Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTheThe Westfield WestfieldNews News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents $1.00 MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 VOL. 89 NO. 089 Finance chair looks ahead to budget season By AMY PORTER Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Ward 2 Councilor Ralph J. Figy, chair of the Finance subcommittee, has been looking ahead to the budget season, taking into con- sideration the City Council’s current meeting restrictions, the Open Meeting Law viola- tions found in last year’s pro- cess, and the looming deadline of June 30 to pass a budget. Currently, the City Council is meeting remotely, with the meetings audio broadcast on Channel 15. Public participa- tion is possible only by emails sent in advance to councilors and read during that portion of the meeting. Figy remains cautious fol- lowing the Open Meeting Law violations determined by the Attorney General on a com- plaint by Councilor Dave Flaherty concerning the June 18, 2019 meeting of the Finance Southwick Dollars for Scholars has launched a “front porch picture session” subcommittee, chaired by Ward 2 Councilor Mayor Ralph J. Figy also serves as the fundraiser. The Hough family poses as an example of what families can do. Brent B. Bean II, at which nine council liaison to the school district. (THE WESTFIELD NEWS Front row, Joe, Lisa and Sarah, and back row, Jacob and Nick, along with councilors attended in addition FILE PHOTO) their dog Tucker. (EMMA BARNARD PHOTO) to the three on the subcommit- other councilors would get to the end of May, completing the tee. have discussions at that point,” process by the third week of The Attorney General found Figy said. June. that the quorum in attendance Figy said during the discus- Figy also said that he would Dollars for Scholars constituted an unposted meet- sions, the legality of any cuts like to schedule a public hear- ing of the whole, in which all recommended by councilors ing as the first meeting follow- the councilors participated by could also be checked. Last ing the Mayor’s presentation of asking questions through the year, the majority of cuts passed the budget, before the Finance volunteers still chair. The minutes of the meet- in a nine-hour City Council committee begins to meet. ing were also determined to be budget review were found to be The unknown will be the not adequately detailed, also a illegal, violating contracts or amount of state aid that will be violation. statutes, and were restored. coming to Westfield this year. working for students Figy said the way he would Figy said he hopes to avoid a “The legislature could be the like to proceed this year is after marathon City Council budget holdup,” Figy said, adding, Mayor Donald F. Humason Jr. review this year by having all “They’ve always been the By LORI SZEPELAK stock market taking a downturn, we presents the budget, to sched- the councilors participate in the holdup. (Last year,) the final Correspondent decided to be very cautious with our ule several meetings of the FInance subcommittee meet- state budget wasn’t approved GREATER WESTFIELD — As the endowment scholarships in particu- whole committee with depart- ings of the whole. He said he until July.” school year winds down, thoughts of lar,” said Neary. ment heads to review their por- plans to schedule 20 minutes Another unknown not men- scholarships are on the minds of stu- Traditionally, an awards night cere- tions of the budget. for each department to present tioned by Figy is when restric- dents across the area, and through the mony is conducted in May to distrib- “Since the meetings will all its portion of the budget and tions for meeting in person will generosity of businesses, families and ute scholarships. be committees of the whole, the hopes to start the meetings at be lifted. individuals, many will once again be “We will not have an official schol- the beneficiary of those needed funds. arship awards night ceremony this “The economy was strong last year year,” said Neary. “The safety of our which was reflective in our donors’ community citizens is paramount now generosity,” said Cynthia Neary, who and in the immediate future.” serves as president of the CSF Neary noted that even if schools Southwick to equip second ambulance Westfield Dollars for Scholars pro- resume classes, she understands why gram. She is assisted by 16 board of city residents would be reluctant to for advanced life support response director members and several volun- attend a large gathering. teers who also offer assistance “We were proactive and made the By HOPE E. TREMBLAY “The biggest [cost] is the year lease,” Stinehart suggested throughout the year. decision to cancel this large gathering Editor monitor, which is a $40,000 as a solution