High School October 2014 BROOKLYN FREE Family Choices Where Every Child Matters Teen stuff! Coping with messy rooms Teens traveling on their own Buying her first bra Find us online at www.NYParenting.com Math Math Test Homework Math Math Test Homework MathHelp EnrichmentMath PrepTest HomeworkHelp Help Enrichment Prep Help Help Enrichment Prep Help GetGet ready.ready. GetGet set.set. GetGet ahead.ahead. Now enrolling for fall. Now Now enrolling enrolling for for fall. fall. At Mathnasium, we help kids in At Mathnasium, we help kids in K-12At Mathnasium, reach their potentialwe help inkids math in K-12 reach their potential in math byK-12 teaching reach their in a potential way that in makes math by teaching in a way that makes senseby teaching to them. in a wayKids that leap makes way sense to them. Kids leap way aheadsense –to whether them. theyKids startedleap wayout ahead – whether they started out farahead behind – whether or already they started ahead out in far behind or already ahead in math.far behind We make or alreadymath make ahead sense. in math. We make math make sense. math. We make math make sense. $ 75$ Off $ 75 Off 75Exp. Off Registration Exp. 8/3 Registration 1 Exp. 8/3 /2014Registration 8/3 1/2014 1/2014 Bay Ridge Bensonhurst Park Slope 7409 3rd Avenue 6806 20th Avenue 361 5th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Brooklyn, NY 11204 Park Slope, NY 11215 (347) 443-9728 (347) 7-MATH-11 (718) 369-MATH(6284) mathnasium.com/bayridge mathnasium.com/bensonhurst mathnasium.com/parkslope www.mathnasium.com BROOKLYN Family October 2014 14 30 66 FEATURES COLUMns 6 Messy teen rooms 22 Family fun, close to home 34 Good Sense Eating What’s hiding behind that door? Experts Crystal Springs Resort offers year-round BY CHRISTINE M. PALUMBO, RD explain how to cope activities BY RISA C. DOHERTY BY STACEY ZABLE 36 The Book Worm BY TErrI ScHLICHENMEYER 8 Being a team player 30 Tips for teens traveling solo Being part of a team can be challenging for Lessons in independence, with help from mom 38 Healthy Living kids — and parents and dad BY DANIELLE SULLIVAN BY PAUL CULFF BY MYRNA BETH HASKELL 40 Parents Helping Parents 10 About the author 32 Buying her first bra BY SHARON C. PETERS Andrew Cotto reflects on juggling writing Tips for parents and their tweens 41 Mommy 101 career and family BY KELLY O’BRIEN BY ANGELICA SErEdA BY TAMMY ScILEppI 44 One special teacher 42 Family Health 12 Halloween safety A teacher’s love of learning is shared with BY DR. PRAMOD NARULA, MD Kids should use caution when trick-or-treating generations of students BY ALEXA BIGWARFE BY DR. VICTOR RAMSEY 48 Ask an Attorney 14 The big test 46 America the beautiful BY ALISON ArdEN BESUNDER, ESQ. Understanding admission to top city specialized Young man creates an organization to give 50 Lions and Tigers and Teens high schools teens a chance to see more of their country BY MYRNA BETH HASKELL BY DR. SHAHID SHAIKH BY TAMMY ScILEppI 52 A Letter from College 16 Learning styles 54 A-maze-ing action flick BY AGLAIA HO Identifying them can transform life at home, Teens love the adventure of ‘The Maze Runner’ school, and the office 56 Just Write Mom BY DR. KARYN GOrdON spECIAL SEctIOns BY DANIELLE SULLIVAN 18 Apple picking not far from 66 New & Noteworthy 24 High Schools Directory BY LISA J. CURTIS the Big Apple BY SHNIEKA L. JOHNSON 64 Party Planners 65 The Marketplace 20 Exercise your options CALENDAR Discovering the value of exercise after breast 58 October Events cancer diagnosis BY SANdrA GOrdON October 2014 • BROOKLYN FAMIly 3 Letter from the publisher Parenting teens t is somehow as- ence seems to take over. the teen(s) in your family. On the and be watchful. Boundaries are nec- sumed that parents Then there are the mar- other hand, newfound maturity, a essary although they will try our I of very young chil- keting folks and the digi- person with valid opinions, the al- patience over and over as they cross dren largely read our tal reality that programs most grown-up you imagined your them repeatedly. Consequences then magazines. I dispute that them to shop and buy newborn would become someday is become very important follow-ups. with certainty. I look at and run in a pack with an amazing thing to behold. In my Lessons learned over and over hope- the demographic infor- their friends toward case from the moment my daughter fully help to cement character in our mation we get from read- every new trend that got taller than me, she stopped seeing youngsters and help prepare them ers and it tells me other- hits the street for their me as the elder and our roles often for the big wide world out there. wise. It tells me that par- age group. started reversing. In looking down at There are very good articles in ents of children from 0 to Having a teen is much me, her attitude drastically changed this issue. I genuinely