Agenda No. 3 F. No. 8-101/2014-FC Sub: Diversion of 78.00 ha of forest land in favour of the Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Burdwan for Jhanjra Underground Coal Mining Project at Raniganj Coalfield under Durgapur Forest Division, West Bengal. The State Government of West Bengal vide their letter No. 494-For/O/L/10T-04/14 dated 5th March, 2014 submitted a fresh proposal for diversion of 78.00 ha of forest land in favour of the Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Burdwan for Jhanjra Underground Coal Mining Project at Raniganj Coalfield under Durgapur Forest Division, West Bengal. The proposal was considered by the Forest Advisory Committee in its meeting on 22nd December, 2014. The State Government has reported subsidence in earlier mining areas and, accordingly, the user agency has been requested to submit a detailed 3-D subsidence report from CMPDI on the likelihood of subsidence of the proposed area. Now, in response to Ministry’s letter of even number dated 30.01.2015, the State Government of West Bengal vide their letter No. 699-For/O/L/10T-04/14 dated 07th April, 2015 have sent a copy of the detailed 3D subsidence report from CMPDI furnished by the ECL Authority (ps.302-325/c). The facts related to the proposal as contained in the State Government’s letter dated 05th March, 2014 are given below in the form of factsheet: FACT SHEET 1. Name of the Proposal Diversion of 78.00 ha of forest land in favour of the Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Burdwan for Jhanjra Underground Coal Mining Project at Raniganj Coalfield under Durgapur Forest Division, West Bengal. 2. Location (i) State West Bengal (ii) District Burdwan 3. Particulars of Forests: (i) Name of Forest Division Durgapur and Forest area involved. 78.00 ha (ii) Legal status/Sy.No. (iii) Map Protected Forest Attached (p. 34-36/c & 293-297/c). 4. Density of vegetation 0.5% 5. Species-wise (scientific Enclosed (ps. 42/c). names) and diameter class- Sal Piyal, Piyal, Mohua, Sidha, Bahera, Bhalai, wise enumeration of trees (to Akashmoni, Rahara, Halda, Neem, Kasai, be enclosed. In case of Peasal, Asan, Euc. Piyal, Gammar, etc. irrigation / hydel projects enumeration at FRL, FRL-2 meter & FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed) 6. Brief note on vulnerability of Not significant, land is of plain topography. the forest area to erosion 7. Approximate distance of the It is a part of 78 ha out of 1034 ha forest land proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest. 8. Whether forms part of No National park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Elephant Corridor, etc. (if so, details of the area and comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed) 9. Whether any rare/ endangered/ No unique species of flora and fauna are found in the area. If so details thereof 10. Whether any protected No archaeological/ heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monuments is located in the area. 11. Whether the requirement of The entire forest land as proposed 78.00 ha is a forest land as proposed by the part of the whole project of 1034.00 ha. The user agency in col. 2 of Part-I forest land may be considered AVOIDABLE. is unavoidable and barest The forest area may be exempted from the minimum for the project, if no project as it is a continuous and compact patch recommended area item-wise which will act as a green belt. with details of alternatives examined. 12. Whether any work of in i. Renewal of mining lease not yet done for violation of the Forest Jhanjra Area project over 90.30 ha of (Conservation) Act, 1980 has forest land. Till the ECL authority been carried out (Yes/No). If continuing mining illegally at Jhanjra yes details of the same area. including period of work done, ii. All concerns are informed vide letter No. action taken on erring 1274/8-3 dt. 12.10.2011, 1699/8-3 dt. officials. Whether work in 14.12.2011, etc. violation is still in progress. iii. CAG has raised serious objection iv. Yes the work in violation still in progress. 