Postal Sale No. 305 - Close Date Wednesday 21st August 2019 at 1.00pm Please note more images can be found on our website www.stampgroup.net Email - [email protected] 10 British Commonwealth - Stockcards with a QV to modern MIXED LOTS jumbled ranges includes St Helena QV, BCA, SWA war effort, 1 A HEAVY ACCUMULATION - World mishmash of material postage dues, Natal, Rhodesia, CGH EDVII to 5s, Samoa, in stockbooks and albums, some smaller country sections, Ceylon QV perf heads to 1s, Malta EDVII to 5s mint etc, useful European, Foreign, odd GB, loose on and off paper, few FDCs, pickings. £ 80 covers, commercial mail, huge variety here to sort, 1000s. £ 50 11 British Commonwealth - Stockcards with a QV to modern 2 A WORLD Accumulation in a heavy carton, noted jumbled ranges includes New Guinea plus airs to 1s mint, Centurion album with world mint and used, Br. Africa modern Kuwait GVI 12 vals to 14a mint, Pakistan GVI 15 vals to 5r mint in stockbook, USA, loose, small boxes etc, 100s to sort. mint, Papua & New Guinea pictorials to 2/6 mint, Singapore £ 48 pictorial defins to $5 m, Malaya states to $5 mint, Negri Sembilan to $5, Trengganu 1924 to $3 mint etc, nice range, 3 BOX - A world accumulation in binders, on stockpages, useful pickings. £ 150 junior collections, Lincoln old time sparse album with W/W noted Rhodesia 1910 Double Heads 2s blue and black cds 12 CARTON of all world material in various albums and used, old time manuscript book, USA, many nice thematics etc, stockbooks, noted European ranges and collections mint and 1000s to sort. £ 60 used, GB FDCs, loose in packets on and off paper, mixed on cards, commercial mail, event covers, allsorts here, 1000s. 4 BOX - A world accumulation in binders, on stockpages, £ 50 junior collections, small country ranges on album leaves in 13 Clearout in a heavy BOX, world ranges in various junior display pockets, stockbooks with used worldwide, many nice thematics etc, 1000s to sort. £ 60 type albums, on leaves and loose, United Germany 1990s FDCs, some mint sets in envelopes, empty Davo album for 5 BOX of all world material in various albums and Berlin, 100s to sort. £ 50 stockbooks, noted European ranges and collections mint and 14 CLUB BOOKS - Australasia & related: Circulated books used, GB FDCs, loose in packets on and off paper, mixed on cards, commercial mail, event covers, allsorts here, 1000s. (7) with reasonable original selling prices around 16-20% £ 50 catalogue value, QV to modern, both mint and used noted Norfolk Island, Solomon Is., Gilbert & Ellice Is., New Guinea, 6 BOXFILE - Accumulation in folders, in packets, stockcards Papua & New Guinea, Fiji, Nauru, Niue, Cook Islands, New and loose, all periods mint and used incl Syria 1931-33 Zealand, Fiji etc, approx 800-900. Useful lot. £ 120 Airmails to 100p mint, Br. P.A. in Eastern Arabia Castles surcharges for different types mint (STC £58), Monaco earlies 15 CLUB BOOKS - British Africa: Circulated books (7) with f.u., Russia surcharges in mint blks of 4, Iraq on stockpages, W. reasonable original selling prices around 16-20% catalogue Germany 1950 Beethoven M/S U/M, Japan earlies on a page, value, QV to modern, both mint and used noted Gambia, Gold Netherlands 1913 Indep. to 5g yellow used (cat c£230), Coast, Ghana, Niger, N & S Nigeria, Niger Coast, Sudan, German states in a small stockbook, Europe, Foreign etc, 100s Zanzibar, Rhodesia's, Sierra Leone, Br. Somaliland, Swaziland, to sort. £ 80 S. Africa, Basutoland, Bechuanaland etc, approx 700-800. Useful lot. £ 120 7 British Asia: Binder with some useful on Hagners, all periods mint & used noted North Borneo, 1922 Exhib. ovpts to 16 CLUB BOOKS - British Asia: Circulated books (7) with 18c m, 4c Red X surchs to 24c m, Brunei incl 1947 River reasonable original selling prices around 16-20% catalogue defins to $10 mint (cat £150+), few Singapore etc. £ 65 value, QV to modern, both mint and used noted Hong Kong (2 books 1863-QEII), Maldive Is., Ceylon, India states, North 8 British Commonwealth accumulation in a heavy box with Borneo (2 Books), Labuan, etc, approx 900-1000. Useful lot. QV to QEII mainstream mint and used including in three Frank £ 150 godden peg fitting albums with leaves, various in stockbooks, 17 CLUB BOOKS - British Commonwealth: Circulated good mainstream assembly with many different countries. 