hope you read 18 are in the mix and of course, why harder than having a 2 year old, even and our battle for control began. them, even if your family’s teen years not? We regularly publish articles and one who’s adept at pitching fits. With It’s very challenging to be a par- are way in the future. It’s not too columns on pre-teen and teen issues the 2 year old it will soon be over and ent. It’s particularly challenging to early to get prepared. It’s a big job. and being a parent myself, I can tell they will get in the groove and be try to be a good competent parent Thanks for reading! you first hand that the real parenting your fabulous little kid, but with the to a teenager. They’re on their way questions begin when your 12 year 12 year old each passing day brings out and they know it. Still, our re- old is straining to be 13. on more independence from you and sponsibilities go on and we have to At just about that time they begin from your established order. steel ourselves with determination to ignore you in every way they can The messiness, lack of articulate to steer the course. They may be tall, and the mad rebellion begins. Their response, friends whose opinion but they are not yet truly “grown” Susan Weiss-Voskidis, friends begin to take on more cred- overrides yours, can be some of the and we still need to remain vigilant Publisher/Excutive Editor ibility than you do and peer influ- negatives one can experience with and keep our ears and eyes open [email protected] STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION PUBLISHER / EXECUTIVE EDITOR: ADVERTISING: WEB OR PRINT ADDRESS Susan Weiss (718) 260-4554 New York Parenting Media/CNG PUBLISHER / BUSINESS MANAGER: [email protected] or 1 Metrotech Center North [email protected] 10th Floor Clifford Luster Brooklyn, NY 11201 SALES MANAGER / ADVERTISING: CIRCULATION (718) 260-8336 Sharon Noble [email protected] www.NYParenting.com OPERATIONS ASSOCIATE: EDITORIAL Tina Felicetti (718) 260-4554 SALES REPS: Alexis Benson, Shanika Stewart, [email protected] Jackie Tarantino CALENDAR ART DIRECTOR: Leah Mitch (718) 260-2523 LAYOUT MANAGER: Yvonne Farley WEB DESIGNER: Sylvan Migdal The acceptance of advertising by New York Parent- New York Parenting Media has been recognized ing Media does not constitute an endorsement of for editorial and design excellence by PMA. GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Arthur Arutyunov, the products, services or information being adver- New York Parenting Media is published monthly Mauro Deluca, Earl Ferrer, Cheryl Seligman tised. We do not knowingly present any products or by New York Parenting Media/CNG. Subscription services that are fraudu lent or misleading in nature. rate is $35 annually. Reproduction of New York Editorial inquiries, calendar information, advertising Parenting Media in whole or part without writ- rates and schedules and subscription requests may be ten permission from the publisher is prohibited. MANAGING EDITOR: Vince DiMiceli addressed to New York Parenting Media, One Metro- All rights reserved. Copyright©2014 Readership: ASSISTANT EDITOR: Courtney Donahue tech Center North, 10th Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. 220,000. 2012 circulation audits by CAC & CVC. COPY EDITOR: Lisa J. Curtis New York Parenting Media can also be reached by calling (718) 260-4554, emailing family@cnglocal. CALENDAR EDITORS: Joanna Del Buono, com or by visiting our website, NYParenting.com. Jesseca Stenson Join the conversation on Facebook. 4 BROOKLYN FAMIly • October 2014 YOUR BEST DEFENSE AGAINST A STORM MAY BE A SHOPPING CART. :H·UHUHDG\IRUWKHVWRUPVHDVRQ <RXVKRXOGEHWRR$JRRGZD\ WRVWDUWLVE\XSGDWLQJ\RXUFRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQZLWK&RQ(GLVRQ 6WRFNXSRQIUHVKEDWWHULHV0DNH VXUH\RXUIDPLO\NQRZVWRVWD\ DZD\IURPGRZQHGHOHFWULFDO ZLUHV$QGLI\RXORVHSRZHU FRQWDFWXVRQOLQHDWFRQ(GFRP RUE\SKRQHDW&21(' )RUPRUHVWRUPSUHSDUDWLRQWLSV YLVLWXVRQOLQHDQGIROORZXVRQ )DFHERRNRU7ZLWWHU Urgent Care & Primary Care in Brooklyn Heights 300 Cadman Plaza West, 17th and 18th Floors Mount Sinai board certified physicians Brooklyn, NY Whether you have an urgent medical need or are looking for a high-quality Primary Care Urgent Care Hours primary care physician, Mount Sinai board certified physicians are available Call to make an Monday–Friday, 9 am to 9 pm in Brooklyn Heights to deliver personalized and coordinated health care appointment Saturday–Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm services, focusing on the wellness of each individual patient. No appointments needed for Urgent Care Good health starts here. 929-210-6000 www.mountsinai.org/bh Most insurance plans accepted. October 2014 • BROOKLYN FAMIly 5 their rooms. Although they tend to be self-centered, they aren’t setting out to upset their parents.
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