change, except by agreement, shall be Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Ry. Co. prevention in cooperation made by any of the carriers involved or Midland Valley Railroad Co. with states___________ ___ • 443 its employees in the conditions out of Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. Co. Livestock and animals im­ which the said dispute arose. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Rail­ road Co. ported; inspection and quar- H arry S. T ruman Missourl-Kansas-Texas Railroad Co. antine__._________________ 443 The White House, Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. Rules and regulations: January 28, 1949. New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway Co. Inspection facilities; payments Northern Pacific Railway Co. for overtime of meat inspec­ L is t St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Ry. Co. St. Louis-San Francisco Ry. Co. tion employees___________ 441 EASTERN REGION St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. Akron, Canton & Youngstown* Railroad Co. San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad Co. Commerce Department Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines) See International Trade, Office of. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Rail­ Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. Co. road Co. Oregon Trunk Ry. Co. Commodity Credit Corporation Staten Island Rapid Transit Ry. Co. (Continued on p. 431) See Agriculture Department. 429 430 THE PRESIDENT CODIFICATION GUIDE CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. A numerical list of the parts of the Code Title 7— Agriculture— Con. Pase of Federal Regulations affected by documents FEDEMLÄREGSSTER Chapter IX—Production and 1934 .<y# published in this issue. Proposed rules, as 'Ü A IIT ÎO ^ opposed to final actions, are Identified as M arketing Administration such. (Marketing Agreements and Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Orders), Department of Agri­ and days following official Federal holidays, Title 3— The President Pa®9 culture—Continued by the Division of the Federal Register, the National Archives, pursuant to the authority Chapter II—Executive Orders: Part 954—Milk in Duluth-Supe­ contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ 10032_____________________ 429 rior marketing area (pro- proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as posed)----------------------------- 444 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Title 6— Agricultural Credit Part 961—Milk in Philadelphia* tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Chapter IV—Production and Pa., marketing area (pro­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ M arketing Administration posed)____________ 444 tion is made only by the Superintendent of and Commodity Credit Corpo­ Part S65—Milk in Cincinnati, Documents, Government Printing Office, Ohio, marketing area (pro­ Washington 25, D. C. ration, Department of Agri­ The regulatory material appearing herein Is culture: posed)________— ------------ 444 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 648—Irish potatoes.-------- 431 Part 967—Milk in South Bend- which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant La Porte, Ind., marketing to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Title 7— Agriculture area (proposed)__________ 444 amended June 19, 1947. Chapter III—Bureau- of Ento-^ Part 968—Milk in Wichita, The F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by mology and Plant Quaran­ Kans., marketing area (pro­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 posed)__________ 444 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ tine, Department of Agricul­ vance. The charge for Individual copies ture: Part 969—Milk in suburban (minimum 15<i) varies in proportion to the Part 319—Foreign quarantine Chicago, 111., marketing area size of the issue. Remit check or money notices (proposed)________ 444 (proposed)_____________ _— 444 order, made payable to the Superintendent Chapter IV—Federal Crop Insur­ Part 970—Milk in Clinton, of Documents, directly* to the Government Iowa, marketing area (pro­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. G. ance Corporation: posed)____ _______________ 444 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Part 418—Wheat crop insur­ Part 971—Milk in Dayton- tion of material appearing in the F ederal ance ____________________ 433 Springfield, Ohio, marketing R eg ister. Part 421—Dry edible bean crop area (proposed)__________ 444 insurance__ ¿.__________ .__ 434 Part 972—Milk in Tri-State Chapter IX—Production and marketing area (proposed)— 444 CONTENTS— Continued M arketing Administration Part 973—Milk in Minneapolis- (Marketing Agreements and St. Paul, Minn., marketing Entomology and Plant Quaran- Fa@e Orders), Department of Agri­ area (proposed)__________ 444 tine Bureau culture: Part 974—Milk in Columbus, Proposed rule making: Part 903—Milk in St. Louis, Mo., Ohio, marketing area (pro­ Nursery stock, plants, and marketing area (proposed)— 444 posed) ________ 444 seeds; extension of time for Part 904—Milk in Greater Bos­ Part 975—Milk in ¿Cleveland, filing of comments re size-age ton, Mass., marketing area Ohio, marketing area (pro­ limitation______ __________ 444 (proposed)_________ 444 posed)___________________ 444 Federal Communications Com­ Part 912 — Milk in Dubuque, Title 9— Animals and Animal mission Iowa, marketing area (pro­ Rules and regulations: posed) ____ 444 Products Organization, practice and pro­ Part 913—Milk in Greater Kan­ Chapter I—Bureau of Animal cedure; financial reports, sas City marketing area (pro­ Industry, Department of broadcast licensees and per­ posed)____________ 444 Agriculture: mittees____,______________ 442 Part 927—Milk in New York Part 7—Facilities for inspec­ Metropolitan area (proposed ) _ 444 tion
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