HOOVER INSTITUTION SPRING 2002 NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTER KORET FOUNDATION COLIN POWELL, CONDOLEEZZA RICE ADDRESS HONORS TASK FORCE ON OVERSEERS, GUESTS DURING WASHINGTON MEETING K-12 EDUCATION he 11 members of the Hoover Insti- ecretary of State Colin L. Powell and son Senior Fellow at Hoover while she is on tution’s Koret Task Force on K-12 Condoleezza Rice, assistant to the leave in Washington,shared her experi- TEducation were recognized on Spresident for national security ences on September 11 and since that date. April 26 with the 2002 Koret Prize for their affairs, were just two of the many distin- “What happened on that date [Septem- significant and continuing contribution to guished speakers who addressed Hoover ber 11] was that there was the removal of the national dialogue on education Institution overseers and guests when the innocence we had about how protected we reform. As recipients of the Koret Prize, Board of Overseers met in Washington, were by our location,across oceans from they were singled out for their individual D.C., in late February. achievements in the field of education. Board committee “The task force embodies a new voice of meetings and presenta- reason in the critical debate for public tions were conducted school reform,” said Tad Taube, president on February 25 and 26, of the Koret Foundation, a San Francisco- and the symposium based philanthropy. “Its members are to Managing American be commended for their thoughtful schol- Power in a Dangerous arship, innovative approaches, and acces- World, a Ho over Inst i- sible writings on an emotionally and polit- tution event under the ically charged subject.” aegis of Policy Review In a letter to Taube, which was read at magazine, was on Feb- the luncheon, First Lady Laura Bush ruary 27. wrote: “I appreciate the dedication of the On Tuesday, Colin Koret Foundation and the Task Force on Powell discussed the K-12 Education to ensure a quality educa- evolution of foreign tion for all children in America. The Koret policy involving Russia Secretary of State Colin Powell and Hoover director John Raisian at the Board of Overseers meeting. Foundation can be proud of its sustained and its support of the efforts concerning the many aspects of United States and the war on terrorism and the rest of the world,”said Rice.“There was China, which now stands to gain “wealth also the removal of innocence in general continued on page 11 out of trade, not the barrel of a gun.” about threats to the United States. “The two great enemies of ours during “Now, we move to knowing and acting • INSIDE • recent history—Russia and China—now on the principle that the best defense is a SENIOR FELLOW BARK AWARDED are not necessarily our friends,but they are good offense,”she said.“We will go after Al FRANCE’S LEGION OF HONOR . 2 not our enemies,”he said,“We don’t shrink Queda and we will hold responsible the CARILLON BELLS RETURN. 3 from their shortcomings, but want to co- states that harbor terrorists, whether they operate with them and bring them into the are witting or unwitting. Q&A: PAUL PETERSON ON rule of law and market economies.We def- “This has also brought opportunities. AMERICAN EDUCATION AND THE NEED FOR COMPETITION . 6 initely encourage democracy, transparen- We may have the chance to not have the cy and freedom.” historic rivalry among great powers. We EDUCATION NEXT: BIASED POLL On Monday, Condoleezza Rice, who have the opportunity to work with young STACKS DECK . 11 remains the Thomas and Barbara Stephen- continued on page 8 DENNIS BARK AWARDED KNIGHT’S CROSS OF THE NATIONAL LEGION OF HONOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF FRANCE he president of the Republic of the services you have provided to our a century. And both countries share a love France, Jacques Chirac, awarded country, and in recognition of the attach- of freedom symbolized by the American THoover Institution senior fellow ment you have always shown to it. flag that flies at the French grave of Dennis L. Bark the Knight’s Cross of the “Monsieur Jacques Chirac has request- Lafayette in the cemetery of Picpus in National Légion of Honor of the Republic ed me to transmit his most cordial con- Paris.” of France (Chevalier de la Légion d’Hon- gratulations for this tribute, so well de- Bark has specialized in European affairs neur). served, which France is able to demon- since he came to the Hoover Institution in The presentation was made on October strate in this way.” 1970 on a postdoctoral fellowship. His 4 by the Count Olivier de Sugny,officier de Bark, in his letter of response, wrote, in book on the postwar history of Germany la Légion d’Honneur, at the Chateau de part: (1989), coauthored with David Gress, was Genétines in the department of the Loire. “The commitment of the heritage of published in a