Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.51 0 B N$1.50 (G ST Inc.) Thursday October 61994 Angolans fall foul of border closure • CHRISTOF MALETSKY Namibian Govern­ are allowed to move ited the scene of the have good relations There Is no way we ment'sdeclsion totem­ freely up to 60km on ambush, thought to with Unita who control can negotiate to get TWENTY ONE tor Ben Halngura said porarily suspend the either side of the bor­ ha\'e been carried out the Angolan side of the the people,'J Angolans have been the group appeared in free movement oC pe0- der. by Voita fighters. border, making inves­ Halngura said. a rrested this week the Rundu magistrates ple living near the The northern border It is not known- for tigations difficult. Those who carried near Rundu for me­ court 'yesterday and Namibian/Angolan in theOkavangoregion how long the border " Who do w.e ap­ out the fatal ambush gaily crossing into their cases were re· border following an was closed last week on will remain closed. No proach?Whosestrong­ are believed to be In Namibia, the manded until October ambush In which three the instructions of the one has yet been ap­ hold is it? The only Angola, after Police Namibian Police con­ 19. peopJewere killed near Minister of Home Af­ prehended in connec­ thingwecan do isto try followed their tracks firmed yesterday. The arrests came In Bagani. fairs, Hifikepunye tion with the ambush. through diplomatic to the Okavango PoliceChieflnspec- the wake of the Normally residents Pohamba, after he vis- Local Police do not channels. river. Keetmans'swimming Heyntan dithers in pool of arrears' KEETMANSHOOP Town Council is facing neys do not necessarily a huge rmancial crisis because of unpaid mean that debtor ac­ debts of close to N$l million, Auditor-Gen­ counts arc reduced. over Lubowski eral Dr Fanue) Tjingaete, revealed in his Council shouldconsidcr lalest report on the town's accounts. a new strategy of con­ vincing people that the In the re port tabled in cil made provision for Municipality belongs 10 Ministry, AG to advise on prosecution Parliament yesterday. deblsofnearlyNSI mil­ themselves andrthal they TjingaelesaidtheCoun- lion. He regarded these have 10 accept owner­ ~--------=========,L,,~~====== as an indication of the ~ip thereof," Tjingaete • lUCIENNE FllD . ~ ~ \ allituJe of the residents lamented. of the town. PROSECUTOR·GENERAL Hans Heyman All go for Miss Universe He said a well planned The residents of the strategy 10 change alti­ is asking advice from Attorney-General town owe the Council tudes was essential for Hartmut .Ruppel and the Permanent Secre­ close to NSI mill ion in the survival of the Mu­ tary in the Ministry of Justice, Or Albert water and electricity bUI nicipality. Kawana, on whether heshould institute pros­ llOeffort was being made Tjingaete accused the ecutions and ask for extraditions in the 10 retrieve the money. Council ofbcing too soft Lubowski murder case. "Previous experiences on the residents. "It is show that to hand ovcr Heyman confirmed yestcrday that he has com­ Cont. on page 2 plcted his study of the inquest record. which con­ these accounts 10 allor- sists of 3 1 volumcs. and that he sent copies to both Ruppel and Kavana on Septcmber 14. It has takcn Heyman several months to peru se the files. Fiery debate According to Heyman, the case is of such public interest that he decided 10 ask Ruppcl and Kawana for advice. on Land Bill Whcn approached for comment. Kawana con­ firmed reccipt of a copy of the inquest record. • TYAPPA NA~EWA He also confirmed that ;'-Heyman took the unu­ THE prCSCRf"highly inequitable distribution of sual slep to consult ~ith his colleagues" as the land is one of the most " unjust legacies of the matter was of eXlreme public interest. colonial heritage" according to Rudolr Kawana pointed oul, however, thal according to Kamburona, who was the first speaker during the constitution the final decision on whethcr to the second reading oflhe Agricultural Commer­ prosecute or nOllies with Heyman himself. cial Land Bill in the National Assembly yester­ Kawana was not able to indicate how long it day. wou ld take until a decision was reached. Cont. on page 2 Heyman however, wil l await reaction from Ruppel and theJusticc Ministry before making his decision Two more rape cases Sue Arulteyj TWO more eascs of rape were reported by the Police including a l2-year-old girl who was raped on Tues­ day at 13h45 in Khomasdal. A woman was also raped at Block E in Rehoboth on thc samc day. No arrests have been made in eilher casc. Ndapanda Shikongo.43, was ki cked to death at the Uupindi location at Oshakati. THE Miss Universe 1995 pageant ' place.in Namibia. Thadeus Shikuma.30, commitlCd sui cide by stab­ Confirming this at a press conferen~ yesterday was Michelle McLean, bing himself with a knife at Freedomland