WWf^f^f" • Ji »^^"^~™.l Ji I '«." y. t.ii i i|. ,i ^..,, n .,r,T in !• • III-I f» • .• 11, 11.1,) , n^-TT^^—^T»^W<»IBPWWyWiW^W1^11 «w*W^W^I^PIWWi^p*P|WIWW»»^ppi»Pi«WW«WBW(PPi«WWW«|WP^«P^ m®m^ tMiikM-mi #p3^#?^":^ •--%##-•^»•-•'::•.=•• •'•'' •;'.-'•;•: l^^&^Wffci^'/^^^ ••/• •.^^•/•x^-oV • -?•'•* • --.-¾¾^':•=-• :-'-. •'s^tiv^r-u; ..;%o.'fi< £v ^smmm ateflefaiMssfea^t^ ; Volume 19 Number 52 Thursday, December 22,1983 Westland, Michigan 38 Pages Twenty-five cents . - r \1*\ i'.buhn I'vmnwt'.rilloa (arpcMilie Ml Ri|kl» Hf«/t»M BrMaryKkmlc hook-up in Westland within six months -WE HAVE GOT the best contract available at City. Hall, is.contingent used on-cable-related activities, Coun- no installation charge for government­ staff writer after the contract is finalized, and'for and system In the State of Michigan upon the company's purchase of Tonqu- cllwoman Nancy Neal added. al and educational facilities, according cable construction In the city to be and probably In the country now," Mehl ish School for use as offices and com­ to the contract. Mayor Charles Pickering, members completed within 12 months. said. "What we did with the finances munity programming center. Construc­ UNDER THE agreement, the Initial The Initial rates aren't to be In­ of the WesUand City Council and repre­ This could mean,that the first cable are, and will be, a benefit to the city tion will be concurrent In all areas of rates for a 26-channel service to resi­ creased for a certain period of time. A sentatives of Continental Cablevislon hook-up will be completed In summer Itself. We feel very confident with this the city. Continental will pay the city dential subscribers are $9.95 for instal­ clause was removed from the contract were all smiles at a press conference 1984, The agreement will be signed by contract," - up to $3,000 each day it Is behind lation and $3.50 a month. The Installa­ that would have authorized the city to Tuesday as they commented on the Pickering and City Clerk Diane "A good contract was reached," said schedule for non-excusable delays. tion of a 76-channei service has the regulate the rates, Mehl said. •" council's approval of a 15-year Rohraff on behalf of the city, then by Jeremy Stern, director of corporate de­ The city decided; not to accept a same installation rate and a monthly "There is no mandatory hook-up for franchise agreement between the cable the company's corporate officers In velopment at Continental. "We are hon­ $400,000 franchise fee from Continen­ rate of $7.45. anyone," Mehl said. "Any services (such television company and the city. Boston, when It.will become effective. ored by the confidence bestowed on us tal. Mehl said that some incorrectly There are other rates for the 76- as water meter reading and home se­ The agreement, approved by a 7-0 Councilman Kenneth Mehl anticipated by the city. Our partnership has gotten thought the money would solve West- channel service In apartments and curity) as far as the city would be con- vote at the regular council meeting that the contract would be finalized by off to a good start." land's financial problems. Legislation commercial facilities, and discounts Monday night, calls for the first liable the end of next month. The agreement, copies of which are calls for 5 percent of such a fee'to be for senior citizens and others. There Is • Please turn to Page 2 District splits its Holiday spirit collections Santa stays lively and Wayne-Westland district taxpayers will be paying half their school taxes quick as he visits area six months earlier than they have tra­ ditionally in the past. Monday night the school board ap­ By Mary Klsmlc of chimneys where you live, so I might ' proved, by a 6-1 vote, split tax collec­ staff writer get confused and go down the wrong tions. The move is expected to generate chimney.'" -- $500,000 in additional revenue for the "lis the week before Christmas, district. and all through the mall "I ASK THEM If they'll do me a fa­ The only board member to vote They come to see Santa, the large vor and go right to sleep on Christmas against the split collections was Fred and the small. Eve or pretend to be asleep," Santa Warmbler. Some nestle so gently and whisper said at.Wonderland Mall. "I say my <.. "I'll only change my vote If It looks with care. reindeers are scared by humans so they like it will be turned down," Warmbler, While others get frightened, and should be asleep and trick the rein­ the senior member of the board. "The tug the white hair. deer." reason is there la a fair