Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper University Archives 1901 Normal College News, December, 1901 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Normal College News, December, 1901" (1901). EMU Student Newspaper. Paper 16. http://commons.emich.edu/student_news/16 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •· ' ) ' _:.11' • _.! .., t' - ' " 1'°1" 'J ". ' ! �) .t )\U,JS.tam(natlcittt:i,, Yree ·n, . ,> �t:�'. -�,� .>. Jf' � . I "Ii I• l \\! r; �-· ;' ' -. '.Students'�, -··: � ,, .· :. Seu Y�ur',i!Jsf-off, C!o;tht�g' on'd ,S�oe• at- ,:,�p • ·:. �OM�Ag.e. :�10RE , . 9 E. ,Cong.ress SJ. • · ·:l . Ypsllantl• .. :.. • • , f . ' , .' I • ),... ·, .• jJ; , ../ t. I':: L.!o I; 1f' ' r ' I.I. 0 l . }l t' • I � ' ' , . ,." . ---��---·�, -�! .. _· _;:__�"·'--"--'-'� ADVERTISEMENTS On all our Foot Ball Shoes ,ve nrc uow putting the new style cleats as shown in cut. After a thorough tesl last sea­ son hy a few of the leading players, they uuaoimously declare them the best cleats W. M. SWEET ever put on a shoe. Insist upon having them for your shoes. Everything for Foot Ball­ Head Harness,Ankle Brace, & 50N Shin Guards. Handsome illustrated Cata­ logue free. Offers the best facilities for students' trade, as A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Incorporated. they carry a general line of New York Chicail:O Denver Spalding's Official Poot Ball Guide for 1901, edited by Walter Camp. Price, lOc. �wnr ��©J��D lffi@11Il@1NI� "THE OLD RELIABLE" IHl©Jiltlfflro ijl©JWt� tl!�IK� � Milllllf!lflifi Savery Cllulb Also a Dress Making Department. 415 Perrin Street Our 1Janking 'Department you will find $2 Board for $1.80 very convenient, as we cash all bankable paper at PAR. Deposits received, payable on One Block East of the Normal demand. 9Jsk for a 'Dank 1Jook. If it is out of order, take it, and all broken jewelry, to BR1\BB The Jeweler COOPER THE STUDENTS' PHOTOGRAPHER WILL BE PLe/\SIW TO see YOL! C/\LL /\ND INSPECT HI� /\�TISTIC WORI<: PRICES /\ND WORI<: M�R/\NGeD TO f'\eET THE Def'\/\NDS OF THE STUDENTS HOLID/\Y /\ND COM.M.ENCEM.ENT PHOTOS I\ SPECI/\L1 Y ADVERTISEMENTS W!6'WW Dress Suits Sulliban-@ok @mpany I To 114 Congress .Street Re.nt Clothiers and """""""""""''"""� Men's Furnishers MATT DUFFY RATES, $2.00 Boots and Shoes Repaired McKay Club eor. Washington and Pearl 40¢ Ballard Street A. C. CLUFF, Steward GOOD WORK DONE FINE DRY GOODS D. 5 PALS BURY, D. D. 5. WOOLTEX CLOAKS Dentist Office Cor. Congress and Washington .Sts. Over Horner Bros.' .Shoe .Store BERT H. COMSTOCK Local Anaesthetic for Painless Extrac• 128 Congress St. tion Mr. and Mrs. Granger DANCINGj Would like to have those considering the subject of dancing visit the school 312 MAYNARD STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. You will find at Granger's Academy pleasant and proper surroundings, good music and expe­ rienced teachers. Tuition-Gentlemen $5, Ladies $3, per term of twelve lessons. Single private lesson, $1.50 per three-quarters hour. 'Phone 246. Assemblies Wednesday and Saturday evenings, 8: 15 to 11: 15 o'clock, 50c per couple. ADVERTISEMENTS NORMAL CoNsf RVAiORY f(Mus1c G. w. DENS MORE'S 'Frederic H. Pease, Director Cor. Washington and Congress Sts. " " Is headquarters for everything in the Faculty line of : Plano Gent.• eiotblng and Furnishings MISS ALICE LOWDEN MISS MYRA L. BIRD MISS RUTH PUTNAM We also carry a large line of Holi­ MRS. JESSIE P. SCRIMGER MR. F. L. YORK day Grips and Telescopes. Students MR. MINOR WHITE are especially invited to inspect our Organ stock. MR. HOW ARD BROWN MR. YORK MR. FREDERIC PEASE Vlolln MISS ABBA OWEN J ()H Woirttey Violoncello () MR. H. W. SAMSON Fire Insurance Voice Culture and Singing Real Estate Bought MISS BIRD MISS CARRIE TOWNER CHAS. B. STEVENS and Sold MR. and MRS. FREDERIC PEASE Homes Rented ltallan Money Loaned PROF. A. LODEMAN t For circulars concerning terms and tuition, apply to the Director. No. a 09 lPeall"lt Street STUDENTS Make this your necessity store. We've so Horoer many articles which are in constant use in the homes and rooms as well as a full table sup, ply. Every article is guaranteed and our Brotbers prices are always correct. The Most Reliable DAVIS.& GO. Shoe Dealers ON T'HE CORNER Cordially invite all students to make their headquarters at tbeir store, No.130 eon• gre11s Street B. W. Ferguson P. J. Snyder "SORO SIS" Fergu500 & Soydu JENNESS MILLER DEALERS IN andULTRA SPECIALTIES Groceries and Provisions A nice line of Patent Leather Shoes and Party Slippers. The only Regulation GYMNASIUM SHOES. 