to getting the Neary noted that fortunately for the for our community citizens,” she said. SOUTHWICK – The town’s item,” said Anderson. ambulance running ALS as chapter, the application timeframe “I’m pleased with the amount of second ambulance will soon be He told selectmen that they soon as possible. was Feb. 1-March 15 which allowed money we are awarding and delighted equipped for Advanced Life could approve an emergency Selectman Douglas Moglin students to complete their online for the students who will receive the Support response. transfer of funds, funds by leas- said the suggestion “seems rea- applications before the COVID-19 scholarships. I’m disappointed that Fire Chief Russ Anderson dis- ing the equipment and use a sonable.” pandemic struck the area. the ceremony for our donors present- cussed options to quickly get the $15,000 donation from a family Anderson said he would be “The dates we selected were very ing personally to the students and ambulance up to speed during a that wished to designate the able to receive the equipment in fortuitous,” said Neary. “We are now families will not take place but we Southwick Select Board meeting funds for ambulance service. a week. in the process of scoring the applica- have to adapt to our current situation.” hosted on Zoom last week. Anderson said the $8,000 per Anderson noted that one fire- tions and we will select recipients the Students receiving scholarships will Anderson said the cost to year lease was for seven years. fighter received clearance to same way we always have for almost receive a letter of congratulations and equip the ambulance was in the Chief Administrative Officer ride with just one medic to com- 60 years.” the scholarship check will be mailed next fiscal year budget, howev- Karl Stinehart said the Board plete part of his education for Neary said the board expects to during the summer. er, with more calls for ambu- could enter into a three-year becoming a paramedic. grant approximately $146,000 in For persons interested in joining the lance service in Southwick and contract without taking the mat- Anderson said this allows the scholarships to more than 100 stu- board of directors, contact Neary at surrounding communities due ter to Town Meeting. department to use both ambu- dents who reside in the city this spring. to COVID-19, he had a plan to “Take some of the money we lances at the same time, which “Since the pandemic and with the See Dollars for Scholars, Page 3 get the ambulance equipped have, use the donation and see sparked the request to equip it now. what we could do for a three- for ALS now. Cannabis Connection Cannabis Connection Director Curt Gezotis (left) and CEO Thomas granted final license Keenan. (PETER CURRIER By PETER CURRIER certain conditions before the end of the PHOTO) Staff Writer pandemic. WESTFIELD — After months of As of Thursday when the license was delays, Westfield’s presumptive first mar- approved, Cannabis Connection co-owner ijuana dispensary Cannabis Connection Thomas Keenan said they are operating was granted a final license April 9 by the under the assumption that they may be Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) in able to open after May 4, when restric- a remote meeting. tions on non-essential businesses are slat- The granting of a final license paves the ed to be allowed to reopen. way for Cannabis Connection to open its The date is subject to change if the doors once restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to get COVID-19 pandemic are lifted. It is worse. unclear when that will happen or if the CCC will allow stores to open up with See License, Page 3 PAGE 2 - MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 WWW.THEWESTFIELDNEWS.COM THE WESTFIELD NEWS ONE MORE SHOT After four years of work, Westfield State University’s Lauren Gilderdale considers coming back for more WESTFIELD – “I need to get that turns, and do 1,000 turns on her own. tight seems to be the base for all of All-America award,” says Westfield You don’t need a coach there for that. my throws,” said Gilderdale. “I work State senior track and field athlete But if you don’t do extra, and have on a lot of explosive training to work Lauren Gilderdale. that effort for four years you are not quick twitch muscles which is all that Gilderdale was on schedule to earn going to be at the level she’s at.” throwing is; explosive strength, driv- it a few weeks ago, as a national Gilderdale has been a key compo- en by tightened technique!” qualifier in the 20-lb weight throw nent as the Owls have won four- Gilderdale was making her first for the 2020 NCAA Division III straight MASCAC women’s indoor trip to the NCAA Championships for Indoor Track and Field track and field championships.
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