1495 FORD STREET · REDLANDS · CALIFORNIA · 92373 · (909) 307-0400 APRIL 2015 NISAN-IYAR 5775 VOLUME XLIII - NUMBER 8 SHABBAT AND FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS EREV PESACH - EREV SHABBAT - FRIDAY - APRIL 3, 2015 THERE WILL BE NO SERVICE IN ORDER TO ENABLE ALL TO ATTEND A 1st SEDER! Saturday - April 4, 2015 - Torah Study - 9:15 to 9:45 am - Shabbat and Festival Morning Service - 10:00 am Service will be led by Rabbi Hillel Cohn and Cantor Gregory Yaroslow using Siddur Hadash Members of Congregation Etz Hadar will join in our Shabbat and Festival Morning Service Torah Reading: gqt ly '` mei- Exodus 12:21-51 - Haftarah - Joshua 5:2-6:1, 6:27 Kiddush Following the Service 7TH (CONCLUDING) DAY OF PASSOVER - gqt ly iriay mei Thursday - April 9, 2015 - 6:00-6:30 pm - led by Rabbi Cohn Brief Festival Evening Service Friday - April 10, 2015 - led by Rabbi Cohn & Cantor Bern-Vogel Matzah Brei Breakfast at 9:00 am Torah Study - 9:15 - 9:45 am - Festival Morning Service - 10:00 am Yizkor/Memorial prayers will be recited Torah Reading: - gqt ly 'f mei - Exodus 13:17-15:26 - Haftarah - II Samuel 22 Kiddush Following the Service Friday - April 10, 2015 - 7:30 pm - led by Rabbi Cohn & Cantor Bern-Vogel Marriage Reconsecration for couples celebrating Quinquennial anniversaries during 2015 Oneg Shabbat/Chag Following the Service with Pesachdik Wedding Cake and Champagne Saturday - April 11, 2015 led by Rabbi Cohn & Cantor Bern-Vogel Torah Study - 9:15 to 9:45 am - Shabbat Morning Service - 10:00 am Parashat Sh’mini - ipiny zyxt - Leviticus 9:1-11:47 - Haftarah - II Samuel 6:1-7:17 Kiddush Following the Service Friday - April 17, 2015 - 7:30 pm - led by Cantor Bern-Vogel Cantor Bern-Vogel will be joined by the Temple Volunteer Choir in a special musical presentation Oneg Shabbat Following the Service Saturday - April 18, 2015 - led by Rabbi Cohn & Cantor Bern-Vogel Torah Study - 9:15 to 9:45 am - Shabbat Morning Service - 10:00 am Parashat Tazria - rixfz zyxt - Leviticus 12:1-13:59 - Haftarah - II Kings 4:42-5:19 Kiddush Following the Service Friday - April 24, 2015 - 7:30 pm - led by Cantor Bern-Vogel Celebration of Yom Ha-Atzmaut - Israeli Independence Day Oneg Shabbat Following the Service Saturday - April 25, 2015 - led by Cantor Bern-Vogel Torah Study - 9:15 to 9:45 am - Shabbat Morning Service - 10:00 am Parashat Metzora - rxevn zyxt - Leviticus 14:1-15:33 - Haftarah - II Kings 7:3-20 Kiddush Following the Service APRIL 2015 PAGE 1 Rabbinic Reflections Rabbi Jay Sherwood A Passover Seder has Elected as Our Rabbi many components that make it more than a meal. Obviously the foods play an important part but the words we recite and the songs we sing are equally as important. And, the presence of family friends gathered around a festively-set table has much to do with making the Seder memorable and meaningful. One of the most spirited songs sung at a Seder is surely Dayenu. That one word means “It would have been enough!” The traditional Haggadah contains fourteen verses, each of which ends with the refrain of Dayenu. The first verse says “Had God taken us out of Egypt, and not brought judgment upon them (the Egyptians), “it would have been enough.” The We are delighted to announce that Rabbi Jay most popular verses are “Had God given us the Sherwood has been elected to serve as the rabbi of Shabbat” Dayenu - it would have been enough and our congregation. His election, as prescribed by the “Had God given us the Torah” Dayenu - it would have been enough.” By-Laws of the congregation, took place at a A few years ago someone wrote some additional duly-constituted meeting of the membership held on verses that might each inspire those at the Seder table March 1, 2015. Rabbi Sherwood, currently serving as to join in a hearty Dayenu. You might try having our part-time Director of Education, will commence those around your Seder table read each of them and his duties as our full-time rabbi on July 1, 2015 at follow them with a rousing Dayenu: which time Rabbi Hillel Cohn will return to the “If we could make it a practice to spend time position of Rabbi Emeritus, a title he has held since being with ourselves, honest about the truths of our his official retirement on June 2, 2001, but which was lives, getting clear about what we want to learn or set aside for the 2014-2015 year when he returned to work on, Dayenu. serve as our rabbi. “If we could give and receive all the intimacy, Rabbi Sherwood served for a number of years affection, support, and nurturance, we need on an as Director of Education at Temple Beth Israel in ongoing basis, to and