123 Congress St. Phone 7\[_o. 70 Rubbers Neatly Fitted. Watch our windows for Our aiw is to furnish good iroods at honest prices. May we serve yon in any wav? The La"tes"t Normal College Nevvs DECE..MBE..R., 1901 CONTE.NTS PAGE FRO�TISPIECE, 60 CHRISTMAS-TIDE, 61 CAESAR AND TIIE CENTRAL PLATEAU OF FRA�CE 62 MY LIL CHRIS' CIIILE, 67 BUSHEL 0' WHEAT, BUSHEL 0' RYE, 69 DEPARTMENTAL, 70 IN MEMORIAM, 75 LIBRARY, 76 EDITORIAL, 77 LOCALS, 78 FRESHMAN CLASS MEETING, 81 NEW NAMES IN THI{ FACULTY, 82 ALUMNI NOTES, 82 ATHLETICS, 85 LYCEUM, 88 CLUBS, 89 FRATERNITIES, 89 S. C. A., 90 EXCHANGES, 91 DIR.ECTOR.Y LITl!l'tAl'tY SOC l!TIES "\\'JtBSTUR CLUB President, - R. C. Smith ATBRNEUM SOCIR'l'Y Vice- President, R. A. Smith Secretary, J. H. Waldron Presirlent, Hovt C. Partch Vice-President, \ma C. Stevenson LINCOLN CLUB Secretary, Mayme Ballard President, - Earl G. Fuller OLYMPIC socm'rY Vice-President, (;eo. K. Wilson Secretary, Wm. C. Eldred President, Clemens P. Steimle Vice-President, - Ellen Pilcher PORTIA CJ,UB Secretary, Richard Smith President, Inez Clark CJUtS�NT SOCIRTY Vice-President, - - Miss Higgins Secretary, - i\liss Richardson President, James Melodv Vice-Pn,sident, - - Vinona Beal CURRIINT TOPIC CLUB Secretary, Blizabeth Rawson President, - I,onise Petit ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Secretary, '\tolJie Comstock President, Joseph Gill Vice-President, - Fred Scovill CHUl'tCHl!S 01' YPSILANTI Secrdary, Carey Ireland Treasurer, Prof. S. B. Laird Baptist-Cor. Cross and Washington Sts., Rev. Basket Ball Manager, - W. A. Whitney Brown, pastor. Base Ball Manager, - J. A. Van Allsburg Foot Ball Manager, Fred Scovill Catholic-Cor. Cross and Hamilton Sts., Rev. M. I. A. A. Director, C. P. Steimle Father Kennedy, pastor. Y. M. C. A. C�mgregational-Cor. Adams and Emmet Sts., Rev. President, - J. A. Van Allsburg Beach, pastor. Vice-President, A. J. Craig Corresponding Secretary, - R. C. Smith Episcopal-Huron St., Rev. Gardam, rector_ Y. W. C. A, Methodist-Cor. Washington and Ellis Sts., Rev. Allen, pastor. President - E1nma Parmeter Vice-President,­ EIJen Pilcher Presbyterian-Cor. Washington and Emmett Sta. General Secretary, - Uertha Bellows Rev. Wharton, pastor. -- - ----------, Normal College Ne lvs Vol. 21 DECEMBER, 1901 Np. 3 CHRISTMAS-TIDE �- E. H. OW is tl)e beautiful l\OIT\e-goif\g tiIT\e N AI'\d our l)earts tl)rob fast to tl:)e bells' low cl)iIT\e, H l)oly breatl) l)Usl)es tl)e world as We catcl) a gleaif\ froIT\ a sweeter spl)ere. HI'\d feel tl)e glad tif\gle of Cl)ristIT\aS cl)eer. HoIT\e T it's tl)e dearest place of all, For IT\Otl)er-love lies witl)in its wall Hrtd a fatl)er's -watcl)ful care. It's tl'le IT\erriest tiIT\e of all tl:)e year- Tl'lis l\OIT\e -going tiIT\e -Witl) its Cl)ristIT\aS cl)eer. Trees bending do"Wf\ 'f\eatl) tl)eir burde.Q of s110-w, Tl)e little broo� gurgling soft af\d low, Hll spea� of peace af\d good will, H. joyful IT\essage -we love to l)ear, Of l'lope af\d of faitl) af\d of Cl)ristIT\aS cl)eer. Caesar and the Central Plateau 0£ France • MARK S. W. J�FFERSON During a ten days' confinement to my bed this paper, Prof. J. B. Greenough handed me in the spring of 1898, I re-read Cresar's com­ a copy of his New Cresar, in the preparation mentaries, partly to pass the time and partly of which my distinguished colleague, Prof. to find out whether Cresar's campaigns were Benjamin L. D'Ooge cooperated. Opposite more intelligible in the light of Professor to the table of contents of that volume (1898) Davis' lectures on French geography, which is an admirable example of what a map should I had recently heard. Judge of my delight be. But it needs a word of interpretation and when I found that the origin and course of the the teacher who does not know that word and Gallic wars were closely bound up with a very use it, lacks a powerful means of interesting prominent feature in the physical geography the class in Cresar's operations. Anyone of France : namely, the central plateau. possessing the volume will do well to refer to As a schoolboy I never heard of the central the map in question, but I have indicated the plateau and I fancy my teachers knew as little points to which I shall refer on the accom­ of it as I. I remember trying to follow the panying sketch. movements of the troops on the maps, but as C�sar accurately describes the shut-in these told very little about the country and territory of the Swiss tribes, except for the what they told was often untrue, it never main Alpine masses to the east, continuing dawned on me that the nature of the landscape the boundary begun by the Rhone and Lake really governed men's movements.
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