in Katutura. former Miss Namibia and Miss Un iverse 1992. She also announced her An eighteen-ycar-old youth drowncd in Friedenau I thot appointment as Pageant and Events Co-ordinator for the Miss Dam between October 3 IInd 4. accordi ng to Police U ~ive~e 1995 pageant, which involves facilitating the planning and orga~tSatlOn spokesperson, Inspector Chris Louw. Gowoses The Namibian police have arrested a 25-year-old of the event. According to Michellea Miss Universe 1995 office will open in Namibia in November on her return from Los Angeles. has chosen to ioin us, and we know that man on charges of housebreaking at Gobabis. she will keep up our I'fJIXfIaIion for offering In Walvis Bay, a man was arrested on charges of • Michelle is photographed with Miss Wind hock Show 1994, Agncs IhfI frisnd/issf and best sentice in Ibwn. illegal possession of cannabis worth N$60. Samaria. Photo: Lucienne Fild. Call Tsukhoe on 213133 or 252038 ,., 2 Thursday OCtober 6 1994 .,"~ KE ET MANS DEBT FROM PAGE 1 Three farms bought needless (0 say (hat if the Council d~ not have the courage and the commit­ ment (0 implement the . for drought relief change!> that long-term !>trategy require!>. the CABINET on Tuesday dedded to purchase approvcd. in principle, money invested therein three farms under the drought relief pro­ thcestablishmcnt of new will be wasted". he !>aid. gramme valued at close on two million dol­ roadboards for areas in According to the report lars in an effort to expand the Hoachanas Namibia in accordance the Council lacks people farming area with the Roads Ordi­ with expertise on money nance. The Second An­ malleT!> to prepare a Speaking at the control of the Ministry nual Report 1993 of the longterm slrategy and thus weekly cabinet briefing of Agriculture. Public Accountants' and it they struggle to overcome yesterday, government The three fanns con­ Auditor·s Board was • the problems. spokesperson Ben cerned are Blankenese also endorsed by Cabi­ I, Among his suggestions Amathila said the farms no. 140, Fomachanas net for tabling in the o n a new strategy DING DONG .. , A bell was r ung by Frans van Rensburg, Director of will be allocated to full and Toekoms no.122. National Assembly. Tjingaete urged the Coun­ Financial Institutions Supervision in the Ministry of Finance, while timeHoachanascommu­ Cabinet also granted Cabinet. in principle, ,. cilto re-evaluate the em­ Souther n Life's Managing Director, Jan Calitz, (left) looked on. nal fanners under the pemlission to the Min­ approved new transport ployee requirements and istry of Health and So­ policy resulting from theIr remuneration pack­ cial Services to reduce recommendatH}JlS made ages. the mo nthly SOCial pen­ in the Draft Wh re Paper On unaUlhonsed ex­ Southern Life joins NSE sions of those who re­ on Transport ;l ')j cv . penditure TJmgaete saId celYemorethan I J5dol­ GO,o.!·'l: nelt VI! the Council faded to use • CHRISTOF MALETSKY on the Namibian Stock Exchange, which is no lars a month 10 that therefore proceed tOdr'dfl the ir budget properly. longer dominated by only one or two giants. inves­ amount as from I Octo­ new legislation. 'Council is not using thcir SOUTHERN Lifeyesterday became the first tors get good spread of shares In large and small ber. Cabmet further de­ Cabinetalsoapproved budget as a management life insurance company to be listed on the companies, and different risks." Minney said. cided 10 speed up the recommendations con­ 001:· he saId. Southern Life's Managing Director Jan Calitz, completion oftheOluno tained in the report of Henotlced that the lotal Namibian Stock Exchange. said the listing was an indication of his company's Rehabilitation Centre by the Investigation and capital expendituredid not The listing made history for NSE which has commitment to the future of Namibia. approving an additional Restructuring Technical exceed the lotal capital doubled the number of companies listed for trading ' By listing here we are committing ourselves to amount in excess of 6 COmm1\lee of the gov­ budget but there was very in only nine months so far this year from six at the the long-term prospenty of ..he country and giving million dollars. ernment Garage Opera­ I illlecomparison between end of 1993 to twelve today. Namibian investors lhe opportunity to own a stake tions. theitemsbudgeled for and Wilh the listing Southern Life brought nearly Initially the rehabili­ in Southern Life," Calitz. New business increased the actual expenditure N$6 bil1ion in market capllalizalion. and the total tatJOn centre was to be The Committee Iden­ by 98,5 percent in the past financial year, with over while overspending on value of shares available on the NSE is now over completed in 39monlhs, tified "domestic prob­ several VOteS apparently N$31 billi9 n.
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