Farthest-North Collegian, Vol. 24, No. 03 (December 1945) Item Type Journal Publisher The University of Alaska Download date 05/10/2021 21:26:40 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/11122/4195 Merry Christmas 1945 A TERRITORIAL LOCATED 64“ 51 21’ INSTITUTION NORTH LATITUDE ■C®JLlLli©IIAKI MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY < I o l u m e x x i v ' COLLEGE, ALASKA, Trend Rising Survey Slated ^Vhite Moose Director Of and Mis. Roy Moyer at In University For Location flrents of, a T "pound IX ouhc StoryLearned Territories Hi, bom. October 26, at St. Jq Of SE Branch Kph's Hospital. He' has bee Enrolments j»med Lee- Boy and Joins From Hunter Visits Here brother. Jimmy; age 4, and' a sis Oldroyd Reports Vi^ws Of site fdr a branch of ttie Univer* j R'Shiriey Ann, age 2. The proiid> Chief Christian Identified lather, a graduate in the class of Educators Met on Trip As Slayer of Specimen ■10, was recently appointed Fair- session of the > Territorial Legis­ “If present high enrollments in “Of the several thousand people 1 Itenks City Engineer. Mrs. Moyer, Outside schools and colleges are lature, the Executive Commit­ who visit the University' Museum ’ mer .Helen, O’Shea, attend- ahy. indication, the University of tee of the Board of Regents has selected Mrs. Dorothy Loftus ■ the University three years. Alaska will soon be breaking all each year the one thing that jnter- 1 and Rev. A. B. Morgan of Fair^ , ests. everyone, both young anid old, J oseph E. Walsh, ’36, and Miss T. Oldroyd, Director of the Uni- Ketchikan by plane leaving De­ is the Albino moose,”- Mrs. Marion J bel Weber were married Octo- SkiolVig; acting curator 'of- the mu- ' of November. The purpose of |JJ at the St. Joseph’s Church perimeht Statlohs, who has Just making this survey by Mr. Earl seum remarked; “There are chlldreri Arnold’s visit was to acquaint Nome. The bride is the daugh- McGinty of the Federal Works himself with the present operation of Mr. and. Mrs. John N. We- to the States. re Institution ' And, ■ in the of Watertown, S: D., and has Representing Dr. Charles . E. the survey-will file their report again, rushing in the door straight c with the Board of Regents- It is r-Captain. RobertI try to Judge Kehoe. Mr. Walsh ed the annual meeting of the stands and they just gaze at it in V -act" as.': Director ■ =6f Physical j Bunnell, tc I been ah engineer for Land Grant College Association in 1 Athletics; Captain how best t JSvil Aeronautics Administrat Chicago, October 24 and 25. ■' several years and is stationed “ Educators froirt all ’ over the everyone.” , \ country who i attended the coh- Potatoes To Sgt. Ronald RJ Twogood, ’44, of schools are being severely taxed strange. whlte, majestic animal are t !*• Oold Weather Test detach- by an: ever-increasing enrollment,” Be Publicized many. Wheipe, wnen and by whom £ care of the young men and at at Ladd Field received his said Mr. Oldroyd. “People want to was It .killed? How'much did It P : women -who are coming to by discharge last month. In the go to school. Boys and girls who Anchorage Farmers Plan weigh?; Isi it k- large aainal?- Thfcy * la to begin, or finish, courses ne group were M/Sgt. Harold R. ha.ve .worked in defense plants, Campaign far Market go bn ’Mid cte aiid neVer seem to S gher education.' It is not! a ion *>f why. they are Coming, • Jarrell Kniffen t former si going to college. Adults who have • “The potato, Industry ( represents Now many' o( these questions, ’ they ate ' Coming, '6r> exactly about (300,000 in the Anchorage Which‘it'was only possible to an- * : they are going -to idiR when Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyman are enrolling. And,' of course, there district, and could support at least swer more or. le^s accurately "be- } get |i here.. They may. have' a tents of an 8 pound 12 ounce tough1 row td : hoe in several re­ 100 families,’’ Mrs, I«rdla Fohn- cause of lack of information, can bo fl n at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hansen, Extension Service , Home er 3. Their second cluld, Mr. Tied Soper, aiLadd'Field em- ] appointed :ii v boy joiljs a 2-year old i do to: help' them members of the Anchorage Wom­ ves,:: Hundreds „ ot £r. Lyman, a mining gradu- versitlea is now sorely inadequate, en’? Olijb last mon^ii ,,A't the pres- an Indian by the naiAe of Johns- ] ,1938, has beep. miaihg on and one of .the biggest problems ent time, local storekeepers told me, :than; Hunter who could tell us '^it i jllars, during World p Kmskokwini for’ several’years. discussed before Oie Land Grant only about ten per .pent ot the po- the things that we wanted to know S College Association was the es­ poses believed to be ‘ Robert Saunders, mining gradu- tablishment of. living facihties f^r moose was killed. It : all happened ^ grown locally." 