Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47639-3 — Iran's Troubled Modernity Ali Mirsepassi Index More Information Index Abedini, Reza 182 Aryamehr Technical University 62 Abolghasemi, Mohsen 220 Aryanpur, Amir Hossein 61–62, Abuzar 196 123–24 acquired knowledge 135–36 Ashraf, Ahmad 112 Across and Beyond Time. See In Su va Ashuri, Daryush 33, 108, 197, 214, An Su-ye Zaman 220, 233, 291–92 Adabestan monthly 285 asma 170, 234–35 Adineh magazine 285 Assembly of Experts for Constitution aesthetic history, of modernism 9 229–31 Afshar, Iraj 31 authenticity Afshar-Naderi, Nader 122 Islamist discourses of 16–17 Aghasoltan, Neda 303 quest for 15–18 Al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din 164 authoritarianism 17 Al-e Ahmad, Jalal 14, 17–18, 155 autocracy 256 Fardid and 92, 109, 127, 193, 197, A’vani, Gholam Reza 64 225 avant-garde culture, Iranian 5 at Keyhan 82 Avini, Morteza 86, 210, 240, 285, 288, on Westoxication 28, 76, 120, 175 295–96 Westoxication by 28, 75, 109, 186 Ayandegan 147 Ahriman 148 Ayneyeh Jadu (Avini) 285 Ahuramazda 148 Azghadi, Hassan Rahimpur 217 Akhavan Sales, Mahdi 136 Azizi, Ahmad 307 alfaz 171 Allah-Karam, Hossein 299–300 Babism 232–33 Amini, Ali 28 Badwai, Abdel Rahman 277 Aminpur, Gheysar 287 Bagha’i Kermani, Mozaffar 35, 270 Amirshahi, Mahshid 228 Baha’i Faith 12, 140–41, 232–33 Amoli, Sayyed Heydar 115, 311–12 Bahar, Mohammad Taghi 78 angst 39 Baheri, Mohammad 33, 138 Anjoman-e Hekmat 222 Bakhtiar, Shapur 306–7 Ansar-e Hezbollah 299 Barahani, Reza 243, 272 anti-Americanism, of Fardid 226 basijis 236 anti-colonialism 79, 80, 204 Battle of Seffin 186–87 anti-Jewish sentiment, of Fardid 81–82, Bayani, Khanbaba 31 233. See also Nazism Bazargan, Mahdi 35, 93, 94, 175–76 anti-modernity 3, 7, 49, 51, 125 Beheshti, Mohammad (Ayatollah) anti-Western ideologies 84, 87, 156 196–97 Arabic language 58–59, 220 Behnam, Jamshid 122 Arani, Taghi 79 Behnud, Mas’ud 146 Aryamehr 206 Behrangi, Samud 231–32 361 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47639-3 — Iran's Troubled Modernity Ali Mirsepassi Index More Information 362 Index Being and Time. See Sein und Zeit Damghani, Ahmad Mahdavi 115 (Heidegger) Damghani, Ali Mo’allem 270 Bergson, Henri 16, 199, 203, 204 Dante 144 Berman, Marshal 10 Daryabandari, Najaf 268 biologism 211–12 Dasein 48 blasphemy 243 Davar, Ali Akbar 78 The Blind Owl (Hedayat) 6–7, 14, 24 Davari Ardakani, Reza 43, 110, 111, Bonyad magazine 151–52, 154–55 245 Bustan, Bahman 243 Contemporary Iranian Philosophy by 44 Café Ferdowsi 126, 250 Fardid and 43–45, 88, 104, 178, Café Naderi 126 180–81, 285, 292 capitalism 168, 194 Poets at the Time of Distress by 286 Carter, Jimmy 185 at Supreme Council of Cultural the Chain Murders 173, 209–10, 293 Revolution 117, 176 cinema 240, 297 Dehkoda, Ali Akbar 78 civil society 4–5 democracy 16, 255, 256 colonialism 77 Department of Law 278 Comte, Auguste 71 Derakhshesh, Mohammad 28 conspiracy theories 233 Devotees of Islam 106–7 Constitutional Revolution, Iranian Dialogue among Civilizations 