A Christian Voice in Your Home! Volume 14 Number 2 February 2021 Radio Maria is here to assist you during Lent! It should not be money we save should enough to slide through go to the needy. It should Lent by just observing the be given away to the mis- fast and abstinence laws. sions, the Church, or a We should all undertake worthy charity. a Lenten program, an in- It is also considered ward cleansing and purifi- “almsgiving” to give one’s cation, for oneself and the time and goods to those family. who are in need, i.e., do- The principal works of nating time for a soup Lent can be divided into kitchen, giving clothes to the following four catego- charity, visiting the shut- ries: ins, driving those without Fasting transportation and other Of course, we must similar practices. fulfill the minimum require- eo games. meditate on the Passion Good Works ments of the Church for Prayers of Christ. Usually the Sta- Good works deal with fasting and abstinence. Lent is a good time tions are offered at the perfection of our daily du- But there are other forms to delve into the riches of parish church on Fridays ties. of abstaining and fasting. the Church’s prayers and in Lent. On Radio Maria, Our daily duties in- Remember that when hymns. join us every Friday at 3 clude our job as a spouse, we do “give up” some- Ideally, attending dai- pm Central/4 pm Eastern as a parent, as a child, as thing, it should be com- ly Mass is the ultimate for Stations of the Cross. a worker or student. We pletely, not saved for later. prayer. If that is not possi- Read the Bible daily need to strive to do our The money we save from ble, meditate on the read- and download the num- best in these capacities, not buying a cup of coffee ing of the day at home or ber one free podcast “The even if that means being should be given as a do- participate in the Mass Bible in a Year wih Fr. more patient, more cheer- nation to charity. The time on Radio Maria offered Mike Schmitz. Although ful, more efficient, more we don’t watch TV should twice daily. See program the podcast began Janu- charitable, less critical, be spent doing spiritual schedule on page 6. ary 1, it is a 365-day pro- less gossiping, or less reading, or family time. Pray daily the Holy gram and can be started backbiting. We should • Refrain from complain- Rosary and the Divine at any time. work on virtues, like obe- ing, gossiping, grumbling Mercy Chaplet. Radio A strong emphasis dience, charity, humil- or losing one’s temper. Maria offers both of these should be made in receiv- ity, chastity and persever- • Abstain from favorite devotions, several times a ing the sacraments of the ance. drinks, desserts or foods. day. Consult the program Eucharist and Penance Many of us postpone Give up smoking, caf- schedule on page 6 and frequently. or procrastinate personal feine, beer or liquor. join us! Almsgiving jobs, prayer and reading • Reduce or eliminate The Stations of the Almsgiving is tied for some other time. But time on the Internet, so- Cross are special dur- closely with fasting. NOW is the time to make cial media, or playing vid- ing Lent, because they Whatever we give up, the the best of our daily duty. Prepare for Lent! Order these Lenten resources today! • A one-line aspirational to God. With these devo- A new voice each season prayer tions, you will learn to let and a simple format invite • A quick and easy Catho- go of the negative in your Catholics to hear and em- lic practice to sanctify the life not only during Lent brace the living Word of rest of your day but also throughout your God. With this guide, you lifetime. To order, go to ave- can live Lent well, even in To order, go to ave- mariapress.com the middle of your beauti- mariapress.com. ful, busy, and sometimes messy family life. To order, go to order- osv.com. A Busy Paren’s Guide to a Meaningful Lent by Maria C. Morrow 248 pages - $16.95 Lent. With children. Mom and theologian Maria C. Morrow can re- late to your sigh. Lent is a Were You There?: A time of sacrifice, but Lent The Living Gospel: Daily Lenten Stickerbook with little ones (or medium Devotions for Lent 2021 by David Mean ones, or older ones) can by Theresa Rickard, O.P. 16 pages - $1.99 seem like sacrifice with an Messages of Letting Go 96 pages - $2.25 extra helping of penance. for Lent 2021 Help modern-day chil- Why? Because parenting by Father Michael White Be uplifted and in- dren imagine themselves comes with its own set of and Tom Corcoran spired as Sr. Terry Rick- in the scene as they fol- sacrifices, made daily. 