6189 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 6 H. J. Res. 253. Joint resolution to permit operate a toll bridge across the Mississippi PETITIONS, ETC. articles imported from foreign countries for River at or near said city to the, Committee Under clause 1 ·of rule XXII, petitions the purposes of i;i~hibition at the Japanese on Public Works. Trade Fair, Seattle, Wash., to be admitted By Mr. MURRAY of Tennessee.: , and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk without payment of tariff, and for other H. R. 4333. A bill to modify and extend the and referred as follows: purposes. authority of the Postmaster General to lease 307. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Reso­ ADJOURNMENT quarters for post-office purposes; to the Com­ lution of the Wisconsin division of the mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. Travelers Protective Assoeiation of Amer­ f ' Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, I move By Mrs. ST. GEORGE: ica to petition Congress to withhold approv­ that the House do now adjourn. H. R. 4334. A bill to authorize the renewal al of any gasoline-tax increase, since mem­ ; The motion was agreed to; accordingly at increased rates of existing contracts for bers of this organization depend heavily ' (at 3 o'clock and 32 minutes p. m.) the mail-messenger service; to the Committee upon automobile transportation in earn­ House adjourned until tomorrow, June on Post Office and Civil Service. ing their livelihood; to the Committee on 6, 1951, at 12 o'clock noon. By Mr. AUGUST H. ANDRESEN: Ways and Means. H. R. 4335. A bill to continue for a tem­ 308. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the porary period certain powers, authority, and Municipal Finance Officers Association of . EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. discretion for the purpose of exercising, ad­ the United States and Canada, Chicago, ministering, and enforcing import controls. Ill., relative to bonds · and the taxation ' Onder clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive with respect to fats and oils (including but­ thereon and requesting rejection of the communications were taken from the ter), cheese, and rice and i:ice products; to recommendation of the Secretary of the Speaker's table and referred as follows: the Committee on Banking and Currency. Treasury; to the Committee on Ways and - . 502. A letter from the Secretary, War Con­ By Mr. KEARNEY: Means . tracts Price Adjustment Board, t ransmitting . H. R. 4336. A bill to provide additional the final report of the War Contracts Price compensation on account of dependents for Adjustment Board; to the Committee on veterans with a service-connected loss or loss Ways and Means. of use of a foot, or blindness of one eye; to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 503. A letter from the Assistant Secretary the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. of the Interior, transmitting a copy of Public By Mr. VINSON: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1951 Law .6 enacted by the First Guam Legislature, H. R. 4337. A bill to authorize certain ease­ pursuant to section 19 of Public Law 630, ment, land, and other property transactions, The House met at 12 o'clock noon, Eighty-first Congress, the Organic Act for and for other purposes; to the Committee on and was called to order by the Speaker Guam; to the Committee on Interior and Armed Services. pro tempore, Mr. McCORMACK. Insular Affairs. By Mr. BOGGS of Delaware: Dr. Edward Gardiner Latch, minis­ 504. A letter from the Secretary of the H. R. 4338. A bill to extend the time for ter, Metropolitan Memorial Methodist Interior, transmitting copies of certain reso­ completing the construction of a . toll bridge lutions adopted by the Legislature of Hawaii across the Delaware River near Wilmington, Church, Washington, D. C., offered the during its ·recent session; to the Committee Del.; to the Committee on Public Works. following prayer: 0 :1 Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. GOLDEN: O God, our Heavenly Father, who art H. R. 4339. A bill to provide for the trans­ the creator and preserver of all man­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC fer of certain educational benefits not used kind, without whose benediction all our BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS by veterans of World War II to the children of such veterans, and for' other purposes; to labor is in vain, we pray that our lives Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. may be built not upon shifting sands but committees were delivered to the Clerk upon the rock of eternal truth. Deepen for printing and reference to the proper within us the love of truth and good­ calendar, as follows: MEMORIALS ness. Enable us to discern the meaning Mr. BATES of Kentucky: Committee on Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ of these days through which we are Appropriations. H. R. 4329. A bill making rials were presented and referred as fol­ passing. In the midst of them keep us appropriations for the government .of the lows: from stumbling and grant unto us ·the District of Columbia and other activities spirit that will help us to accept all our chargeable in whole or in part against the By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Leg­ duties, do all our work, and meet all revenues of such District for the fiscal year islature of the State of California, memo­ rializing the President and the Congress of our trials with a cheerful courage, a ending June 30, 1952, and for other purposes; sound mind, and a loving heart. without amendment (Rept. No. 539). Re­ the United States relative to Senate Joint ferred to the Committee of the Whole House Resolutions Nos. 23 and 31, relating to the Lead us day by day into the minis­ on the State of the Union. National Forest Highway system in Califor­ try of understanding and sympathy that Mr. RICHARDS: Committee of conference. nia, and to declare Napa County, State of we as leaders of our beloved country may· S. 872. An act to furnish emergency food California, a critical defense area for the carry our share of the burden of the aid to India; without amendment (Rept. No. purpose of obtaining financing of construc­ tion; to the Committee on Appropriations. world's need. May Thy grace sustain 540). Ordered to be printed. us all our days, for in Thee alone is our hope, our strength, and our peace. · We PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS pray in the· spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions were 'introduced and bills and resolutions were introduced THE JOURNAL severally referred as follows: and severally referred as follows: The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ By Mr. BATES of Kentucky: By Mr. ANDERSON of California: terday was read and approved. H. R. 4329. A bill making appropriations H. R. 4340. A bill for the relief of Cecilia SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED for the government of the District of Colum­ Lucy Boyack; to the Committee on the Ju­ bia and other activities chargeable in whole diciary. Mr. AUCHINCLOSS asked and was or in part against the revenues of such Dis­ By Mr. COLE of New York: given permission to address the House trict for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, H. R. 4341. A bill for . the relief of William for 40 minutes on Monday next, follow­ and for other purposes; to the Committee on Henry Dunn; to the Committee on the Ju­ ing the disposition of the legislative pro­ Appropriations. diciary. gram for the day and any special orders By Mr. DURHAM: By Mr. DONOHUE: heretofore entered. H. R. 4330. A bill to amend the Atomic H. R. 4342. A bill for the relief of Calcagni Energy Act of 1946;· to the Joint Committee & Belkin, Inc.; to the Committee on the CALL OF THE HOUSE on Atomic Energy. Judiciary. Mr. MILLER of Nebraska. Mr. Speak­ By Mr. HALE: By Mr. GATHINGS: er, I make the point of order that a H. R. 4331. A bill to abolish the action for H. R. 4343. A bill for the relief of Erika alienation of affections in the District of Bammes (Patricia Ann Co:ic); to the Com­ quorum is not present. Columbia; to the Committee on the District mittee on the Judiciary. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi­ of Columbia. By Mr. JACKSON of California: dently a quorum is not present. By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: . H. R. 4344. A bill for the relief of Clyde Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, I move a H. R. 4332. A bill to authorize the city of R. Sharp; to the Committee on the Judi· call of the Hous3. Burlingto9-, Iowa, to own, maintain, and ciary. A call of the House was ordered. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6181 The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ man explain the purpose of the resolu­ Mr. HINSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I do not lowing Members failed to answer to their tion? intend to object. I hope that the bill will Iiames: Mr. BECKWORTH. It will be re­ be agreed to by the House. [Roll No. 69] called, Mr. Speaker, that not many days The SPEAKER pro tempore._ Is there Angell Gary Moulder ago we had before us a war risk insur­ objection to the present consideration of Baker Glllette Murray, Wis. Barden Gore Nelson ance bill that would make it possible the Senate concurrent resolution? Bates, Mass. Green O'Konskl for the Government to help those air­ There was no objection. Berry Gregory Patten lines which are engaged in the transpor­ Mr. BECKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I Blatnik Gwinn Patterson Boggs, La. Hall, Pickett tation of people and commodities to offer an amendment.
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