from appropriate sources, Pomona. In 2005 he joined with other Jewish Dayenu. residents of the west end of the Inland Empire in “If we could have fulfilling work, exciting play, forming Adat Re’im, a trans-denominational creative endeavors, and no boredom, Dayenu. congregation in Rancho Cucamonga. He has served “If the children of the world could receive enough as the rabbi and educator of that congregation. good-parenting, schooling, and feeding that would In addition to being a rabbi and educator, Rabbi allow them to grow into healthy and stable adults, Sherwood is an accomplished songwriter and Dayenu. performer of Jewish music. He is featured on two “If the fears of ill-health, loneliness, and poverty recordings, Sh’ma Koleinu - Hear Our Voice and could be dispelled so that aging would be seen as part of the process of living as opposed to being Wrapped Up In The Fringes. Rabbi Sherwood something to be feared, Dayenu. received his undergraduate degree in Jewish studies “If the commitment of lifetime learning, growth, at UCLA. He received his rabbinical training at the risk-taking and expanded consciousness could Academy for Jewish Religion, California where he become intense enough to allow for a critical mass of also earned the degree of Master of Rabbinic Studies. awakened, concerned and fully alive human beings to He has served on the staff of numerous Jewish once again walk the planet at the same time, Dayenu. summer camps and has led travel programs to Israel. “If we could then see Tikun Olam, universal We are exceedingly pleased to welcome Rabbi healing in our lifetimes, Dayenu. Sherwood as our rabbi and are also exceedingly “If we could go out into the world and share the pleased to welcome his family - his wife Lisa and joyous message of the Haggadah and the redemption their daughter Ilana. and the way we feel tonight celebrating Passover An appropriate Service of Installation for together, Dayenu.” Rabbi Sherwood will take place at the end of the My hope and payer is that your Passover summer. Between now and July 1st when he begins experience this year will bring you and those near his full-time duties Rabbi Sherwood will be meeting and dear to you abundant satisfaction and great joy. with individuals and groups of members and will also be working with our staff in planning for the short Rabbi Hillel Cohn and long-term future of Congregation Emanu El. APRIL 2015 PAGE 2 Cantorial Comments From the Educator's Desk Ma nishtanah ha-shanah haze? As we gather with family Why is this year different from all other years? and friends around the Seder table, Chag Sameach!!! I hope we read the ancient words of the you’re reading your April Haggadah as proscribed by our Bulletin because otherwise, ancestors. One of the most Passover may be almost over! discussed sections of the The first Seder which is Haggadah is the introduction of the four sons: the wise one, the generally celebrated in more wicked one, the simple one, and intimate surroundings at home, the one who does not know how to ask. An answer is begins this year’s Pesach provided for each child to the question of why we festival on Shabbat evening, participate in the Seder. What is missing from the April 3rd. The traditional second Seder observed page is the identification of each child. Simply put, outside of Israel is popularly celebrated throughout we are each a composite of all four; each one of us is the world and in synagogues as the Community sometimes wise and sometimes wicked, sometimes simple and sometimes silent. We are the four Seder. Two seders are celebrated in the Diaspora, children. As such we ask questions and we provide because the Jews living far from the land of answers, different answers for different needs. Israel would not be aware which day had been The 12th century philosopher Maimonides writes in declared the 1st of the new month in time to know his Mishneh Torah, "It is a commandment to inform which day would be the 15th – when the holidays of one's children even though they do not ask, as the Passover and Sukkot begin. In order not to miss the Torah states (Exodus 13:8) 'you shall tell your son.' A correct day, the distant exiles observed the holiday on father should teach his son according to the son's the two days that could possibly be the 15th of the knowledge/mindset," (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Chametz and Matza, 7:2). Maimonides encourages us month. to be aware and sensitive to the ever-changing The Talmud relates that once the calendar had been attitudes of our children.
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