French translation in 1992 In 1997, Bark received the Knight’s liberty shared by France and the United by the French publisher Robert Laffont. Cross of the Legion of Merit (Das Bun- States is of an abiding nature, a friendship In 1997, Bark served as editor and con- desverdienstkreuz Erste Klasse der Bun- which began with Benjamin Franklin’s first tributor to the volume Reflections on desrepublik Deutschland) from the presi- visit to Paris in the eighteenth century. Europe: Half a Century of the European- dent of the Federal Republic of Germany. “Today America continues to recognize American Relationship,which also con- He is one of the few American scholars the enduring consequence of this friend- tained essays from scholars in England, to have been awarded both honors. ship; it was a deliberate choice to name the France, Germany,and the United States. Monsieur Bertrand Landrieu, director square opposite the White House in Wash- More recently,Bark participated in a of the Cabinet of the Office of President ington, D.C., after Lafayette. This friend- conference cosponsored by the Institution Chirac, announced the honor in a letter to ship applies to France in equal measure; it with the Club Temoin of Paris, held in De- Bark: is not an accident that the ties which unite cember 2000 in the Palais de Luxembourg, “This prestigious distinction, whose two great countries were given unique hosted by the president of the French title he [President Chirac] wishes to confer meaning by France’s gift of the Statue of senate. The subject of the conference was from the personal reserve of medals of the Liberty that has stood at the entrance to Franco-American cooperation and the president, is in recognition of the quality of the harbor of New York City for more than French Resistance during World War II. ROMANIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES SPEAKS orin Dumitru Ducaru, ambassador pathy and support in the aftermath of from Romania to the United States, the attacks and reiterated Romania’s sol- Sspoke on Romania and Romanian- idarity with the United States in the fight U.S. relations at the Hoover Institution against global terrorism. on March 11. Ducaru, who has been a diplomat for His discussion ranged over a wide the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of variety of topics, from the present eco- Romania since 1993, came to Washing- nomic and political situation in ton, D.C., in 1998 as deputy chief of Romania to the legacy of its communist mission at the Romanian Embassy. He past. served as the representative of Romania Reflecting on the September 11 ter- to the United Nations in New York before rorist attacks, Ducaru talked about the being named ambassador to the United Romania's ambassador to the United States, Sorin D. Ducaru, right, Romanian people’s outpouring of sym- States in 2001. and George P. Shultz 2 HOOVER TOWER CARILLON BELLS RETURN he bells of the Hoover Tower caril- ditional size for a concert in- lon, which were sent to the Nether- strument. The thirteen added Tlands for recasting in 2000, were de- bells were inscribed with the livered to the Hoover Institution in Febru- names of those who support- ary. The bronze bells, ranging in diameter ed the project. The largest new from about 1 to 5 feet, were hoisted 285 feet bell weighs about 2.5 tons. by crane to the observation platform on the In addition to casting new fourteenth floor, where workers installed bells, some of the original them in a new, redesigned structure. bells were retuned and the The original thirty-five bells were sent to carillon’s mechanism, frame, the Royal Eijsbouts foundry in the Nether- keyboard, and bell clappers lands in January 2000 for major renovation were replaced. In addition, the The carillon's 48 bells being lifted in groups to the Hoover Tower observation deck. and expansion. After careful testing by the Stanford carillon’s automatic- experts at Eijsbouts, it was decided to play drum, the only working one of its kind Educational Foundation gave the bells to replace eleven of the old bells with newly in the United States, was restored. the Hoover Institution in honor of its cast ones tuned to concert pitch. Nine large The original carillon was cast for the namesake’s famine relief efforts during and and four small bells were added, increasing Belgian Pavilion at the 1939 New York after World War I. the carillon’s range to four octaves, the tra- World’s Fair. In 1941, the Belgian American HOOVER INSTITUTION NATIONAL SECURITY FORUM FOCUSES ON TECHNOLOGY FOR PREVENTING TERRORISM epresentatives of technology com- Saudi Peace Plan, and he offered his “Sensor Technologies for Screening and panies, academe, and government thought and hope that Saudi Arabia might Surveillance” featured presenter David H.
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