1 > 1 an. Dan Sutherland, forme returned soldiers. and thdr fami­ Mrs. iWin-Haisen spoke, in be­ ;uby. Were .welconje Iguests lies while they are going to half of farmers in the Matanuska is Chief o( the Chaddalar tribe of '3 the Sutchin nation, i living just ? nt Bunnell on ,October .! school. A committee appointed at Valley find Arishorage districts who vere'. closely identified ;wi are putting on' w publicity cam- north of Fort Yukon, wasjouS hunt- ^ ing with a party one day, •when tversity-.lh. its eariy days, j ing World. War H transportation Veterans’ . Bureau on this situa­ pangq to sell their home-grown po- ber of the Territorial Leg! I plans to remain there it tion," Director Oldroyd explained. suddenly they saw two moose run- ^ enabled resident of Alaska to be Senator -frojn the , Four ed with' food Is Just their Mr. Oldroyd visited .five', western I. Division,. Mr. Sutherland Early in November, potato grow­ the other pure black. There was , colleges—Washington , State,, Ore­ ers met in the Anchorage Extension J' gon State. Utah State, Colorado r n ^ Xh^ te L t7eenhbItorebd State and the University of Wyo­ plan lor their produots. They de4 ® ming—for the purpose of secur­ fAlbino mocise was something veryi -Jj 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry ciared the tirst week in 7 December would have been nil. Of those ing workers (or. the Alaska "Experi­ at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Is: <*f food which are needed ment Stations and ESctension Serv­ both of these animals and. accord- Ejfoung lady weighed' 8 pounds As was done by the Tanana Val­ ^ local consumption and . which ice. Everywhere - he went, Mr. ihg to Hunter, they ate the meat pounces at birth and has be ley Farmers ■ during their potato be grown, dr produced ;in; AI- Bonnie Margaret. Mr. Lu Oldroyd stated, he found a great Of the black moose bpt not of the ' demand for trained agricultural white one.';'The' meat just, didn^ ■ graduate in Mining E Anchorage farmers will furnish res­ and produce them in Alaska, research workers, especially for look righV he, remarked. Howeverj t Hiring in .1937,. is,; with . ,t taurants in Anchorage, with 'local i a competltive.basis a • long it Ladd Field. Mrs. Lu persons with a good • background perhaps an old Indian superstition ' potatoes to be featured In Various may have had something .to do with list of grain, Vegetables, meat and i former Moana Monkmi in Home Economics. At the pres­ ways — baked, boiled, mashed, it. Long years ago the Indians be^ ^ dairy items produced in Alaska Xcelved her teaching certificate ent time;< said Director Oldroyd, French fried, etc.—during “Potato irt in d •e for tl from tlje University and it is very difficult to secure com­ lieved .that the Albino anlnial^ . Week.” As a preliminary trial, which they (ound so very rarely - retainer to sell' and first in choice li Palmer before her petent persons in these lines, as some of the local potatoes have ap­ (or. the consumer, to purchase. the demand far exceeds the sup- were stupid and theretore K they • peared in the stores, and have sold ate the meat of' a stupid anlma) higher learning.. Shipping of such items long dis­ it would make them stupid too. , tances by boat and rail Is, , au In Washington, D. C., W- Old­ e' S. Ltnfik.Civil Engineering In January, potato growers in Mie Johnathan Hunter, an intelligent Jt economic waste. To increase Our uate in tile class of 1940, and royd spent a week discussing ex­ Anchorage and Matanuska dis­ population the labor required to periment stations problems with little man with honest brown eyes, T other Fairbanks engineers, J. tricts plan to sponsor a' Territorial comes from Tanana. He was edu^ * produce our ' own food ought to foals'Potter and Frank H. Maple- Ohie( o( the OfHoe of Experiment potato show, and will Invite potato be supplied, as far as possible, by stations. Dr. James Jardine, and cated and obtained his excellent J growers from all parts of Alaska, to command of the English language oiir own residents. Cooperation be­ the Alaska Architectural his assistant. Dr. R. W. Trallin- tween the tni'ning and agricultural at Episcopillan Mission school. e Kslly coi Gj|; Engineering Company. Lee ger. He also visited the niticmal hibition. This show, will be held in industries is the sure way to bring During his visit with Dr. Bunnell }ei ind; Qqih a :ltY? •as employed by the .F.E. Co. ' Extension Service office pud Anchorage in oonjunctioh with the nal mining ground; both pla- talked pver Alaska’s appropriations the names of many old-timers were & pfe the war when be worked annual Extension Service School.
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