221 11–12, 13, 48–49, 78, 131, 202 Didar-e Farrahi va Fotuhat-e Akhar al- Constitutionalism 256–57 Zaman (Fardid) 159 Contemporary Iranian Philosophy Dinani, Gholam Hossein Ebrahimi 175 (Davari) 44 discussion, philosophy through 189–90 Corbin, Henry 24, 38, 52, 157 Divine Comedy (Dante) 144 on Eastern philosophy 204–5 dogmas, Fardid defending 310 on esotericism 206 Donya-ye Sokhan magazine 285 Fardid and 70–71, 83, 133, 134 dotar 290 cursing 274 Dustdar, Aramesh 32 Heidegger and 70–71, 198 in Iran 204–6 Eastern philosophy 91–92, 204–5 intellectual dispute 58 Eastern spirituality 3, 83, 85–86, 96–97 relationship 233–34 education reform movement 59 on translations 55, 63–64, 266 elitism Heidegger and 64, 70–71, 206, in Heidegger 320 313–14 modernism and 9 History of Islamic Philosophy mysticism and 320 by 314 ‘elm-e osul 171–72 on Islamic philosophy 24n15 Emami, Sa’id 36 on mysticism 313 Enayat, Hamid 98, 255 on Sohrawardi 313–14 end of history 301 teaching 57 engelhab 89 Council for the Goals of Iranian the Enlightenment 77–79, 256 Education 28 Erfan (Persian mysticism) 3 Council of Experts 261, 262–63 Ershad, Hosseinieh 305 counter-Enlightenment 3, 5–6, 15 Esfandiari, Ali 119 Cultural Council 200–1 esotericism 206, 314 cultural invasion 219 etymology 132–33, 169–70, 178, 220, Cultural Revolution 224 249–50, 288 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47639-3 — Iran's Troubled Modernity Ali Mirsepassi Index More Information Index 363 Europe 81, 156–57, 165, 173, 201–2, “From Corbin to Heidegger” by 81 265–66 “From Kant to Heidegger” by 165, European colonialism 77 197–98 European ideology 77 in Germany 168–69, 172–73 grandiosity of 93 Fada’iyan-e Eslam (Devotees of Islam) in Heidelberg 26–27, 166 35–36, 106–7 house of 158–59 Falaturi, Abdoljavad 222, 305 ideology, lacking in 108 Farazman, Turaj 142 imaginative nostalgic thinking 283 Fardid, Ahmad 3–4. See also Corbin, at Imperial Iranian Academy of Henry; Hafez; Heidegger, Philosophy 64–65 Martin; Islamic Revolution of influence of 174, 177, 183, 197, 1979; politics; Rastakhiz Party; 210–12, 301–3 Westoxication; specific topics insults by 278, 307–8, 310 anarchism of 291, 292 on intellect 175–76 anti-Americanism of 226 on interpretation 226–27 anti-Jewish sentiment of 81–82, 233 interview, in Rastakhiz 149 as apocalyptic 143–44 on intuitive knowledge 135–36 Arabic proficiency of 58–59 in Iranian philosophical history 322 art students and 182–83 Islamic Republic and 191, 192, 193 attraction to 226 journals influenced by 209–10 avant-garde culture and 5 lacking coherence 134 as child of two paths 165 lectures of 34, 39–40, 41–42, 103, in civil society 4–5 116, 118–19, 159–61, 223–25, classes of 124–25, 223–24, 225–26 242–43, 272, 278, 279, 304–5, collaborating on books 40 307, 315 conjoining Eastern, Western library of 180, 277 philosophy 91–92 as “the Master,”16, 17–18 connection to Iran 250 memories of 114–15 contributions of, as Iranian methodology of 281 philosopher 105 misinterpretation of 212 for Council of