1 Œbe national Spiritualist “The Summit of Spiritual Understanding” 251 A COPY March 197® ANNIVERSARY OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM MARCH 31, 1976 FOX COTTAGE, HOME OF THE FOX SISTERS The Origin of Modern Spiritualism AS IT APPEARED AT LILY DALE, NEW YORK March 31,1848 The Hydesville Cottage Statements of Witnesses Regarding the Mysterious Noises Heard in the Home of The Fox Cottage (formerly of Hydesville, John D. Fox in Hydesville, N. Y. N. Y.), as it now stands, was purchased by B. F. Bartlett of Cambridge, Mass., and moved to The following statements were made by the Lily Dale, N. Y., during the month of April, different persons whose names are signed to 1916, as a matter of preservation, and as a them, and taken down in writing as they made memorial to Spiritualism and the Fox sisters. them; after which they were carefully read, The cottage is furnished with old furnish­ and signed by them. They comprise but a small ings ranging in age from seventy-five to three number of those who heard these noises, or hundred years, and includes the tin trunk which have been knowing to these transactions; but the peddler carried at the time of his murder, they are deemed sufficient to satisfy the public while in this cottage is also an iron bar made by mind in regard to their truthfulness. John Fox in 1846, two years before the Fox sisters received the intelligent rappings relating Certificate of Mrs. Margaret Fox, Wife of to this tragedy. John D. Fox, the Occupant of the House. Since the cottage has occupied the present “We moved into this house on December 11, site greater demonstrations have been mani­ 1847, and have resided here since that date. We fested than was the case prior to its removal, formerly lived in the city of Rochester, N. Y. the reproduction by the peddler of the same We were first disturbed by these noises about a sounds as were emitted by him at the time he fortnight ago. It sounded like some one knock- was murdered, and even the sounds of the dig­ mg in the east bedroom, on the floor ; we could ging in the cellar where the body was buried. hardly tell where to locate the sounds, as some­ These demonstrations were received through times it sounded as if the furniture was moved, the mediumship of Mr. N. Lutgen, a resident of but on examination we found everything in Lily Dale, N. Y., in the presence of Mrs. N. Lut­ order. The children had become so alarmed that gen, his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bartlett, a i though best to have them sleep in the room party of four, who are ready and willing to Wl“ 1 us. There were four of us in the family, make affidavit as to the truth of the above and sometimes five. statement of demonstration. “On the night of the first disturbance we all Miss Floy Cottrell is the medium who re­ j>°t up, lighted a candle and searched the entire ceived the same demonstrations as did the Fox mise, the noises continuing during the time, sisters at the time when Modern Spiritualism (Continued on Page 10.) (Continued on Page 14.) THE LITTLE CORNER OF HISTORY they do not appear, that simply because he < IN SPIRITUALISM siders it impossible, it can not take place, I Mr. Huxley once remarked, “If some one ahV The following is taken from “The Spiritual tell me that a man arrived in London by ^ Record” Vol. 1, No. 3— published in Chicago graph, I would certainly know that. they January 18, 1879. mistaken, because it is impossiblebut bee* “SPIRITUAL DEFINITIONS verses that absurd proposition is impossible, or a*. MATERIALISM” ingly so, he then presumes that other thi& equally unusual are likewise as absurd and t by possible. CORA L. V. RICHMOND—At Chicago, III. This sophistical method of reasoning is J Sunday evening, Jan. 12,1879 senting a palpable fallacy first, and then c« “My theme this evening, friends, may re­ paring other things that are not fallacies y quire in itself some explanation: Spiritual Def­ this predicate. It is a favorite method of eu initions versus Materialism. ing the issue and of avoiding that which q The absolute theologian declares all things flicts directly with established opinions and i possible with God. The absolute materialist de­ called facts. But as in the logic of the univei, clares all things impossible that are not in ac­ nothing is impossible that does occur, andk cordance with natural law. The limit of natural