100s. £ 75 books (13) with reasonable original selling prices around 16- 20% catalogue value, QV to modern, both mint and used noted 9 British Commonwealth assembly on stockcards including Canada (4), Malta, Gibraltar, Mauritius, Bahrain, Pitcairn Is., useful QV issues noted Trinidad & Tobago 5s Britannia mint (2 Aden, Falkland Is. & Dependencies, Ascension, St Helena etc, diff colours), Dominica Badge of Colony GV issues mint, approx 1400-1600. Useful lot. £ 175 Zanzibar to 8a mint, Ceylon QV 10d vermilion imperf and perf, Cape of Good Hope 4d deep blue f.u. 3 margins, Niue, Victoria, Bahawalpur ovptd Specimen, Sri Lanka 15p imperf pair, NZ 1907 Int. Exhib. label, BCOF 3d mint imprint blk of 4, 1935 Silver Jubilee Bermuda & Malta sets mint, Australia 1925 SJ set in pairs used, OS perfin ranges incl Roos to 2s etc, intr group. £ 160 Page -1- 18 CLUB BOOKS - British West Indies: Circulated books 30 MIXED LOT of all world material in various albums and (10) with reasonable original selling prices around 16-20% stockbooks, noted European ranges and collections mint and catalogue value, QV to modern, both mint and used noted St used, GB FDCs, loose in packets on and off paper, mixed on Lucia, St Vincent, Br. Virgin Is., St Kitts Nevis, Barbados, cards, commercial mail, event covers, allsorts here, 1000s. Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Grenada, Bermuda, Dominica, £ 50 Montserrat, Jamaica, Cayman Is., Antigua, Br. Honduras etc, approx 1100-1200. Useful lot. £ 120 31 SCANDINAVIA Old Time collection on jumbled leaves with useful earlier material including Norway posthorns to 20o, 19 Collector's Clearout in a heavy BOX, world ranges in Finland earlies 1875 to 1m lilac, Sweden from earlies 1858 various junior type albums, on leaves and loose, West Germany 30o brown, 1862 20o red, 1872 6o lilac, others to 1r brown and 1990s FDCs, 100s to sort. £ 50 blue (2) cat £65 each, Postage Dues to 1k, etc, very mixed but some useful to be extracted / sorted. £ 100 20 Collector's Clearout in a heavy BOX, world ranges in various junior type albums, on leaves and loose, United 32 SORTER LOT of all world material in various albums and Germany 1990s U/M blocks and maxi cards, 100s to sort. stockbooks, noted European ranges and collections mint and £ 50 used, GB FDCs, loose in packets on and off paper, mixed on cards, commercial mail, event covers, allsorts here, 1000s. 21 Collector's Clearout in a well filled box, worldwide loose £ 50 on and off paper, in stockbooks, leaves, in envelopes, bags, stock pages etc, 1000s, two SOW 2005 stamp catalogues vols 33 Stockbooks and Albums accumulation including thematics, II & III, noted GB QV-GVI commercial mail in two photo maxi cards, country collections including European ranges, all albums, France 19th century P/S cards and wrappers, Monaco periods mint and used, well filled BOX. £ 50 P/S, Junior type albums, all sorts here, 1000s to sort. £ 50 34 Stockbooks and Albums accumulation including thematics, 22 EUROPE - Accumulation in stockbooks & Lindner printed maxi cards, country collections including European ranges, all album with all periods mint and used with useful sections for periods mint and used, well filled BOX. £ 50 Switzerland from early Sitting Helvetias to 1f gold, imperf to 40r, Germany Occupations and Territories in a well filled 35 Stockbooks and Albums accumulation including thematics, Lindner album incl Serbia mint sets, Estonia, Gen Govt, maxi cards, country collections including European ranges, all Luxembourg, Bohemia & Moravia, France used assembly in a periods mint and used, well filled BOX. £ 50 springback noted 1936 100th Flight set used (cat £180), 36 TWO BOXES - Collector's clearout with huge amount of Greece 1976-86 mint collection in printed album, Austria in two DAVO albums with nice sets etc, plenty to go at here, Maxi cards and post office cards mainly in original envelopes, £ 280 few stockbooks, some sets and ranges in packets, on and off 100s. Heavy BOX. paper in Cigar boxes, etc, 100s to sort. £ 50 23 EUROPEAN ACCUMULATION - Early to modern 37 WESSEX Gold tooled crocodile effect blue 64 sided material of country sections in binders, albums and stockbooks, including good mainstream for Norway, Belgium, France incl stockbook with a mainstream world range, stockbook must be airmails to 1000f, Greece good selection, attractive worth £10+ alone! £ 18 Luxembourg incl odd censor cover, Switzerland & Portugal, 38 WORLD CARTON of stockbooks, albums, loose in nice lot at a nice price! £ 120 packets, on and off paper in envelopes, on leaves, stock pages, 24 HEAVY ACCUMULATION - World mishmash of with a good amount of material to sort through, all periods mint material in stockbooks and albums, some smaller country & used. 1000s to sort. £ 50 sections, European, Foreign, odd GB, loose on and off paper, 39 WORLD IN A BOX of stockbooks, albums, loose in few FDCs, covers, commercial mail, huge variety here to sort, packets, on and off paper in envelopes, on leaves, stock pages, 1000s. £ 50 with a good amount of material to sort through, all periods mint 25 HEA VY ACCUMULATION - World mishmash of & used, large stockbook of France used duplicated. 1000s to material in stockbooks and albums, some smaller country sort. BOX. £ 50 sections, European, Foreign, odd GB, loose on and off paper, 40 World in a well filled box, worldwide loose on and off few FDCs, covers, commercial mail, huge variety here to sort, paper in stockbooks, leaves, in envelopes, bags, stock pages, 1000s.
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