Experts 261, 262–63 as monarchist 61–62 critical mind of 120–21, 122 as oral philosopher 37–42, 131, 145, cursing people 291–92 197 debates of 33, 147–48, 185 in Paris 24–26 at Department of Law 278 for Parliament 262–63 devotees of 42–46 as performer 85, 150–51 Didar-e Farrahi va Fotuhat-e Akhar personal life of 67, 141 al-Zaman by 159 personality of 100, 150 dissertation of 165–66 on philosophy, as a manner of early life of 21–24 thinking 162 education of 23, 24–27, 67 Philosophy Lexicon and 28–29 in Europe 81, 165, 201–2, 265–66 on poetry 291, 302–3 everyday life of 260 as professor 60–61 false reputation of 315 publications by 37–38, 42 familiarity with the Old and the New public talks of 180–82 171–72 revolutionary Muslim youths and 86 family life of 73, 75, 87, 154, 178–79 slandering people 119–20, 123, 127 Farsi and 153 smoking 179 female students and 123 on social transformations 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47639-3 — Iran's Troubled Modernity Ali Mirsepassi Index More Information 364 Index Fardid, Ahmad (cont.) “From Kant to Heidegger” (Fardid) as solitary man 243, 256 165, 197–98 speeches by 59, 76, 309 Front Generation 16 spiritual politics of 5 on status quo 235–36 Gandillac, Maurice 25–26 students of 106–7, 176, 216–18, The Gay Science (Nietzsche) 74 245–46, 262, 280, 288–90, 304, Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche) 95 309–10, 315 The Genesis of Humanities (Naraghi) taped discussions of 274–75 197 in Tehran 23–24, 27–34 German language 74–75, 101–2, at Tehran University 121–22, 138, 165–66, 199–200, 266 268 German Rightwing romanticism 12 on television 40–41, 137, 138, Germany 168–69, 172–73 142–43, 144–51, 155, 159–60, Ghaderi, Iraj 300 227–28, 246 Ghanun newspaper 164 temperament of 68–69, 92–93, 113, al-Gharani, Owais 265 221–23, 290–91, 306–7, 308–9 Gharbzadegi 3, 17–18, 26–27. See also time and 163–65 Westoxication as translator 74–75 Ghods newspaper 286 at universities 315–16 Ghotbi, Reza 150 vision of human history 15–16 Ghuchani, Mohammad 221 writing 56–57, 60, 68–69, 75, 132, Golestan, Kaveh 235 244 Golpur, Reza 297 in Yazd 22 Golshan, Abdolhamid 134 the Fardid sessions 98–101, 105, Golsorkhi, Khosro 174 108–10, 188, 189–90, 268 Gorgin, Iraj 142 Fardidian, intellectual movement 236, Greek philosophy 129–30 281–82, 299, 300–1, 322–23 Green Movement 303 Fardidiyeh sessions 112–13, 158–59, guardianship 183–84, 187. See also 161–62, 183 velayat Fardidnameh 22 Gurvitch, George 198 Faridzadeh, Mohammad Javad 186, 193 Habibi, Hassan 232 Farrokhzad, Forugh 179 Habibi, Najafgholi 181–82 Farsi language 153, 266 Haddad Adel, Gholam-Ali 117–18 fascism 26, 125, 144, 302 Hadith 226–27 fitrat 275, 279–80 Hafez 102, 112–13, 133, 239 Foroughi, Mohammad Ali 79, 111, Fardid on 144, 155, 227, 251, 312 119, 198, 200 Heidegger and 99, 101 Foruhar, Daryush 175 on Quran 275 Foruzanfar, Badi’ al-Zaman 121 on truth 251 Foucault, Michel 3, 129 al-Hallaj, Hossain bin Mansur 135 France 198–99.
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