64 pages - $1.95 ard, O.P., president of low Jesus’ journey to the But being a busy par- RENEW International, cross and to the open ent doesn’t mean you Just three minutes of guides you through Lent tomb of Easter. (and the whole family) prayer a day can change and Holy Week with This colorful Lenten can’t do Lent well. your life during Lent. thought-provoking spiritu- sticker booklet features A Busy Parent’s Guide From Ash Wednes- al reflections on the daily a different character on to a Meaningful Lent is the day through Easter Sun- gospel readings in Daily each page, a person who book you’ve been looking day, simple yet spiritually Devotions for Lent 2021. witnessed Jesus’ Pas- for. It’s a quick, easy Lent- rich devotions from Fr. Rickard also encourages sion. The words of the fa- en resource that starts Michael White and Tom you to go beyond prayer miliar Lenten song “Were your day off with Scrip- Corcoran will guide you and fasting by completing You There When They ture-focused reflection to let go of sin, bad hab- a quick spiritual act that Crucified My Lord?” pro- and prayer - and achiev- its, and grudges and to will help you grow in your vide the outline of this able ideas to help busy instead trust in God. love for God and others Stick-With-Me Bible Sto- parents make the most of Each day, White and during this solemn sea- ry journey through Lent. Lent. Corcoran—the authors son. Ages 4-10. Each day, you’ll find: of the bestselling and The Living Gospel Send home the good • A theme for the week award-winning Rebuilt— series of devotionals for news of the resurrection • A brief reflection based offer a verse or two of Lent and Advent offers by sharing this sticker on the daily Mass read- Scripture, a short reflec- spiritual insight and prac- story booklet with the chil- ings - a 5-minute read tion on letting go, and a tical wisdom from popu- dren in your life. To order • Questions for journaling simple prayer prompt that lar Catholic preachers, go to catholic.creative- or meditation will help you draw closer speakers, and homilists. communications.com Our Lady of Lourdes message is still relevant today As we sail into 2021, turned the town into a let us give thanks for all From the Desk of popular travel destination. the blessings God contin- Thousands of people say ues to pour out upon us. their medical conditions Our radio network Fr. Dan have been cured through continues to grow. Our pilgrimage, prayer and Fr. Dan Reehil most recent acquisition is the water flowing from a National Priest Director a station in Miami, Florida spring to which Berna- Radio Maria with a potential audience dette was directed by the of 3,000,000 listeners! Blessed Virgin. Experts We continue to rely olic Church celebrates the fighting off the Corona- have verified 69 cases on your support to bring feast day of Our Lady of virus, let us pray and im- of miraculous healing at Catholic radio to America. Lourdes, recalling a se- plore Our Lady of Lourdes Lourdes since 1862. We are looking to raise ries of 18 appearances for her protection and for On Feb. 11, 1858, $400,000 to pay off the that the Blessed Virgin the gift of health in 2021. Bernadette went to gather loan needed to purchase Mary made to a 14-year- The Marian appari- firewood with her sister the Miami station. old French peasant girl, tions began Feb. 11, 1858 and a friend. As she ap- Please pray and dis- Saint Bernadette Soubi- and ended July 16 of that proached a grotto near cern if Our Lady is call- rous. year and received the lo- a river, she saw a light ing you to help bring her This Marian site cal bishop’s approval after coming from a spot near message, Catholic pro- brought forth the healing a four-year inquiry. a rosebush. The light sur- gramming, the Mass and miraculous waters that Coming soon after the rounded a woman who rosary to our country by over 200 million people 1854 dogmatic definition wore a white dress and donating to Radio Maria have visited seeking Our of her Immaculate Con- held a rosary. Seeing the USA. Lady’s intercession. As ception, the Virgin Mary’s On Feb. 11, the Cath- we enter a new year still appearances at Lourdes Continued on page 4 YEAR OF Listener’s Comments SAINT • Welcome Fr.
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