number of sen- The red velvet on the p*nU la Santa at WesUand Mall tells the • lor cjtlzeos. who will end up paying crushed right 'above the kaee. It's youngsters that he has to male a lot of. doubtful that the white gloves ever will toysisecordliw WSputa^ ;\ r. more by taking mooey 6a\ of the bank u;t*Jmjn*culAt^p4*i». _; ,, (and losing Interest). '•• "Santa: wUrt*y low them son* of ; The outfit may be showing signs of v-, "This la a selective tax increase, but the things they ask for," he said. wear more often these days as Christ­ Toys that have been asked .for most I won't let the motion fall. It's a craxy mas draws near. But the man In the red way to put. It, but somebody has to often this year Include GI Joe, He-Man, velvet suit, Santa Claus, Is as full of Baby Skates and Barbie dolls, Masters speak for the senior cltliens.". sparkle and good humor as he was John Baracy, the district's assistant of the Universe and Care Bears. There when he arrived in the area earlier this have been occasional requests, for mu­ superintendent for business and holiday season. * sical Instruments, telephones and even finance, said that notice of the change That Is the conclusion after the Ob­ one for two front teeth. The helpers re­ wjl( be mailed to all taxpayers In Janu­ server visited with Santa at different port that Santa didn't receive many re­ ary. shopping malls in the area this week. quests for Cabbage Patch dolls, except Speaking for. Santa were helpers that at Livonia Mall. are very close to him: Craig ColUcott at Arena cools Wonderland Mall, Hank Konrad at Livonia Mall and Jeff Malek and Scott THERE ARE things Santa does to skating fees Splller at Westland Mall. /- make the visits more enjoyable for both the youngsters and the accompa­ An open skating public session Is one nying adults. Santa at Wonderland Mall way to make the holiday merry and THE LINES TO see Santa still are long these days. They consist of people speaks French, Spanish, Polish, Greek bright. from as young as two weeks to senior and German and can converse in sign The Westland Multi-Purpose Arena citizens. language. He will repeat the request or Is offering a "holiday special" on two . "Of. the ones age 9 months to 2-1/2, speak so parents can hear. Whatever days during Christmas week. mall he is at, Santa Is cheerful and.pa­ For 2-1/2 hours on both days, the 90 percent of them take one look at Santa and scream-their brains out," tient. cost will be 50 cents for children age 12 Colllcott laughed. "The ones over 3 are "You-gotta like kids and be able to and younger and $1 for those age 13 fine." ... talk to kids," said Malek, a student at and older. These costs will^be In effect Santa has to be able to handle poten­ Livonia-Franklin High School. from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on TuesdayJDec. 27 tially sticky situations. """'.' Sometimes things get a little rough and Wednesday, Dec. 28. ' •*? "You .shouldn't promise them any­ on Santa, as when he Is challenged. The arena Is located at 6210 N. Wild- 8ammle Warren, age 2¼. seem* to be thinking mle was one of many youngster* who visited thing," said Collicott, a professional ac­ wood, at the corner of Hunter and Wild- with 8anta at area shopping centers this week. tor. "(Santa) tells them, There are a lot Please turn to Page 2 wood In Jaycee Park. For more Infor­ over what to tell 8anta at Westland Mall. 8am- mation, call the arena at 729-4560 or 729-4567. - ' what's inside Business ... ..... 8B Layoffs to cut length of school day Calendar . , . 4A Classified. Sections D,E By Sandra Armbrustsr editor Creative Living ..... 1E Crossword . •; . 4E Pink slips notifying 135 teachers in Negotiations continue, with WWEA Entertainment . ... 5-8C the Wayne-.Westland school district of Opinion, . 6A their January layoffs will soon be said, explaining to the board how the Dave Moranty and Fred Warmbier BOARD PRESIDENT W. James CONCERNS EXPRESSED by mem­ Religion. ... 5B mailed. The layoffs mean that the remaining deficit will be carved from cited the shorter school day and a de­ LeDuc. noted that last year he asked 1C school day will be shortened by 45 rnln-. bers of the audience included millage, the budget. sire to ask the state to "bailout the dis­ state Attorney General Frank Kcltey Suburban life . utes. accreditation of high sehopls and which .: . : :. IB trict"*- as reasons for voting against the which law would take priority in the . teachers would be hit by the layoffs.
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