in4m "~- SOME EXAM. PEOPLE SEASON LIVE- wt, LASTS FROSH FROM EXIST 23-28 VOLUME IX. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, JANUARY 13, 1928 NUMBER I BIBLE SCHOLAR I EVANGELIST CLOSES ANNUAL 4..------------ ------ REVIVAL MEETS COACH JESSw • " NEELY RESIGNN M N t t * 0 0 Methodist Minister Leads Week of Services STUDENT OF YOUTHI Name New Coach In 2 Weeks Rev. Stoves Makes Many Friends Here TO NAME BAUMGARTEN IS INITIATE 6 PALS HEAD S,uthwestern students have had a EXPECT ATHLETIC rare oportunity during the past week in CHOSEN EDITOR IN THETA A. PHI listening to a minister of the gospel LYNX HELMSMAN J 0 IN S ALABAMA who knows the ways of modern youth as Assistant Edi- As Reward For Work as well if not better than modern youth DURING BANQUET Named COACHING STAFF itself. tor of Sou'wester Done in Dramatics Rev. George Stoves, pastor of the West End Methodist church, of Nash- In the Meantime the Boys Verne Baumgarten has been appointed Following the impressive success of the Unites with Wallace Wade ville, is the man who has fathomed the Play Basketball assistant editor of the Sou'wester by first dramatic production of the year. His Teacher workings of the youthful mind. lie is the Publication Board. "The Whole Town's Talking," given re- conduct such a splen- The appointment comes as a reward cently by new members of the South- well qualified to Rev. George Stoves, pastor h!,s The REESE SUBSTITUTES for unstinting work done thus far in western Pal players, an extensive season PROMISING FUTURE did series of religious meetings as he of West End Methodist church of his talks here in sport writing on the paper. has opened, with a series of one-act done since he opened Nashville, who has been conducting his on Jan. To Baumgarten is accredited the honor plays acting as forerunners to the main Jan. b. concluding addresses the annual week of religious ser- Leads Wickermen Pend- Will Coach Princeton 12. of starting a series of sport stories production next spring. vices at Southwestern. Rev. Stoves, Spring IIKES YOUNG FOLIKS ing Coach Selection never before touched upon by the great Prof. Ernest Haden, faculty coach, and Nine This a leader in Southern Methodism, Believing that great good can come sport-writing scribes of the time. Ever Price A. Patton, Pal president, are read- has made quite an impression on Jess Neely's successor, as coach of the TUSCALOOSA, ALA.--Coach Wal- of associating with young folks. Rev. read the "faked history" stories about ing over the most popular classical and Southwestern students, for he is a Southwestern Lynx, is expected to be lace Wade, Saturday, announced the ap- Stoves is as regular student at Vander- the phenomenal feats performed by the modern successes in an attempt to select deep student of modern youth. chosen within two weeks and to be an- pointment of Jess Neely, coach at South- and Peabody college as students, Greeks?-that's just one of Baum's a suitable play for the spring feature. bilt nounced at the annual banquet to be western University at Memphis, as an :r at Southwestern. lie delights in periodical contributions. Although problematical, it is thought given the Lynx eleven on Saturday night, assistant football coach at the Univer- the younger set; in get- Practical experience on local dailies that a heavy comedy will be chosen if mingling with BOARD SELECTS January 21. sity of Alabama. Neely will take the ting their ideas on life; in counseling gives Verne the title of best sport writ- an appealing one is discovered. to place vacated by Russell Cohen, who them; in laughing and talking with The new coach will be expected er Southwestern has ever had. As a reward for histrionic ability STAFF resigned to accept an appointment as JOURNAL take charge of spring football practice, shown both last spring and in the re- them. Univer- which has been scheduled to start Feb. the Pal club head coach at Louisiana State le has been received in like manner cent play, six members of sity. Neely has had several successful , I. lasting long enough for the new HUMOR PUR VE YOR will be initiated soon into Theta Alpha 'v, local students. who have turned out Catherine Richey Picked into his sys- years at Southwestern. He learned his large numbers to hear him, and coach to drill the players PENS SWEET SONG Phi, national dramatic fraternity. They in As Editor football under Coach Wade at Vander-' to heart the ideas which he tem of football. are: Mary Allen, Catherine Underwood, have taken FOR STRAY FRA T bilt. has given in his talks. The "insurgents" have given in a:dJ Following football training, the new Allen Haden, Ellen Thomas, Crawford Wilson Foote, song writer, artist and Coach Wade announced that Neely Rev. Stoves has dwelt upon many literary magazine, again coach will