13. Whether clearance under the Yes. Environmental clearances for the original Environment (protection) Act, project has been obtained vide MoEF’s No. 1986 is required? J11015/20/82 ENV-5/1A.11 dated 29.03.1993. Regarding environmental clearance for expansion project, terms of reference (TOR) was obtained as part of Cluster no. 12 on 2.12.2011 and draft EIA & EMP is being prepared for the complete cluster of which, the present project is a part. 14. Compensatory Afforestation (i) Details of non-forest As the proposal is for underground mining, area/degraded forest area accordingly applicant there will be no harm on identified for CA, its distance the forest above the mining area. from adjoining forest, number Hence, it need not compensatory afforestation of patches, size of each scheme. patches. (ii) Map showing non-forest/ -do- degraded forest area identified for CA and adjoining forest boundaries. (iii) Detailed CA scheme including -do- species to be planted, implementing agency, time schedule, cost structure, etc. (iv) Total financial outlay for CA -do- (v) Certificate from the competent -do- authority regarding suitability of the area identified for CA and from management point of view. 15. Catchment Area Treatment - 16. Rehabilitation of Oustees a) No of families involved Nil b) Category of families Nil c) Details of rehabilitation Not applicable plan 17. Cost Benefit Ratio Under process 18. Total Cost of the Project Rs. 147.25 crores 19. Recommendation i. DFO Forest area may be subsided (p. 41/c). As the surface of forest land will be disturbed ii. CCF due to subsidence, the case is not recommended for approval (p. 45/c). iii. Nodal Officer Since the project is being undertaken for the benefit of the country, as a whole, the proposal may be approved in line with the provision of Forest Conservation Ac, 1980 together-with the terms and conditions contained therein and its subsequent amendments (p. 47/c). Recommended (p. 47/c). iv SG 20. Division/ District profile (i) Total Geographical area of the 7024 sq. km. district (ii) Total Forest area/Divisional 28067.74 ha Forest area (iii) Total area diverted 260.3302 ha, cases – 5 nos. since 1980 (iv) Total compensatory 260.3302 ha afforestation stipulated in the district/division since 1980 on a) Forest land including penal compensatory afforestation b) Non-forest land (v) Progress of Compensatory Afforestation as on date a) Forest land 3.63 ha b) Non-forest land 225.13 ha. 21. Specific recommendations of Inspected on 12.09.2013 and 13.09.2013 the the DCF for acceptance or proposed site. otherwise of the proposal with There is no historical/archaeological/ heritage reasons site but some of the species like Peal, Kachmola, Setisal, Kosai, Velai and Sal come naturally. As forest is free from any biotic interference sometimes migratory elephant take shelter in it. This is one of the sources of ethno-medicinal plants & NTFP for Tribal Community of surrounding area. This is to focus that the people of this belt mainly are of Tribal Community, the JFMC will be affected greatly. As the 78.00 ha forest land is the part of the project of 1034.00 ha. The forest area may be subsided. As a result a natural green belt will be retained. Remarks: 1. Justification for locating the project: Total Geological coal reserve is 62.22 mt. of which 21.19 mt. almost 34% of total available. Coal of good quality is lying below forest area at exploitable depth. Locating project outside the forest area will limit the available reserve. The proposed forest cover under acquisition is in the continuity to the forest cover lying within the existing leasehold area. Coal below forest cover, if unexploited then the sterile coal left, will accrue a national loss of Rs. 8337 cr. 2. Copy of approved CMPDIL Project report with Plan (ps. 49-194/c). 3. Certificate from Chief Mining Officer, Govt. of West Bengal that after making review of the plan and record pertaining to the proposal, it reveals that no such major coal seam is likely to be available adjacent to the mine boundaries of the exiting mine in non-forest land area which can be extracted economically (p. 8/c). 4. The new proposal for diversion of 78 ha forest land is in continuity of the earlier approved forest land (90.30) ha. Further, proposal for renewal of lease of the said forest land (90.30) ha in question, has been applied and the same is under process with MoEF, Govt. of India. 5. Copy of environmental clearance for the original project obtained (ps. 11-12/c). 6. Undertaking to bear the cost of raising and maintenance of compensatory afforestation and/or penal compensatory afforestation as well as cost of protection and regeneration of Safety Zone etc. as per the scheme prepared by the State Government. (p. 13/c & 231/c). 7. Revenue Plan-A 1:3960 showing 90.30 ha forest land sent along with proposal for renewal of lease (p. 35/c). 8. Revenue Plan-B 1:3950 showing new proposal for diversion of 78 ha forest land (p. 34/c). 9. Survey of India toposheet on RF 1:50000 (ps. 36/c). 10. Land schedule (ps. 14-33/c & ps. 232-250/c). 11. The detail report regarding compliance to the conditions stipulated regarding Forest Rights Act issued vide circular No. 11-9/1998-FC(Pt.) issued by the District Magistrate Burdwan attached at ps.
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