every step in spiritual manifestations, is a fa law is not described; therefore it is never known (Continued on I’age 16.) what is impossible. But certain things are known to be possible in accordance with natural law, and from this premise the materialist pre­ Zhe Bational Spiritualist sumes that other things are impossible merely Official Church Publication of A The National Spiritualist Ann, because he does not know the law governing of Churches, U.S.A, them. If it chance to be in a realm where the P.O. Bax 128, Cauadoga, FL 327*6 positivist has not extended his researches, or Vol. 58, No. 617 March, If! where the materialist does not recognize a Published monthly by Stow Memorial Foundation, Inc., P O. I 127 Caoaadaga, FL 32706. Second class postage paid at Indian*..- realm at all, then he denies not only any possi­ Ind, and additional mailing offices, William F. Meliek, Editor, P Box 40172, Indianapolis, Indiana 40240. Printed l»y The H.O. P*** bility of occurrence, but any postulate upon Printing- Co., P.O, Box 877, DeLeon Springs, FL 112028. which an occurrence can be predicated, and de­ Stow Memorial Foundation, Inr, Hoard of Truntrrji clares all that realm to be null, void, inactive, THE REVEREND ERNST A. SOHOENFELD, NST, Prts. impossible and incomprehensible that is not 3501 W, Shakespeare Ave., Chicago, IL 50047 THE REVEREND E. L. MUSE, NST. Scc.-Trens within the measured province of what he terms 1104 Susan Dr.. Edinburg, TX 78fi8B MR. RALPH D. CUTL1P SR. “natural law.” P.O, Box 77, Cassadaga, FL 32700 You will readily understand, therefore, that THE REVEREND WM. F. MEL1CK P.O. Rnx 40172. Indianapolis, IN 45240 this evening it is not a controversy between THE REVEREND JOSEPH H. MERRILL theology and materialism, but it is spiritual def­ 13 Cleveland Ave., Lily Dale, NY 14752 Stamped, self*ad dressed envelope must accompany atl iiuuiutfrijf initions, and in what manner these effect the drawings and photographs submitted if they arc to lie reLtirned. I rights in letters sent to The National Spiritualist will be ira; two extremes that are in the world of thought unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes ft to-day. as Bubject to The National Spiritualist unrestricted right to m and comment editorially. The National Spiritualist ‘The Summit ' The theologian is correct in the largest and Spiritual Understanding* contents copyright © 1075 by Stour 1 morjal Foundation. Inc, All rights reserved. Nothing may bt r divinest sense—in a sense that the materialist printed in whole or in part without written permission from k will be very slow to recognize, but that will be publisher. Any sim ilarity between people and places in the 6i5 and oemlflctlon in this magazine and any real people and pi*«* forced upon him, inch by inch, until he will at purely coincidental. Statements and opinions advanced in lit3 articles are personal expressions of the authors, not n«««-" last exclaim that natural law as meant by him those of the Stow Memorial Foundation, Inc, or the National included everything, not only supposed possibil­ itimifat Association of Churches. No responsibility Js assumed «t* soever for unsolicited materials. Not responsible for any type ities, but supposed impossibilities. claim made by, for, or against contributors. Up to 15 compliment copies of the authors published by-line work are provided a* & The experiments in Berlin recently, under remuneration, at Arst publication only. Address all correspond»1 the manipulation of Profesor Zollner, prove that to: things entirely contravening natural law are The National Spiritualist possible {that is, the supposed realm of natural P.O. Box 40172 law) ; that disintegration of solid substances is Indianapolis, IN 46240 possible; that things which appear under the Single copies 26<l; single copy annual subscription i - Canada $2.00; single copy annual subscription foreign J2 50; dominion of natural law, as realities disappear sales in multiples of five only are available at 204 a copy. All *j* and reassume their position again as appear­ and subscriptions are payable in advance and final. Plea** sixty days for processing new subscriptions or bulk sales. All e»cD| ances ; and all this takes place without mechan­ or money orders are payable to The National Spiritualist, *-*■ mailed to the above address only. 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