take charge of baseball. McGivaren and Charles Rond Ill. the Journal, pugilist, has retired to his private haunts will report here to assist in spring foot- thoughts and conditions during his talks published. CAGERS will be REESE COACHES while he composes the official fraternity ball training work, after which he will here. lie has illuminated his arguments against republica- Strong opposition Gil Reese, former Vanderbilt star, was song of the Beta Lambdas. leave for Princeton, where he will coach with experiences gained while with young into open WARING LEADS tion of the magazine grew placed in charge of the basketball team He has not dedicated the "Sweetheart t the Princeton baseball team. pcople, examples which youth can read- when students denunciation recently when Southwestern accepted Coa-h of Beta Lambda" as yet, but is sifting Next fall Neely will return to Ala- idly understand. lie has expressed the Journal. But CO-ED CAGERS were asked to back Neely's resignation. the freshet ranks for a suitable victim. bama as assistant football coach and simply many profound religious ques- with the ballot. the protagonists won Following the football season, Frank Carrington Bacon will represent the head baseball coach. tions, and has as easily explained them. the Publication As a consequence Trelawney, star fullback, was chosen to stray Greeks on the Boys' San Hedrin Also Coaches Freshman Jess Neely, who has been at the helm Ilispreaching is of the best teaching. the following students Board has named lead the Lynx in 1928. council, and Foote will be seen in the In Ball Tossing of the Southwestern athletic program for what he says is straight from the the Journal staff: Catherine :o comprise Prospects are bright for a winning Boys' Pan-Hellenic council. for the past four years, handed in his heart and goes to the heart of his Allen Haden, assistant Richey. editor; eleven for the next year, with many Members of the forlorn "baby lambs" The Southwestern Lynx Kittens, the resignation last Friday, which was ac- listeners. manager. d;tor; Leolin Wailes, business coming stars being eligible from this are still arguing over a suitable emblem girls' basketball team, has a new coach cepted by Dr. C. E. Diehl. The resig- Rev. Stoves bid Southwesterners au assistant business and Charlie Snepp. s Bobcat team. The Lynx suffereo for the official fraternity pin. The ma- in the person of Henry "Chi" Waring. nation is to take effect Jan. 15. revoir with his final sermon Thursday, manager. a hard blow, however, when Milton jority however, favors that of an in- Waring has been named to take charge Neely has accepted a position of as- which ended a week of intensive preach- of the year will be on I he firstissue Hawke and Verne Baumgarten, halfback fant lamb. of the Kittens, and is lining up one of sistant coach at University of Alabama, ing. for he has spoken twice daily, each 15. the campus by Feb. and center, were declared ineligible for the best girls' quints in Dixie. In ad- under Coach Wallace Wade, a former morning in chapel and also at night. next year's team when Southwestern en- dition, Waring is coaching the Lynx mentor of Coach Neely at Vanderbilt tered the S. I. A. A. because they had Hughes basketball team. BELOVED PARROT Montroy and freshman University. Six Profs Journey played football on freshman teams at Coming to Southwestern from Cen- TO SUCCEED COHEN GUZZLES LIQUOR the University of Tennessee and Geor- Are The Prettiest tral High, where he was one of the best t A vacancy on the coaching staff at To Nashville Meet AND JABBERS ON gia Tech. "Fritz" Montroy and Billy Hughes athletes in the school. Waring has en- Alabama occurred when Russ Cohen, as- The graduation of former Capt. Ar- reign supreme among Southwestern stu- joyed a successful career in athletics, sistant coach, resigned from there to Six Southwestern professors journey- SYRACUSE. N. Y.-(IP)-Rinky thur Dulin, Joe Davis, 1. M. Garrott, dents as the least hard on the eyes of all playing an end on the football team accept a coaching position at Louisiana ed to Nashville during the holidays to Dink is safe! and Ora Johnson is a severe blow to the contenders. In the popularity contest and forward on the basketball five. State University. Coach Neely, who has attend a gathering of the American The brightly colored parrot that team's defensive and offensive unity. held just before the Christmas holidays, In basketball "Chi," who gets hisS been offered several other coaching po- Academy of the Advancement of screams raucously at Syracuse univer- But oncoming material is ready to step under the auspices of the "Lynx," Fritz name because he came to Memphis from, sitions, was attracted to Alabama on Science.
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